Brutal Retribution

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Brutal Retribution Page 10

by Clive Barry

  ‘Aye mate, how’d you know that then?

  ‘I was passin’ the other night and Mike was all locked up in the yard gettin’ ready to take the boat out.’

  ‘Right yeh, he had a head start on me. I caught up a bit later though. Not safe keepin’ those gates open of a night ‘round ‘ere, you don’t know who’s passin’ by.’

  ‘That’s what Mike was sayin’. Listen Paul, that sister of yours, Sally? is she seein anyone or what’s the score, real bonny lass if I recall.’

  Paul looked at young officer Riley in disbelief. ‘You must be fuckin’ joking,’ he thought, ‘I’ve got the headache from hell, my nose is throbbin’ like fuck. I’ve lost nearly twenty five thousand fuckin’ pounds give or take, plus a major stash of dope and your trying to get fixed up with me fuckin’ little sister, who’s only just finished butchering her fat fuck of a husband that me and our Mike were trying desperately to fuckin’ chop up, while you was busy reminiscing at the fuckin’ gate and now I’ve got the whole fuckin Albanian mafia chasin’ after us,.’ but instead he said.

  ‘Yeh, a bonny lass our Sal, married though. But the fat twats fucked off and left her wi’ the two bairns and no money. Personally, I think he’s done a bunk cos some bad lads might be chasin’ ‘im.’

  ‘Oh, so who was she married to then?’

  ‘You’ll probably know ‘im, Charlie Oldfield, he’ll ‘ave bin around yours and Mikes year in school.’

  ‘You’re jokin’! Shit, what did she see in him? Your Sally could have had anyone, and I mean anyone. Every lad at school used to watch the girl’s netball just to ogle her in tight shorts. We all worshiped her, Sally was what fantasies were made of.’

  ‘Well mate I’m her big brother and I have no idea of what you’re fuckin’ talkin’ about. Never saw it personally, know what I mean? All I saw was me pretty, skinny little sister married to a fat ugly bald twat. I really wanted to wring his fuckin neck, but the law say’s no, no, no, don’t be a naughty boy, you’re not allowed to do that.’

  ‘So, Paul, if there’s nobody else around, is there any objection if I give her a call sometime, do you mind or owt?’

  ‘I’ll tell you what, Dave is it? I have no objection at all personally mate, that’s our Sal’s business, but she’s had a real shitty time of it wi’ the fat twat and I really don’t want her bein’ messed about, okay?’

  ‘Oh, hey Paul, no way. Wow! Sally Vickers, right, I best be goin’, but put in a good word for us will yeh? And take care mate, thanks.’

  With that, police constable David Riley ran across the boatyard compound, jumped into his police car and drove away at high speed, sirens blaring. Maybe on his way to a serious crime scene, or maybe just very happy, who knows?

  Back in the yard Paul felt sick to his stomach. He now had to go and explain the loss of all the stash. But hey, at least Sally had gained an admirer.

  Paul pulled up outside 35 Frazer Avenue, walked up the broken path, knocked and walked straight in. Mike was fast asleep on the settee having taken four paracetamol for his pain.

  Sally was busy in the kitchen, making a peanut butter and honey sandwich together with fairy cakes for each of the kids to eat at the coffee table in the living room while they watched the telly.

  Paul walked over and not too gently shook his little brother awake.

  ‘Away mate, in the kitchen, I think the proverbial’s just hit the fan.’

  ‘Oh, what the fucks ‘appened now?’ said Mike, pain written all over his handsome face.

  ‘Away in the kitchen man, too many little ears in ‘ere.’

  Paul sat them all down around the kitchen table. Sally had just made a fresh pot of tea and poured it first.

  ‘Right gang, there’s no easy fuckin’ way to say this, but it’s all fuckin’ gone.’

  Paul spent the next fifteen minutes explaining about what he hadn’t found on board the boat and about the police officer Dave Riley’s conversation. Answering all the questions fired at him as best he could from both Sally and Mike.

  Mike’s questions mainly applied to who could have taken it and how would they have even known it existed in the first place.

