Keeping the Biker's Oath (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 5)

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Keeping the Biker's Oath (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter Book 5) Page 6

by Piper Davenport

  “Tristan,” I rasped.


  “Yes. God, yes.”

  “You wanna come?”

  I nodded, swallowing convulsively.

  He went back to my clit, sucking as he moved the vibrator slightly and I screamed his name, my body shaking as an orgasm washed over me.

  Pulling the vibrator gently out of me, he rolled me onto my side, and pressed his fingers into my pussy and then his dick was pushing inside of my ass and I was coming again.

  “Baby, you need to slow down,” he warned.

  “I can’t,” I panted out.

  He pushed in further, sliding a hand to palm my breast. “You want more?”

  “Yeah. Hard, honey.” I slid my leg over his, so I was open to him and he moved his hand from my breast to my pussy, fingering me while he fucked my ass. He buried himself to the hilt, then began to move, faster and faster, his fingers working their way inside of my pussy while his palm rubbed my clit. “Oh, god, get there, Tristan!” I begged and he slammed into me harder and harder, suddenly going still as his dick released its load into me.

  My own release covered his fingers and he kissed the nape of my neck before smiling and lifting his hand to his mouth, running his tongue over his palm. “Fuckin’ honey.” Sliding gently out of me, he untied my hands from the headboard, then released me from my restraints, kissing me gently. “We’re going to the courthouse on Monday and we’re getting married. If you want to have some kind of ceremony or party later, go for it, but we’re making it official on Monday, and I’m not hearing any arguments about it. Got it?”

  “I kind of wanted Clementine to be—”

  “And she will be,” Doc said, heading to the bathroom. “As will Alamo.”

  “Wait, what?” I asked, following him.

  “I already talked to her,” he said, then washed his face. “She took the day off work and is meeting us at the courthouse.”

  “What if I’d said no?”

  He rolled his eyes. “You weren’t gonna say no.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “What if I had?”

  He dried his hands and cocked his head. “I would have tied you to my fucking bike and driven you back to Savannah myself.”

  “So your whole ultimatum was just an illusion?”

  He slid his hand to my neck and stroked my cheek. “In what universe did you ever think I’d ever let you go?”

  “Do you know how obsessive you sound right now? It’s not healthy, Tristan.”

  He cocked his head. “This has nothing to do with obsession, sweetness. If I really believed you wanted nothing to do with me…that you really wanted us to be over, I’d walk away. You just needed me to prove it.”

  “It’s weird that you know me better than I know me.”

  “No it’s not.”

  “Yeah, it really is.”

  He chuckled. “Do you think you can start to relax a little and just let your man love you now?”

  I sighed, leaning into his touch. “I can try.”

  He grinned, kissing me gently. “Love you, baby.”

  “Can I feed you now, please? I do not like how much weight you’ve lost.”

  “Yeah we can eat.”

  “Will you cook?”

  He laughed. “Sure. You got food?”

  I nodded. “Clem shopped.”

  “Okay. Let’s see what she bought.”

  I kissed him quickly. “Thanks baby.”

  I followed him into the kitchen, and we settled into the perfect domestic chore of preparing food, and I finally started to relax a little.


  MONDAY AFTERNOON, DOC walked me through the halls of the Chatham County Courthouse. We were officially married, and now we were filling out our paperwork to get my name changed on everything. Alamo and Clementine had witnessed our marriage, then went about their days. The whole thing was very mundane, really, but exactly what I wanted.

  “Dinner or home?” Doc asked once everything was filed.

  “Home,” I said.

  He kissed me gently. “Okay, Mrs. Brooks, your wish is my command.”

  I laughed. “God, that’s gonna take some getting used to.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, it is.”

  “In a good way. I love it. Brooks is so much better than Worthington.”

  “You think?”

  “Yes,” I stressed. “Worthington sounds so fucking uptight.” I wrapped my arms around him. “Brooks is so much more my style.”

