Brutal Retribution

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Brutal Retribution Page 19

by Clive Barry

  ‘I just did mate, that’s why your fuckin’ sat in my sister’s house now.’

  ‘What about the fire? You could have come forward with information appertaining to that.’

  ‘Aye I could ‘ave and I’m sure you’d ‘ave said you were all goin’ to look into it. Listen mate, in case you ‘aven’t noticed yet, we live in Westernside. The police don’t come here unless they really ‘ave to and when they do, they don’t investigate crimes with any enthusiasm, cos they all fuckin’ believe this is where all the fuckin’ criminals live in the first place and we all probably deserve whatever we get.’

  ‘Mr Vickers, you could be charged with an obstruction of justice and with criminal intent out on the streets last night.’

  ‘Yeh I could and I really don’t give a fuck mate. I have no police record, I served my country, what’s the worst that could happen to me? I go down for a few fuckin’ months? Who gives a fuck. Look around the area mate, what do yeh really think I’d be giving up? However, you on the other hand Inspector, you’re gonna look like a right fuckin’ ploncket when the press hear that you were more eager to nail someone from Westernside for not tellin’ fuckin’ tales, rather than apprehending a very powerful drug lord who’s maybe just put four and a half million pounds worth of illegal drugs on the street. So Inspector, who do you thinks gonna look like a daft twat? Cos I’m not sayin another word now. Not without some sort of fuckin’ assurances from you, that me, my family and my friends are gonna be exempt from any fuckin’ prosecution.’

  Inspector Turner and sergeant Whitmore looked at each other and smiled, then the smile broadened and they both laughed out loud.

  ‘Sorry Mr Vickers, Paul, isn’t it? We had to be sure we were dealing with the right person and I think you just showed us all, yeh might just be the right person.’

  ‘Well guys, yeh fuckin’ lost me. Do I ‘ave your fuckin’ assurances or not?’

  ‘Yes, yes of course you do Paul. We’ve been trying to apprehend and put Danika Demaci behind bars for years and without any success as you may well know. We have a file on him and his operations nearly a foot thick. Damn right we want him and at any cost I might add.’

  Inspector Turner then asked Paul to go over all the information he’d been given that morning. Not once asking for any details or the names of any of his informants.

  Paul was forthcoming with most of the information, but was adamant that he and his team must be part of the final skirmish. Paul further insisted to inspector Turner that when the time came and the police were unable, for whatever reason, to apprehend or hold either Danika Demaci or Bashkim Hamiti, then the officers of the law would turn a blind eye so Paul could enforce his own law, with his own people.

  Inspector Turner said he was not in a position to agree to those quite illegal terms. However after he’d advised against any vigilantly heroics, he further assured Paul that there were times with any operation of this magnitude when things become somewhat chaotic and all the tactics which had been so scrupulously planned on paper, can sometimes go horribly wrong. Then, it was just a matter of picking up the pieces later and doing what needed to be done. In other words don’t worry mate, you’ll get your chance.

  Paul was somewhat placated and told the Inspector to be ready, it was now just a matter of waiting for the cargo offloaded from Rangoon Princess to be released and delivered.


  Donika Demaci hung up from the call he’d just made to the shipping agents local office. Having been advised that the goods being held in the customs clearance warehouse should be released by the following afternoon.

  All Bills of Lading had been produced and as the cargo was not of any significant health risk, any danger to the public or to their knowledge, flagged for x-ray, then there should be no further hold ups.

  The agent had also advised that he had made arrangements for the containers to be loaded onto the back of flat trucks for delivery to the various sites the morning after, as stipulated on his instruction sheet. However the pallets must be lifted off at the sites by forklift as they would not be permitted to lift containers off the back of the wagons for any reason. Any delays to the three hours unloading fee would incur extra costs.

  Demaci had agreed to all the instructions letting the agent know that he was fully conversant with the agreement and contract and that he would have his people standing by waiting, ready to unload the containers immediately upon their arrival. If the agent would be so kind as to advise what time the trucks would be leaving the warehouse area and a reasonable expected delivery time.

