Wayward Son

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Wayward Son Page 25

by Heath Stallcup

  “Now, hold on just a minute.” Brooke stepped between the two and pointed a finger at Jack. “What’s the point of just putting the two of us in this thing? How long do we have to run through this like mice in a maze?”

  “Until you can work like a team. Until you can get it right.” Jack smirked at her. “Until you can pass.”

  “What does it take to pass?” Her eyes narrowed, not sure she wanted to know the answer.

  “No civilian casualties and all bad guys are down.” Jack patted her shoulder. “You both need to know that the other has their back.”

  He could hear her growling under her breath as he walked away.


  Mitchell finished his paperwork and signed off on the one operation that he knew for a fact would be going down that night. He stared at the paperwork authorizing two of his squads to go into Oklahoma City and take down Walter Simmons’ attack dogs. He felt a sick feeling in his gut that he couldn’t shake and wished that he knew how to get in touch with Max. If ever there was a time when he wanted to skip the shift, it was this night.

  Mitchell slipped the paperwork into his out box and stretched his neck to try to work some tension out. He glanced at his watch and knew that it was nearly time to prepare for the shift. A light knocking at his door pulled his attention back to the here and now.

  “Come.” He looked to the door and had to remember to breathe as Laura stepped inside his office.

  “Colonel, I’ve brought somebody who’s actually anxious to meet you.”

  Mitchell was on his feet so quickly that he nearly toppled his chair. “Laura…I didn’t…I mean. I…” He glanced around his office, unsure what he should do next when a small framed brunette stepped inside the door. Her eyes were glued to the floor and she slowly raised her face to meet his. Mitchell could feel his wolf fighting to rise to the surface. She was here and it could sense it.

  “Colonel Matt Mitchell, this is Jennifer Simmons.” Laura escorted the woman into Mitchell’s office and Matt stood frozen in place. His mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. Laura stared at the two and finally stepped forward. “It’s customary to say, ‘hello’.”

  Mitchell gave her a droll stare then turned back to Jennifer. “I apologize. I’m just…at a loss. I had imagined this day for so long and now that you’re finally here, my mind escapes me.”

  Jennifer nodded sheepishly. “I understand.” Her voice was soft and shaky.

  Mitchell motioned for her to come in and take a seat at the couch. “Please, forgive my awkwardness. I’m still not sure exactly what to say.”

  “I’m going to leave you two alone for a little bit. I have to get Mick downstairs and checked in so we can start debriefing him.”

  Mitchell turned and gave her a curious stare. “Mick?”

  “A friend who may have some intel on Jennifer’s father.”

  Mitchell nodded then turned back to Jennifer as the door shut. He noted the slight jump she made when the door clicked. He stepped back and held his hands up. “We can leave the door open if you’d prefer.” He watched as her eyes darted about his office and finally met his gaze. She shook her head slowly. “I don’t know how to tell you how sorry I am about…well, everything.”

  She sat up straighter and squared her shoulders. “I’m not sure why I’m so nervous.” She looked about his office from her seat on the couch. “As I recall, the last time we met, it didn’t end well for you.” She gave him a half smile.

  Mitchell snorted. “No, it did not.” He pulled a chair around and sat facing her. “I suppose I should thank you for letting me live.”

  “I didn’t think I had.” She caught his expression and shrugged. “As long as we’re being honest…”

  Mitchell nodded, a smile forming. “Would you like something to drink? I’ve tried to limit myself to coffee, but I can get you something harder if you like.”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine, really.”

  Matt rubbed his hands nervously as he studied her. “You, uh…you changed your hair.”

  She nodded and touched her hand to the side of her head. “Yes. I thought maybe it would be harder for you to find me.”

  “You thought correctly. I still see you as a blonde.” Matt sighed heavily and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’m at such a loss here. I’m told that you and I are…”

  “Fated Mates,” she finished for him. “Yes, that’s what I’m told as well.”

