Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2)

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Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2) Page 30

by Cassie Strickland

  “I’d appreciate that. Teresa will have your dinner ready around five. If you come and go afterward, make it after seven. That’s when the ceremony will begin.”

  “I can do that,” he agreed easily.

  “Thank you.” I waved at the people working. “As you can see, there’s still a lot to do. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Johnston.”

  “Will do, Samantha.” He saluted and slimily smiled. “See you around.”

  I put all thoughts of that nasty man aside and trudged to the very back of the property where Teresa’s house sat, stopping a few more times because people needed directions and whatnot. Briskly, I knocked and walked in. Laughs greeted me, but they tapered off as everyone realized someone had interrupted their good time.

  “Hey!” Clara cried when she saw me.

  I beamed at her, my excitement growing now that my responsibilities were out of the way.

  She was sitting at Grey’s old dining table. Mom, Chelsea, and Paige, Clara’s friend from Chicago, were surrounding her. Teresa was handling the fort at the B&B for us. It was to give us space to enjoy ourselves as we got ready, as well. Even though I told her she wouldn’t be, she didn’t want to infringe on our fun.

  Chelsea, Paige, and Clara were all wearing robes, relaxing before the hair stylist and makeup artist arrived. There was a smorgasbord of sandwiches, fresh fruit, different finger foods, and two opened bottles of champagne in the middle of the table.

  “How’s it goin’ out there?” Mom asked, her glee shining from her. She’d been waiting for this day for a long time. I was surprised she wasn’t jumping up and down already.

  “It’s beautiful. Everythin’ is pretty much done,” I informed them, taking an empty chair.

  Clara squealed and hopped to her feet. “I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”

  Everyone but me followed her as she ran to the window and pulled back the curtain. Collective gasps reverberated through the room.

  “Oh, my God,” Clara gushed.

  “That’s stunnin’,” Chelsea murmured.

  “Holy shit,” Paige breathed. “By your description, I thought it would look like a hoedown or something. This is beautiful, Clara.”

  “Oh, Clara,” Mom whispered. “It’s gorgeous.” She turned to me, her eyes misty. “Sam, I don’t have words…”

  A small smile curved my lips. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Clara rushed to me and threw her arms around me, almost knocking me out of my chair. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she chanted over and over again, rocking me from side to side.

  I laughed, returning her embrace. “Anythin’ for you.”

  She straightened and wiped tears from her eyes. “I cannot believe this is finally happening.”

  “Finally happening?” Paige snorted. She arched a perfectly shaped brow, her chestnut eyes filled with envy – though I was sure I was the only one that recognized it – and flipped her toffee-colored hair over one shoulder. “You two haven’t been together a year.”


  I wanted to smack that girl sometimes.

  Clara waved a hand at her in dismissal, unoffended. “You know what I mean.”

  Clara and Paige had been friends for a long time, but I didn’t see the appeal. Paige made underhanded remarks at Clara all the time. I asked Clara about it before, wondering why she put up with it, but she said that it was how Paige was, that she was really sweet when it came down to it and that you had to get used to her.

  No, I don’t.

  I steered clear of her when she visited, which had only been twice, other than this, since Clara moved to Bliss. There were people in this world that you didn’t like no matter what, and Paige was one of them for me.

  She’d already made a couple of snarky comments about not being the maid of honor – that really nettled her – but I didn’t give a shit what Paige thought. Clara asked me, and I was delighted to say yes. Not many sisters got along with their brother’s wife – and I was lucky enough that she was more than that to me. She’d become one of my truest friends.

  Clara clapped her hands together, breaking me from my musing. “Oh! I almost forgot.” She scurried to the couch, where we had left our stuff for today, and started rustling through her bags. “Here they are,” she muttered to herself and pulled out three different gift bags. Dangling them from her fingers, she showed them to us. “Your presents!”

  She marched back to us and handed them out. When no one immediately opened them, she carped, “What are you waiting for? Go on. Open them.”

