Bad Boys & Billionaires: An Anthology

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Bad Boys & Billionaires: An Anthology Page 37

by K. L. Middleton

  “What about them?”

  “Whether or not they were sent out.”

  “Were they?”

  She shook her head.

  “Your fault or hers?”

  “Neither. Both, I guess. The guest list isn’t finalized and the stationary envelopes hadn’t arrived with the invitations. We’re still—”

  “How did you find my secretary’s hospitality?” He nodded, leaving her completely baffled as to why he had even asked her the question.

  “She was very courteous and professional,” Jamie replied without missing a beat.

  “What was that about the stationary envelopes?”

  “They haven’t arrived.”

  “There’s an important file that is too big to be attached in an email, but I need it in an hour. How are you going to get it to me?”

  “Bike messenger.”

  “You’re going to bike?” He blinked as if surprised at his own comment. “Why not fax?”

  “Because you don’t have a fax machine.” There! Take that! Kapow!

  Jamie caught a trace of a smile on his face and returned with a small one of her own.

  “You do know how to switch focus easily.” Alex leaned back against his chair. “At least in conversation. Your former bosses have done nothing but sing praises of your work ethic. Why did you leave your last job?”

  Jamie pressed her lips together. She had left because Stephen was her former boss’s son. Except that would mean Alex Reid would have to know that Stephen was her ex, and dating the boss’s son was definitely a professional no-no, not to mention it would make her look that much more pathetic. “There was a personal conflict between me and another employee. It’s been resolved, and I don’t intend to repeat it.”

  Alex rested his arms on his chair, the trace of the smile gone. “Let me make myself clear, Ms. Connors. I value complete honesty from my employees more than anything else and if you think vague half-truths will make yourself look flawless, and will get you the job, then think again. I won’t ask you why again.”

  Jamie took a deep breath. “Fine. I left because I had gotten into a relationship with my boss’s son. It didn’t feel right working at that company after that happened.”

  Alex nodded. “How do I know that something like that would not happen again?”

  “It didn’t end well. I’ll never make that mistake again.”

  “What happened?”

  “He got engaged to my sister.”

  Alex’s eyes widened slightly and Jamie waited for the look of pity. She expected him to hurry her out of his office so he would never have to see or speak to her again. Instead his usual cool and enigmatic expression slid into place. He smiled and stood up. “I believe I have all the information I need,” he said.

  Jamie stood as well and shook his hand.

  “Thank you, Ms. Connors. Have a nice day.”

  “Have a nice day, sir,” she said, her heart sinking.

  He walked her to the door of his office and opened it for her. Jamie was halfway to the elevator when he called out, “Ms. Connors?”

  She turned. “Yes, Mr. Reid?”

  “Be here tomorrow at six o’clock sharp. You don’t want to be late for your first day of work.” He shut the door, leaving Jamie in the lobby, her mouth hanging open in a very unprofessional manner.

  Chapter 4

  “Are you sure you want to do this, Jamie?” her mother said. “Your sister’s wedding is only a few months away and she really needs you right now. Besides, I don’t think days of sitting down will do anything for your diet.”

  She wanted to throw a pillow at her mom. Really? Not one ounce of encouragement or congratulations? Jamie gritted her teeth. “Just think of it this way; now that I’m making money, I can get them a better wedding present.”

  Her mother still looked skeptical. “You had better get them a very nice present,” she said. “Stephen had to go through a lot of trouble to get you this job.”

  Yes, because I can’t get anything on my own merit. That was probably why he recommended me. To get them a better wedding present. She doubted the dickhead actually had anything resembling a conscience which needed easing. “I will, Mom.” Jamie forced a smile as she packed the rest of her belongings in the last cardboard box and taped it shut.

