Falling For A Hood King 4

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Falling For A Hood King 4 Page 10

by Shvonne Latrice

  As I was approaching the stairs, I heard soft moans coming from the laundry room area. I was confused because I highly doubted that Winnie or Dalia would be fucking in my crib. For one, Winnie was up there in age, and Dalia was too damn sick to even walk on her own, let alone be fucking. I got closer to the door, and the moans sounded all too familiar. A part of me was scared to push open the door, because I didn’t know if I could fathom what I was about to see. Man up Julius, I told myself.

  I took a deep breath, and pushed the door open slowly. Natalia was standing against the dryer, and River was on her knees eating her pussy. Natalia’s eyes were closed, and her head was thrown back so she had no idea I was watching.

  The sight before me didn’t turn me on like it would have done most niggas. I was disgusted. Here I was busting my ass working and making sure that I stayed faithful to my wife, even though I knew she would never know if I cheated, and she was back home fucking on her mother’s nurse. She was pregnant with my child, and getting ate out by some random bitch like a local hood rat.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” I said and they both jumped.

  “Julius!” Natalia called out, and grabbed her underwear from off the top of the washing machine next to her. River wiped her mouth, and just darted her eyes from me to Natalia repeatedly.

  “Nah, continue,” I smirked and then turned to walk away.

  “Julius!” Natalia yelled as she followed me. I didn’t say anything as I climbed the stairs. “Julius, I’m sorry I-” I shoved the flowers into her chest, cutting her sentence off.

  Once we reached the top of the stairs, I went into the room to pack my shit. I wasn’t sure if I was gonna stay in the guest room or go to the condo I had, but I wouldn’t be staying here with this hoe.

  “Baby, talk to me! I’m sorry! It’s not what you think!” she started to cry.

  “Let’s see, while I’m working, you’re back here fucking someone else. That’s pretty clear to me Nat,” I chuckled.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, as her face became covered in tears.

  “I’m leaving you,” I scoffed.

  “No Julius, stop! Please! It’s not like that! She kept coming after me!” she sobbed hysterically.

  “And you think bitches ain’t been coming after me? Don’t come at me with that bullshit ass excuse Natalia! You wanna fuck on her then you can be with her ass! I’m done with you! It’s a fucking wrap and ain’t shit you can say to change my mind!” I shouted.

  “Julius no, we have a baby on the way,” she got in front of me to block me from leaving with my bag.

  "I’m gonna take care of my kid, but I’m not gone be with yo’ ass. You ain’t nothing but a little sneaky ass hoe, like I’ve always suspected. You’re fucking pregnant and you over here letting her eat you out. Just like a fucking whore. I should’ve never left Bianca for you,” I said hoping to hurt her like she’d done me.

  “What? How could you say that? I thought you loved me?” she sniffled.

  “I thought you loved me too, but now I’m seeing that ain’t the fucking case. Now get the fuck out of my way!” I hollered.

  “No! So you can go cheat? I’m not letting you! I said I was sorry Julius! I’ve forgiven you so many times,” she wailed like a newborn baby.

  “I don’t give a fuck! What, you forgave me so that you could have a pass in the future?” I turned my lip up.

  “No, I forgave you because I loved you and I wanted to be with you. The same thing you should do right now,” she cried.

  “Well, I’m not,” I replied and slipped past her.

  She chased after me as I booked it down the stairs. She was grabbing my shirt and my arm, but she wasn’t strong enough to stop me from moving. I didn’t know if I was just that strong or if the anger inside me made me that way.

  “Julius!” she sobbed like she was dying. “Please baby I’m sorry!” she begged through tears. She had some nerve crying this hard because she thought I was about to cheat, when she was just getting licked on by someone else.

  “Let me go Natalia!” I shouted as I tried to pry her small hands from my shirt.

  “No Julius, please I-”

  “Ain’t nobody about to cheat on you, now let me go dammit!” I hit the wall and shouted so loud that it rumbled in my chest.

  She didn’t say anything; she just looked at me and then at the big ass hole in the wall. She let my shirt loosen from her hands and I stormed out.