  Bashkim Hamiti had been present throughout the conversation and had made mental notes of all that was being said. He had also been on his own phone during the conversation with the agent, organising the white van and a couple of strong lads to load it.

  ‘We’re all ready to go Mr Demaci, everything’s set up at our end,’

  ‘Good, good and do they know where to take the bags once they have them on the van,’

  ‘No, not yet sir. I will be there and direct them to the laboratory where the heroin will be broken down. They will have no use of that knowledge just yet.’

  ‘As you wish Bashkim. You do know I won’t be with you so please ensure there are no problems from our end.’

  ‘Yes of course Mr Demaci.’

  ‘Okay, so what is the latest with that fiasco from the other night? are we any further ahead in finding out who was responsible?’

  ‘I have spoken to all our associates sir and nobody has a clue. There are no rumours or allegations circulating from anybody, it’s almost as though it never happened. Except we are a considerable amount short on profits.’

  ‘Well this must be resolved Bashkim otherwise it may happen again and we can’t allow that. We will become a laughing stock. First the Oggy incident then this the other night. I don’t believe them to be related, however once we get this shipment secured I want you to give it your full attention, do you understand? If we give anything else away, we’re going to start looking like a fucking charity.’


  ‘Right, quiet, all of you, please pay attention.’

  DCI Turner was addressing the full crew that would be attending the raid at the building site.

  ‘The gentlemen sat at the back of the room, are two of the four civilians personally responsible for the attack and taking down of the drug drops the other night.’

  There was a huge cheer went up from the plain clothes officers and a round of applause reverberated throughout the large incident room. Paul and Mike gave a nod in confirmation of the accolades being bestowed upon them and Dave who was sat next to them smiled at the uncomfortable embarrassment they were both feeling.

  ‘Right, now listen up. These gentlemen have been given information appertaining to a serious import of heroin to be delivered to a building site nearby and have come to us with that information. We have already been in touch with our dear friends at Her Majesties Customs and Excise over at the container terminal warehouse and they’ve assured us that they will also be making a presence on the raid and will be adding their own charges to those we will be issuing. We further understand, that the goods will be released by customs tomorrow afternoon and delivered by road truck the morning after. We will have our own drivers attending the trucks and some of you will be placed on the various sites as building employees, so please wear your big boots cos your all gonna get mucky. At this present moment in time we do not know which of the containers is carrying the heroin, however we do know from sources that there is a total of twenty kilos with a kilo in each of twenty bags of cement imported to our fair city from Karachi. These twenty bags will be picked up at the building site by a white transit van, which will be following a marked container, any questions?’

  No one had their hands up, so the Chief Inspector carried on.

  ‘You might also like to know that the goods we are going after, belong to our long standing friendly Albanian, Danika Demaci and comp
any. I would be very surprised if he was to make an appearance, however I’m sure his good friend Bashkim Hamiti is going to be there. As you are all aware these people carry weapons and have been tooled up in the past therefore we will have armed officers with us. You must also be advised that Hamiti is one evil little shit and do not be taken in by his outward appearance. He is without doubt a fucking hard, nasty, vicious, little bastard. To those of you who do not understand the political implications. Because the border patrol are involved, they have access and can confiscate anything they believe to be involved in the import of illegal substances, bought into the country by illegal means. This indicates that we will all have the legal access we need to Demaci and his business records if he is so implicated. That being said, I want all of you here at thirteen hundred tomorrow and we will issue any further updates we might have.’

  Turner walked over to Paul and Mike as the other officers filed out of the room.

  ‘So Paul, Mike is that about everything? Do you have any questions at this time?’

  ‘No thanks Boss, we’re good. Do yeh want us here tomorrow afternoon?

  ‘No, I don’t think that will be necessary Paul. We can let you know what’s happening by phone and I’m sure you will have your own sources advising you. What I would say to you is lay low and keep off the streets until this is over. We don’t want to spook anybody, capisce?’