  It was eight o’clock at night, only a little less than six hours since she had been officially hired to work for Alex Reid. This was the fastest move she had ever done, even faster than when she had moved out of her—excuse her, Stephen’s—apartment. Except now, she needed to get out of her parents’ basement before they drove her crazy or they discovered the stash of junk food she kept under the couch as she dealt with the worst wedding craze ever. She’d take her stuff to the new apartment which was, luckily, already available. Alex Reid had raised his eyebrows when she had asked for the key, but he had given it to her without question. She planned to unload everything herself and sleep on the floor tonight.

  Her mother sighed loudly for the umpteenth time that evening. “I really wish you had thought this through, dear.”

  “I already have,” Jamie said. “Really. It’s a good decision, Mom. For all of us. This place will be good for me.”

  “I just wish you had thought about your sister before going.”

  Jamie rolled her eyes. Christine was hardly dependent on her and she had her own life to live. Why the hell would she have to think about Christine before every decision she made? She grinned. That was Stephen’s job now. “I’m going, Mom. Deal with it,” she snapped. She lifted the box up and walked through the open door and set the box on the grass beside her car. Her mom went off to sulk, leaving Jamie to move her own stuff, which was all right with her, even though it took twice as long and left her exhausted. At least the apartment came furnished.

  As she slammed the trunk of her car shut, her father came out of the house. “Your mother’s crying inside,” he said, looking like he wanted to come with her. “You’re leaving?”

  “I got a job, Dad,” she said. “It comes with its own apartment. I start tomorrow.”

  He grinned and then pulled her in for a hug. “Congratulations, kiddo,” he said.

  Jamie grinned, savoring his approval. “Thanks D—”

  Just then his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it. “It’s work,” he said. “Excuse me, Jamie. Good luck moving.” He answered the cell as he walked back to the house.

  Jamie watched him go as she climbed into the driver’s seat and started her car.

  Just like that, the only excitement that came from her family over her new job was over.

  She pulled out of the drive determined to make this a new beginning for herself.

  Chapter 5

  Jamie set the address of the apartment into the GPS and followed the streets as it brought her to where she needed to go. She didn’t recognize the street but assumed it wouldn’t be far from Alex Reid’s office. Her bungalow neighborhood disappeared and began being replaced with larger ranch-style homes set back against the road. She had assumed by the suite number on her new address it was an apartment building. She scratched her head as she stopped before a very large modern-style house that ended at the long, gated driveway in front of her. Jamie double-checked the address and the GPS.

  Both were right. Unless this was some kind of terrible sick joke Stephen was pulling on her.

  She clenched her jaw as she rolled down the car window and spoke into the intercom. “Hi. This is, uh, Jamie Connors. I’m, uh, moving in today.” Why did she sound like an idiot? At least the person controlling the gate wasn’t laughing at her. Or if they were, they had the decency to turn the mike off. She ran her tongue over her lips and checked her watch. Half past eight and the sun had disappeared. It had grown dark quickly, telling Jamie that summer had given way to fall.

  As she debated backing out of the driveway and returning to her parents’ place in defeat, the gates silently opened. “Thank you,” she mumbled as she closed her wind
ow and headed up the long drive.

  She hadn’t taken a good look at the house before and now in the darkness, she couldn’t make out much more than the modern structure and what looked like a lot of windows. Not much was lit on the house except for a set of lights that led her to the large driveway and parking area with a fountain in the middle of it. She pulled her car into the last spot toward the iron gated backyard. Nothing was lit back there except for a sliver of the moon. She was pretty sure she saw a pool, but didn’t bother confirming what her eyes had a hard time seeing in the dark.

  An older gentleman came out of the house by a door near where she had parked.

  Jamie jumped out to get his attention. “Excuse me?”

  He looked up, startled. “Sorry, ma’am. Ya’ gh-ave me a fright.” His thick Scottish accent couldn’t be missed.

  “I’m looking for Suite number two?” She had no idea how else to explain it.

  He smiled. “Oye! So yer tha new assistant fer Mr. Reid. Welcome.” He held his hand out.

  She shook his hand. “So I am at the right place. I was beginning to wonder. I’m Jamie Connors.”