  I laughed and pulled out the tissue. Inside nestled a small box. I slipped out the box and opened it. Laying against the velvet was a striking necklace. The pendant was shaped into a flower by multiple diamonds and had a simple white gold chain.

  “Clara…” I murmured, glancing at her. “This is too much.”

  And it was. It only took a glance to see that the diamonds were real and very expensive.

  Her face gentled. “No, it’s not.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Chelsea added, smiling.

  “I love it,” Paige breathed, already putting hers on.

  “Each one is a little different. I picked which one suited you the most,” Clara told us, beaming.

  I stood and hugged her again. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. You’ve done so much for me,” she whispered in my ear.


  She leaned back and clutched my hands. “Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a better sister.”

  “Don’t do that. I’m gonna start cryin’,” I complained, fanning myself.

  Weddings got me every time.

  “I need a drink and not that nasty shit.” I pointed at the champagne, grimacing. “Where’s the hard stuff?”

  “Sam,” Mom chided, glaring at me with disapproval, “you will not get drunk at your brother’s weddin’.”

  I shot her a wicked grin. “I have plenty of time to sober up. We’ve got a long day of pamperin’ ahead of us. But all bets are off later.”

  Mom threw her hands in the air, exasperated, and looked at the heavens. “Why God? Why bless me with a child when all she does is test my limits?”

  That gained giggles from everyone.

  Clara walked back to the couch, saying, “Here. I got this especially for you.” She pulled two bottles of wine out of another bag, and by the label, they were my favorite.

  I rubbed my hands together in glee. “Now we’re talkin’.”


  If I had to smile one more time, my lips would be stuck this way permanently.

  The wedding party was taking the final pictures in front of the arbor, and it was taking forever.


  I was more than ready to kick my shoes off and enjoy a beer…or five.

  The ceremony went off without a hitch. Truly, it was stunning. Grey was dashing in his navy tux and blush tie. His expression when he first saw Clara was beautiful. I never thought I’d associate that word with my brother, but there wasn’t any other way to describe it. His love and devotion for Clara were there for everyone to see.

  Clara was gorgeous. Her waist-length hair was down – like Grey liked it – and was curled softly. An intricate braid entwined with small blush and white flowers wrapped over the top of her head instead of having a tiara. Her dress was chiffon and long and flowy. The sweetheart neckline and capped sleeves that draped around her upper arms made her appear very romantic and whimsical. I loved the high beaded empire waist. The exquisite beadwork wrapped all the way around her ribcage to the back of her dress, which was open, revealing almost her entire back.

  The look in her eyes as she stared at my brother was what really got to me. She stared at him as if he was her sun and stars, with so much trust and tenderness. Over anyone in the world, Clara, who endured tragedy after tragedy, deserved that. I went through more than five tissues, and that was just from her walking down the aisle with Galen, her surrogate father.

  “That’s it for everyo
ne one but the bride and groom,” the photographer called out. He waved Clara and Grey over, wanting some pictures of them in the sunset without the arbor behind them.

  I slumped and let my bouquet fall to my side, muttering, “Thank God.”

  “No kiddin’,” Chelsea agreed. “That was painful.”

  “Who’s that delicious specimen staring at us like he wants to eat us?” Paige questioned, smiling coyly at someone.

  I followed her line of sight down the aisle and noticed Ben. “That would be my boyfriend,” I told her, taking him in.

  I couldn’t begrudge her for appreciating the view. He looked damn good in his gray slacks and white button up shirt. His sleeves were rolled up his arms and the first button was undone.

  “Seriously? That’s your boyfriend?” Paige replied, her nose wrinkled.

  Instead of commenting on her nasty remark, I handed Chelsea my bouquet and sashayed my ass down that aisle, directly to him.

  “Hey, you,” he murmured, but I was on a mission.

  I slipped my fingers into his hair and tugged his head down to mine, then proceeded to kiss him with all my worth. His fingers dug into my hips, meeting my tongue with just as much vigor. Chelsea let out a catcall from behind us, so I decided my point was made and tore my lips from his. Grinning, I wiped my gloss from his curved lips with my thumb, pleased with myself.

