by H. M. Montes
Spencer moved to sit on the bench and pulled me to stand between his legs, the song stopped and the room was filled with silence. “You know what I think? This body, (he leaned forward and kiss each hip then circled my bellybutton with his tongue), this skin, this heart, know what they want and you’re trying to deny it.”
He looked up at my face, “You can’t keep denying your body of what it already knows it wants.” Slowly he pulled my thong down, so I stepped out of it, he traced the leather straps of my sandals up to my knees, “You can’t keep denying it…” he trailed off when he kissed the top of pussy.
“We can’t do this here.” I finally said.
He slipped is tongue between my folds, “Nobody can see us.”
I looked around the gazebo and knew it was the same kind of glass that the rooms were at the Box. He massaged the back of my thighs as he looked at me, I leaned forward and unbuttoned his pants, his boxers covered his cock but the tip of it was pushing past the waistband. I lowered my head and licked the tip, once his saltiness hit my tongue I couldn’t stop what was going to happen between us. He pushed his pants down while I unbuttoned his shirt, ‘Drunk in Love’ by Beyoncé started playing. He pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. I rocked my hips pushing his cock back and forth between my folds. He took control and thrust slowly inside of me, I could feel his pulse all the way to my core. Each time I would rise up he would hiss through clenched teeth, each time I slid down he licked a nipple and pulled on it gently with his teeth, causing my pussy muscles to tighten more around him. The pace didn’t quicken, he kissed me until my orgasm made my entire body ignite around him then he pushed as deep as he could and released his thick hot cum inside of me. “Alexia?”
“I’m in love with you.” He confessed and cupped my face in his hands.
“I don’t think it’s love.” I told him.
“Yes it is, I’ve tried to deny it. You’re trying to too.”
I shook my head and climbed off of him, using a Kleenex from my purse I cleaned up and handed him some but he refused as he dressed. Once we were both dressed again I unlocked the door and started to walk out.
“You aren’t walking away from me.” He caught up with me and spun me around.
“Spencer we can’t be in love, we don’t even KNOW each other!”
He laughed, “I think we know each other better than you think we do.”
“Because of the sex? If I said we weren’t going to have sex for six months, you’d walk away!” I laughed.
“I would? You’re pretty sure you have it all figured out huh?” he asked.
I laughed again, “You and I both know, we only know each other in bed! I want to get married someday, have kids, I want to be able to get fat and be bitchy with somebody that will love me no matter what!” I said trying not to yell.
“Annnd you don’t think I’d like you if you are fat and bitchy? Christ you’re skinny and bitchy.”
I rolled my eyes, “I want to have twelve kids!”
His eyes got big, “I’m not opposed to kids, but…twelve? Really? I can’t even think of twelve fucking names to name twelve other little human beings.” He said and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Huh?” I asked confused, he wasn’t running the other way at the mention of marriage and kids.
“You heard me Alexia.”
“I don’t even know how old you are!”
“I’ll be twenty nine, I have a brother, I don’t like cats, I have no known food allergies…”
“I’m going to be twenty in four months, I’m adopted, my biological mom died when I was born and my adopted parents died two months and six days ago. I hate sushi, the subway is pretty creepy, and I’m scared of flying. And… I like to cook.”
“Don’t forget…you want twelve kids.” He said with a smile and pulled me towards “Here’s what I think we need to do, if you think it’s all about sex then we’ll cut the sex out and just spend time getting to know each other like you think we need to. I know that I love you and I’m going to prove it to you however you want me to.” He said and brushed his lips against mine.
I didn’t know what to say, “I…”
“Alexia, don’t push me away. You’ll break your own heart.”
“I would rather break my heart myself than open it up for you to rip apart.” I stepped back.
“Just give me time, that’s all I ask. I’ve never been in love like this, I’m so confused right now. Why couldn’t I have met you outside the box instead of in it?” I wiped a tear off my face.
He cupped the back of his neck and stepped out of my way, I walked past him and never looked back. Joe was waiting out front, I couldn’t even look at him when he pulled the car door open for me. The drive back to my apartment was silent, I stared out the window with my head resting against the cool glass.
The apartment was silent when I walked in, so I went into the bathroom stripped my clothes off and started the shower. I stepped inside and slid down the wall;
“Lexi?” Destiney said my name, opened the bathroom door and walked in.
“He said he loves me.” I told her.
“I told you! Are you on the floor of the shower?”
“You’re not happy that he told you how he feels?” she asked.
“I’ve never been in love Destiney, what if I give him my heart and he rips it out when he figures out that we aren’t good for each other that what we feel between each other is just lust?”
She opened the shower door and sat down beside me, “You did not just get naked and get in here with me.” I said with a laugh.
“I did, (she laughed), we’ve both changed a little since our boobs sprouted.”
“Are you two uhm in the shower together?” Williams’s voice broke through the bathroom.
“If you even think you’re getting in here you’re sadly mistaken.” Destiney told him.
“Fun haters.” He told her. “What’s wrong Lex?”
