Lexi's Untamed Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Lexi's Untamed Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Rhea Regale

  Now, waiting in the sun-drenched living room of this immaculate home, she walked the perimeter to keep her thoughts from lingering on the morning. His home was rustic and masculine, with stained wooden beams spanning the ceiling, natural wood walls, brick around the fireplace, and supple leather furniture. The room reminded her of some mountain cabin she’d seen in a magazine, sans the deer heads and antler chandeliers.

  Lexi stopped in front of the fireplace, her attention drawn to an old framed photo of two young boys and an infant girl. Judging by the clothes and the grainy consistency of the photo, she deduced one of the two boys was Brent in his early years.

  “From simpler days. Serves as a reminder how blood can be influenced by beauty.”

  Lexi gasped and spun around. Brent gauged her with his light-blue eyes, searching for something only he knew. She, on the other hand, couldn’t help but forget about the tension residing in her shoulders to look him over. In a plain white T-shirt and blue jeans, she could see the detailed outline of his cut muscles. She remembered all too well just how glorious he looked naked. His damp hair shimmered in the sunlight, neatly pulled back to his nape. The rugged and handsome contours of his face called for her to touch and trace, delight in the shadow of his unshaven jaw. She was never one for facial hair, but the tease of whiskers on this particular man sent a shiver through her.

  She hitched her thumb over her shoulder toward the photo. She didn’t want to let on that Travis gave her bare-bone details of Brent’s history. “You have siblings?”

  “One of each. Older brother and a baby sister.” Brent’s eyes clouded. He moved closer to her. The fresh scent of soap and cologne embraced her senses as he leaned past her and traced the edge of the picture frame. His body brushed against hers, weakening her knees. “Still talk to Janice.”

  “Not your brother?” She pressed cautiously, turning slightly to fit better against his body in this awkward hovering.

  “I told you I know you’re runnin’. I watched you last night, always looking over your shoulder, waiting for someone to burst into the bar.” A low sigh left his lips. He turned his head down, dropping his gaze to hers. His arm went around her waist, tugging her close. “I came from a town outside Laguna Beach, California. Spent much of my time in LA. Never imagined I’d come to a place like Ryder until I left, half runnin’ from my broken pride, half trying to figure things out.”

  He turned the photo over and perched his elbow on the mantel. His broad form could easily swallow her, a thought that provoked anything but fear.

  “I was engaged once to a woman I thought was right for me. She loved luxury and beauty. I was a struggling mechanic with a passion for cars and how things worked under the hoods, but I had a look she craved. My brother was a successful businessman who lacked the looks. He had an eye for my fiancée.” Brent’s fingers tapped the back of the frame. “Bet you can get an idea who made a better match.”

  “She cheated on you,” Lexi said. A humorless grin touched his handsome mouth.

  “She and my brother had an affair that went on for almost a year before Janice saw them at a restaurant, discussing their upcoming bundle of joy.”

  Lexi winced. The disgust lacing his voice left her heart aching for him.

  “And Janice came back to you?” she asked.

  “Yes. I was waiting for my fiancée to return from her dinner with friends and confronted her about what Janice learned.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Tried to deny it until I threw a pregnancy test at her and told her to prove it. After all, we hadn’t had sex in almost two months. She finally broke down and admitted to the affair, and I called off the engagement. She didn’t quite like that and conspired with my brother to have me killed.”

  “Your own brother? He went along with it?” Lexi pressed her palms to his chest, a sickening churn tumbling through her gut. “Are you serious?”

  “Entirely. Neither wanted their names tainted. They had a baby coming. My brother had a few dirty connections. I came face-to-face with my personal hit man leaving the shop late one night. Guess he wasn’t expecting to meet the steel barrel of a gun before he had a chance to draw.”

  “You killed him?”

  “No. Shot him in the arm, called the cops, went home, packed up my things, and left. Got a call a week later. Cops arrested my ex and my brother. They needed me back to testify. Didn’t want to, but when the case showed up on the news, I knew it would haunt me until I faced the truth: My brother helped my ex hire a hit man to have me knocked off.”