  ‘Understood, we’re gonna go back home and we’ll be in touch if we hear owt.’

  Turner then faced Dave.

  ‘Constable, you have been seconded to this department for the period of this operation. Your main objective is to attend with the Vickers crew and keep them out of any mischief. You will not be involved with any of the operation directly, but indirectly you may be drawn in as and if required, are you okay with that?’

  ‘Yes sir, thank you sir.’

  ‘Good, if this works out and we get what we’re after, I might even be able to put in a request that you join us on a more permanent basis. How would that suit you?’

  ‘Suits me very well sir, thanks.’

  ‘Right, now if there’s nothing else then I’m off and would suggest you all make yourselves scarce. Oh! by the way Paul, the drugs you picked up the other night, we would appreciate them being put into our lock up at your earliest convenience, as they’ll probably be used as evidence in any forthcoming prosecutions. As for the money, I would anticipate at least, what can we say, maybe twenty thousand you would have confiscated. Give or take a pound here or there of course, does that sound about right to you?’

  ‘Yes inspector, twenty thousand to the penny we found.’

  ‘Good. Good night then gentlemen.’


  Dave left the two Vickers lads at the police station and drove himself back to Sally’s house. Paul and Mike were going to drive back to their own place taking the Mondeo, then relax and have an early night after having been up most of the night before. They were also going to have to explain to both Jockie and Timber what had been said during the police briefing.

  Sally was sat on the sofa in her pyjamas with her bare feet tucked up underneath watching the telly when Dave let himself in through the front door. He walked over and kissed her before sitting down and kicking his old trainers off.

  ‘Where’s the kids?’

  ‘The kids are upstairs in bed Mr Riley. Bathed and storied. I told them that maybe you would pop up and say night, night, if yeh got back early enough, but that was a long while ago and they’re probably both fast asleep by now.’

  ‘I’ll go up and check, won’t be a mo.’

  Dave ran quietly up the stairs and poked his head around the door whispering,

  ‘Is anybody in here still awake?’

  He heard a little giggle from the top bunk, where little Charlie slept. Dave walked over and leant against the top rail.

  ‘You still awake then mate?’ He whispered.

  ‘Ya, I was tryin to stay awake teh say g’night.’

  ‘Why yeh must be shattered man. Away tuck yeh self in and get some kip, up early for you in the mornin’ school day yeh know.’

  ‘Dave, can I ask yeh summit?’

  ‘Course yeh can mate, yeh can ask me anything yeh like.’

  ‘Do yeh like our mam lots? I mean do yeh maybe love our mam?’

  ‘Aye I do sunna, I love yeh mam loads, why?’

  ‘Cos if yeh love her, does that mean you’ll stay with us.’

  ‘Well no one can be a hundred percent certain our kid, but as far as I’m concerned, I really want us all to stay together. I think you and me are becomin’ really good mate’s, don’t you?’

  ‘Ya. Me and our Georgia like yeh bein here and we like to see me mam happy and laughin’ all the time too. She didn’t used to, you won’t never hurt me mam will yeh?

  ‘How do yeh mean Charlie son, hurt her?’

  ‘Well, me dad used to shout at Mam and swear a lot. Then he’d bray her for no reason and she would have bruised black eyes and bust lips and stuff on a mornin’. You’d never do that to our mam would yeh.’

  ‘No son, I would never do that to yeh mam. She’s far too precious to me.’

  ‘Good! Night, night, then Dave and thanks.’

  ‘Night, night, Charlie son and there’s no need to thank me man. I’m always here if yeh wanna talk about owt, okay?’

  There was no answer this time, the heavy breathing from the top bunk indicated that Charlie was already in the land of nod.

  Dave took several deep breaths before he went down the stairs. He needed to clear his head and get rid of the anger that had so quickly manifest itself inside him. The idea that someone could or would lay a hand on Sally was in his mind so unbelievable and yet how many times as a police officer had he been called on to attend a domestic disturbance. This was different though, this was him and Sally, the others were strangers, people he would never really get to know.

