Brutal Retribution

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Brutal Retribution Page 21

by Clive Barry

  ‘I had DCI Turner on the phone a little while before yeh got here Paul and he’s given me my instructions. I’m to shadow you guys and stay with yeh to give yeh some sort of credence for yeh bein’ there. So, I’ll come ‘round to your place in the morning say about half six if that’s alright.’

  ‘Brill Dave lad, that works for me. We’ll see yeh in the morning then, bright eyed and bushy tailed as they say. Try not to wear ‘im out tonight Sal, he’s got work tomorra.’


  Demaci was dressed in a light grey pinstripe suit with a black shirt and silver grey tie. On his feet, he was wearing grey silk socks and his black, very highly polished brogues. A second glance in the full length mirror in the bedroom impressed him enough to make him smile, he then gave himself a wink and nod of approval.

  Earlier that afternoon he’d phoned the escort agency and told them he would like to take Simon out to dinner at the La Parisienne restaurant in downtown Seaborough and for him to meet him there at twenty hundred hours, eight o’clock in the evening to the rest of us.

  The restaurant was only a ten minutes’ walk from the Tower Flats and as it was a pleasant evening he decided to take a relaxing stroll.

  It was Thursday evening and the restaurant was not too full. Demaci had already made reservations and even if he hadn’t, the Maitre’d knew him well enough to make an exception and find him a table regardless of how full they might have been.

  Demaci decided to have a drink at the bar while waiting for Simon to arrive and as they poured him a large glass of the Johnny Walker blue label he quietly sat on a bar stool and perused the menu.

  Outside he noticed a small yellow car pull up and a very handsome young man in his mid twenties exited the driver’s side and chivalrously walked around to open the passenger side door to a stunning young woman wearing a very short cut black dress, with high heeled black shoes. Her sandy coloured hair was also cut short and her very slim figure almost boyish. Although in general terms Demaci had no interest whatsoever in the female of the species, he found both the man and the young woman altogether incredibly attractive.

  They both entered the restaurant holding hands and smiling into each other’s eyes and for a split second Demaci felt a twinge of absolute jealousy. The idea of being in love and having someone loving you back for no reason other than they wanted to, was something that he realised all the money in the world was unable to buy. He’d even offered what he considered to be a very good deal to Simon and had it refused. Was Demaci himself so shallow that nobody could love him for himself? There was a question not worth considering if he intended to enjoy his evening.

  Simon entered a few minutes later and stood awkwardly in front of Demaci. Did they kiss, shake hands or just manly slap each other on the back. Surprisingly it was Demaci who took the initiative by walking over and kissing Simon on both cheeks in a very European, cosmopolitan sort of way, whereby no offence could be taken. Even in the northeast of England where men were men and so were some of the women.

  The Maitre’d showed them to their table tucked privately in a secluded corner of the dining room, unobserved by anybody casually walking past.

  Demaci had already decided upon what he would be ordering, but gave Simon the opportunity to catch up and while doing so, Demaci ordered a bottle of the Moet & Chandon Vintage. Food orders placed, they both settled back to enjoy their meal and hopefully each other’s company.

  Tomorrow was going to be a very busy day and Demaci had needed something to distract him whilst waiting. Maybe there could be further distractions with Simon back in the apartment after they’d finished their meal. Anything was possible, if you have the money that is.


  After the lads had left, Sally still glowing with youthful exuberance had run upstairs, slipping out of the new dress and shoes she’d been trying on and into the bathroom. She showered, dried her hair and even filed and painted her nails a bright crimson red, before putting on her makeup, with lipstick to match her fingers and toes.

  Dave was busy with the kids helping them to get their overnight bags packed with pyjamas, school clothes, tooth brushes and teddy bears. Ready for yet another sleep over at Jenny’s house.

  Then it was Dave’s turn in the shower. He then shaved and dressed in his designer jeans, navy blue shirt with polished black shoes. Sally was all ready by the time he was, so there was no waiting around.

  The kids were bundled into the back seats of the Golf and delivered directly to Jenny’s front door two minutes later. A quick kiss on Mams cheek so as not to disturb the lipstick with a ‘love ya, see yeh’s tomorra,’ a quick wave, then they were gone.

  Jenny came over and congratulated the newly engaged couple, telling them how gorgeous they both looked and like the matronly aunt she seemed to have become, waved them both off as they drove away down the road.

  Dave had phoned the restaurant earlier to make a reservation, but was told there was no need they were not so busy tonight. There would be plenty of tables for two still available when they arrived.

  Dave had never been to this restaurant before, but had been told by several of the lads at the station this was the place to be seen. Anyone who was anyone went here and it was normally frequented by the cities football stars and their wag’s.

  As they pulled up outside, Sally got a case of the nervous jitters, having never been to anywhere posher than a MacDonald’s burger bar before. Dave held her hand and put her right at ease explaining that every man in there, was going to be so jealous of him walking in with her and every woman, was just going to be so envious of how beautiful Sally looked. Thankfully it wasn’t too full, nor was Dave’s prediction very far off the mark.

