The Camper: First Contact and the Planet Tamer (The Stellar Universe Book 0)

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The Camper: First Contact and the Planet Tamer (The Stellar Universe Book 0) Page 21

by Richard C Holmes

  The Camper. Part 4

  Timeline AK+11

  Mike’s life changed when one morning as he walked the beach when he encountered a woman emerging from the surf carrying a boogie board.

  It was lightly raining, he had his wet weather gear on as he idly walked, fairly fast, along the beach. He'd previously noticed the same woman boogie boarding in the water thinking it must have been cold. She wore a wet-suit but he knew that even with that on it would be cold on her head and feet.

  The next day he saw her, then every day for a week. Each day he glanced at her then took longer looks as he saw the fun she was having. It had only been a few weeks after his last treatment when Kate had said, "That's it Mike, I can't do any more for you and everything is up to you now. From the looks of you, if you keep going the way you are you'll get your full quota. It's amazing the results a good diet and exercise can bring."

  He'd agreed with that. It was also amazing how much his libido had kick started also. From nothing to feeling 'needy' he'd changed in the six months so that now when he looked at the woman boogie boarding he let his mind wonder. He’d smiled at her when she’d surfed right up to the beach a few times, she nodded as he kept walking.

  A few weeks of this and on a nice morning he found her sitting on the water's edge. She was gleaming in her shiny black wet-suit, her long wet hair shining as she toweled it dry and the boogie board laying beside her on the sand.

  "Morning," he said appreciating that she was certainly a good looking woman and wondering what she was like as a person as in his experience, looks had nothing to do with how they were in life. He'd known some good looking shockers he'd avoided after a first few words. Now after the treatments Kate had given him, he felt perceptive and all his senses were lighting off that this woman was at least pleasant. That was even before she said anything, like a connection between them. How odd.

  "Hi," she said happily. "I've seen you here for months walking the beach, even in the rain. I just love it here. It's actually warmer in the water than out when the wind chill kicks in."

  He nodded, she sounded sensible, "I guess it would be and the wet-suit must help. You're dedicated to swim every morning. I like the walk, my body craves it, demands it, like a second lease on life," which was every true. Everything Kate had said had come true.

  She nodded, "Same," she said. "I work in the bank, if I get an early swim in it sets me up for the day."

  He nodded, there were a few banks in the town and he decided there and then he would ask the obvious question and maybe follow through.

  "Feel like a coffee or a lunch one day? You can maybe get me to try the boogie boarding, I've never done it but you look like you really enjoy it."

  She'd smiled and nodded, "Sure," then they'd chatted for a few minutes till she'd had to leave. "I get changed in the amenities block then go straight to work. I'm out of time, see you tomorrow," she said happily.

  As she left quickly he appreciated her more and more. She was tall and looked almost athletic. In the wet-suit trotting she was more like an adolescent than an adult. He wondered at her age and if she was single. From the way she struck up the conversation he guessed she was single. He chuckled, she'd be surprised to find out he was past seventy two heading into seventy three now.


  The Night Monster

  Timeline AK+12

  Twelve months to the day since his last camping expedition he returned with Martina to share his favorite bush location with her.

  Just like last time, the track in had saplings growing tall without any hint of recent passage by anyone which allayed his main fear but even that wasn't a concern now. He had a happiness that was stronger than losing a camping area.

  This time when they reached the clearing it was empty, no Kate, but that didn't surprise him. He'd not heard from her in six months and now with Martina coming with him, he wondered if she'd put in an appearance. He hoped so as he owed her so much and she was good company. Plus, he wanted to 'show off' Martina to Kate which he knew was childish but there was a raw pleasure in that thought.

  He setup the camp in what he considered excellent time. Martina was an experienced camper and she helped him with everything. Setting up the double tent was a pleasure and with a look, their eyes met and twinkled at the pleasure to come that night.