I told them about my evening out with Spencer, “Jesus that’s hot!” William said. Destiney rolled her eyes again. “Lex, you said that no other guy makes you feel like that. You’re not being fair to Derrick, yourself, or this other guy.” William told me.
I looked at Destiney she shrugged her shoulders, “He’s right, I think you do love him. You’re just throwing a wall up and he’s pulling the bricks down as fast as you put them up. He sounds like he really does love you.”
“It’s sooo fast! That’s what worries me the most. You only read about it in romance books, they meet they fall in love they live happily ever after in just a matter of weeks. He’s so good looking, so rich, he could have any woman he wants. She could be skinny have perfect boobs, perfect lips, perfect everything. Instead he thinks…”
“You ARE his perfect Lexi, he sees it but you don’t. Let him prove it to you.” William told me.
“I think he’s right.” Destiney told me.
I leaned my head against the wall, “Between college, beauty school, and his work, we’ll never see each other.”
“Oh my god, you will too, quit trying to make up excuses. You love him and you know it.”
I stared at the water coming out of the shower head, “I think you’re right. I’m going to leave him alone for a few days. If he really wants me he’ll find me…right?”
“Thank god! The water is freezing!” Destiney said and exited the shower.
I waited for them to get out then I shut the water off, wrapped myself in a towel. I pulled on my pajamas and laid down in bed. When I plugged both of my cell phones in there was a new message on his cell phone he had given me.
S: I meant what I said, I do love you. Trust me I didn’t think I could after Tiffany, but you’ve proved to me that I can. P.S. are the twelve kids all girls? All boys? Or half and half?
L: Here is a list of things that worry me, 1) there is almost 10yrs difference between us 2) You are far more experienced in life than I
am 3) I just started college and still have hair school to finish why would you wait that long for me? 4) I don’t want twelve kids, maybe 2 but not for a very long time 5) What happens when you find somebody better than me?
Almost ten minutes passed before he replied;
S: 1) We are both over the age of 18 so I could give 2shits less about the age 2) Not sure why you think I’m more experienced in life, until I met you I treated women like they were trash. 3) I run a business that has the same hours you are in both schools 4) I’m still trying to think of 12 names, only thought of 2 (you’d be a beautiful pregnant woman) 5) I’ve found the one that is better than me, that’s all I need. You ! Alexia I’m not saying lets run off and get married tomorrow, next month, or even next year. I’m just saying that I need you, I love you, and I want you to trust me when I say I’m not going to hurt you. We’ll have our ups and downs, I can be an asshole, I can be childish…just give me the chance to prove that I can love you even more. Outside the Box…Please. P.S. that has to be the longest text I have ever typed out ;) Names I thought of our Lilly and Daisy by the way LOL.
I read the text numerous times before I finally replied;
A: I want to trust you, I want to be with you, you make me feel things that no man has ever made me feel. I think I’m in love with you I’m just scared. By the way you said you hate cats, I have one, her name is Frank … that’s strike 1 for you HA!
S: I can make an exception for you, as long as it doesn’t scratch on my legs like they are a scratching post I’m fine. I’m not going to make you choose to be with me, you “think” you love me? I know you do, I can see it in your eyes. Trust me when I say I’m probably more scared than you are.
A: I’ve got a busy week with tests at both schools, let me get through this week then we’ll get together and hash all of this out…okay?
S: You don’t want me to talk to you the rest of the week? Not gonna happen sweet heart!
A: I didn’t say we couldn’t talk, I meant I can’t go out in the evenings this week. I’ve got a study group through lunch hour.
S: Okay, promise me we’ll get to see each other at least for five minutes?
A: I’ll let you know when I am going to have a break in the evening, you can bring me something to eat ;)
S: Deal! Get some rest, if you need any help with your studying I do know a thing or two about accounting. You’re welcome to come to the warehouse anytime.
A: K. ttyl.
S: Later…I love you!
A: <3 you!
I could have typed the word ‘Love’, but that would have made it all too real, I was still confused but I knew that I loved him.
S: Can I ask why that couldn’t have been a phone call it would have been a hell of a lot easier. I could have heard your beautiful voice too.
A: Some things are just easier to say w/o being interrupted lol. I like having it in black and white so I can throw it in your face later! Night.
I knew the very second that I told her that I loved her that she was scared, my heart was about to beat out of my chest waiting for her response. Then when she walked away I knew that I would be doing everything in my power to get her to realize that the feelings we had for each other weren’t lust and they wouldn’t go away.
We text for almost an hour later that night, she didn’t type the word love, only typed the little heart symbol. I’m sure in her mind typing it back would make it all too real for her, what I wanted the most was to hear her tell me she loves me. I was just crossing my fingers and hoping it wouldn’t end like my marriage did. Alexia was holding my heart in her hands, all I could do was hope she didn’t throw it down and stop on it, that would be my undoing for god damn sure.
The following day at work I called Peaches to my office so I could talk to her about it, another chic’s point of view was definitely what I needed. She pulled her blindfold off when she walked in, “You wanted to see me?”
