Falling For A Hood King 4

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Falling For A Hood King 4 Page 15

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Hey boo,” she sang.

  “Yo, where the fuck you at Sonia?” I quizzed and immediately remembered Nikki was here. She shot daggers at me and hopped up to get dressed.

  “I’m doing my thing Brax. We need some time apart,” she exhaled. I rushed over to Nikki, and sat her down so that she wouldn’t leave.

  “Let me come talk to you for a second. Where are you?”

  “My mothers. Hurry the fuck up though because I got-”

  I hung up on her ass, and tended to a furious Nikki.

  “Move Brax, I knew you wasn’t about shit,” Nikki frowned as she tried to release herself from my embrace.

  “Look, she’s just my baby mama. I’m only trying to track her down so that I can see my daughter. I haven’t seen my baby in three damn days,” I pleaded. “Just stay here and spend the night with me,” I smiled and she did too.

  “Fine Brax, but don’t be gone long,” she replied and began to remove her shoes.

  “I won’t. Don’t leave,” I kissed her lips and then quickly got dressed.

  I could kill Sonia right now. I wasn’t sure if I was more upset that she had just dipped on me with my daughter, or that she was around here getting ran through like some common hoe. It made me wonder what the fuck she was doing during my seven years in the pen.

  I parked in front of her mama's house, and braced myself before knocking on the door. I heard my daughter’s voice, and a smile crept across my face. Finally, the door opened, and Sonia’s sexy ass stood behind it.

  “Hello to you too,” I spat and then focused my attention on my kid.

  “Daddy!” she squealed and ran towards me.

  “I missed you,” I whispered as I hugged her tightly. “Can you go to the back with grandma so I can chat with mommy for a bit?” I grinned.

  “For ten dollars,” she replied holding out her little hand. She was like her mama already.

  “Scam artist,” I joked at slapped a ten-dollar bill into her hand. Once she ran off to her grandmother’s room, I diverted my attention back to Sonia.

  “Make this quick,” she twisted her face up.

  “Sonia, what the fuck is going baby? You out here getting trains ran on you?” I frowned and sat next to her on the couch. I was hurt, disappointed, disgusted, angry, and a whole bunch of other shit.

  “What are you talking about?” she rolled her eyes.

  “This,” I retrieved my phone from my pocket, and showed her the video.

  “Oh that,” she chuckled and handed it back. “Look Brax, you and I ain’t gonna work no more. I’ve moved on and I’m happy,” she stated as if she was just telling me what she cooked for dinner.

  “What? You my muthafuckin’ girl! Who the fuck could you have possibly hooked up with that’s got you ready to move on like that?” I asked.

  “Julius Tate,” she smiled and giggled like she was so happy. The sound of his name made my skin crawl.

  “Julius Tate? That nigga has a wife, two kids, and a damn baby on the way. What the fuck is you talking about Sonia?” I was more confused than ever. I knew I should have been more aggressive in pursuing Natalia.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. He’s divorcing her, and him, Tracie and me are gonna be a family. I did that train for him. It was to show him I’m the real deal,” she nodded.

  “The real deal? If you’re the real deal, then why he got you here with ya mama, but has his wife at home with him?” I raised a brow. How dumb could she be? She had a college degree, yet allowed some young nigga to talk her into a train.

  “You know nothing of what you speak Braxton. Just know that you and I are a wrap!” she shouted in my face and ran her hand across her neck to signal chopping.

  “You ain’t taking my fucking daughter, and becoming a family with no damn body!” I yelled.

  “Tracie ain’t ya fucking baby! Damn! Billy is her daddy!” she boomed.

  “My fucking cousin?” I stared at her as if she had shit growing out of her face.

  “Yes! I fucked him because you were always in the streets and leaving me at home! Plus, I knew you were fucking all kinds of other bitches. Billy comforted me, and would tell me every time you cheated on me. One night we fucked, and from there it never stopped,” she explained and then exhaled. “That felt good. I hated harboring that shit,” she chuckled to herself.

  “Sonia, tell me you just fucking with me,” I said in a low tone.