  Finally they collected logs together. He took a chainsaw to cut up some fallen trees then they stacked them in the rear of his little four wheel drive then took them back to camp. A short while later the fire was smoldering then quickly caught, producing gentle flames that made the whole area much more homely.

  After a light dinner that he and Martina ate in silence, they looked into the fire. Again he counted his lucky stars in finding someone who allowed a silence to linger and didn't seem to need to populate it with mindless drivel or demands or plans for an improbable future. She seemed to like just sitting to let herself commune with everything around her.

  After dinner they sat holding hands in the darkness, the stars and the fire the only light.

  In the distance they heard 'rraaarrrroooo' echoing through the trees and the little valley, then the yelping of wild dogs in the distance. He knew instantly what that was. Cat or Companion were out running in the night, enjoying the exercise and the chase. He hoped the dogs enjoyed it also.

  "Mike," Martina looked across in shock, "what on Earth was that!" She looked a bit nervous, though she knew he had a rifle in the tent, 'in case of emergencies,' he'd said and she had accepted it though the presence of a rifle did not please her greatly.

  "The night monster chasing the wild high country dogs," Mike said with a twinkle in his eyes. She chuckled also, sharing the joke.

  He closed his eyes and tried for a feeling of contact, a means to reach out to Cat or Companion in the darkness, 'come, please come,' was what he tried for, 'come and meet Martina.'

  Surprisingly he felt a 'ye-ah-yes,' come back to him. It was the indistinct, somewhat 'fuzzy' but still a feeling that made him smile then he opened his eyes to see Martina watching him closely.

  "What are you laughing at," she asked. She'd been looking at him when he'd closed his eyes to concentrate then he'd smiled which seemed odd, as if he was having some kind of private joke and maybe at her expense.

  He sat quietly, looking into the flames after glancing at her and saying, "You won't believe just how happy I am to be here with you." He squeezed her hand then they both lapsed into silence looking back into the fire but he was listening carefully to the bush around him, waiting for whoever was coming.

  A short while later when it came, he felt the instant of arrival, like a minor flash of recognition. He felt something nibbling at his thoughts as he sat looking into the fire. He turned his head quickly in what he thought the direction was, then they heard.

  "Permission to enter the camp," came Kate's voice from the darkness beyond.

  "Come friend," he said loudly.

  Martina looked surprised then almost shocked as Kate walked in with Cat at her side looking happy and 'jaunty' with a huge smile on his face.

  "Well, seems solo camping is a thing of the past," Kate said as she walked up. "Kate Smith," she said extending a hand to Martina.

  As Martina stood then shook hands, Mike saw Martina jump slightly then look hard at Kate who just smiled. Then he knew what had happened. Kate had used her presence, her consciousness to scan Martina for a moment, to take her measure.

  Suddenly he had Kate in his arms for a hard hug, "Well," Kate said, "things are certainly looking up for you Mike. I'm so glad to see you here again. Mind if I join you for an hour or two?"

  Martina shrugged, "Sure," then clammed up looking irritated as she sat back in her chair looking annoyed that their time away had been interrupted.

  Kate noticed, "Martina, honestly, I'm just a friend." Kate flicked her chair out beside Martina's then Cat walked up and head butted Martina making her jump and squeal in surprise. She'd seen Cat but not thought about him in h
er instant jealousy and suspicion of Kate.

  "He does love a cuddle," Kate said.

  Martina looked down then extended a hand to stroke his head, run it down his back, "He is nice," she admitted. Then, "Was it him we heard in the distance?"

  Kate grinned, "Sure was. He likes to run with the wild dogs. They make a game of it in the dark. They know the area better, every twist and turn but he has better night vision and is stronger and faster."

  After a short while they were all sitting, "I hope you don't mind me visiting, I'm keen to meet Martina and also to see how you're going Mike. It's been what, six months now since I saw you. I am so pleased."

  Martina looked across from patting and exploring Cat, wondering what he was and how he happened to be with this surprisingly confident and strong young woman, "You know Mike? Know him well?"