I laid my cell phone on the desk, “Read all that and tell me what the fuck is going through her head. It’s all about as clear as mud to me.” I told her.
She spent the next ten minutes reading and re-reading all of the messages, then she slid my phone back to me. “Well, obviously she’s worried that she’s not good enough for you, and she thinks this is all because of the sex.”
“I know that much but what the hell do I have to do to prove to her that it’s not?”
“Don’t have sex with her, just spend time with her, don’t overdo it by telling her what is so great about her all the time. She’s afraid that, in your mind you only see the good things, we all have our flaws… she probably thinks when you start seeing her flaws you’ll treat her like you have the others.”
I looked up at the ceiling, “Why are you women so god damn difficult? Flawless is boring!”
Peaches laughed, “I bet that ninety nine percent of what scares her is the fact that you’re so rich, so good looking, and so powerful. In her mind she can’t figure out why you’d want a woman that isn’t flawless.”
“I can’t change any of those things about me for fucks sake! So the other one percent is because she’s scared?”
She shrugged a shoulder, “Probably.”
I shook my head, “You have no advice at all? How do I prove to her that even if I didn’t have all this that I’d still want to be with her and that I’d still love her?”
“Don’t flash your money and power to get what you think she wants. If she want’ to go to McDonalds for a Big Mac…take the subway with her and go have a Big Mac. Step outside your comfort zone for her.”
I smiled, “Christ she couldn’t just tell me that herself?”
“She probably thinks she’ll say it the wrong way, the whole lust thing…that’s just because you two had sex as strangers and fell for each other. That’s what’s got her scared, once she sees that you do genuinely love her flaws and all. She’ll open up to you.”
“I hope so. By the way are you busy Sunday?”
She eyed me skeptically, “No…why?”
“I was going to see if you and your girlfriend or whatever would want to come to my place for a barbeque I always have family and friends over.”
“Yes ( I dragged out the ‘s’).”
“Sure, I’ll let Hope know.”
“Okay, be there around four. Bring a swimming suit.”
“Sweet! Okay, I’d better get back out to the floor there are some new recruits coming in.”
“Keep me posted.” I told her.
“Oh and Spencer…”
“I told you so!” she said with a smile before walking out and shutting my office door.
The week dragged on, I didn’t get to see Alexia until Friday after she was done with beauty school. I took her a sandwich and ate at the picnic table with her, I could tell she was getting wore out and needed rest. She told me she had passed all of the tests and that Professor German was very pleased with how advanced she was and how quick she caught on. I offered to give her a ride home, but her friend Julie walked up to her and asked if she could go help her hang some new signs at her salon. Alexia said she could and stood to leave, “Hey, come here.” I said and grabbed her hand. “I’ve missed you, Sunday why don’t you come to my place and hang out?”
She stiffened, “I…Sunday’s I hang out with my friend.”
I narrowed my eyes at her, “The friend with benefits?” I asked.
She nodded her head yes, “I’m going to tell him about you, hopefully he won’t hate me.”
“I don’t like the thought of you spending an entire day with another man Alexia, it actually makes me pretty jealous…I get jealous…I get pissy.”
“See you don’t trust me!” she whined. “Spencer, this will never work.”
I cupped her face in my hands, “Don’t put words in my mouth, I didn’t say I don’t trust you. I said I don’t like the idea of y
ou spending the day with another man, one that you’ve fucked and one that you even told me has feelings for you. It’s him I don’t trust.”
“I’m not going to have sex with him, I only like sex with you.” She snapped her mouth shut.
I smiled at her, “I’m pretty partial to you too, if he gets mad just call me and I’ll come get you then you can hang out at my place.”
I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers, “Okay?”
“Okay”, she whispered and smiled.
Julie came out of the building with her bags and told Alexia she would wait for her in the car. Alexia turned back to me, “I’ll talk to you later okay?”
“I love you Alexia.” I told her.
She smiled against the kiss, “I love you too.”
With those four words, she about made my knees buckle and my heart jump out of my chest. I kissed her harder, “Say it again please…”
She giggled her soft seductive giggle, “I love you Spencer.”
“I love you, you’d better leave before I drag you away from this place. Get some rest tomorrow and don’t forget to call me Sunday if you need me okay?”
“Okay.” She walked over to Julie’s car, I watched as they drove away.
I had passed the Accounting tests, I had passed the tests at the cosmetology school, and admitted to Spencer that I love him. Julie was practically drooling over Spencer, “He’s like a cross between Channing Tatum and Bradley Cooper! How could you not love him?!” she fanned her face. “You do know that man is in deep with you, I can see it in his eyes. Those, drop your panties, come ride this stallion, I’m going to have you screaming my name, starburst blue eyes!”
“Wow, I like his eyes and all but I never thought those were what made me drop my panties for him.”
Her eyes got big, “You’ve had sex? Oh god give me details!”
“Urrmmm, do I have to?” I could feel myself blushing.