Omega's Submission

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Omega's Submission Page 2

by Aspen Grey

  “Fucking A,” I said under my breath.

  “What’s that?” Thatcher asked, leaning in.

  “I said is there any way you can cut me a deal?” I asked him, feeling suddenly embarrassed in front of the luscious omega standing there waiting for me. “I’m temporarily light.”

  I already knew his answer before he opened his lips. “Sorry, partner. No can do. Rules are rules. Why don’t you come back another time?”

  “I’m – I’m sure we could cut him a deal this once, Thatcher?” It was Toby’s voice, and I turned to see him looking at us with…desperation? “Give him a taste and I’m sure he’ll be back for more.”

  Damn, this boy’s good! I thought. But the more I looked at him, the more confused I got. Is he just trying to get a new customer…or is he actually into me?

  “Well, if he wants to sample the merchandise,” Thatcher said firmly. “He can pony up the bucks. Sorry, Kitch.”

  “Forget about it,” I told him, turning away and heading for the door. I wasn’t really leaving, but the sooner he was off my back the better.

  “Maybe next time!” he called after me as I headed back down the hall to the front door. It was barely a door – more like a hunk of plywood with some hinges on it, but I pushed it open just the same and stepped out into the night.

  The effects of the alcohol were almost completely gone as I inhaled the night air. My legs were a little wobbly, but my vision was clear. I wasn’t ready to be behind the wheel yet, but that didn’t matter.

  Thatcher’s brothel was on the other side of the tracks, a lonely apartment building that had probably once been a nice Victorian house. Now, it looked more like a hangout for vagrants and drug addicts.

  What is he doing here!? I thought as I took the steps to the lawn and circled around to the side yard, keeping to the shadows.

  He was devastatingly handsome. A guy like that could have gotten modeling work if he moved down to New York. Obviously life hadn’t been good to him or he wouldn’t be in this situation, and all I could think about, aside from the obvious thoughts coming from my second head, was getting him the fuck out of here.

  Most of the windows had thick shades or blinds to keep out any peeping Toms looking for a free show. But if I could somehow figure out which window was his…

  “That’s right,” a muffled voice came from one of the ground-floor windows. “A golden shower.”

  “Yeck,” I grimaced, moving on. From the sounds behind the glass on the ground floor, Toby wasn’t there. I could make out his scent, still fresh in my nose, but I couldn’t quite place it. But just as I came around the corner to the left side of the house, it hit me again with all its force.

  Looking up, I saw a silhouette move behind a sheer red curtain, and I felt my cock jerk again.

  There you are...


  Who shows up at a brothel with seventy-two dollars?

  Scratching my head, I collapsed onto my bed and stared up at the cracked and chipping ceiling above me.

  Who the Hell was that alpha downstairs? He was a fox like me, and a gorgeous one at that. In fact, I’d go as far as saying he was the hottest piece of ass I’d ever laid eyes on in my life. And he smelled good.

  Musky. Like worn leather with a hint of cherry behind it. It was somehow insanely masculine but also soft and sensual at the same time. It didn’t surprise me. Fox alphas were tough, but, like all foxes, had another side underneath that, erotic and sometimes deviant.

  Contradictions. That’s what we were. Most foxes weren’t as rugged as bears or wolves. They’re sleeker, more deadly in their seductiveness. And when Kitchi laid his eyes on me, I’d felt a pull at my heart I’d never felt before.

  “Fuckin’ forget about it,” I cursed out loud, getting to my feet to grab the glass of water from my dresser. “He’s at a brothel, for shit’s sake. How nice of a guy could he really be?”

  I gulped down what was left in the glass, and as I set it back down, that’s when I smelled it. That musk that had hit me so hard downstairs, drifting in from the crack in the window.

  My lungs absolutely swelled as I sniffed the air. I turned to the window just in time to see it slide open and Kitchi climb into the room.

  He was stunning, there was no denying that. He was shorter than I was by a couple inches at least, but he looked stronger than any man I’d ever met.