  Sally questions on the other hand appertained to, how tall officer Riley was? Was he good looking? Was he fit? What did he say about me? Did you tell him me husband’s run off and I’m more or less single now?

  Both brothers just looked at their youngest sibling in astonishment. They were about to die at the hands of Albanian gangsters, probably by means of a most horrendous nature and she was looking in a mirror straightening her fuckin’ hair.


  Mad Arrie had watched from behind the broken chain link fence. First the quite irate bearded young man on the boat looking for his stashed bag and not finding it, getting more irritated by the second as he searched.

  Then the bearded young man was talking to the fresh faced police officer. ‘Don’t the police look younger and younger?’ He thought. ‘Is it possible that the man with the beard may have reported the loss of his bag to the police, probably not, considering what it had contained.’

  Oh dear, something else to ponder. Everyone had left and the main gate at the entrance to the compound had been relocked by the big man, so Arrie squeezed through the hole in the fence and cautiously crept across the compound, crouching low under the hull of the Bonny Doris. There was still nobody about, so Arrie quickly climbed the ladder he’d found laid alongside the coble and taking the stash out of his newly acquired shoulder bag, placed it back where he’d found it within the engine box. This time however, it was all contained in an old plastic supermarket carrier bag, of which Arrie had many, collected over a very long period of time. That’s better, he sighed with relief, he would have hated to have been considered a common thief.

  The next question was whether he would stay the night here or move on. There was still plenty of daylight and it would probably be better if he was not found nearby in case the big man with the beard came back. Arrie pondered for a few minutes then decided to pick up his belongings and move on. He knew a nice place not too far away, with some derelict buildings that he could shelter for the night.

  Sally asked the lads if they would be staying over, but they graciously declined saying they would be going home and calling for a pint later. They would both be back in the morning so Sally didn’t have to face Demaci’s man Bashkim Hamiti by herself.

  Sally kissed the two of them on their cheeks and set them to the door. She scanned the road, but there was no sign of the white van or the two large men. She waved bye to her older siblings, then went inside and locked the door before running a bath for the kids. Tomorrow was a school day, so up and out early.

  Sally wondered about barricading the front door again but decided against it. A barricade wasn’t going to stop anyone if they really wanted to be in.

  She was upstairs tucking the kids into bed, when there was a knock at the door. Sally’s stomach did a flip and with total trepidation she walked back downstairs and opened it.

  Stood in the doorway was a tall man in his mid twenties, he had short blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, looking muscular and fit. He was wearing blue washed out jeans and a navy t-shirt and an open Superdry hoody with a pair of well worn Adidas trainers on his feet.

  Sally stared for a few seconds before asking,

  ‘Hello, can I help yeh?’

  ‘Hya Sally. You probably don’t remember me, but I was talking to your brother Paul today. He said it’s probably alright for me to call around. Dave Riley, I was in the same year as your Mike back at Thornton secondary.’

  ‘Right, ya, he did mention it and of course I remember yeh, I just wasn’t expectin’ to see you so soon that’s all. Em, away in Dave, I’m just putting me bairns to bed, if yeh can give us a few minutes, just go in the living room and I’ll be down soon as I can.’

  Sally showed Dave into the clean but sparsely furnished room and after he’d made himself comfy on the settee, she legged it up the
stairs, pulling off her old sweatshirt as she went.

  She ran into the kid’s bedroom, kissed them both a quick goodnight, then ran into her own room, slipping into a clean ironed shirt and hurriedly brushing through her short brown hair whilst applying a few splashes of makeup and a smear of lipstick. All done in less than five minutes, she was back downstairs and ready.

  ‘Can I get yeh a coffee or tea or summit Dave? Sorry I don’t have anything stronger.’

  ‘Coffee would be great please. That’s if it’s no trouble.’

  Sally returned to the kitchen and put the kettle on. She quickly scanned the room and it looked reasonably clean and tidy, lived in, but clean. When she turned around Dave was stood in the doorway.

  ‘Thought you might need a hand,’ he said.