  “I wish I was. Billy wanted a DNA test and we got it. It came back that he was the father, but we both agreed to lie,” she shrugged. She shrugged like it was nothing.

  I was mad at too many people right now and I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to strangle Sonia for doing me dirtier than anybody in this fucking world. But, I wanted to blast Billy for betraying me in the worst way. That nigga was like my brother, and not only did he go behind my back and tell of my infidelities, but he smashed my girl and got her pregnant. The other nigga on my hit list was Julius. He really hit me where it hurt by having the woman I love act like a common hood rat. A train? Really Julius? Yeah, I was wrong for coming for his wife first but damn! Then it was Bart, where the fuck was he? We were supposed to discuss a shipment schedule to be put in motion, and now this nigga was ghost. I was in over my head right now.

  “I can’t believe this shit,” I finally said as I rubbed my eyes.

  “Well believe it be-”


  I slapped the shit out of her, and blood spewed from her nose.



  I slapped her two more times, and she screamed and cowered on the floor. I stood up off the couch and panted over her, as her mother came from the back.

  “Get out Braxton! What the hell is wrong with you?” her mother shouted as she crouched down to tend to Sonia's wounds.

  I stepped over her, and rushed outside. I was about to put a few niggas in the dirt, and I was starting with Julius. Shit if he was gone, I would benefit in so many ways. I would be able to have his wife, and take back over the area regardless of working with Bart.

  As I walked down the walkway to my car, a black sack was placed over my head and I was dragged to the left. I squirmed wildly, and screamed because I had no idea what the fuck was going on. This was not my damn night! I felt myself being thrown in a car, and before I could say anything, I was clocked over the head with something that felt like a gun.

  My eyes fluttered as I attempted to adjust them to the light. My head was hanging down, and I could see I was tied to a chair. The floor looked dirty, and I had no idea where I was. I finally got enough strength to pick my head up, and saw two niggas I’d never seen before.

  “Morning sunshine,” one of them smiled, and ashed his blunt.

  My head was throbbing, and I just didn.t feel good enough to say anything. I watched as the other guy stood up, and then exited the room. I shut my eyes, and took a couple deep breaths in order to collect my thoughts. The door of the room opened, and in walked the last nigga I wanted to see while being tied up with a busted head, Julius.

  “What’s up homie?” he grinned. I simply smacked my lips and looked away. “Oh, you a mute now?” he cocked his head and folded his arms. “I gave you chance to get down with the team, but you just had to go against me,” he shook his head and pulled a chair up.

  “Nigga, I’m way older than you, and been doing this shit way longer! You need to be working for me!” I hollered.

  “Feisty,” one of the guys laughed.

  “Well, do you have any last words Brax?” Julius raised a brow as he pulled his gun from his waist.

  I couldn’t believe that this twenty-three-year-old nigga had fucked me over like this. He had my bitch gone in the head over him, made my connect disappear, and now had me tied up in some random room about to put a bullet in me.

  “I give you your props Mr. Julius, you’re a for real thug ass nigga; a hood king. If I were younger, I would have no problem working for you. But with the track record I have, and with all the work I’ve
put in, I just can’t go out like that,” I said.

  “It ain’t about age, it’s about who works and moves smarter, and clearly that person is me. You should have no problem working for me, because I have forgotten more rules to the game than you even have in your brain right now. I ain’t no little ass wanna be dope boy trying to play king of the streets. Too bad you couldn’t recognize that earlier, because we could’ve made a lot of money together. But once you start to dip into my family life, it gets you an automatic hollow tip,” he replied and I nodded.

  He was right, but like he said, it was too late to make amends now. We both had gone too far to forgive one another, more so him than me. I did nothing to harm Natalia, but any hustler in the game knew when you even spoke to another hustler’s girl, wife, or baby mama, all bets were off.

  I looked down, and then looked back up to stare him in the eyes. He cocked his gun, and then let off two shots between my eyes.