  “I have no idea what that truly means other than what I’ve been told. But I know that the moment you stepped in here, my wolf has tried like hell to rise to the surface.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded. “Mine too. It’s taking quite a bit of effort to hold her at bay.”

  “I’m sure that Laura told you that we have a place to shift for the moon?”

  Jennifer nodded. “Silver-plated cells?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry that they’re not the most comfortable of places, but for the longest time, it was just me.” He shrugged. “Well, me and a vampire that…it doesn’t matter.”

  Jennifer inhaled deeply and stared at the ceiling. For a brief moment, Mitchell feared she was going to scream that she couldn’t handle this and run from his office. She blew the breath out slowly and faced him. “Would it help you any if I told you that I’m probably twice as nervous as you are?”

  Matt shrugged. “Somehow I doubt that. My wolf has been driving me nuts since we started searching for you.”

  “Well, try to put yourself in my shoes. I’ve just returned to a place that, for all intents and purposes, was a prison for me for nearly ten years. I’m facing a man that…my strongest memories are of him shooting me in the face and of my wolf tearing him to pieces. Now I’ve come back only to find out that my father has declared war on him and his people, and I’m supposedly his Fated Mate.”

  Matt sat back and considered what she told him. He rolled the words around in his head and while a part of him wanted to tell her that he was sorry and promise that it would all be okay, he found himself hearing words come from his mouth that he didn’t expect to say. “Consider my point of view. Until you came into my life, I didn’t even know that monsters existed. You attacked me and my family while we were camping and you killed my wife and daughter right in front of me and then transformed me into…this. Yes, I hunted you down, but not until I was ordered to by the military. It was their decision to keep you on ice and for the longest time, I thought you were dead. Once I realized you weren’t, I tried my best to get you freed, but…” Matt looked away. “Then imagine how I felt when they told me that the very same person who killed my wife Jo Ann and my daughter Molly was my Fated Mate?”

  He turned and looked at her and saw the tears running down her face. His heart broke when he saw the pain etched in her features and his wolf howled deep inside him, demanding that he do something to make her feel better. Mitchell leaned forward, reaching for her hand and she jerked away from him. “I shouldn’t have come here.” She jumped up and headed for the door.

  Mitchell shot to his feet and stepped between her and the door, effectively blocking her. “Don’t go!” He held his hands out hoping she would calm down and give him a moment to recant his words. “I didn’t mean for it to sound like…”

  She growled low in her throat and he saw her eyes turn amber once more. Matt groaned as he stepped back. “Not again…”


  Lilith’s door flew open and bounced against the wall as the body of Damien Franklin stepped inside, fury reflected in his eyes. “Get off my woman.”

  Gaius rolled away from Lilith and glared at the vampire. “How dare you interrupt me, little ghoul.” He pushed off of Lilith and stepped toward the intruder. “I guess he liked what I did to him earlier. Come back for more, did you?” Gaius grasped his manhood and shook it at him.

  The vampire stared at him in surprise. “Unless you want that ripped from your corpse and shoved down your throat, be gone and be smart enough never to darken my doorstep again.” />
  Lilith sat up in her bed and stared at the vampire. “My love!” She slipped from the mattress and moved closer to him. “You’ve returned to me!”

  “Your love? I thought this little ghoul was your pet?” Gaius laughed as he strode purposefully toward him. “Once I put him in his place, he won’t be—” Gaius found himself being thrown across the room, his body impacting the wall of the office with such force that the metal studs bowed outward. As his body crumpled to the floor, the being that was once Damien Franklin stepped closer and with a wave of his hand, pulled the demon from the ground, suspending him in midair.

  “You are Gaius, yes?” He squeezed his hand tighter and watched as the demon’s eyes began to bulge in their sockets. “I think it’s time you found a new form to inhabit.”


  Lilith slid in next to the being and ran a hand over the much broader chest. “Your lord and master, demon. You should be bowing to his greatness.”