  “Nice ta meetchya! I’m Murray MacBane. The cook.” He gestured with his hand. “Come in, love. I’ll show ya to yer suite. Mr. Reid mentioned you might be arriving tonight. I made ya a pie and put it in yer fridge jus’in case.”

  “Thank you.” Her mother wouldn’t like this man, making Jamie pies and helping to fatten her up for the wedding. Jamie smiled. “I’m glad I ran into you.”

  “Oye! I was jus’ leavin’! I’m glad too.” He led her through the iron gate to a door around back with the number two on it. “Here she be. I put the key I used in yer mailbox.” He smiled brightly at her, his hair looking silver under the light of the balcony above them.

  “Thanks so much.”

  He turned to go but paused and shifted her way again. “Do you need any help unloaden’ yer car?”

  She smiled. “Thanks but I’ll be okay. I didn’t take much… for tonight. Just the basics.” Why did she feel embarrassed that everything she owned fit into her car?

  “Good luck then missy!” Murray waved and headed back the way they had just come.

  Jamie reached for the door and turned the knob. It was locked. She pulled the key Alex had given her out of her purse. Mr. Reid. She needed to make sure she called him that. Apparently everyone else did.

  Unlocking the door she stepped inside, lights automatically switching on. Her mouth fell open. Simple grays, whites and creams furnished the massive apartment. Just from the door, Jamie had full view of the open concept space. It had to easily be two thousand square feet—and that was just the kitchen-living area. A slightly opened door showed a bedroom. Jamie started laughing. What did Mr. Reid want her to do? Whatever it was, she didn’t care, she’d do it!

  Slipping her shoes off, she ran across the hardwood floor and twirled in the living room. So much space! She’d bloody work for free just to live here! She ran her hand over the granite counter and then opened the fridge, curious about the pie Murray had been talking about.

  Inside the stainless steel, double-door fridge was a small type of meat pie and a bottle of white wine. Perfect! She turned the oven on to reheat the pie and pulled a wine glass off the rack that hung beside the fridge. Reid wasn’t kidding when he said the place was furnished!

  Pouring a glass of wine, she raised it in cheers to herself and the room.

  “The bedroom!” She set the glass on the counter and hurried to check it out. Inside was a king size bed and a walk-in closet that was the same size as her room in her parents’ basement. An ensuite bathroom connected to the bedroom equipped with a Jacuzzi bath and a shower that could easily hold four people. Jamie almost grabbed her phone to thank Stephen. Then the oven dinged to say the temperature had reached the selected level and she went to put the pie in the oven. As it heated, she carried her boxes and belongings into the apartment.

  She unpacked a few things while eating the delicious steak and potato pie, enjoying another glass of wine, followed by another. It was after midnight before she finally sank down on the luscious soft, but perfectly firm, bed just to close her eyes for a moment.

  Chapter 6

  Jamie woke up to the shrill ringing of her alarm. She got up in a daze and walked across the room to where she had stashed it in a plastic cup to amplify the sound. After switching it off, she looked around at her boxes to find the one she had marked with an “X” for her work clothes. She found it and was almost finished with her hair when her phone rang. She answered it quickly. “Hello?”

  “I need you to bring two medium coffees, one black, one with three cream two sugars to the office. Don’t be late.” The line went dead before she could respond.

  Jamie finished getting ready in a hurry, waiting for the GPS app on the phone to load so she could find the nearest coffee shop. She pulled her hair into a tight bun and grabbed her purse, hoping she hadn’t gotten the buttons on her blouse wrong in her hurry.

  She walked into the office, juggling opening the door and holding the coffee tray with three coffees. The secretary, Gina Campbell, got up and took the tray from her. “I’ll show you to your desk real quick,” she said. “You got here just in time.”

  Jamie’s desk was in a small office beside Alex’s. There was a connecting door between the two offices, as well as a door into the main area. “Mr. Reid’s planner is in the top right-hand drawer. He’ll want you to sync your phone with his so you’ll know where he is and where you need to be at all times. I can show you around later, but right now you should go and deliver the coffees. He doesn’t like them to get cold.”