  ‘No, I’m good thanks,’ she smiled, ‘I’ve made coffee before once or twice, it’s only Nescafe though, nowt posh, milk? sugar?’

  ‘Yes, to both please, just half a spoon of sugar though.’

  Dave sat on one of the kitchen benches while Sally fussed with the coffee. After placing it in front of him, Sally took hers and sat on the bench opposite, a look of total curiosity on her pretty face.

  ‘Well, this is one for the books David Riley. What made yeh wanna see me?’

  Dave smiled, then went a deep shade of red.

  ‘The fact is Sally, I’ve always wanted to see yeh. Right back when we were at school together. But yeh just suddenly seemed to disappear and I lost touch with just about everybody that knew yeh. After a while I ended up getting married meself. It only lasted a year, no kids or owt, then she was off. I joined the force and that seemed to fill a lot of me time, but then the other night I saw your Mike and it all came flooding back. To be honest, I haven’t been able to get yeh out of me head since. Look I’m not normally as forward as all this okay? But what I’ve found, especially through my job, life’s too short and yeh gotta grab your chance when it comes along, otherwise, it’ll just pass yeh right by again. Anyway, I really liked yeh back at school and I know there’s gallons gone under the bridge by now, but considering your husbands buggered off, is there any chance we could maybe start seeing each other?’

  Sally’s heart was fluttering. Nobody had ever spoken to her like this before. He was gently spoken, looked gorgeous, she fancied him like mad and he seemed to fancy her and that’s while she looked a mess. Today was not one of her, I really look good today, days. It didn’t stop Sally from smiling whilst holding the cup in front of her mouth though.

  ‘Look Dave, I think you’re really lovely and I’m totally flattered, but what are yeh gonna do if Charlie walks through that door?’

  ‘What do you wanna do Sally? would yeh want him back?’

  ‘Not a chance, thank you very much,’

  ‘Right then, we’ll deal with that if and when the time comes. All yeh gotta say for now is you’ll give us a chance and we’ll take it slow and see how things turn out. We can take our time, there’s no hurry.’

  ‘You know what David Riley, why not?’

  With that Sally put her slim, long fingered hand out for Dave to shake. He took gentle hold of it with his own and they both stood up. Then Dave stepped around the table, bent over and gently kissed Sally on her lips. This was the first kiss by a man since meeting Charlie and she thought her legs would buckle beneath her. She stepped back with a slight gasp and sighed, ‘Well, I wasn’t expecting that.’

  ‘Right,’ said Dave, ‘I’m gonna go for now. Give yeh some time to mull over what I said. I gotta say, I’m well chuffed yeh willing to give us a try though. I know It’s what I want, but more than anything I really want you to be happy about it too.’

  With that Dave stepped towards the front door with Sally close behind. He opened the door then turned, bent and kissed her again on the lips before smiling and saying, ‘tarah, see yeh soon eh.’

  Sally stood watching as Dave got into his yellow Volkswagen Golf. They waved to each other as he drove off.

  Sally came in and shut the front door leaning against it from the inside thinking, what the fuck just happened there?


  Paul and Mike had left Sally’s house and gone back to their own place for a shower and a change of clothes. For the time being, the two brothers were sharing a terraced street house in the centre of town.

  Paul had put down a deposit after leaving Mam and Dads house to join the Royal Marines Commando unit. Initially as a rifleman and after completing a five year stint leaving as a Corporal. He’d joined at nineteen to see the world and returned home at twenty four to help his little brother with the fishing boat after Dad had taken ill. If truth be known, Paul really hadn’t enjoyed the regimentation and had been somewhat disillusioned with the whole job. He’d been totally okay with the friendship of his fellow squaddies though and made loads of good mates.

  Mike moved in with Paul just after his final return from Afghanistan. It just wasn’t possible to bring lasses home to Mam and Dads house. Neither of the lads had ever had any long term relationships with any of the local girls, much preferring the one night stands. No complications and free spirits as they say.