  Gaius watched as the intruder’s hand opened and he fell to the ground, gasping for air, his head feeling as though the skull had been crushed by a mighty, unseen force. He rolled to his back and stared as the vampire stepped forward and bent its head to the side, studying him. “On your knees, Roman.”

  Gaius fought to roll over and get to his feet. He refused to bow to this vampire, even if he did seem to have the upper hand this time. As he pulled one leg under him in an attempt to stand, he felt the bones in that leg twist and snap, sending him to his knees on the hard concrete floor.

  “I told you, Roman, on your knees.” The ghoul’s voice took a tone that he recognized but couldn’t place. He knew he should know it, but from another time and place. He raised his eyes to study the vampire, hoping to get a glimpse of why.

  “You aren’t allowed to lay eyes on me, Roman.” The hand flexed again, and Gaius felt his eyes bulge then burst like grapes being crushed between unseen fingers. He inhaled deeply to scream only to have his throat squeezed off, squelching the cry.

  Gaius fell to his hands and tried to force air into his lungs as the unseen hand squeezed tighter. “As I said, Gaius, I believe it’s time you find a new form to inhabit. This one has touched my woman and I can’t have that.”

  Lilith laughed and practically squealed with joy. “You should recognize your betters, Roman.” She rubbed against the intruder and stroked his arm, rubbing her face against his chest. “My Samael has returned to me.”


  “What do you mean, ‘what do we do now’?” Evan gaped at Major Tufo. “I have no idea how to proceed from here.”

  Mark stood and paced the small lab space. “Tell me something, Doc. If I had been infected with just the wolf virus, would there have been any restrictions on my going back to my duties once I was healed?”

  Evan shook his head. “No, of course not. Once your body was healed we would simply—”

  “And if I had been infected with just the vampire virus?” Mark interrupted. “Would there be any restrictions then?”

  Evan sat down slowly, his mind racing. “I honestly don’t know Major. We’ve not had any vampires in our employ before. Besides myself, of course.”

  “But do you see any reason to keep me from my duties?”

  Evan exhaled hard and ran through a number of possible scenarios. Eventually he turned back to the XO and shook his head. “Technically, no. You are healed. You seem to be of proper mind. You don’t appear to be a threat.”

  “Then would you please sign off on my going back to work before I go stir crazy? I have all this pent up energy and if I don’t do something with it, I will go bat shit crazy.”

  Evan sat back down and pulled the major’s medical record to him. “I can put you back on temporary duty. I need you to check in with me daily.” He scribbled something into the record and closed it. “If anything changes, and I mean anything at all, I want you to come to me immediately. This is the first time I’ve ever encountered a successful human/wolf/vampire hybrid. By all rights, I should have you on my table.”

  Mark shot him a questioning look. “Dissection?”

  “Of course not. Just to study. To find out how this happened. How it’s even possible.” Evan paused and turned back to the major. “Is there any chance that there’s Elf or Fairy blood in your family history?”

  Mark snorted as he accepted his medical record. “I think I had a cousin who was a little limp wristed, but I don’t think I’d call him a fairy. He played professional football and would kick your ass.”

  “That’s not what I…” Evan fought a smile. “Ha-ha-ha. A pun at the vampire’s expense. I was serious.”

  “And I seriously have no idea. I would have to say no.” Mark seemed more than anxious to vacate the lab and was just waiting for Evan to dismiss him.

  “That’s something we’ll have to investigate further at a later date. Until then, go about your normal routine, but I meant it. Every morning I expect you to be here for blood draws and physicals.”

  “Aye-aye, Captain Blye. First thing in the morning.” Mark turned to leave then stopped at the door. “Hey, Doc? Thanks.”

  “Just come to me before you do anything rash. Like decide to eat one of the enlisted personnel.”


  Thorn exited the vehicle and looked up at the tall building that the Council now used as their chambers. Although he couldn’t see them, he knew that at least a dozen of the best assassins that Foster could locate here in the EU were present, hidden in the shadows, their weapons of choice at the ready.