  “When are you coming back?” she yelled after me.

  I didn’t say anything and slid into my car. I sped to the condo, as Natalia blew my phone up the whole way. By the time I got there, I had forty missed calls and fifteen text messages from her only. I blocked her number, and then put my phone on silent so no one else could contact me. When I got inside, I pulled a big bottle of Hennessy from the bar and grabbed a cup.

  I was overwhelmed with so many emotions. How could she do this shit to me? After all that we’d been through, and after all the promises we made to each other, she betrayed me. There were so many hoes from here to Indiana throwing their pussy my way, and I turned it all down for her hoe ass.

  Suddenly the condo phone rang, but I saw it was her on the caller I.D, so I didn’t pick up. I turned the TV on, and decided to just relax and watch TV, to give me some time to think. At this point, I loved Natalia, but I didn’t want to be with her. It wasn’t the cheating that was bothering me as much, it was the sneakiness behind it. I didn’t feel like I could trust her at all anymore. All the times I accused her of cheating, she probably was. I shook my head and downed my drink before refilling it. My phone lit up next to me, and I relaxed when I saw it was my brother Rashad.

  “Hello,” I answered and took a sip of my drink.

  “Luke and Jabari said only a quarter shipment came in this morning,” Rashad said somberly.

  “What the fuck you mean only a quarter?” I frowned and slammed my glass down.

  “Just what I said. We only got twenty-five percent of what we usually get,” he huffed. “I don’t know what happened man. I thought you would’ve had a reason for it,” he added.

  “What? Hell nah! Why would I only have a portion come in?” I turned my lip up as if he could see me.

  “He said the guy told him that was all that was requested.”

  “Aight, I’ll hit you back in a few,” I replied before disconnecting.

  I knew this was Skylar’s doing. I should’ve known that since she wasn’t bothering me, she was up to some bullshit. Like I said before, I was tired of making threats, today I was making good on them.

  I polished off my last sips of Hennessy, and then jogged to my car. I sped straight to Bart’s home, and barely parked the car before getting out. This bitch had me fucked up, and it was the wrong day for her to piss me off. I knew she did this, because Bart was still in Peru. His mother lived longer than expected, so he extended his stay.




  I banged on the door repeatedly, until I heard someone opening the locks. I was prepared to go the fuck off, but Bart’s other daughter, Leah walked out.

  “Oh, hi Julius. I was just leaving, but say hi to Natalia for me,” she smiled and started to walk off.

  “Fasho, is your sister inside?” I asked.

  “Yes, she’s in the theatre,” she replied and hopped into her Mercedes.

  “Thanks,” I said even though I knew she couldn’t hear me.

  I closed and locked the front door after putting my gloves on, and then walked to the theatre room to look for Skylar. As soon as I walked in, I saw her chilling with some little ass shorts on. Her ass was hanging out the bottom and my dick took notice. I should’ve been fucked her, since Natalia wanted to be a hoe.

  “Julius, hey boo,” she winked.

  “What happened to the shipment bitch?” I spat.

  “I would appreciate it if you didn’t call me a bitch Ju,” she giggled like the weirdo she was.

  “Look bitch, I need
to know where the fuck the rest of my shipment is. If you don’t speak the fuck up, I’m deadin’ you right here and right now,” I stated sternly.

  “Well, since you couldn’t return my calls, I felt that maybe you didn’t need as much product,” she smacked her lips and put her hand on her hip.

  “One has nothing to do with the other.”

  “It does when I’m in charge. I told you before Julius, if you want this business relationship to work, all you have to do is share the wealth,” she cheesed and rubbed her hand against my dick.

  “Oh, that’s all you wanted?” I bit my lip and she nodded.

  “Pretty please, with a cherry on top.”

  Usually I would’ve let her dome me up, but I wasn’t in the mood. Natalia had fucked my whole day up and I just wanted to be alone more than anything right now. So, that meant I needed to get this over with.

  “Well, make whatever calls you need to make in order to get the rest of the product here by tomorrow night and we got a deal,” I said.

