Rescuing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Rescuing His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 8

by M. L. Briers

  “That sounds about right.” He agreed with a slight chuckle behind his voice and it warmed her. Soothed her ragged nerves and stirred up other emotions within her.

  Holiday romances never work out well. She told herself, not that she had personal experience of that. And lust born out of adrenalin was just a release. But she felt like a damn pressure cooker, everything was bubbling within her. And he’s not the type of man I’m attracted to. But there was an attraction, a strong one. It wound around her like his arms did. Burrowed deep inside her and called to her feminine needs like she’d never felt before. You know nothing about him. Wasn’t that a good thing? Wasn’t that what holiday romances were all about?

  Kerry was more than aware of his third leg pressing into her stomach. How could she not be? It felt as if there was a lot of leg there, but she’d not had much experience with men’s bits to say with any certainty without seeing it. That thought made her pulse skip and her body flush with heat. Damn but she felt, needy.

  She heard a slight groan roll in his chest, more of a growl really and that made her body tingle. Strange, not only that he growled like that, and she’d heard it before, but that she liked it. Her fingers moved against his chest of their own accord, she really didn’t have any control over them as they brushed down over the soft covering of hair between the valley of muscles that lined his abdomen. He growled again, this time without the groan and the tingles were more like prickles over her skin.

  ‘Mine.’ Isaac tried to still his beast within him. Yes, she was his, and yes she was touching him like a lover would. But she didn’t know him, know of him, of his beast inside. He couldn’t bond with her without having that conversation and it wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have right then. But he could love her, make love to her, and even claim her as his.

  He could scent her arousal, it was strong and getting stronger. His hand swept up her back and cupped around her neck, his thumb urging her head back so he could look into her eyes and see what lay within. Were there demons that he needed to vanquish inside her in order for her to come to him with complete trust? He couldn’t see any. She looked back at him with desire, not the wariness that had been in her eyes earlier. She wasn’t waging a battle within herself.

  Kerry looked into his eyes, into the desire that mirrored her own. Maybe even more so. He looked at her like a predator that was savouring the moment before he pounced. His muscles tensed the length of his body and there was a lot of body and a lot of muscles. There was a slight twitch at her stomach where his hardness pressed. Then another. It was as if his whole being was just waiting for something, but what that was she had no idea.

  She thought he would swoop. He seemed like the type of man that would swoop in and ravish her with his kisses. But there was no swooping. He made a slow move towards her lips. He was giving her time to push him away. But that was the furthest thought from her mind. She wanted him close, closer. She closed her eyes and it felt like an eternity before his lips touched hers, but when they did she jumped inside. Soft and somewhat breathless, it was as if he was as in need of her as she felt for him.

  Isaac brushed his lips over hers, once, twice, giving her the chance to deny him, but could she really? She was made for him, she was his, and the need within her was growing fast. He could scent it, sense it, and feel it in the press of her hips, the way her fingers curled slightly against his chest, beckoning him on.

  He tasted her lips and wanted more. So much more that he ached for her. Gentle, he had to be gentle, she was human and he couldn’t allow the wildness within him out just yet. He couldn’t contain the gentle growl that rolled through his chest as he pressed his lips to hers.

  Kerry’s fingers curled against his skin at just the sound of the low growl. Her toes curled and there was a jolt inside her that made her gasp in a breath, parting her lips and allowing his tongue to skim just barely inside, but it was enough to ignite the fire that tore through her. He lapped his tongue against her lips and she opened for him on another intake of breath. His tongue tasted hers, a moment to savour and then he was devouring her with a passion that he couldn’t rein in and didn’t want to, because she was responding with a need of her own.

  Isaac rolled her over onto her back and laid the length of his body against hers. Her fingertips followed the line of hair down his abdomen and her hand nudged against his hardness and it jerked away, but not for long. She’d never been so bold before, but she needed this to ward off the sense of helplessness that she felt today. Control, she needed to feel in control of her life again. She wrapped her fingers around the silken steel of his erection and this time, there was a definite growl that rolled through his chest.

  He wanted to thrust his hips towards her, to stroke himself within her hand, such was his need to be buried within her body that the mere touch of her hand around him sent him wilder. In his mind she had staked her claim on him and it was all that he needed to not hold back. He wanted to touch her, taste her, be inside her, and she’d made it clear that she wanted him too.

  Isaac’s hands wandered over her body. He hadn’t stopped kissing her even though he had the desire to put his lips elsewhere. He just could seem to drag himself away from her sweet taste until she stroked her hand down his shaft and that pure pleasure kick started his desire for more of her. His lips moved away and he heard her pull in a long awaited breath into her lungs, but he was already at her neck, nipping the soft skin before soothing it with his tongue.

  His hands were on a journey of discovery of their own as he traced up her inner thigh and she opened for him, just a little, just enough for his hand to slip between her thighs and continue the journey upwards towards her heat. When he found it she gasped in another breath. Her hand stroked him harder and he nearly bit down into her shoulder where he was nuzzled, taking her scent. His fangs were already pushing down from his gums and he was fighting the battle with his beast to hold back.