  “Oh, isn’t one of them for you?” Jamie still hadn’t met any of the employees here, but since Gina worked the front office, she had assumed the coffee was for her.

  Gina shook her head. “Girlfriend,” she whispered.

  “Oh.” Jamie nodded. “Thanks.”

  “They’re in his office now. Knock first.”

  Jamie nodded. “Thanks!” She knocked on the connecting door as Gina went back to her desk outside.

  “Come in,” Alex said quietly.

  She opened the door and stepped inside. Alex sat at his desk while a very beautiful woman sat on top of his desk. She couldn’t have been bigger than a size four. She had perfect red curls spiralling down her back without any hint of fringe. She smiled cordially at Jamie, but Jamie could see the arrogance and general expression of distaste in the rest of her face.

  Alex cleared his throat and she turned to look at him, her cheeks warm. “Coffee, sir.”

  “The black one is mine,” he said. “The one with cream and sugar is Annette’s. Who’s the third one for?”

  “That’s mine… Mr. Reid.” Jamie handed him the black coffee and gave Annette the other. Next time she’d make sure to leave her coffee on her desk. It looked like she was trying to join them.

  “You definitely asked for three cream and two sugars, right?” Annette asked. “It tastes disgusting with any other combination.”

  “Yes,” Jamie said, smiling sweetly. She could be Christine’s best friend.

  Annette took a sip and wrinkled her nose. “It’ll do,” she said. “I’d prefer the coffee from Starbucks. Not Java crappy Joes.”

  “That’s my fault,” Alex said. “I never specified.” He nodded at Jamie. “Thank you, Ms. Connors. Please put down a lunch meeting at Sinclair’s today at one and tea at The Grind at two fifteen. And remind me when I get back from tea to call Madison Bank to follow up on their offer. Not any earlier, though, because I’ll forget. Oh, and schedule a board meeting for tomorrow at five. Thank you.”

  “Did you get all of that?” Annette asked, clearly sarcastic.

  Jamie reviewed what Alex had said in her mind and then nodded. “Yes, thank you. Enjoy your coffee.” She turned and hurried to her desk. Enjoy your coffee? Weird? Lame? Unprofessional? It was hard for her to tell. There was always an air of professionalism in the places she had worke
d before but it wasn’t as formal as it was here. Then again, she had been the receptionist for a small town lawyer in a Midwest town of three hundred people while paying for college, and then worked for a three-star hotel before working as the secretary of Stephen’s father in a small advertising company for local businesses. Even the advertising company had been very laid-back because they were working with small business owners that didn’t need to be impressed.

  This was an entirely different atmosphere. And I don’t even know what exactly they do here! She was sure that either Alex owned the company, or his family did. It was called Reid Enterprises after all. She glanced down at her flower-printed blouse and black slacks. She needed to go shopping. Alex’s girlfriend was a rail, Gina was a tall rake… What is it with skinny people? Jamie pushed the thought aside. She had a job to do and no way was she going to lose that amazing apartment.

  Jamie sat down at the desk to write everything into his planner and made a mental note to always have the voice memo app on her cell phone running whenever he asked something of her.

  Gina knocked on her opened door and stepped in. “I can give you the tour now, if you have a moment.”

  “I think I do,” Jamie said.

  Gina smiled. “It may seem scary at first, but Mr. Reid will go easy on you for the first few days while you’re settling in.”

  Easy? Great. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see him when he was tough. “Just out of curiosity, what did his last personal assistant have trouble with? I just want to be a little more prepared when the kid gloves go off.”

  Gina looked surprised. “You didn’t know? He’s never had a personal assistant before. He’s always managed everything himself.”


  “Yes. I think he’s only noticing the strain of it now. To be honest, I don’t think he’s realized his business has tripled within the last three years, and he doesn’t see why he can’t handle everything by himself anymore.”


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