  He hugged me. “I love that, sweetness.”

  Walking out to his bike, we climbed on and headed to my condo. I guess, I should say our condo now, since we were going to be combining our worlds now. We parked next to my car, rode the elevator up to my floor and that’s when all hell broke loose.

  As we approached the front door, Doc pushed me against the wall, and boxed me in. “Don’t move.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  He didn’t answer me as he pulled his gun out of his holster and his phone out of his pocket. “Call Alamo, then 9-1-1.”

  “What?” I squeaked.

  “Do it, Olivia. In that order.”

  That’s when I noticed my doorframe was shattered. It took me a minute to scroll to Alamo’s number, as my hands were shaking so bad.

  “Hey, Doc.”

  “It’s Liv, actually,” I said.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I think someone broke into my condo,” I whispered. “Doc’s going in there with a gun.”

  “Okay, sweetheart, I’m coming with backup. Do everything he tells you to do, okay?”

  “Okay,” I said, my voice shaking.

  He hung up and I dialed 9-1-1.

  “9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”

  “Someone broke into my condo,” I whispered, then gave her my address. “My husband is checking to see if anyone is still inside.”

  “I’d rather he didn’t. Would you ask him to come out?” she requested. “It could be a dangerous situation.”

  Yeah, for whoever’s in there, I thought to myself.

  “Ah, I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Okay, ma’am, we’ve got units on the way. It would be better for you and your husband to get somewhere safe, if you can.”


  I hung up just as Doc walked out with one of my duffel bags. “I packed you a few things. You’re staying at the barn until we figure out what’s going on.”

  “I think I should make sure you didn’t miss anything.”

  “Quick, baby,” he warned. “Cops’ll be here any second, and then your place becomes a crime scene.”

  “How long am I staying at the barn?” I asked, noting the very full bag.

  “As long as it takes to find the asshole who did this.”

  Doc had done a pretty thorough job of packing, but he missed a couple of essentials in the way of moisturizers, so I grabbed those quickly, and Doc took everything down to my car.

  “I want you to go with Rabbit,” he said, as Alamo and Rabbit walked down the hall. “Alamo and I’ll take care of things here.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  Doc nodded, kissing me quickly, then turning to Rabbit. “Follow her. Don’t stop for anyone.”

  “You got it,” Rabbit said, and we headed down to the garage.

  Rabbit followed me back to the barn and carried my bag up to Doc’s room. I’d left my laptop in the club office, and I was now exceedingly thankful I had. If it had been in my condo, all of my files could have been compromised by whoever broke in.

  Rabbit left me to go take care of whatever Alamo needed him to take care of, and I was left to roam the halls of the giant barn alone. Well, alone with a few dozen bikers who weren’t my man. I tried to get some work done, but even the tranquility of Lyric’s old office couldn’t keep me calm, so I headed out to the great room to see if I could find some distraction.

  “Hey, Liv,” Ozzy called, standing at the pool table with Milky, beer in hand. Otter was close
by, watching as Mouse took his shot.

  “Hey, Oz. How are you guys?”

  “If life were any better, I’d need to charge admission,” Ozzy said.

  I chuckled. “Glad to hear it.”

  “You’re not goin’ anywhere, right?” Milky asked.

  “No, I know the deal, bud,” I said, and he relaxed.

  “Congrats on your nuptials,” Ozzy said.

  I smiled. “News travels fast.”

  “Long time comin’,” Milky grumbled.

  “True,” I agreed. “Have either of you heard from Doc or Alamo? Any clue on when they’ll be back?”

  Before either of them could answer, Doc and Alamo walked in and I rushed to them.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “Marvin’s out,” Doc said.

  “Of jail?”

  Doc nodded.

  “What the fuck?” I hissed. “How did he get out?”

  “Time off for good behavior,” he said, wrapping an arm around me.

  “Good behavior?” I scoffed. “Why did no one inform me he was getting out?”

  “Dalton’s looking into it,” Doc said.

