Falling For A Hood King 4

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Falling For A Hood King 4 Page 1

by Shvonne Latrice

  Falling for a Hood King IV


  Shvonne Latrice

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  © 2015

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents


  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Chapter 1: Natalia Tate

  Morning sickness was a bitch. I loved all my babies, but the beginning process was always so draining. Eating all this food just to throw it up and eat some more. I did enjoy being able to eat whatever I wanted, and being able to send Julius out to obtain my crazy cravings. However, I just wanted to fast forward life to the part where I could keep my food down.

  Since I was sick, Winnie decided to take the kids out for a walk at the park. She said she needed the exercise and I needed the break. I was just gonna relax in bed, eat, watch movies, and pray for Lucy. I’d been visiting her every day, but I was too ill to do so today.


  I heard the back door open and close, so I assumed Winnie was back. She had just left about fifteen minutes ago, so it was odd that she was back already. I hoped she wasn’t though, because I knew my son was gonna be all over me. He was so attached to me. Usually I loved it, but I wasn’t in the mood right now.

  “Winnie?” I called out. “Winnie?” I called again when I got no answer.

  I climbed out of the bed, and then headed down the stairs slowly. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and walked towards the backdoor. I was so scared that the person who had shot at me had come back to finish the job. I was sure that I was gonna die this time if they did return.

  “I missed you baby.”

  I turned around to see Marlon standing there with a smile on his crazy face. His hair was a mess, and his beard was so long that he reminded me of a black Santa Claus. He was panting heavily, and only had on jeans and a white t-shirt. First, it was crazy ass Frank, and now psycho ass Marlon. I could only imagine how they would act if we would’ve had sex.

  “Marlon, how did you get in my house?” I inquired. How did he get past the alarm system? I wondered.

  “Someone close to you gave me the code. Don’t worry about that though,” he grinned as he started to walk toward me.

  “What do you want?” I asked clenching the knife in my hands tightly.

  “I want you, but I know you’re married so I just came to get what I’m owed,” he replied licking his dry lips.

  “What you’re owed?”

  “Yeah ma, you owe me some pussy. You strung me along, making me think I’d get some and you never fulfilled that promise,” he stared at me seriously. “I want it! I deserve it!” he boomed.

  “Marlon, that was a long time ago. Plus, you slept with my best friend!” I said backing away as he came even closer.

  “That is your fault! You pushed me away!” he yelled so loud that his voice echoed throughout the mansion.

  “Marlon, I don’t want to have sex with you,” I cried.

  “Well then, I will have to take it,” he smirked.

  “You want to rape me? I deserve that?” I asked trying to stall. I hoped I could think of a plan or that Winnie would come home.

  “I’m gonna have to rape you unless you lie down and let me,” he folded his arms and pursed his lips. “It’s the least you could do since you fucked over my brother,” he added.

  “Your brother?” I squinted my eyes in confusion.

  “Frank, you little hoe,” he spat and balled up his fists as he slowly started to come towards me again.

  No wonder Marlon had an Indianapolis number when I first met him. What are the odds that I would start dating Frank’s brother? That would explain why they both turned psycho.

  I was scared as hell, so I ran to the phone to call 911. Marlon pounced on me, and pinned me to the couch, making me drop the knife. I kneed him in the nuts, and he fell back off me and onto the floor. I reached for the phone again, but he grabbed me from behind and pulled me away. He flipped me onto my back and got in between my legs. I dug my nails into his neck and scraped off as much skin as I could. I wanted to rip a damn hole into his neck. Whatever I needed to do to stop him from raping me, I was gonna do it.

  “Arrggghhh! You fucking bitch!” he yelled letting me go.

  He stared at me as he panted heavily, while holding onto his neck. I tried to dial, but he charged towards me again at full speed. I grabbed the small Keurig machine off the table, and bashed him over the head. He wobbled back a bit but tried to keep coming, so I bashed him again. I kept bashing him over the head until he finally hit the floor. Blood poured from his head as he stared at the ceiling with his eyes bucked. Did I kill him? Oh shit! I thought.