  Rufus waited until their entire party exited the vehicle then turned and made his way up the steps. As he approached the oversized double doors, two vampires appeared from the shadows, blocking their path. Thorn reached into his trench coat and withdrew his ID. “Rufus Thorn to see the Council. They’re expecting me.”

  One of the vampires examined his ID while the other whispered into his sleeve. He nodded at the voice speaking through his earpiece then turned and opened the door for Thorn and his party. “They’re waiting for you upstairs. There’s an elevator to your left.”

  “Thank you.” Rufus placed his ID back in his coat as the small group made their way through the lobby and to the elevators. “Remember, we are guests here. Nobody is to speak unless they are addressed specifically and nobody is to make any aggressive moves. Are we understood?”

  The enforcers nodded and Paul slipped in beside his brother. “There’s something I should probably tell you before we get up there, brother.”

  Rufus waved him off. “It will have to wait. I need to concentrate.” Foster turned and stared at Rufus, his eyes closed, appearing as though he were sleeping standing up. When Rufus opened his eyes, he turned to the enforcers. “They have their own enforcers stationed at the ends of the chambers. I need you to make your way to them and stay hidden. If you hear things getting out of hand, you know what to do. The rest of you will enter with Paul and me.” The enforcers all nodded and split apart into separate groups when the doors opened.

  As the small party made their way to the grand chambers, two vampires waited to open the double doors leading to the ornate oval room. A large table with chairs took up the center of the room and the Council members were all seated, presumably going over the business at hand. One of the vampires who opened the door escorted them inside and announced them. “Monsieur Thorn and party.” He bowed slightly and backed away and through the double doors again, pulling them closed behind him.

  Rufus and his group stood still while waiting to be acknowledged. Foster was about to clear his throat to draw attention to them when one of the Council members suddenly pushed back his chair and stood. He stared at Thorn and the malice in his eyes was unmistakable. “Advance and be recognized.”

  Thorn bowed slightly and stepped forward. “I am Monsieur Rufus Thorn. This is my adopted brother, Paul Foster, both of the United States of—”

  “We know who you are.” Rufus turned to the vampire still seated who interrupted him.
“You are either very brave or very foolish to have asked for this audience, Monsieur.”

  Rufus fought not to raise his voice as he spoke. “We have come to address the Council to seek a reprieve and pardon.”

  The stunned silence was not missed as members of the Council glanced to each other then finally back to Thorn. The vampire who stood and addressed them spoke, “You know that the Council does not give pardons for deadly crimes against our own. You waste our time and your own.” He turned and took his seat again, in essence declaring the meeting over.

  “Perhaps not, but it is our belief that special circumstances call for special considerations.” Rufus advanced slowly and removed his overcoat, handing it to one of his enforcers. “You know as well as I do that I did not commit the act for which I have been accused. And my brother is here to retract his previous statements of fact to the Council.”

  “Once a judgment has been handed down, it cannot be changed. There are no reprieves, no pardons.” A dark haired vampire stood and glared at Rufus. “You have avoided meeting our judgment numerous times in these past months, but your luck will soon run out, Monsieur. Of that, I can assure you.”

  “Oui, I am most positive that if you were so inclined, you could meet out justice now and feel wholly justified in breaking your promise of safe passage.” He turned and waved Foster forward. “But I bring news and a proposition that I hope will change your collective minds.”

  “Our verdict is stone. It cannot be changed.”

  Rufus nodded knowingly and turned to wink at Foster who quivered like a leaf in a swift wind. He turned back to the Council and bowed slightly. “Then forgive my intrusion. I thought perhaps this esteemed body would be interested in stopping Damien Franklin and his attempt to resurrect Lilith. I stand mistaken.” He turned for the doors, “By your leave.”

  “Wait!” The voice echoed throughout the chamber and Rufus smiled knowingly at Foster who still stared wide eyed at his brother.


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