  “Oh no honey, I need the dick first,” she cocked her head.

  “You’ll get it after. Now make the fucking call,” I replied as I tapped her face with my gun.

  “You better be glad I like it rough,” she sighed and then pulled her phone out.

  “On speaker,” I demanded and she did so. I listened as she set everything up.

  “Okay, it’s all-”



  I quickly pumped two in her dome, and she collapsed to the ground. Leese and Dash finally arrived and quickly cleaned her out for disposal. I knew I would have to take Bart out next. Today was just not my fucking day.

  Chapter 25: Natalia

  Depressed was an understatement. If I wasn’t working or spending time with my kids and mom, I was in the bed crying. It’d only been three days, but it felt like an eternity. Someone that I was used to talking to or seeing all the time, I hadn’t seen or talked to at all. There were no texts or calls of any kind. I called from every number possible because I knew mine was blocked, and I still got no answer.

  “Natalia are you-” River peeped her head into my bedroom.

  “Get out!” I shouted to her and pointed to the door.

  Ever since Julius caught us, I’d been keeping her ass away. I was so mad at myself for letting her do what she did three damn times. At least if she was someone I was interested in I would feel better, but she wasn’t. I cheated on my husband with someone I didn’t give two fucks about. Yeah I used her for a quick orgasm, but so what, she let me.

  “River, I said- Oh Winnie, what’s up?” I sat up when I heard the door creak again.

  “Baby, Julius is here to see the kids. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to know,” she half-smiled.

  “Yes, thank you. Where is he?” I asked.

  “He’s in the den playing with them,” she replied and then walked out.

  I ran to the bathroom and washed my face to remove the tearstains. I slipped into some tights, because my jeans weren’t quite fitting my waist anymore. I was five months, but I wasn’t showing that much unless I was naked. I put a t-shirt on and then put my hair into a ponytail. I rushed down the stairs and to the den. I stopped in my tracks when I saw his beautiful caramel face. His facial hair was trimmed perfectly and his hair was freshly cut. He was wearing gray sweats and a white t-shirt with a black Jordan jump man on it. His shoes were off, showing his black socks. He watched Jackson play with his blocks, while holding Harmony in his lap.

  “Hi,” I said in a low tone.

  “What's up,” he replied without looking at me.

  “Where have you been?” I questioned.

  “Why?” he frowned.

  “Because, I missed you. I wanted to know where you’ve been,” I half-smiled.

  “Well, you don’t need to worry about that. I’m leaving to Indiana tonight anyway,” he spat.

  “Then can we talk?”

  “I’m spending time with my kids right now, so no,” he responded.

  “I mean in like an hour or two. I can make you some spicy barbecue wings for lunch,” I cheesed.

  “I'll pass,” he sighed.

  “When are we gonna talk Julius?” I whined.

  “There ain’t shit to talk about. You cheated and now I don’t want you,” he scoffed. His words cut like a freshly sharpened knife.

  “You don’t want me? So you’re not in love with me anymore?” I inquired on the verge of crying.

  “Not really. I care about you but I don’t love you,” he looked up at me and nodded. A couple tears ran down my cheeks, but I wiped them quickly.

  “Oh,” was all I managed to get out before I left the room.

  I couldn’t make it to my room, so I slipped into the bathroom and burst into tears. Why couldn’t he forgive me? After just three days, he was out of love? How is that even possible? I grabbed some tissues and cried into them as my body jerked lightly. This was one of the worst things that could ever happen to me. I came out of the bathroom and went upstairs to lie down for a nap. I didn’t bother to change into my nightgown, I just took my ponytail down and passed out.

  I woke up, and the room was a little darker than it was when I initially fell asleep. I picked up my phone and replied to some messages from Lucy, and Victoria from back in Indiana. Suddenly the door opened, and Julius came in. I sat up, and put my phone on the nightstand.

  “How is the baby?” he asked as he leaned up against the door.

  “It’s fine, the doctor just said I need to stop stressing,” I replied in a low tone.