  Dalton Moore was an ex-FBI agent, who was really more in than out when it came to the agency, considering he worked as a consultant on more than a few occasions. He’d become close buds with Doom several years ago when he’d helped bust a human trafficking ring, which meant he’d become a ‘friend’ to the club and assisted with more sensitive issues Doc may or may not want cops involved in.

  “And Marvin ransacked my condo?”

  “Yes,” he said, wrapping an arm around me.

  “Looking to finish what he started with me,” I whispered, burrowing against Doc. “He won’t stop until I’m dead, will he?”

  “Rabbit’s tracking him,” Alamo said. “He’s not gonna get away with any of that shit, Liv. We got you.”

  “Baby, he’s not gonna get anywhere near you,” Doc promised. “You’ll be here until we make your place like Fort Knox. If he tries to get to you there, he won’t count on me and Stella.”

  Despite my fear, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Stella was his Colt .45 and he’d had it since he’d patched into the Dogs. He’d kept it locked up safe at the compound while he did his Army tours, but when he was home, it was at his side at all times.

  “Okay?” he prodded.

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “You hungry?”


  “Let’s send the boys out on a food run. What do you want?”


  He grinned. “You want our wedding meal to be Chinese?”

  “Hell, yeah, don’t you?” I challenged.

  “I want what my wife wants.”

  I grinned. “I trained you well, young Skywalker.”

  He laughed, kissing me gently, then grabbing a menu from the box on the kitchen counter.

  * * *


  My phone buzzed on my nightstand, waking me way too fucking early in the morning. Olivia stirred beside me, so I kissed her gently and told her to go back to sleep, snagging my phone and heading to the bathroom.

  Alamo: Found Marvin.

  Me: Text me the address, I’ll meet you.

  I didn’t wait for a response as I got dressed and headed down to my bike. I shook my head as I pulled up to the Gainz at the edge of town. Pussy. Of course he ‘worked out’ here. It was less gym and more meat market, which was perfect for the doughy, balding piece of shit.

  I found Alamo and Doom waiting around the back and parked my bike beside theirs, giving them a chin lift as I lowered the kickstand.

  “Two cameras in the back, one in front,” Alamo said. “Blind spots are around the side.”

  “Not a good place to get to him,” I said.

  “I don’t know,” Doom countered. “I think you could always just plan to hold him for the authorities. He could fall a few times.”

  “Don’t really wanna hold him for anyone,” I admitted. “I’d rather just bury him in a shallow grave.”

  “Yeah, but the better play here is to let Dalton deal with him,” Alamo said.

  I sighed, stretching my neck and hearing the satisfying pop of air. “Jesus, I wanna fuckin’ rip his dick off.”

  “How about you have a little chat with him while we wait for Dalton?” Doom suggested. “He’s not far behind us anyway. He’s giving you a little leeway, but not much.”

  Alamo nodded at something over my head. “Now’s your chance.”

  I turned and saw Marvin heading toward his car, so I set my helmet on my seat and followed him. “Marvin!” I called.

  The second the asshole saw me, he pissed himself…and then tried to run. He was too far from his car, however, and I got to him first. “Now, come on, buddy,” I crooned. “You know you have nowhere to go.”

  “Doc, man, I’m sorry. I wasn’t gonna hurt her.”

  I squeezed the back of his neck so hard, he whimpered in pain as I guided him to the side of the building. “See, here’s the problem, Marvin. When I visited you in prison, we had an understanding, do you remember?”

  “I swear, I just wanted to see how she was! Make sure she was happy.”

  “By kicking in her door?” I asked, slamming his head against the brick wall.

  “Well, she wasn’t answering.”

  “You violated your parole, asshole,” I hissed, pressing his face harder against the brick. “But worse, you tried to violate my woman…again. And that won’t stand. I warned you, remember?”

  “Doc, please.”

  “Do you remember what I told you?” I asked.

  “Doc, wait, wait,” he begged, trying to pry my hand away from his neck.