  Chapter 36: Natalia

  Harmony’s Bake Shoppe had been making a lot of money. We were selling so many cupcakes, that I had to hire two extra pastry chefs to help me bake. I loved that I had my own money and it had nothing to do with Julius. He didn’t mind giving me money, but I still wanted to have my own because you never know how things can turn out. I doubt we’d ever break up though.

  I turned in the store deposit to the bank, and then texted Lucy to let her know she could meet me at my house. As I was walking to my car, I noticed it was much shorter than usual. I looked down at the tires, and realized I was sitting on four flats. I didn’t need to question because I knew this was River’s doing. I pulled my phone from my purse, and called Julius before anybody else. I tried to spare River but she was asking for it.

  “Hey beautiful,” Julius answered and made me feel warm inside. No matter how many times he answered the phone that way, it still made me feel fuzzy all over.

  “Julius, she flattened my tires,” I whined.

  “Who?” he asked.

  “River! She won’t leave me alone! I didn’t tell you, but she put snakes in my bakery. She told me she won’t leave me alone unless I let her do what she did again,” I explained.

  “Wow a’ight. Call AAA and I’m gonna come get you. Where are you?” he questioned.

  “I’m at the Bank of America on Sam Rittenberg Boulevard,” I sighed.

  “A’ight,” he disconnected the call, and then I called for a tow.


  “That bitch did what?” Lucy exclaimed. We were sitting in the den eating chicken pasta and watching TV, while Rashad and Julius played video games in the other den.

  “She flattened my fucking tires! All four of them,” I frowned and shoved some food into my mouth.

  “Damn, that bitch must be Hercules, because popping tires is hard as fuck,” Lucy bucked her eyes.

  “How the fuck do you know?” I chuckled.

  “I’ve done my share of crazy shit in the past,” she winked and I shook my head. “So, what now?”

  “Julius said he will take care of it tomorrow when I take the babies to the doctor. He wants me gone and to have an alibi if anything happens,” I replied.

  “Okay Mrs. Tate, I am leaving for the day,” the new nurse Reese peeked her head into the den.

  “Alright, see you in two days,” I smiled and she nodded.

  “In two days?” Lucy frowned.

  “Yes, we give her one weekday off in order for her to come in on Saturday. Just because Winnie and I are really busy on Saturdays,” I responded.

  Suddenly, Rashad and Julius entered the den, laughing and talking loud as fuck. They sat down next to us, and Rashad immediately started kissing Lucy. I hadn’t seen him this happy with a girl since he first met Paula. Julius rubbed my belly as I polished off my chicken pasta.

  “Natalia! It’s your mother! I've called 911!” Winnie shouted running into the den.

  “What? What happened?” I asked as I got up off the couch.

  “I think she had a heart attack!” Winnie panicked.

  “Relax Winnie!” Julius replied and rushed out.

  We heard sirens outside the house, and I was glad that they came quick. Tears started to flow, because for some reason, I knew my mother was gone. She had been so sick, and she didn’t seem to be getting any better.

  Winnie let the EMT's in, and they quickly placed my mom on the stretcher and rushed her out. Lucy, Rashad, Julius, and I, piled into Julius’ car to follow. Winnie stayed home to tend to Jackson and Harmony.

  As soon as we arrived to the hospital, Julius parked quickly and we all hopped out. I was crying non-stop, and my heart was beating fast.

  “Calm down Nat, you’re pregnant,” Lucy rubbed my back as we all walked into the hospital.

  Through tears, I could see them rushing my mom to the back. She was passed out, and I had no idea what was gonna happen with her. The four of us sat down, and I prayed for her to be okay. Although she wasn’t the greatest mother, I needed her to be okay.

  We waited for about twenty minutes, before someone came out looking for the family of Dalia Gaines. Julius got up to help me stand to my feet, and then we neared the doctor. I hoped we got the same news from when Lucy was in a similar situation.

  “Who are you to Ms. Gaines?” the doctor asked.

  “I-I’m her daughter, Natalia Tate. Th-Thomas is my maiden name,” I stammered. Please say something good. Please say something good, I chanted in my head.

  “Ms. Tate, I’m sorry but all attempts to resuscitate your mother were unsuccessful. I-” the doctor replied and I heard nothing else of what he spoke.