  “Then maybe you should do that,” he exhaled as he walked to the chair and sat down.

  “I can’t right now,” I said.

  “You should at least try,” he shook his head.

  “I do try, but I can’t help that I’m sad,” I whispered.

  “Maybe your little nurse cuddy buddy can make you feel better,” he shrugged and looked at his phone.

  “I don’t want her Julius. She just caught me in a vulnerable moment! I was lonely here, and she was there; always complimenting me, and pressing up on me,” I cried.

  “That’s all it takes to get a piece, huh? A few nice words and persistence. Nice,” he chuckled and shook his head. “Sounds just like a little easy hoe,” he smirked.

  “Yeah, keep calling your children’s mother a hoe,” I sniffled.

  “Niggas have hoes for baby mamas all the time,” he taunted with his beautiful smile plastered on his face.

  “I guess you’ve joined the club then,” I exhaled.

  “I guess I have,” he nodded as if he was sure of his statement.

  “So, are we getting a divorce or what?” I quizzed.

  “Most likely. Why, are you ready to make it official with River?” he chuckled.

  I just turned my back to him and let the tears fall where they may. I wasn’t gonna wipe them either. My body slightly jerked, but no sound came out as I stared at his side of the bed.

  “Take care of my baby,” he patted my back and headed for the door.

  “I hate you!” I shouted. “You treated me like shit for the longest and I forgave you every single time! You forced me to get an abortion, cheated on me with any girl that looked your way, and hit me for no reason at all, and every time I took you back with no questions asked! Yet this one little time that I messed up, you act like it’s the end of the world! You left me here three days a week by myself, so yes I got lonely and made a dumb ass mistake, but Julius it will never happen again! I was stupid and I’m sorry but you can’t just leave me!” I yelled.

  “How do I know that you won’t get lonely again, but this time let a nigga fuck? Huh? How the fuck do I know that?” he frowned and pointed his finger in his chest.

  “You have to trust that I love you, just like I trusted you every time you lied and said it wouldn’t happen again. I trusted you even though time after time it was the same damn story. I believed that one day you would realize what you had and become a good man
and thank God, I was right! So Ju, you need to trust that I’m telling the truth. As long as I live, I will never be with anyone else but you, no matter what. I will always love you and be loyal to you no matter what happens,” I sobbed. “No matter how many times you’ve broken my heart; I always forgave you because I loved you. If you’re out of love with me already Julius, I need you to try to fall again,” I added as tears ran down my already wet face.

  He didn’t say anything; he just sat down in the room chair again. He ran his hands over his face, and closed his eyes. I slid my tights off, and then climbed out of the bed. It was kind of dark in the room, but I could see just fine because of the window.

  I pushed him back so he could sit up, and then straddled his lap. I lifted his shirt off to expose his chiseled body. I removed my big t-shirt, and then kissed softly on his chest while caressing the back of his head. He put his big hands on my belly, as I kissed on his neck. He cupped my breasts, and then began to suck my nipples gently. I continued to caress his head as I threw my head back in pleasure. While keeping his mouth latched onto my nipple, he tugged my panties down. I hadn’t felt him in forever, and the anticipation alone had me dripping. To keep me from having to get out of his lap, he ripped my underwear from my thighs. I pulled his sweats and boxers down just enough to expose his dick, and then positioned myself above it. I tongued him down slowly and nastily, as I slid down on him. I was going inch by inch because his massiveness was a lot to handle after so long. I hugged him tightly, and moaned into his mouth when I finally had him all the way inside me.

  “I’m sorry baby, I love you,” he whispered into my mouth as I slowly bounced on his dick.

  He put my legs over his forearms without breaking our kiss, so that he could have more access to my opening. The last few times we’d had sex had been so much more than physical and I loved it. Our bodies were making love spiritually and physically, which made the orgasm much greater.

  “Fuck you’re so tight and wet,” he said in a low tone.

  “Only for you,” I said in between our passionate kisses. “I love you Ju, I’ll never do anything again,” I added as we sucked each other’s lips.


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