  ‘You were a long time. Thought maybe yeh’d gone to bed without us.’

  ‘No, Charlie was still awake, so we had a bit of a man to man talk.’

  ‘Oh aye, and what may I ask are you two getting’ up to?’

  Dave put his arm around her and pulled her to him, Sally in turn snuggled in closer.

  ‘Excuse me lady, this was guy stuff. I would be breaking a serious ethical code of conduct and regulations if I was to divulge to a lass that which was talked about between two lads.’

  ‘Okay, I guess yeh don’t want any of that nookie stuff yeh was so keen on havin’ earlier then.’

  ‘Away man, yeh can’t do that Sal. Yeh not allowed to blackmail officers of the law with nookie yeh know. There’s a rule against it in a law book I read somewhere, I’m sure I’ve seen it.’

  Dave bent over and kissed Sally a long lingering kiss on the lips, mouths parted and tongues entangled with each other’s and as they kissed. Dave’s hand undid a button on Sally’s pyjama top and he slipped his hand in, finding and cupping a naked breast, he then gently rolled the erect nipple in between his thumb and forefinger.

  ‘About that nookie Sal. I am prepared to beg yeh know.’

  ‘Good. I quite fancy the idea of yeh down on your knees in front of me. Away upstairs and turn the lights off on your way officer Riley.’


  Paul and Mike arrived back at the house. Everything was quiet as they entered the front door. The two other squaddies were sat watching the football on the television each drinking a can of coke and munching on salt and vinegar crisps.

  ‘Listen lads, things ‘ave changed a little bit and it doesn’t look as though we’ll be goin out on anymore raids tonight. So relax and if yeh wanna have a beer, there’s plenty in the fridge, go and help yeh selves.’

  ‘So, what’s happened then Vicker? why the change of heart?’ asked the Timber.

  ‘Circumstances mate. We had a long discussion at the cop shop with that DCI Turner. He seems like a decent sort, anyway, he’s given us quite a lot of leeway with th
is whole fuckin’ thing, so Mike and I have had to give certain assurances that we would hold off with any more raids until at least after delivery of the heroin. We figured it was only fair, we don’t wanna fuck owt up now do we?’

  ‘So, are yeh meanin’, that wee Timber and yours truly here are fuckin’ redundant then? Surplus to fuckin’ requirements so to speak Vicker?’

  ‘No, not at all Jockie lad. We’re still gonna be fuckin’ operational, but we’ll just have to wait and see how this police operation pans out before we can make our next move. Don’t worry Jockie, there’s still plenty of fuckin’ violence for yeh, but yeh may have to wait a little while to get yer next fix. Maybe a day or two, that’s all.’

  ‘Right,’ said Mike, ‘the beers are on me,’ as he passed out four cold ones from the fridge.

  Jockie and the Timber continued watching the football while Paul took Mike back into the kitchen area.

  ‘Listen mate, I need to talk to yeh about summit that’s been buggin’ us since the fire. Mam and Dad owned their house outright didn’t they?’

  ‘Aye, as far as I know they did bro, I remember while you was away in Afghanistan, Sally and the fat fuck came ‘round to Mam and Dads place for champagne to celebrate, why you askin’?’

  ‘Okay, but did Dad ever sign over to you the ownership of the Bonny Doris?’

  ‘No mate, not a chance. She was Dads pride and joy man.’

  ‘Well, the point I’m makin’ is. If dad never upgraded his fuckin’ will or signed the Bonny Doris over to yeh, then there’s a possibility she’s gonna hafta be sold as part of the estate and we may end up losin’ her.’

  ‘Well that can’t be right. Can’t we just buy her back then?’

  ‘I don’t know kidda, I don’t know a lot about this kinda stuff. It’s just summit that’s been on me mind is all.’

  ‘We can always go and see their solicitors and ask, can’t we?’

  ‘I’m not sure Mikey. Will they give us that kind of information? I mean, theoretically they worked for Mam and Dad not us.’


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