  He couldn’t allow her to see him like that. His eyes would be pitch black, his fangs slightly visible and he moved down her body, keeping his head down as he latched onto one hard nipple and sucked hard. Her body arched upwards, her legs parted further and he teased over the dampness of her folds. He didn’t dare snatch a glimpse of her face. He couldn’t risk her eyes being open and seeing him that close to his beast surfacing.

  The further down he moved, the more her hand lost contact with his shaft and he was grateful for it. Just that touch was making him lose control. By the time he’d worked his way down over her hips, licking, nipping and tasting her skin, he was closer to human that beast. He reached down and opened her to him. Her scent was so strong that he couldn’t contain the deep growl that rolled over her skin as he ran his tongue up her inner thigh.

  “Growling’s good. More growling…” She breathed out. Damn but that sound was worth a thousand touches in her book. It set her skin to tingling and her body to overdrive. And when she looked down the length of her body at him, he looked up and the desire in his eyes almost undid her right there and then.

  A heartbeat later he dipped towards her and stroked his tongue from one end of her sex to the other and she was sure she was going to hell, because it felt so damn good. His eyes never left hers, they just narrowed slighty, taking her in as she gasped in a breath and involuntarily moved her hips up towards him. Silently asking for more, needing more, more of everything and as quickly as he could deliver it.

  Kerry watched as he nuzzled into her. His flat tongue pressed and moved against her folds and she couldn’t keep his gaze any longer. Her hands fisted into the sheets, her eyes closed and her head pressed back against the pillow, and still he watched her. Slowly he tasted and teased, running the tip of his tongue around the rim of her clenching channel before he thrust inside. Never had a sound been so good to his ears as the one that left her lips, and he growled out his desire to hear it over and over again as he thrust in and out of her, doing with his tongue what his body ached to do with the length of his shaft.

  Isaac’s pleasure could wait. He was getting more than enough from the way his mate was responding to his touch. Her hips moved, her hands clenched the covers and her muscles tensed and released as he moved his attention to the little swollen nub that would bring her such pleasure. He closed his lips around it and sucked it into his mouth. His blunt teeth teased and his tongue flicked against the sensitive nerves just under the hood and she became even more alive.

  He eased a finger inside her and she clenched around it, searching for more. Stroking over her inner walls until he found the little nub inside that made her body jerk, made her hips leave the bed, and then he pulled back, pushing another finger into her and asking questions of her body that it was only too happy to answer. Her body wasn’t just climbing, he’d set a rocket to burn and she was hurtling towards seeing stars.

  The sounds she was making, the way her body was responding to his touch, even the scent of her that climbed as she did towards release made for a heady experience within him. When he sent her over the edge, he had to taste her essence. Removing his fingers and replacing them with his tongue as he kept the orgasm rolling through her body for as long as he could.

  “Stop-touching…” She finally managed to catch her breath enough to speak. Digging her heels down into the mattress and trying to move away from his touch on her most sensitive areas. But he moved with her, he couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Kerry fisted his hair and yanked on his head, the pull and tug finally gained purchase within his brain and with a growl of reluctance he snapped his head up and looked at her.

  Kerry saw the blackness of his eyes and caught her breath. The low, deep growl that rumbled through his chest sent her mind in a completely different direction as he climbed up over her body, caging her in under the muscles that rippled beneath the surface of his smooth skin. Trapped, came to mind, and then she dismissed it. She kind of liked the idea of being snared by him.

  “Tell me when I can start touching again.” There was an amusement in his voice that went along with the deep growl that he delivered with every word. Well, she had asked for the growling, and it did kind of make her body tingle every time that he did it.

  “Anytime…” She didn’t get any further than that one word. He leaned forward, keeping his upper body away from hers and nuzzled against her neck. His blunt teeth nipped and his tongue soothed and then there was the sucking. Damn, but she liked the nipping and the licking, but she loved the sucking. “Let me taste you…” Her hand found his shaft and she tried to make a fist around it, but his fingers brushed hers away.

  “No.” He lowered his body over hers. The feel of his hips against her was nothing compared to the heat from his erection as he moved into place between her inner thighs.

  “Yes.” She wanted to taste him, to touch, to play as he had with her. But as she reached for him again his hands snagged her wrists and he pushed them against the bed.

  “Not this time, I need you.” He growled against her neck and she shivered with the hot breath that fanned out over her skin and the words that bounced around inside her brain. His hardness nudged at her channel, but it was his blunt teeth that pressed against her shoulder where he was going to place the mark that made her quiver inside. She gave up trying to wiggle her arms free and surrendered to his scenario.

  Isaac felt her body ease. Her legs fell away from his and she opened widely for him as eager as he was for their joining. He brushed the tip of his hardness back and forth against her sex, feeling the wet heat of her desire that still seeped from within her. When he pressed just the corona into her still pulsing channel, she clenched, searching for more.

  Isaac had never been with a human before. He was mindful of how fragile she was compared to his Lycan lovers and slowly eased inside her. The swollen walls of her inner muscles felt so damn tight as they stretched around him. He could still feel the gentle throb of her orgasm and the thought of how that would feel when she was in full bloom, wracked by the clench and release made him growl with the need to feel it.