  Lexi swallowed, a hard knot in her throat. The story Brent shared with her left her cold and disbelieving. She could never imagine anyone in her family trying to knock her off, nor could she begin to understand the depth of betrayal that could elicit in a person.

  Brent’s gaze cleared. The cold seemed to chip away from his expression. “So, there you have it. I tried to run but couldn’t escape. I testified. My ex and my brother were sentenced to prison. Janice took custody of my brother’s child. I left California, not knowing where I would end up until I landed here. I’ve been here since.” He smiled and pinched her chin. “Country life isn’t for everyone. Small town living is far different from city lights. And yet, I’m getting the impression you’re liking it. See? You and I have a bit more in common than you may have realized.”

  “Seems that way.” She felt the hard bulge against her lower belly, tucked tight to her hip. “You’re right. I’m kinda liking this town.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  She lowered her gaze from Brent, trying to figure out the best way to word her next nagging thought. “Um, how did you and Travis…”

  “Ah, that.” Brent chuckled, a deep, husky sound that rippled through her body and strummed her aroused core.

  “Travis was under the impression I struck something in you last night, but if you two are…well, you know—”

  He pressed a finger to her lips, quieting her with a soft “shh.”

  “You caught his attention when he picked you up off the side of the road. First time I heard him piqued since we started our relationship.” His hand smoothed back her bangs and cupped the back of her head. Her heart stammered as he angled her face up to his. “The moment I laid eyes on you, I could see why.”

  “I would never have guessed that either of you held that type of interest. You’re both so…masculine. You certainly have your pick of women.”

  “Doll, we’re as masculine as they come. Our relationship is not a typical one. Nor is it a public matter. Miss Bess may have a suspicion, but we try to be caught with a woman in town every now and again. Most women are after Travis’s name and money. Me? I’m a bit jaded when it comes to the fairer sex.”

  Lexi’s hopes suddenly fell flat. “Oh. Is it about that time again? I’d make an easy fling, being that I’ll be leaving when my car’s fixed.”

  Brent’s eyes narrowed on her. His face hovered a few inches over hers, those kissable lips of his drawn taut. “Now what would make you think you’d be a fling? I wouldn’t indulge in stories, and certainly not my private life, if I wanted a fling.”

  “The timing of the comment had me wondering.” She tamped down the foolishness that rose heat in her face.

  “If I were to kiss you, would the timing be off?” The hand resting against her lower back slid to her ass and cupped one of her cheeks. “Because I’ve been wantin’ to taste that mouth of yours since dinner last night.”

  A split second passed before she felt the heat of Brent’s lips brush against hers. The tease of a kiss tugged every cord in her body tight as wire, vibrating in her womb. She slung her arms around his neck, pressed her body flush to his, and opened her mouth to his kiss.

  Brent explored her mouth with slow, lazy sweeps of his tongue. He kissed away the soft moan that rolled up her throat, filling her with the masculine, hot taste of him. She drank in the subtle flavor of sweetness as the strength in his kiss consumed her mind.

  Her body reacted like a set of fireworks lit in co
ncession with each other. She arched into him, pressing her heavy breasts against the hard planes of his chest. The whisper of friction against her nipples sent a spray of tingles straight to her clit. Moisture filled her pussy, the warm itch spreading from her labia to her lower gut. Pressing up on her toes, she tilted her hips, seeking a semblance of relief in his cock bulge.

  The skirt around her thighs bunched. Brent’s rough, callused palm slid against her skin, a deep, rumbling groan escaping him to resonate in her chest. His hand was strong, masculine, the hand of a capable man. The unsteady release of his breath gave away his tenuous control, his fingers splaying along her thigh, drawing closer to the hem of her panties.

  The tip of his thumb traced the edge of the fabric. A strangled whimper squeezed from her chest. The nagging voice of dignity demanded she stop this. She barely knew the man holding her, kissing her, making the world disappear, her problems vanish, and bringing her to a place of sweet serenity and pleasure. One day wasn’t enough time to warrant opening her legs to a stranger.