  These were obviously leading questions.

  Kate laughed, "Martina seriously, I know Mike very well in some ways and not at all in others. We're friends, good friends and honestly, there is no need to be jealous. Absolutely none. I met Mike here camping a few times, I just, ah, popped in for a few hours the same as now. I have some friends who also visited. Mike was able to give them a gift they've treasured and remember fondly."

  Martina looked surprised, looked at Mike then back at Kate, "Sounds intriguing, what was it, can I ask?"

  Kate nodded slowly, not taking her eyes from Martina, "Sure, but you must keep a real secret on this because it is important. Not tell anyone other than Mike. It's a great secret and something you should share with him. I promise you'll like it but you absolutely must keep it secret and share with Mike only."

  Martina recoiled back slightly, "Mike has been keeping a secret from me," with which she looked across at Mike who was also looking surprised.

  "Absolutely," said Kate, "because he promised me and he is a man of his word. I believe you are also so I'm offering. He promised me, he kept his promise so he has my friendship. The same applies to you if you want it. It will all make sense."

  Martina looked totally puzzled, "Okaaaaay, I'll keep your secret safe but only if it's not illegal or awful."

  "Mind if they return Mike," Kate said, "I think they'd like a second visit."

  Mike smiled, "Sure, might be interesting."

  Martina was none the wiser, and if anything, more confused and starting to get annoyed. She was heading into anger that this young woman was in some way deeply connected to Mike and looking like more than just a friend. Keeping secrets was something that annoyed her deeply as she felt it would easily become a relationship breaker, something that upset her.

  Kate smiled then waved her hand slightly, a flick to the side.


  The Dance

  Martina's eyes stood out, bulging in surprise, "Where on Earth did they come from?"

  She was staring at the sudden appearance of a few dozen people flooding the area. As she watched they walked around almost randomly sampling the air, looking at the fire, at them seated, at Mike's little battered four wheel drive and the tent. They looked to take turns moving around completely at random.

  Kate delayed the answer and Mike was chuckling, "Not from on Earth Martina, a very long way away, a few hundred light years. Their planet is totally under control and not a wild area on it. Here they sample our wilderness which is sending a thrill through them. Wait a moment, I'll go get my favorite musical instrument and play for them. They like that and it's a privilege for me."

  Kate stood then vanished right in front of them, gone in a blink of an eye.

  "Mike?" said Martina, feeling deeply lost, “this is not happening. I’m dreaming or I’ve eaten something strange?”

  "Wait," he said, "she's different. She'll explain everything. You'll feel better. Promise." He knew it was challenging.

  A few seconds later she reappeared then sat down again, carrying what looked to Martina like an odd musical instrument.

  "I call it a 'scather'," Kate said as she caressed it lovingly, her hand moving over its surface making it sigh gently. "It's from their home planet, an ancient instrument and seldom used now as it's difficult to play but even more difficult to get the emotional connection. Me playing it is something they cherish. I hope you don't mind but they record these moments and replay them. Right now a whole species is emotion-sharing their time here. They're taking in everything, from Mike's happiness being with you, your surprise and wonder, my happiness, even Cat dozing by the fire. To them it is a gift beyond measure, I hope you don't mind."

  Martina's mouth flopped open, "You are kidding? You are human? How did you do that?"

  Kate nodded slowly, "Not kidding and I promise, I am human. I'm sort of a bit odd I suppose, built differently now. Different. I can control things around me at a fundamental space-time level and that along with a different kind of emotional state gives me a basic communication with these beings. They can sense me and we can converse in a rudimentary fashion. They have a gift for you and Mike if you want it. I promise it will open your eyes and your mind and heart in a way you can't imagine."


  Martina sat still, quietly looking at the beings moving round the clearing deep in the bush on a cool night beside the fire. She just shook her head from side to side slowly.