  “What are you doing!?” I gasped, quickly shutting my door behind me, cringing at the loud squeal from the hinges.

  “I had to see you,” he told me, crossing the room toward me. I didn’t want to admit it, but the son of a bitch had actually surprised me. After working at Thatcher’s for so long, I didn’t think that could actually happen anymore.

  There was sincerity in his face, but when I looked down at the bulge in his jeans, I knew it was all just more bullshit.

  “Uh huh,” I replied, turning my back on him. I heard him open his mouth to speak, but he paused. I was grinning as I waited for whatever line he was about to lay on me.

  “You – you must feel it,” he finally said. “I know I do.”

  Shit, I didn’t expect that.

  We both knew what he was talking about. He smelled like what Heaven probably smells like when you walk through those pearly gates, but so what? I’d heard stories about the whole “fated mates” thing plenty of times, but I knew bullshit when I heard it. Maybe I’d believed that once, but life had beaten that kind of romanticism out of me a long time ago.

  But still…he was gorgeous.

  Turning around, I grinned like a little cooze at him. I nodded at his swollen dick. “Yeah, you’re feeling something. Just like all the other Johns that march in and out of here.”

  A little shit-test never hurt anybody.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about,” he said firmly. Part of me wanted to believe this alpha wasn’t just another hornball looking for a nice place to plant his dick, but the sensible side of me wasn’t buying it.

  “You alphas are all the same,” I told him, biting my lower lip. “All you care about is a firm ass and what your dick’s telling you.”

  Kitchi didn’t reply immediately, and things got awkward. So I made my way past him and took a seat on the bed. His scent was fucking everywhere. I couldn’t shake it. The whole room was filled with his musk, and as much as I hated to admit it, it was getting to me.

  “You are very cynical,” he said finally.

  “Tell you what,” I chuckled. “Live my life for a month and see if you don’t end up the same way.”

  “You’ve been hurt,” he told me, catching me off guard. He moved around to the side of the bed where I was sitting and got down on a knee. “But you can trust me. I would never hurt you.”

  His musk was overwhelming. I was losing focus, and my own dick was responding to the warmth of his body. He was so damn close. My primal side was screaming out for him to take me, but I forced it back down where it belonged and shifted so my own bulge wouldn’t be so obvious.

  “Mr. Romantic,” I scoffed. “You gonna save me from my terrible life? Is that it?”

  “I refuse to believe you don’t feel what I’m feeling,” he said firmly. “As soon as I caught your scent, I knew it instantly. You’re my fated mate.”

  My defense mechanism took over, and I burst out laughing. I swung my legs across the bed and stood up on the opposite side, leaning back against my dresser. Kitchi was on his feet in an instant.

  Fuck! Don’t do this to me!

  “You really believe in that shit?” I asked him. If only I smoked. This would be a perfect time to light up and distract myself with something.

  “Don’t you?” he asked. There was confusion on his face – like he was actually being sincere and not just running game.

  “I – I don’t…” I was stammering like a goofball. This alpha was getting to me. He was actually getting to me. “No! Of course not!”

  “I think you do,” he said quickly, stepping close to me and taking my hands in h
is. The heat from his skin surprised me, as did his sudden embrace. It was a type of intimacy I hadn’t experienced – maybe ever. “I think you feel what I’m feeling too, you just don’t want to admit it.”

  His eyes closed as he inhaled my scent. It was like he was high or something, and as hard as I tried to deny it, his scent was having a similar effect on me.

  This is absurd, I thought as I stood there. This – this can’t be real!

  This part of me shouldn’t have existed anymore. After all the hard work I’d put into keeping my emotions at bay, and here was this alpha just crashing into my life like a tractor-trailer truck going full speed down the highway.

  “Come with me,” he told me. I opened my eyes to his intense stare. “Let me get you out of this place.”

  “I can’t just up and leave,” I groaned, pulling away from him.