  They were placed at a prime table by the side window overlooking the riverside, out of the way of constantly passing waiters and patrons. The staff were extremely friendly and maybe even aware of Sally’s insecurities, but they all made her feel very welcome and very special and when she was asked if they were there for a special occasion, she was able to show off her ring and say they’d just got engaged. Even the manager came over to offer his most sincere congratulations shaking Dave’s hand and kissing Sally’s making her feel even more special than she already did.

  Sally let Dave order for both of them, so they started with the Terrine Forestier of wild champignon on toast, followed by the Escalope de Puolet au Pest Citronne and for dessert a Mousse au Chocolat, et voila!

  The food was delicious if not a bit strange to Sally’s palate. So much garlic in the sauce as is the French way, but totally delicious, something they both thoroughly enjoyed, deciding they would like to do it all over again and very soon.

  Neither of the two were drinking alcohol, sticking to the Perrier water with a slice of lemon. Dave being the driver and needing to be up early. Sally, a non drinker anyway. However when the manager came over with two glasses of Champagne to toast the couple, they both obliged by taking a sip and thanking him for his kindness and generosity.

  The meal over, the two of them had their coffees and finally waved to the staff thanking them all for helping to make their day so very special, promising to come back soon.

  Dave paid the Bill and again they both walked out hand in hand. The smile that had been on Sally’s face as she first entered the restaurant was still there as she walked out and her jaw was starting to ache.

  Dave unlocked and opened the passenger door for Sally to get in the car, but before she did, she put her arms around her fiancé’s neck and kissed him in a very French fashion stood by the side of the road.

  Sally and Dave told each other how much they loved one another, before jumping back in the yellow Golf and heading out of town to Sally’s house in the Westernside housing estate, Eastscar by the Sea. Where for the next hour after arriving, they made tender love before falling asleep in each other’s arms.


  Paul and Mike arrived home after leaving both Sally and Dave and as they
entered the small terraced house they could hear the sound of a football match coming from the big, wide screen television in the lounge and smell the sweet sickly aroma of Chinese food.

  Both Jockey and the Timber were sat watching the game with a disarray of half empty takeaway cartons cluttering the kitchen worktop space.

  ‘We ordered in from the local chinkie’s lad’s, help yerselve’s there’s plenty left over.’ Jockie shouted over the noise of the telly.

  Paul and Mike walked over to the remaining food and although they hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, the sight of the congealed noodles and greasy chicken inside the slimy oil filled cartons was enough to put them off food for life.

  The last thing any of them needed the following day would be a bad case of the squidgie’s, so the boys declined the generous offer and Mike put all the remaining cartons of food into a plastic bag and placed it in the outside black wheelie bin, taking both the sight and the smell out of the house.

  Paul looked into the sink and there piled high were the plates from the mornings breakfast together with all that had been used throughout the day. Mugs with dregs of coffee and tea, grease covered knives and forks, plates with solidified food covering the surfaces. The brothers looked at each other before Paul bellowed.

  ‘And who the fuck do yeh thinks gonna clean this fuckin’ mess up then? Yeh fuckin’ Mam does not live here lads and I’m not gonna fuckin’ run around cleanin’ up after two grown fuckin’ men. Get yeh arses in here and tidy my fuckin’ house up now.’

  Both Jockie and the Timber lifted off the sofa in unison, grabbing all the remaining plates and cutlery from the coffee table and commenced cleaning down workspace, removing dishes and pots from the sink and stacking them neatly to be washed.

  Timber rolled his sleeves up and started to run hot water into the washing up bowl while Jockie found a clean tea towel to do the drying. Within a few short minutes, the whole kitchen was spotless and tidy without a thing out of place.

  ‘Right, gentlemen as I now have your full fuckin’ attention, we will be leaving here at zero six thirty hours, so please be ready, no fire arms to be carried, we are working with the local fuckin’ constabulary and Dave will be with us as our official nanny. It would be seriously frowned upon should we be carrying bigger fuckin’ guns than these professionals. We will be taking instruction from Dave, however, be ready within any given second to act upon my orders, understood?’

  Both squaddies nodded their heads in understanding, looking rather sheepish at having been spoken to in the manner that Paul had deemed fit.

  ‘Well if there’s nowt else lads, then I’m off to my fuckin’ pit and I shall see all your happy, fuckin’ smilin’ faces first thing in the morning. Enjoy the rest of your evening but I would suggest not stayin’ up too late, goodnight.’

  Dave was outside knocking on Paul and Mikes front door at exactly zero six fifteen. The door was eventually opened by Mike, dressed in jeans, t-shirt and a navy hoody.

  ‘Away in mate, help yeh self to tea, coffee, whatever yeh fuckin’ fancy. We should be ready to go in the next few minutes.’

  ‘Morning everyone,’ said Dave to the rest of them sat at the kitchen breakfast bar finishing their coffees and toast.

  ‘Have yeh had owt to eat Dave lad?’ Said Paul finishing his tea.

  ‘Aye thanks mate, Sal was up bright and early and we had our breakfast together before I left.’

  ‘Wow! lucky you, someone up making breckies for yeh, it must be true love then eh?’

  ‘Ya, it was my turn yesterday. Besides she was awake most of the night with nerves about today and couldn’t sleep.’