  “Not that I’m complaining or anything, but what was that for?” Ben asked, his eyes dancing.

  “Just needed to rub it in a bitch’s face that you’re all mine,” I explained sweetly.

  Ben chuckled and hauled me closer. “See any more of them? You’re welcome to do it again.”

  I played with the collar of his shirt, laughing. “I’ll let you know if I do.”

  “Good,” he murmured, kissing me softly. His voice deepened. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  My nipples pebbled under my dress at the sheer want in his eyes. “Nope.”

  All of the bridesmaid’s dresses were strapless and knee-length with sweetheart necklines. They were a blush chiffon that swayed in the breeze. We wore our hair exactly alike, too – up in a complex knot, with curls everywhere and small white flowers pinned in the back.

  “You look exquisite.” He traced a finger over my bare shoulders. “I love your hair up like this…and this dress.” He kissed my collarbone. “I love seeing your shoulders bare. It reminds me of you naked – and that happens to be my most favorite thing in the world.”

  I was going to need to change my panties if he didn’t stop.

  “Get a room,” Linc commented as he stopped next to his dad.

  I extended my smile to him, blissfully happy. “Oh, hush.” Between this man and this joyous occasion, my world was perfect.

  “You were a blubbering mess up there, Sam.” Linc slipped his hands into his pockets and cocked his head. He looked dapper in his black slacks and royal blue button up. “Seriously, what was that all about?”

  “It was my brother’s weddin’ – I had every right to get emotional,” I countered, scowling playfully.

  “Right,” Linc drawled.

  “Don’t throw stones, Linc. I saw you tearing up,” Ben interjected and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, turning us towards Linc.

  Linc’s eyes bugged out. “I did not.”

  “Sure you did.”

  “Dad!” Linc complained, checking to see if anyone heard. “Don’t go around saying stuff like that. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.”

  Ben and I chuckled at his discomfort.

  Paige approached us, her hips swinging. “Sam, why don’t you introduce me to your boyfriend and his brother.”

  I bit my lip to keep from saying something mean. “Ben, Linc,” I waved at her, “this is Paige, a good friend of Clara’s. Paige, this is Ben and his son, Lincoln.”

  Ben gave her a chin lift. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” she purred and gave Linc an appreciative once over.

  Oh, hell no.

  “He’s sixteen,” I snapped.

  Yeah, Linc looked a bit older, but not eighteen older.


  Ben made a strangled noise in the back of his throat and then coughed into his fist.

  Paige screwed up her face. “I’m sorry?”

  “You heard me.” I glowered at her and then looked at Linc. “Come on, kiddo. Let’s find our seats.”

  I slipped my arm around Ben’s waist and propelled him towards his son. I hooked Linc’s arm with mine and pulled him away from the horny lady, not saying goodbye, and headed towards the side of the B&B.

  Once we were out of earshot of Paige, Linc grumbled, “Did you have to cock block me?”

  I peered up at Ben as we walked. “Please tell me he didn’t just say that.”

  Ben shook his head dolefully. “He definitely said that.”

  “She was hot,” Linc pointed out.

  “And too old for you. She’d go to jail,” I explained, then I caught myself. “You’re too young for that stuff, anyway.”

  “Says who?”

  “Me,” Ben grumbled.

  Linc laughed like it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard.

  “Go,” Ben told him, shooing him away. “Find some girls your own age to flirt with.”

  “I can do that,” Linc muttered, disentangling himself from me.

  “And don’t sneak any beers,” I lectured him.

  There were a few metal horse troughs by the fully stocked bar with beer and other drinks packed into it. It would be easy for troublemakers to sneak a few.

  A wicked glint crept into Linc’s eyes. “I won’t.”

  “I’m serious, Linc. If I find out you’re drinkin’, I’ll put you to work instead of lettin’ you hang out in my office.”

  His jaw dropped. “You wouldn’t?!”

  I smiled evilly. “Oh, I would.”