  “Marlon, get up!” I shouted slapping his face.

  I felt for his pulse, and got nothing. Natalia you just murdered somebody, I said to myself. I looked around the living room, and blood was everywhere. Call Julius! I told myself.

  “Natalia! What did you do?”

  I snapped my neck to look at the person behind me, and my eyes almost popped out of my head.

  “P-Paula?” I furrowed my brows.

  “Yes bitch,” she chuckled as she snapped photos of me holding a dead Marlon.

  “I, umm, I-” I stammered as I stood up, because I had no idea what to say.

  “This is perfect,” she cackled and put her phone away. “Now you have no choice but to help me off your friend,” she raised a brow and put her hand on her hip.

  “Paula, I told you I wasn’t gonna help you with that! Plus, Lucy is in a coma right now!” I shouted as tears slipped from my eyes.

  I had just committed a murder not even five minutes ago so I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her jealousy.

  “Don’t fucking yell at me Natalia! Now like I said, either you help me or I’m showing these photos to the police,” she smirked.

  “Help you how, Paula?” I sobbed and threw out my bloody hands. “Lucy may not even make it,” I added.

  “You’re gonna help me make sure she doesn’t make it,” she grinned.

  What the fuck? Why was I always in some bullshit? If it wasn’t someone trying to break Julius and I up, it was another thing. I know one thing--I was tired of being blackmailed. It was either go to jail for killing Marlon, or aid some crazy hoe in killing my best friend. Neither sounded better than the other, so I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  “So do we have a deal?” Paula snapped her fingers as she moved closer to me.

  “Sure,” I nodded. I hadn’t made up my mind yet, but I was gonna tell her anything to get her out of my face.

  “Good, because I didn’t want to have to turn you into the police. You’re way too pretty so I’m sure the dykes would’ve had a field day with you in the penitentiary,” she laughed loudly and sashayed out the backdoor.

  I rushed after her and locked the backdoor. I put the alarm code back on, and then ran back to the area where Marlon was laid out. I didn’t know what to do at the moment, but I knew who would.

  “Hey beautiful,” Julius smiled into the phone.

  “Ju, I need you to come home,” I sniffled.

  “Why babe? I’m in the middle of playing Call of Duty with Lee-”

  “Julius just come home right now!” I screamed into the phone.

  He was so fucking stupid. I’m obviously crying and his
excuse is that he’s playing Call of Duty with his dusty ass homeboy?

  “A’ight babe, damn,” he scoffed and then disconnected.

  I tried sitting on the couch, but I was too damn anxious. I ran to the linen closet and got a sheet to put on the floor. Once it was in place, I rolled Marlon onto it because he was staining my carpet. That may be shallow, but it was very nice carpet. After that, I washed my hands and then returned to wait for Julius. I needed him to get here before Winnie and my babies, so I quickly called her and told her to stop at the grocery store for a list of stuff I really didn’t need.

  “Natalia!” Julius called out as he walked in and then stopped in his tracks. “What the fuck happened Nat?” he asked as he looked on in horror.

  “I, umm, he... we got into a fight,” I replied as I twiddled my thumbs.

  “This was some hell of a fight babe. Is he dead?” Julius inquired as he towered over Marlon’s lifeless body. I simply nodded my head yes, once he and I made eye contact.

  “Ju, I don’t wanna go to jail!” I whined.

  “Come here baby, you’re not gonna go to jail,” he chuckled lightly.

  “Are you sure?” I questioned.

  “I’m sure babe,” he responded before pecking my lips softly. “Go upstairs and clean up, while I get rid of this okay,” he huffed and then pulled out his cell phone.

  “Okay,” I said and then rushed off to take a shower.

  Thank God I had a husband like Julius, because any other nigga would’ve been looking at me wondering what to do.