  The girls on the other hand would have loved to have got their claws into either one of the Vickers boys. Both were good looking, both strong and both more than capable of looking after themselves. At least under normal circumstances and what’s more, they always had readies in their pockets. Neither of the Vickers lads were ever known for being skint or short of a bob or two. To complete the picture, each one of them were totally sexually ruthless givers and takers with the lasses in the bedroom department and neither had ever had any complaints. The Vickers boys were well known and loved by just about everybody.

  While Mike was in the bathroom getting ready, Paul had a quick wipe around the kitchen and living room area.

  The wall between the kitchen and front room had been knocked down after Paul bought the house and a large downstairs open plan living space made. All modern and functional with low maintenance being the operative words.

  Upstairs, they both had their own decent size bedrooms and were each responsible for their own space. Neither of them encroaching on the others privacy. The bathroom had been modernised when the downstairs had been done and the old cast bath removed to make way for a big walk in shower unit instead.

  Essentially, the house was a very masculine lads pad, with no frills and no female influence. However, it had never put any of the young ladies off and when invited they were all too keen to come back for more.

  Paul was watching the telly, halfway through a can of lager when his younger sibling finally came down in clean jeans and a long sleeve designer shirt with the tails hanging out over the waistband of his denims. He also had on a pair of Adidas Gazelles and was smelling of some very expensive aftershave.

  ‘Right finish this off while I get ready, be down in half an hour,’ Paul said handing Mike the remainder of the can.

  They were only going down to the local Ship and Anchor. Knock back a few beers, have a bit of banter with the lads, then back home for an early night, unless of course they fell lucky with the local lasses, then hopefully, not such an early night.

  They decided to walk rather than take a taxi, it was only twenty minutes and the exercise and fresh air would do them both good. As they were walking and chewing the fat, Paul was aware that someone seemed to be following them.

  He’d first noticed him sat in a black Audi across the road from the house as they came out the front door earlier and after he’d exited the car, shutting it behind him. He’d then walked in the same direction as the brothers, but a few paces behind on the opposite side of the road.

  As they stepped into the front door of the pub, Paul turned quickly to look over his shoulder, but there was no sign of the stranger. Just nerves he figured, too much going on in his head, too tired maybe.

  As the brothers walked in, there was a big cheer went up with numerous well directed, derogatory remarks aimed a
t Paul.

  ‘What’s the other guy look like Paul,’ and ‘Give us his fuckin’ name and we’ll go round and sort ‘im out for yeh mate.’

  All the usual banter that goes with the territory of a broken nose and now two beautiful black eyes in an area such as this one. Everyone was leaving Mike alone, hard to see cracked ribs under a shirt. He was very aware of them though. It seemed that everyone in the busy pub wanted to brush past, making him wince with each slight contact.

  The pub was full by the time they got there, all seats were taken and it was three deep standing at the bar.

  The back room with the wide screen was also full and noisy. It sounded as though there might have been a boxing match being watched on the wide screen the way everyone was shouting. That together with the many obscenities being bantered about.

  A couple of the local lasses made a beeline for the boys. They’d all spent time together in the past, both day and night times and feelings between them all were very relaxed and cordial. The girls brought drinks over for both themselves and the two Vickers brothers. The girls had seen them walk in and as they were already being served, thought they’d save the lads the trouble of having to fight at the bar.

  There was plenty of flirting being done tonight by the ladies. Both of whom were tall and leggy, wearing the shortest of skirts and the highest heels imaginable. Makeup and hair seemed to have come straight out of a top shelf glamour magazine and their bodies were simply to die for, all the curves being in exactly the right places. Even Mike was feeling no pain when blonde Chrissy was rubbing herself all over him in time to the background music. It seemed to be out of simple unpretentious horny lust, while Paul was fairing equally well with Julie, the simmering hot brunette.

  They all stood around and the laughter and banter was good, however Paul couldn’t get the mysterious follower out of his mind and seemed to be slightly preoccupied throughout the evening.

  They left the pub before closing time, missing the mass of drunks and revellers and arriving back at the house in record time. Paul was the first through the door and turned the lights on with the girls and Mike following very close behind, laughing and joking in a real Mardi Gras atmosphere.


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