  And yet, something about Brent touched her on a soul-deep level. He induced comfort and safety in her, a sense of righteousness and belonging. His promise from earlier rang true. Neither he nor Travis would let harm touch her.

  “Too tempting, doll,” he murmured against her lips. His fingers drew over her panties, caressing her aching clit before lifting her hip and holding fast to her. He inhaled, tugging her as close as she could get without him sliding inside her pussy. She molded her body to his, fitting so perfectly against him. For that brief moment, his kiss bordered intense and wild, a taste of rawness that made her ache and crave more.

  A strange noise filled the dense air. Brent growled and broke away from her, leaving her bereft. He continued to hold her tight, and she refused to release him, resting her head on his shoulder. Her mind whirled, her nerves tingled, and her pussy throbbed.

  He dug out his cell phone from his pocket and connected the call. She smiled to herself, the sound of his gravelly voice stroking every aroused nerve in her body. The strong pump of his heart filled her ear, the unsteady rise and fall of his chest lulling her.

  She listened to his body, the sounds of natural, raw power, and heard another familiar and tantalizing voice through the cell phone. Travis.

  “That’s good to hear. The colt is doing well, I assume?” Brent asked. She couldn’t make out the muffled response. Brent rubbed her lower back. She felt so comfortable standing against him. Her eyelids grew heavy, closing to slits. “Good.”

  He lifted her chin with his index finger. She looked up at him, into his handsome face and clear blue eyes. A small grin laced over his delicious mouth, still moist from their kisses. His phone was tucked between his ear and shoulder. “Yeah, she came by asking about the car.” A soft chuckle. “She’s here now. We were waiting for you to finish tending to Grace Ann.”

  Lexi’s face heated as his gaze darkened. A sudden realization struck her, threatening to shatter the charge between them.

  “We’ll meet you in town in thirty,” Brent said and ended the call. He placed the phone on the mantel. Lexi gently twisted out of his arm and turned away from him. The presence of solid muscle filled the air around her. God, Brent was encompassing and toxic, in a delightful way.

  His hand came to rest on her shoulder. “Something’s botherin’ you.”

  She cast him a shy glance. “What just happened. You cheated on Travis.” Her brow wrinkled. “With me.”

  Brent leaned into her. She closed her eyes, her heart fluttering in her chest as his body brushed along her back. His hot breath caressed her ear. “Not necessarily.”

  “You two are an item—”

  Brent’s lips slid along her jaw and paused to place a soft kiss at the corner of her mouth. Slowly, he turned her back to face him. His eyes caught hers, his expression serious. “I would never do to another what was done to me, Lexi. That’s all you need to know right now.”

  A slow smile curled over his lips, stoking her arousal. Hunger flashed in his eyes, a primitive, carnal hunger that left her light-headed. “Trust me, doll. I’m not cheatin’.”

  Chapter Nine

  Dom tapped the filter of his cigarette on his desk and stared out the window. His penthouse lent him a view worth the millions he spent on the place, but not even the shimmering river in the distance or the sprawling acres of Central Park could ease the knot in his gut.

  His tech-savvy man, Mick, knocked on his office door. He curled his finger, motioning for the man to enter, and pushed off the edge of the desk. Mick made himself comfortable in one of the upholstered chairs Lexi helped design. A scowl crossed his mouth as he lifted his cigarette and lit the end.

  Lexi. Her femininity was sprinkled throughout his place. Damn reason he never got involved with women longer than a month or two, enough time to quench his sexual hungers and move on to new, exciting ventures. This one he practically invited to move in with him. Her damn clothes hung in his closet. Her damn makeup overtook a corner of his counter in the bathroom. Her damn shampoo and conditioner, soap, perfume, decorations, and flowers were all stark reminders of how his lust led him down a careless road. Now he needed to find her and quiet her before she said anything to the cops.

  Mick eyed him curiously. Dom exhaled a plume of white smoke and eased himself into his chair.

  “Were you able to get a signal off the phone?” Dom asked.