  After I showered, I walked out from the bathroom within our room to find Julius laid out on the bed. I bucked my eyes because I thought he was supposed to be taking care of things.

  “What are you doing?” I quizzed, holding my towel up over my body.

  “I’m relaxing before Winnie finishes dinner,” he laughed.

  “Winnie? She’s back?” I yelped.

  “Yeah baby, come lay down,” he patted the bed.

  “Julius, what about the mess?” I shouted in a low tone.

  “It’s all cleaned up,” he nodded.

  “That fast? I’ve only been in the shower for thirty minutes,” I squinted my eyes in confusion.

  “Yeah, and it was done twenty minutes ago. Now come here so I can have sex with my wife before dinner.” He got up and walked over to me to remove my towel. “Shit, you made me stop playing the video game, you owe me,” he bit his lip. Why did I owe everybody?

  I smiled up at him as he lifted my naked body to take me over to the bed. As Julius latched his soft lips and tongue onto my clit, I temporarily forgot about Paula and her threats. However, I knew this was just the beginning.

  Chapter 2: Julius Tate

  The fact that Natalia murked that Marlon nigga really didn’t bother me at all. I was actually happy he was gone, because I didn’t want him chasing my wife anymore. On the contrary, I didn’t like the fact that Natalia had done it because it was weighing heavily on her conscience. She wasn’t a killer, so I would have much rather taken care of him myself. That’s what his ass gets for trying to rape my girl though.

  I racked my brain as I tried to figure out who gave him the alarm code to our home since Natalia let me know that was how he got in. The only people that knew the code were Natalia, Winnie, and I, so I was beyond confused. I hoped Natalia hadn’t given it to any of her chicken head friends.

  “Hey honey,” Natalia half-smiled, as she laid our daughter Harmony in her swing. She kissed our son Jackson on his head, and then came and sat next to me on the couch.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered and shrugged.

  “Don’t stress yourself baby, it was just self-defense. I don’t need you worrying over something that you don’t need to worry about, especially with you carrying my baby,” I lifted her chin and kissed her pillow soft lips. “What’s bothering you?” I quizzed as a single tear ran down her cheek.

  “I might go to jail,” she sniffled.

  “Natalia, no one is gonna find the body trust me.” I looked into her eyes so she would know I was serious.

  “It’s not that Julius,” she sobbed and dropped her head into her small hands.

  “Then what is it?” I frowned.

  “Paula came in, a-and s-she took pictures before you got here. She said she would tell the police if I didn’t help her get Rashad back,” she cried.

  “Paula? She has pictures of the body?” I inquired to be sure and she nodded. Fuck, I said to myself.

  “I can’t be pregnant in jail!” she whimpered.

  “Natalia Tate, you are not gonna go to jail. I would never let that happen to you okay?” I said rubbing her long brown hair. “Okay?” I repeated.

  “Okay,” she smiled and I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

  I kissed her passionately, while rubbing my hands on her smooth peanut butter thighs. I loved this girl more than my life, and I’d be damned if I allowed some weirdo hood rat send her to jail. Paula had to go, and I didn’t give a fuck who had a problem with it.


  After Natalia laid that information on me, it was obvious who gave Marlon’s ass the alarm code. I was angry that Natalia had even given it to her but she was dealing with enough shit. Plus, that’s just how Natalia was. She was very trusting of anybody that was nice to her. I needed to break her from that shit.

  I pulled up to Rashad’s crib because I needed to holler at him about his crazy ass ex-girlfriend. I don’t know what he did to that hoe, but she had another thing coming if she thought she was about to be threatening Natalia over a nigga. I don’t care if that nigga was my brother.

  “What's up man?” he said dryly as he opened his front door.

  “What’s up with you?” I asked as I looked around his messy living room. “Nigga you need some Febreze in this bitch, it’s smelling like boiled eggs and corn nuts,” I turned my nose up.