  I shouldn’t even be debating this, I thought as I turned my back. His scent was clinging to me like a ghost with its arms around me. And I couldn’t shake it.

  “You can,” he told me. “You shouldn’t be in a place like this.”

  “Yeah?” I said quickly, turning around to face him. “What is a guy like you doing in a place like this? Only sleazeballs and dirtbags come to Thatcher’s.”

  “A moment of weakness,” he said, lowering his eyes. I could see he was legitimately ashamed, and I felt bad for challenging him. But I had to be sure about him. If he just wanted me to run off, leave everything I knew behind, betting all my chips on some fantasy about fated mates, then I needed to know what kind of guy I was dealing with. “But this – this isn’t me.”

  I looked up at him, and despite all my better judgments, allowed myself – just for a second – to feel something for him.

  Shit…I thought as his eyes met mine and I felt my cheeks blush.

  “I can’t just leave,” I told him, turning away again and crossing the room to my mirror. Staring at my reflection, I thought about what I was about to do and wondered if I was losing my goddamn mind. But the world felt like it had changed, shifted on me, and spending another night in this godforsaken shithouse was something I just couldn’t do.

  I raised my eyes in the mirror, bringing my gaze to Kitchi’s. “But – if someone was to kidnap me…I guess I wouldn’t have a choice in the matter, now would I?”

  I saw the smile behind Kitchi’s eyes. “No,” he said. “No, you wouldn’t.”


  I was across the room in an instant with my arms around Toby’s waist. The fox in me was threatening to take over as I sucked his scent through my nostrils, feeling his warm body beneath my hands.

  He was taller than me, which normally would have bothered me, but when it came to Toby, I didn’t care. Today had been a roller coaster from the moment I woke up. My birthday always was a day I’d rather skip, but today being the ten-year anniversary of the day I ran away from home, made it that much worse.

  I’d been at my lowest back at the bar, and now I was at an all-time high as I pressed my body against his. My dick was swelling beneath my pants, but now was no time for that. I had to get him out of here – and fast.

  “Can we get out downstairs?” I asked him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied coyly, feigning ignorance. I saw the tease behind his eyes. He really wanted me to take him, and he wasn’t going to help me. “Why would we be going downstairs?”

  My fox stirred as I licked my lips, looking back at the window behind me. Pulling Toby closer, I brought my lips as close to his as I could without touching.

  Two can play this game, I thought, as I teased him with the promise of my embrace. He tried to hide it, but I could see the lust in his eyes, and without hesitation, I snatched him up and carried him to the window.

  “What are you doing!?” he asked as I pulled it open.

  “Kidnaping you,” I grinned as I swung one leg outside.

  “I knew it,” he replied. “You’re a bad man.”

  “You have no idea,” I told him as I hoisted him outside. There was a small porch below us, and I set him down gently before following him out the window. I leapt off onto the ground and motioned for him to jump down into my arms.

  “Come on,” I urged him. But he just sat there stubbornly, looking around like I wasn’t even there. “What are you doing!?”

  “Me?” he asked casually. “Just enjoying the air. It’s not like I’m running away or anything.”

  Growling, I reached out, grabbed Toby by the ankle and pulled hard. He flew off the porch and into my arms. I caught him easily, threw him over my shoulder and started off through the shadows of the back yard.

  “Please, Mr. Alpha,” Toby whined, really playing into his victim role. “Where ever are you takin’ me?”

  “Wherever I want,” I replied.

  This is fun! I thought as I lugged my new omega across the dark grass. I hadn’t realized it until I had him over my shoulder, but I’d been harboring a deep anger beneath my sorrow, and this little roleplaying with Toby was turning out to be extremely cathartic.

  I stepped over a fallen chain link fence that was overgrown with weeds, down into a ditch and up the other side. This was “that side of town” where nobody went if they didn’t have a reason.

  Cheap motels, convenience stores and drug dealers. That was about all you’d find here. I wanted to take Toby back to the truck, but I wasn’t completely ready to drive just yet, and I wasn’t sure I could keep my hands off him for the drive back to camp.