  Was this really happening or was this a dream? We weren’t close, but I loved her just as much as any child loved their mother. I loved her even though she didn’t love me.

  “Natalia!” Julius snapped me back to reality.

  “Nooo,” I immediately broke down in tears. Julius held me up because I couldn’t do it myself.

  “I’m very sorry Ms. Tate. Would you like to come to the back with the pastor and pray over your mother?” the doctor asked. I simply nodded, and Julius waved Rashad and Lucy to come with us.

  We followed the doctor to my mother’s room, and as soon as I saw her, I began to cry again. Lucy was sniffling lightly as she looked on as well. I cried into Julius’ chest as the pastor prayed over my mother. I said a few words through tears, and then the four of us left to go home.

  “Winnie made you some hot chocolate,” Julius handed me a mug.

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  “I know you’re sad about your mother babe, but if you need anything, know that I’m here for you a’ight?” Julius said as he climbed into the bed.

  “She was only thirty-five,” I said in a low tone.

  “It’s unfortunate, but be happy that she isn’t suffering anymore. She’s finally at peace,” he rubbed my back.

  I downed the hot chocolate, and then turned the lamp off. I felt the tears coming up as I laid on Julius’ chest. He held me as I cried hysterically until I fell asleep. He put his plans for River on hold, as well as his work for a couple weeks, to be by me until I felt a little better.

  Chapter 37: River

  Two weeks later

  I hadn’t heard from Natalia since the snake incident. I had slashed her tires in the bank parking lot, and still got nothing. Did she think I was kidding? There was no way she was gonna get away with using me.

  However, today my prayers were answered. I took a midday nap, and woke up to a text from her saying to come over. I was gonna bring my gun because I wanted to make her comply with anything that I told her. My mouth was watering at the thought of tasting her again, and maybe I could get her to do me this time too.

  I slipped into a tight black dress for easy access, and then black stilettos to match. I frowned in the mirror because I hated my skinny frame. I had A-cup breasts, and no ass to match. I was shaped just like a damn surfboard. I wished I looked like Natalia though. She was average height, 5'5, with a small yet shapely fra
me. She was slim thick, not too much but just enough. My clit jumped at the thought of her, so I grabbed my purse and keys, and then rushed out.

  I parked my car down the street, and then went to type in the code to their gate. It buzzed letting me know that I had typed in the wrong numbers. They changed it, I thought. I pressed the button so Natalia could let me in.

  “Hello?” her sweet voice came through the box.

  “Hey baby I’m here. Let me in,” I smirked.

  The smaller gate buzzed, and I twisted the knob to go in. I hiked up their long roundabout driveway, and finally reached the door. I panted for a little bit, then pressed the round doorbell button. I heard the sound of heels, and a smile spread across my face. I couldn’t wait to see her sexy self.

  “Hi,” she smiled. She was wearing a red silk robe, and little red heels with fur around the toes. You could see her baby bump, but because she carried small, she still looked sexy.

  “Hi Natalia,” I replied as I admired her beauty.

  “Come in,” she grinned. Her teeth were so white and perfect. Her long brown hair was straightened, and styled like Aaliyah’s, and her honey complexion looked supple.

  “I brought some non-alcoholic champagne,” I lifted it up.

  “Well thank you. Follow me,” she winked and switched off.

  “Where is everybody?” I quizzed.

  “Julius is working as usual. I’ve become so tired of him. Winnie and the kids are gone for a walk, and my mother, she umm, she has passed on,” she responded as we walked up the staircase.

  “I’m sorry to hear about Ms. Dalia,” I said somberly. I was really hoping she made it.

  Natalia didn’t respond, and continued to lead me to the guest room. I guess she didn’t want to do it in she and Julius’ room to be safe. We walked into the room, and there were candles lit all around. It smelled like vanilla, and I was getting more and more in the mood. The bed had all black sheets though, which I thought was odd because it took away from the romance.

  “Sit down River. Relax,” Natalia said seductively. “I'm gonna go change,” she bit her lip and then went into the bathroom within the room.


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