  “Do you remember what I told you?” I repeated.

  “That if she ever saw me again, you’d remove my spleen through my mouth,” he rasped.

  “Actually, I believe what I said was, that if you ever whispered her name on the wind or so much as thought of her, I’d removed your spleen through your mouth. Does that refresh your memory?”

  He whimpered.

  I slammed my fist into his side. “I didn’t hear you.”

  He nodded, as he cried out, “Yes.”

  “Right, so I have a dilemma here. FBI is on their way, so I can make this easy and just shoot you in the head, say I was defendin’ myself, but I’ve never liked easy.”

  “No, please, Doc. I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

  “Doc,” Dalton called. “That’s enough.”

  I sneered as the FBI agent approached, handcuffs at the ready, spoiling my fun. I felt Marvin relax and I pulled him away from the wall and turned him toward Dalton, ‘accidentally’ tripping Marvin as we walked toward the agent. Marvin went down hard and he screamed, his hands going to his mouth as blood poured from it.

  “Oops,” I said with a shrug.

  “My teeth!” Marvin lisped through the missing front two that lay on the concrete next to him.

  “Don’t be sad, your lack of front teeth will make what they have planned for you in prison easier,” I said, and stepped over him.

  “Jesus, Doc, was that necessary?” Dalton accused, cuffing Marvin and yanking him to his feet.

  “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, Dalton. He tripped.”

  I headed back to my bike, threw my leg over and took off, knowing my brothers were at my back.

  The second we got back to the barn, I made my way back up to my room and slid back into bed, pulling Olivia close.

  “You okay?” she asked sleepily.

  “Yeah, sweetness. I am now.”

  “Do I need to wake up and make sure you’re okay?” she whispered.

  “No. I need to hold you and fall back to sleep.”

  “Okay.” She snuggled close and held me until we both succumbed to oblivion.


  ABOUT A MONTH later, I headed into downtown Savannah after making sure all sixty-two security measures were followed before lea
ving my condo. Shortly after the incident with Marvin, my place had been retrofitted to survive a zombie apocalypse, complete with a reinforced, impenetrable front door, panic room, and security cameras everywhere except my bathrooms.

  Doc and I had settled into domestic bliss, splitting our time between the condo and the compound and it was working, so far, kind of perfectly.

  Today, I needed to take care of my birth control situation again, so I checked into my doctor’s office and did my normal pee-in-a cup routine before my shot. I should probably figure out a more permanent solution, but this was working for me and I was pretty regimented with it, so I was a big believer in don’t fix what wasn’t broken.

  “Knock, knock,” Margo Spencer said, as she walked into the room. “Hello, gorgeous.”

  Margo was a friend as well as my doctor and I adored her.

  “Hello,” I said, standing to hug her. “What’s new?”

  “Same old, same old,” she said with a chuckle. “I keep saying I’m going to sail around the world with Brad Pitt, but it just never seems to happen.”

  “I hear you.”

  She pulled up a seat and logged into her computer. “So, you’re here for your shot. Any concerns?”

  “Nope. I’m good. As always,” I said.

  “I see a ring. Did you and Tristan finally get engaged?”

  “Married,” I said.

  “Really?” I didn’t miss a look of hurt cross her face. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. It was a quickie courthouse thing, just the two of us. Long story,” I rushed to say. “Anyway, we’re throwing a reception in a few weeks, so I hope you’ll be able to make it. I’ll be sending out invitations this week.”

  She grinned. “I’ll be there, babe, you know it.”


  Margo focused back on her screen, tapping on the keyboard again. “Okay, I’m just pulling up your urine…ah…well, this is interesting.”

  “What’s interesting?”

  “Your urine is indicating positive for pregnancy.”

  I let out a snort. “Uh, no way in hell.”

  Margo smiled. “Well, you know how that can happen. We’ll take a quick blood test and we’ll know for sure. But we can’t give you your shot until we do.”


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