  “No. No signal. Either the phone is off or she’s somewhere that isn’t transmitting to a tower,” Mick said. Dom nodded once. This was not what he wanted to hear. He wanted a fucking miracle, some magic to go along with it. He didn’t drop hundred of dollars on this piece of equipment for it to prove useless.

  “There’s no way of bypassing a signal to a tower and simply tracing the phone?”

  “Not with this particular device. It solely works off the signal.”

  He sucked in another puff of smoke to soothe his mounting frustration. His team located Lexi’s sister, but his girl wasn’t there. She had no other family he knew about. The tracker on the phone proved useless. The woman fell off the planet among rush-hour traffic and cornfields. For all he knew, she was in California by now.

  How the hell she was moving about without touching her bank account left him stumped. She left her stash of cash in the bedside drawer, the measly amount it was. He supported her. Without him, she would be left on the streets with pennies to her name.

  Dom gritted his teeth, trying to figure out a way to locate his threat.

  “I need that phone turned on,” he muttered.

  Mick nodded. “Yes.”

  Dom leveled his gaze on Mick, but the earthy tones of the fabric lining the man’s chair pulsed like a damn beacon in the night flashing “Lexi” and “Fucked.” “Tell Danny to get up here. Bring one of the girls. I need some redecorating.”


  Dom Gagliardi did not get stuck. He could work his way out of every goddamn corner ever trapped in.

  Except this one. Lexi skittered through his fingers and escaped him. She evaded all of his money’s worth of technology and staff.

  Bitterness welled in the back of his throat, wrenching his gut. When he found her, when he finally caught her, he would make the bitch pay dearly before adding her body to those in the Hudson’s watery grave.

  * * * *

  Travis knew the moment he caught up with Brent and Lexi in town that his lover had taken his first taste of the woman. The particular glow in his eyes gave it away, not to mention the angle of his body to hers, protective and possessive. When Lexi wasn’t looking, he flashed Travis a secret, seductive smile, one that warmed his heart and hardened his dick.

  Their walk through town was pleasant enough, with them introducing Lexi to some of their closer friends and some of Travis’s family. This was the first time in years that Travis introduced a woman to his family with such ease and excitement, the motion seemed only natural.

  The sun had set nearly forty minutes earlier, a
nd Travis waited with Brent in Miss Bess’s living room. Ryder Ranch was throwing their bonfire for the townsfolk, a bi-weekly Sunday night tradition before the new guests arrived Monday. Travis couldn’t wait to indulge their little city filly in a bit of Ryder life.

  “Here you boys are,” Miss Bess said, entering the living room with a tray of fresh-baked cookies and two tall glasses of sweet tea. “Lexi told me y’all ate in town not long ago.”

  “Early supper,” Travis confirmed, snatching up a warm cookie. He laid a kiss on his aunt’s cheek. “Thanks, ma’am.”

  “Aw, quit that ‘ma’am’ nonsense. I’m your auntie.” She laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners, and nudged him in the hip. “Lexi’s a sweet gal. I rather like her. Seems to be adjusting to Ryder. She’s asked to help bake up scones in the morning. I couldn’t refuse her.”

  “She insists on working, does she?” Brent asked, a touch of humor to his voice. Travis cast him a shadowed glance, catching the wicked thoughts licking at his eyes. He grabbed himself a cookie and his tea. “I can see her in the kitchen with you, Miss Bess.”

  “Now, now.” Miss Bess wagged a finger at them both. “I’ve been seein’ the way you two ogle her.”

  “Ogle?” Travis arched a brow at her. “We make it that obvious, do we?”

  She wiped her hands on her apron and straightened up some of the magazines on the table. “Travis, thirty-two years of knowin’ you, I can read you like a recipe. As for you, Brent, you’ve been hangin’ around here long enough I can read you, too.” The knowing look she shot between both Travis and Brent solidified his suspicions that his aunt was well aware of the relationship. “And I know ya both have your eyes set on that little lady.”

  She tossed a glance over her shoulder as a couple walked through the front door and made their way up the stairs. Drawing closer to Travis and Brent, she added in a low voice, “Whether you two vie for her affections in a conventional way or not, I think she’s a pretty nice fit here.”


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