  When he felt the resistance of her muscles, he pressed his teeth into her skin a little more. Her body relaxed beneath him, around him and he pushed in until she gasped and moaned with just how full she was. He eased back and pushed forward again on a long, deep growl that seemed to relax her further, opened her completely to him until he filled her to the hilt.

  “Am I hurting you?” He released her shoulder and moved to her neck, back to nuzzling and stroking his tongue over her pulse. But he didn’t move from inside her, giving her body time to become accustomed to the tight fit.

  “It doesn’t tickle, but it doesn’t hurt either…” Kerry closed her eyes and felt nothing but him, his hardness within her, his hands on her wrists, his body caging her beneath its hard mass and his breath against her neck. He seemed to be everywhere and she liked it.

  Isaac made a slow retreat until he was practically out of her body. Her inner muscles clenched around him, as if staking a claim that she wouldn’t let him go, and he eased back inside to the hilt in one long, slow push that made her gasp out loud. Her hips pushed up to meet his and the softest of moans escaped her lips and he growled again.

  He slid his hands up over hers and laced their fingers together. He wanted her caged beneath him to satiate his beast lust to possess her. He needed to keep his beast at bay and not try to bond with her. That wasn’t going to happen without her permission. She may not have had a choice about being his mate, but she had a choice about staying with him.

  He claimed her lips with a passion that he hoped told her how he felt about her, how he wanted her and no other, even without words. They were words he couldn’t share with her now and that pained him. But he would claim her, place his mark for all to see, all except her. He pulled back and filled her over and over again until she quivered beneath him.

  His name on her lips told him that she was ready for more. Her body was accepting his strokes and he shifted his hips so his length stroked back and forth over the sensitive nub as she arched to meet him. He moved faster, pushing her hips downwards to keep her body still as he gained speed. Over and again he stroked his length into her, over the inner nub that made her moan, and felt the tightness of her channel as she headed towards another release.

  Isaac released her lips and nuzzled back against her neck, burying his face into her hair and stroking her skin with his tongue. Down towards her shoulder he snaked over her flesh as his fangs pushed down. His beast raised his head within him and growled possessively.


  His hips moved faster. Taking her with long, deep, fast strokes until her whole body stilled beneath his. The inner muscles clamped hard and he thrust harder, taking her over the edge on a cry of pleasure.

  “Mine.” He breathed against her shoulder, so quietly, so possessively a moment before he pressed his fangs into her flesh. He felt her body jerk slightly, recognising the pain of the piercings, even if her mind didn’t as she rode the waves of the pleasure coursing through her.

  Isaac eased his fangs from her skin and ran his tongue over the marks, cleaning and sealing the wounds, as he tried not to allow the hard massage of her inner muscles around the length of him to distract him from his duty of care for her. The moment he was satisfied that she’d been cared for he allowed the pleasure of her body around his to take him on towards his own release.

  He took in her scent as he started to thrust against the throbbing muscles. Harder, faster, allowing the feel of her to complete him. His mate, his forever love. She was coming back to him, caught up once again in the feel of what his body was doing to hers. Her fingers tightened their hold on his. Her moans and gasps urged him on, responding to every thrust deep inside her until she was once again tightening around the length of him.

  “Isaac…” She protested, unsure if she would survive yet another release. Her body didn’t protest, it climbed, sought, needed, but her mind was the barrier that she needed to overcome.

  “Let go, love. I’ll bring
you back to me.” He growled against her ear and felt her will to fight it vanish. She held around his length tightly, and when he thrust to the hilt once more her whole body exploded in a rapturous cascade of ecstasy the likes of which she had ever felt before. It snatched away her breath and made her shudder from head to toe.

  The hard clench and release of her inner muscles around his length massaged him to release. He thrust to the hilt and growled long and hard as the first wave hit him like a damn wall. An involuntary yank of his hips backwards and then he thrust into her once more, over and over, spilling his seed until he had nothing left to give.

  Isaac felt every muscle within his body weak and quivering. He never felt anything like it in his life. The orgasm had seemed to go on forever, pulsing through every inch of him as he spilled inside her, claimed her as his, for now, forever. He felt his body sagging into hers and knew he needed to move. He weighed too much to collapse on top of her.

  It took a moment to gain the energy he needed to unlock his elbows and push up. Letting go of her hands he scooped her against his chest and turned them in the bed until she was over him. Her body was still limp like a ragdoll and her breathing was ragged.

  He soothed her back to him. His hands stroked down her back, his words, soft against her hair as he encouraged her back to the reality that awaited her. She had been claimed by her Mate, her Alpha, now all he needed to do was to find the words to tell her, because he was damned if he was ever going to let her go.

  Tobin could feel the air hum with the magic within as he entered the house. Taking in the scents, picking them apart until he found Olivia’s, he started across the hallway towards where he knew her to be. He could hear the excited beat of her heart and knew her mate must be close by.

  He yanked open the door to the office, knowing that there was no mating going on inside. He wasn’t ashamed to say he knew the sounds she made, although he’d never be so gauche as to say it in front of her mate. He also liked living, and he doubted Joel would take the reminder well that he’d known her in the biblical sense first.


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