  Then Kate started to play quietly on her instrument. In among the sounds that seemed to glide from one to the other with the occasional sharp strident poignant intrusion, Kate's' voice wound through in the background, fillings the gaps and giving it substance. She was hypnotically infusing the music with vocals she couldn't understand. Then she realized; it was most likely an alien set of vocals Kate was singing.

  As she watched, the beings moved to the music as if in a trance, their limbs moving to the music, the bodies bobbing and moving in sympathy. She found herself also being moved, being somehow transported as her life of dance, music and rhythm tuned into what Kate was doing.

  Eventually Kate finished, the clearing returned to silence with the many beings still moving silently.

  "Kate that is incredible, can I join them in the dance? I can feel it transporting me, sending me on a journey."

  Kate smiled, her eyes twinkling in the firelight, "I think they would like that. If they take your hand, let them, close your eyes, open your mind and they'll share their feelings. Mike has done it, I've done it many times. It's a gift beyond measure."

  With that Kate began to play again.

  As she watched, Martina saw the beings start to move in tune with the music again, their limbs synchronized moving up and down, their bodies twirling to the sounds as Kate again cast her spell over the clearing.

  Martina couldn't help herself, she got up then stepped quietly into the moving maelstrom of twirling, dipping, gyrating bodies. She closed her eyes then without thought let herself float and move as the music insinuated into her.

  As she moved she sensed the other bodies nearby, the forms gliding past gently touching her with a fleeting wisp of cloth, all joined in a dance to the music.

  As she moved feeling more and more out of body she felt a warm hand move into hers, take it gently then suddenly she felt the a connection. She felt the emotion of the moment and somehow she felt the other being at a deep emotional level. The emotion seemed to fill her, a huge wave of pleasure welled up inside her sweeping aside her cares and worries of which she'd had more than a few with the last half hour being as out of body as she'd ever had in her life.

  Then she felt the voice deep within her, "Come," the word resonating her, "come with us to see, no harm shall come to you, come experience with us."

  With that she let herself go, let herself be taken quickly by them.

  In an instant she saw the clearing as if she was above it. She felt the emotion of the beings, she saw herself standing still with a being holding her hand, then the perspective floated upward at what felt like light speed, moving, feeling the pleasure of space as it rushed past her just as if she had her head out of the car window e
xperiencing the wind in her face.

  Then she felt a different pleasure as she looked down on another planet, a different planet. "Home," was the feeling, they were showing her their home planet, then they dipped down below the clouds as they moved across a different civilization.

  She experienced their planet, saw the beings and experienced what seemed to be a shared pleasure surrounding them.

  She felt the excitement that was being generated then the voice told her, "Your planet tamer is very strong. Her performance has captured our planet, we take turns experiencing."

  As she heard this she felt the emotion all around her. She moved across the planet feeling the many presences quietly experiencing and rejoicing in the moment, sharing.


  Planet Tamer

  It was late, well after midnight when only Kate, Mike and Martina remained round the glowing embers of the fire.

  Martina sat at long last having danced and traveled as she never would have imagined. "Kate, how on earth has this happened? They really were,” she had to hesitate, to be able to say the words but she knew the truth, “aliens?"

  Kate leaned back in her chair with a smile on her face, her eyes now closed as she relaxed. "Martina, yes. They truly are. They're an old race, a race of people who just travel and experience life, experience the galaxy. They take pleasure where they can get it and are happy to share, they take pleasure from that. In sharing with you, they fed off your happiness and that fed back into you."

  Martina thought for a moment then understood it was true. She’d felt that. She'd never really felt like that same euphoric rush of happiness as she experienced with them.

  "What about you Kate. Are you, well, alien? Part alien? How do you know them? It’s extraordinary just being out here in the bush with you and them."

  Kate chuckled, “Martina one morning I woke up. That’s what it felt like, nothing more dramatic than that. Then over the course of a short period of time I changed. My brain, my mind changed on that day, and others, to become different. The changes spread through my muscles and the remainder of my body.”


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