  “Fine,” he grumbled.

  “And don’t get into too much trouble with the girls. People around here are awfully chummy with their shotguns.”

  He paled. “What?”

  I had a hard time keeping a straight face. “You heard me.”

  Linc’s shoulders slumped. “Jeez, Sam. You’re taking all the fun out of the night.” He spun around and sulked off.

  Ben’s warm chuckle joined mine. “I should have you discipline him from now on.”

  “I learned from the best.”

  Dad was really good at scaring the holy hell out of me to keep me out of trouble when I was younger. It only worked ten percent of the time. I liked to live dangerously.

  “Come on.” I tugged him towards the bar. “I need a cold beer and a shot of Patrón after that talk.”

  “Tell me about it,” Ben agreed, giving me a squeeze.

  “You need to buy him a box of condoms.”

  Ben grimaced. “I did as soon as he told me he wasn’t a virgin anymore.”

  My stomach sank. “He’s not?”



  “I know. I had nightmares for weeks about becoming a grandpa.” Ben’s brows furrowed. “I’m too young to be a grandpa.”

  I giggled, tucking my face against his shoulder. That was the funniest thing I’d heard all year. “Yeah, definitely too young,” I finally agreed, trying to control myself.

  As we stopped at the bar, Ben ordered me a shot of Patrón. He left me to wait for it and grabbed us a beer from the ice. He arrived just as my shot did.

  “Don’t want one?” I asked. “After all, this is a party.”

  “I’m good.” He grinned. “I’ll let you get inebriated and take advantage of you later.”

  “Mmmm,” I hummed, swaying closer, and rested a hand on his chest. “You can take advantage of me whenever you want, handsome.”

  “Did someone say my name?” Adam asked as he snuck up behind me.

  I elbowed him in the stomach. “As if.” I rolled my eyes at Ben. He shook his head at us, accustomed to our bickering. />
  “Oh, shots.” Adam grabbed my Patrón and tipped it back.

  “Hey!” I cried.

  “The good stuff, too,” Adam stated, smacking his lips.

  Ben ordered me another one while I glowered at my rude friend. “Asshole.”

  “I needed that after all those pictures,” Adam complained.

  “Which is why I ordered it,” I countered, crossing my arms over my chest.

  Adam smirked impishly. “Loosen up, sweet cheeks. It’s a party.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” I looked around him, not seeing anyone. “Where’s your date?”

  His face shut down. “Didn’t bring one.” With two fingers, he took a sip of his beer and looked into the large crowd over my shoulder. Whatever he saw caused him to scowl.

  I glanced behind me, wanting to see why he was so worked up. I only saw Chelsea.

  “Trouble in paradise?” I asked, wondering what that was about.

  He shrugged. “It’s nothin’.”

  That wasn’t nothing. I noticed his mood during the ceremony. He all but sulked up there next to Grey. For being the best man, I thought he’d be a little more jovial.

  “Here,” Ben said, handing me a shot glass.

  “Thanks, babe,” I murmured, shooting it back before Adam could steal it again. “Whew, that’s delicious.”

  Ben wrapped an arm around my tummy and tugged me backward until my back was to his chest. I sat the shot glass down and relaxed against him, continuing my conversation with Adam.

  “Really, what’s wrong with you? I thought you’d be a little livelier.”

  “It’s nothin’,” he repeated.

  Unconvinced, I urged, “Come on, party pooper, spill.”

  He sighed in defeat. “I’m just worried about Chels.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” Ben asked. “Is she sick?”

  “Heartsick, maybe,” Adam grumbled.

  “She seems fine to me,” I told him, skeptical. “We had a great time earlier.”

  “Today she’s fine, but the last week has been rough. She said the weddin’ brought up a lot of memories.” Adam ran a hand down his face. “I sometimes wonder why I agreed to let her live with me.”

  “Because you’re a good friend and she was flat broke,” I reminded him, narrowing my eyes.

  “Yeah,” he groused, scowling. “But now I go home to a woman that has more mood swings than I know what to do with.”


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