  “Aye, fuck you, nigga, cleaning is the last thing on my mind,” he plopped down on the couch and threw his head back.

  “What are the doctors saying?” I quizzed.

  “They’re just saying that they don’t know if she and the baby will make it, and that I may have to choose,” he replied.

  “Where is Lucy’s mother?” I frowned.

  “Back in Indianapolis. They hadn’t really kept in contact since she moved here,” he said as he opened up a beer. “You want one?” he offered.

  “I’m straight. Look Shad, I need to talk to you about Paula,” I stated.

  “What about her? I ain’t tripping off her,” he scoffed.

  “Yeah, well I am. She’s threatening Nat about that Marlon shit and I’m just letting you know that I’m gone have to take care of her,” I spoke honestly.

  “Take care of her? What kind of threats is she making man? It can’t be to where she needs to die,” he furrowed his brows.

  “Well in my eyes, it’s the only way, because she has pictures of Marlon’s body.” I shrugged.

  “Just send her off somewhere or-”

  “I ain’t sending shit off no fucking where! I didn’t come for your permission. I came to give you a heads up!” I cut in.

  “Chill out Ju! Let me talk to her,” he said calmly.

  “Talk to her? So she can run to the police? No, fuck that! Only thing I need you to do is find out how many pictures she has of the scene and destroy it. Once that’s done, I’m gone slide in and take her out,” I spat.

  “Julius man we-”

  “Just do what the fuck I said homie. Shit, she’s probably the one who did that shit to Lucy anyway,” I shook my head and left quickly.

  I hated to argue with my brother, but he needed to understand where I was coming from. This had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with Natalia. Despite my actions in the past, I loved her and my kids with all my heart. I would suffer and die before I let anyone harm her or put her in jail for life. If that caused a wedge between my brother and I, then so be it
, but Natalia was number one.

  Chapter 3: Natalia

  One Week Later

  “Okay, this is what needs to go into the IV,” Paula smiled and handed me a vile.

  “So, I just pour it in?” I asked.

  “I forgot how dumb you were,” she rolled her eyes and then reached into her purse.

  I wanted to curse her the fuck out, but I didn’t quite have the upper hand here. Julius instructed me to go along with whatever she told me to do until Rashad grew a pair; his words not mine. I didn’t tell Julius that her scheme included murdering Lucy; I just said she wanted help in getting Rashad back.

  Paula hadn’t contacted me since she first prompted me to assist her in killing Lucy, so I thought I was in the clear. That was until she called yesterday telling me Operation Kill Lucy would be in full effect.

  She stuck a needle into the vile, and filled it up with whatever was in it. She nodded her head as an evil smile crept across her face. This bitch was crazy.

  “Here Nat,” she said as she handed me a Ziploc bag holding the needle. “Just jam this anywhere into her body and it should do the trick,” she added.

  “Okay, be right back,” I half-smiled and quickly hopped out of the car.

  I walked into the hospital slowly, and for some reason, I felt like everyone knew I had this little needle in my purse. I checked in at the front, and received a name badge. I probably should’ve used another name, I thought. I got up to the Intensive Care Unit, and walked to Lucy’s area. I brought the curtain around so that we could have some privacy, and then sat next to her bed.

  “Hey,” I whispered.

  I grabbed her hand in mine, and rubbed it. She looked dead and it was heartbreaking to see. I laid her hand next to her body, and then slowly rubbed her stomach. I knew what the doctors told Rashad and I prayed he chose to save her. I know it was selfish of me, but I needed Lucy to stay alive. I didn’t even know this baby!

  Paula: Hurry the fuck up!

  After reading the text, I threw my phone back into my purse and then took the needle out. What am I gonna do? I wondered. I couldn’t kill Lucy. I looked over at the trashcan and smiled. I pushed all the contents out into the wastebasket, and then threw the needle in. Wait, she may want some verification. I told myself before reaching back in to get it.


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