  ‘Aye, and what about you? how’re you feelin’?’

  ‘Truthfully? I’m a bit nervy too. I’ll be all right once we get started, I think it’s mainly the waiting.’

  ‘Your right there mate. Once that adrenalin kicks in you’ll be fuckin’ fine. We’re all the same and don’t let any fucker tell yeh different. Right you lot, are we all ready to rock and roll?’

  They all nodded their heads in agreement as Paul stood up. The three ex servicemen all wearing their old green fatigues, minus any rank or insignia markings. Dave was dressed the same as Mike in jeans, t-shirt and a hoody.

  ‘Right lads, it’s maybe best if we all pile into the van and leave the car, that way we’ll all be together, and Dave can keep an eye on us. We’ll go ‘round to the cop shop first for the final briefing and see what the big boss has to say. Okay lads, let’s be ‘avin yeh.’

  At that they all walked out of the house in single file, climbing into the van parked round the corner. There was very few people around at that time of the morning, so nobody to witness anything strange about three squaddies and two civvies exiting a small terrace house and climbing into a white van first thing in the morning.

  At that time of the day, there was also very little traffic on the roads, so the drive to the Seaborough police station took less than twenty minutes and the white van, driven by the Timber pulled into the large, almost empty car park at exactly zero six fifty hours.

  Again, in single file, but this time with Dave leading, they all entered the police building and made their way to briefing room number four which was already filling with plainclothes officers, all in different garb, some dressed as site workmen, while others with just overalls and hard hats.

  They were all as far from looking like police officers as you could possibly get. The one thing they all did have in common however was, they were all drinking coffee from the same Styrofoam cups served at the station canteen. That is, all except Paul’s crew.

  Within a very short length of time DCI Turner simply seemed to appear at the dais and began addressing the assembly.

  ‘Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is it, the day many of us have waited a seriously long time for. Today we will either apprehend the two main villains of this fair city, or we will have frightened them so far underground they may never see the light of day again. Either way, I think we might just win out here. Team alpha you will be following the van out and make the arrests after they leave the site. All others will be placed en route to the site and within the site area. You all know your positions so please proceed. For the sake of good order, Constable David Riley will be attending with Mr Paul Vickers and his crew. They are all civilians and an observation only group. Please do not allow them to get either in the way or in any possible cross fire, they have been instructed and have signed disclaimers to say that they are responsible for their own safety and have been permitted to attend simply as a courtesy for their previous involvement the other night and the information supplied to us for this present operation. Okay folks let’s go and all of you, please try and stay safe today.’

  Paul and his team followed the others out of the police station to their respective vehicles, allowing them all to leave before driving out of the carpark themselves.

  The day had started slightly overcast, but clear and dry. By the time they’d left the station carpark the sun was high and visibility was good. They continued to drive out of the city limits, through the country lanes until they came upon the entrance to the new Hidden Valley building site.

  They entered the site and reversed the van in the site office car park near to the main entrance gate facing outwards.

  The time was just coming up to zero seven fifty five, so they would have nearly an hour to wait before the container lorry and the white van should appear. They all made themselves comfortable with the Timber, Paul and Dave in the front bench seats and Mike and Jockie in the back, sat on the equipment holdalls from the earlier excursion into the city two nights before.

  They hadn’t been sat long before a black Range Rover drove slowly in through the site gates and parked over by the stores compound. Stepping out of the driver side was Bashkim Hamiti and from the passenger side one of the big lads that Paul had previously noticed parked in a white van opposite Sally’s house.

  ‘This is it,’ said Paul, ‘th
e parties about to begin, Dave that little man over by the Range Rover is our old friend Bashkim Hamiti. Be very fuckin’ careful though and don’t think because he looks like that, he isn’t hard. He’s as hard and as nasty as they fuckin’ come, so be careful mate. That goes for the rest of yeh, do yeh hear me?’


  Hamiti had found the site foreman and together with the big man by his side, got the foreman to unlock the gates to the stores compound in readiness for the truck to be unloaded.

  The foreman kept looking over his shoulder as though he was waiting for something or someone, he was nervous, that was obvious to see, but DCI Turner who was stood giving out instructions from a hand held VHF radio from scaffolding at the top of a half built house, was far more concerned that the foreman was going to bottle it and give the game away.

  Turner could see that Hamiti was doing a lot of pointing into the foreman’s face and was using what appeared from a distance, to be a considerably raised voice. Fortunately, whilst this was all in progress a large articulated lorry, with a big red container on board, pulled up outside the stores compound and the driver climbed down from the cab, walking over to the site office.

  The truck driver was inside for less than ten minutes before he came back out looking for the site foreman, recognising him by the orange highvis jacket with foreman written in bold letters across the back. He walked over and presented the consignee documents for the unloading of the containers cargo.

  The foreman showed him where to park, then walked over to the porta cabins, extracting the sites driver from the coffee machine room, who then started up the forklift to prepare and unload the container.

  Whilst this was all going on, a white transit van with two more rather large lads pulled up in front of Hamiti where he pointed to the far side of the yard. Showing them the parking area where they could stay whilst waiting for the container to be unloaded.


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