  “You really think I’m going to stay with you?” Toby asked me as the pink neon glow of the Maple Motel came into view.

  “You really think you have a choice?” I replied. That shut him up. As we reached the motel, I set him down beside me and held him firmly by the back of the neck.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned quietly, just loud enough for me to hear as we stepped up to the office window.

  “We need a room,” I told the clerk, a bored woman with more makeup on her face than skin. She barely moved, just glanced up at me over her magazine.

  “One or two beds?”

  “One,” I replied. “Nothing fancy.”

  “Mmmhmm,” she replied, setting her reading material aside. Somehow I was interrupting her night by making her do some actual work. “Room 104 is open. Seventy-five for the night.”

  “Uh oh,” Toby teased. I could feel his eyes looking down on me.

  Goddamn it…

  “I’ve got seventy-two,” I told the woman.

  “It’s seventy-five for the night,” she replied robotically, almost like someone had pressed her repeat button.

  “I have seventy-two,” I repeated sternly. “That’s it. Are you gonna give me the room or not?”

  I stared her down. This place wasn’t exactly the Ritz Carlton, and from the look of the parking lot, it didn’t seem to be a particularly busy night either. Toby was loving this, and I felt my cheeks starting to get warm as the woman debated. Finally, she shook her head.

  “Gimme the seventy-two,” she sighed, putting her hand out, palm up. Quickly, I went into my wallet and handed her over every last dollar I had. She stuffed the cash into the cash register and produced a key on a grubby red plastic chain.

  “That’s it?” I asked her. “I don’t have to sign anything?”

  “You want me to make you sign something?” she asked.

  “No, ma’am,” I replied quickly, taking the key from her. “Thank you.”

  Not waiting for her to change her mind, I grabbed Toby firmly by the hand and walked away from her down the row of doors. Room 104 was only a few doors down, and I quickly slid the key into the lock and pushed the door open.


  I was shocked at Kitchi’s strength as he pushed me into the room. The door slammed behind me as I hit the bed. As I turned around to face him, he was already on top of me.

  His lips met mine, and the world swelled with fuzzy pinks, reds and oranges as feelings deep down inside me awoke and bloomed lik
e flowers that had lay dormant all winter long.

  Take me! I cried out inside as his hands explored my body, lifting my shirt quickly and easily over my head. I was lost in the moment, his scent, his touch, the role play and power dynamic that I was allowing to happen.

  This would never go over with a client at Thatcher’s. Back there, I made the rules. I ran the sessions and that was that. An alpha thought he could get fresh with me, and he was out the door with a hard dick and empty pockets. The fact that I was letting Kitchi have even this amount of control was freaking me the fuck out.

  Just go with it, I told myself as his hands explored my chest. His touch was firm, but delicate. He was strong, but understood how to use his strength. There was no doubt this alpha had gone through some shit in his life, and I found myself fascinated by him.

  He pressed forward and pulled me closer, and I felt his bulge press against my chest. There was a monster under those jeans, just begging to get out. My heart was racing. The world seemed to be spinning around me, or whizzing by like I was clutching onto the top of a bullet train, hurtling across the landscape to some unknown destination.

  His hands moved to my back, feeling my body, exploring every inch of me. My dick was getting pretty damn hard too as Kitchi caressed me. I was hotter than a barbeque on a July afternoon.

  Kitchi took my hands and brought them to his pants and placed them on his fly. He wanted me to undo them for him.

  No! I thought with disgust. You need to do it!

  I pulled away. Our lips parted and my body cried out for him, but I had to do it. If this was going to happen, it had to happen the right way – with him in complete and total control.

  I knew it was the only way I could trust him. Going through the motions that I went through with my other clients would spoil this. It would be like smothering the world’s most expensive steak in dollar store mayonnaise. Kitchi was special – not another John – and this had to be special too.

  “No,” I said firmly, my eyes glued to the opposite wall. It took a moment for him to speak.


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