Beyond Blue Frontiers (The Adventures of Blue Faust Book 3)

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Beyond Blue Frontiers (The Adventures of Blue Faust Book 3) Page 23

by Cecilia Randell

  If the Prizzoli plan to sacrifice Blue, then there will be a war. Mo’ata sucked in a breath and let it out slowly, forcing his heart to slow. Not yet, not yet.

  "In his despair, Shardon neglected security. A group of resistors was able to obtain his crystal and destroy it. This, however, was even worse. The entity fully transferred into Shardon. It had gained enough strength and awareness that when its own home was destroyed, it found a new one."

  Levi stopped, his gaze unfocused. A grimace pulled the edges of his mouth down, and he clasped his hands, squeezing until the knuckles turned white.

  He had made his decision, but it was obviously not easy for him. “How was Shardon stopped?" Mo’ata asked, his voice low, almost gentle.

  "It all came back to Brika. The stone that was now her. She had turned herself into a prison. Shardon was never defeated, not really. In a moment of weakness, or maybe clarity, he allowed himself to be trapped in Brika’s crystal, maybe to be with her?” Levi shrugged. “As I said, these are the stories we’re taught. Who knows exactly what happened?"

  “Huh,” Jason said. “So, there’s a crystal out there with two… consciousnesses in it?”

  Levi’s eyes slid closed. “Yes. We, the Prizzoli, guard Brika’s Sacrifice, still. It—” He swallowed. “It is what should cleanse Phillip.”

  “Should?” Mo’ata asked. He needed more information than this if he was to figure out how to save Blue.

  Levi nodded. “If we can get Phillip to Brika’s Sacrifice, I hope that its influence will calm him, mitigate what the crystal has turned him into. It has been done before. The additional crystals, the ones Shardon had brought in from the mountains, had been tainted as well. After they were housed with Brika’s crystal for many years, they gradually resumed their more neutral attributes, and none were near taking on personalities of their own. If Phillip’s crystal gets loose among my people before the taint can be drawn out, it could spell disaster. It will contaminate the others, and I do not know if Brika's crystal is strong enough to contain that."

  Mo’ata’s anger surged, and no amount of breathing slowed it. He pushed away from the wall. “They want to use Blue to contain Phillip. They want to sacrifice her.”

  Garfield jumped off the bed and stalked across the room, yowling. When he passed Levi, he swiped at him, much as Vivi had done, but didn’t connect.

  Levi’s head bowed. “I don’t know what they are planning to do. Maybe they simply need her there as insurance until Brika’s crystal can do its work.”

  “Which could take years, you said.” Mo’ata took a step toward him, fists clenched.

  “I didn’t think they would do this. I really didn’t.”

  “But you knew it was a possibility. Each time you said it was a good idea to use Blue as bait, encouraged it, and each time we allowed it, you knew this was a possibility.” Mo’ata took another step, stalking toward the man.

  Levi surged to his feet. “It was always a cursed possibility, whether Blue was involved in the hunt or not!”

  They stood facing each other, close enough that if Mo’ata decided to attack, the Prizzoli was in easy reach. None of the others moved to intervene. The only thing that held Mo’ata back was the knowledge that hitting Levi wouldn’t do one thing to help Blue. “Explain.”

  “The kidnapping,” Trevon said with a groan, his head falling back.

  Levi didn’t take his gaze from Mo’ata as he answered. “Yes, the kidnapping. It was in all of our reports, even yours, Mo’ata. If Phillip was so focused on her even then, so obsessed as to insist she be brought to him when he had just started using the crystal, then this course of events was already set. The variable was whether or not the Elders would insist on her presence. And they did. Even if she’d still been on her own world, it would have been a condition.”

  “So we’re fucked,” Trevon said.

  “No.” The denial burst from Mo’ata. “No, we are not ‘fucked,’ as you say. She is my shopa, whether there has been a formal proposal or not. I will go with her, and I will protect her. I will figure out a way to get her out of this.”

  Levi’s eyes widened as Mo’ata spoke. Then he held out a hand. “I have made my decision.” Something close to sorrow echoed in his voice. “Please allow me to assist. It is… the least I can do.”

  Mo’ata eyed his hand but did not take it. Finally, he nodded.

  “I think you are forgetting something,” Zeynar said from his seat.

  “And what is that, ikpul?” Felix asked from where he still leaned against the wall.

  “You’re forgetting the little star herself. She’s the ultimate wild card.” Zeynar leaned back in his seat, smug grin back in place.

  That was all it took to push Mo’ata over the edge. This bastard dared to use an endearment and mock her at the same time? “You don’t have the right to call her that.” Then he lunged, catching the other man off guard and sending them both to the floor. He got in two good hits before the combined strength of Felix and Jason pulled him off the other man.

  Zeynar remained on the floor, breathing hard, and wiped blood from his lip. He met Mo’ata’s gaze. “I’m in this, clansman, and you are going to need me. Best get used to it.”

  Mo’ata shrugged off the hands still holding him and crossed to Zeynar. Hesitating for only a moment, he held out a hand to the other man and helped him to his feet. When he was standing, Mo’ata pulled him close and whispered, “I don’t trust you. If you do anything that causes her harm, I will figure out a way to end you.”

  “Gloves off, huh?”

  Mo’ata glared. He didn’t know what the phrase meant, but he wanted Zeynar to get the message. Finally, the other man nodded, and Mo’ata released him.

  “We will comply, for now. But I will not be leaving her there. When we leave, she comes with us.” Mo’ata wanted to make that very clear to everyone, no matter what the council proclaimed. Now for the part he was dreading the most. “We need to tell them.”

  Forrest and Blue had been kept in the dark about all the political maneuverings. Mostly because they had their hands full keeping Phillip calm, but also because, in this, there really was nothing they could do to help and telling them would only increase the stress they were under. It was time, though, to fill them in.

  “I recommend keeping it to the basics for now. If Phillip thought we were trying to keep her from him…” Levi said, trailing off at the end. He stood and moved to his bed. Sitting heavily, he rested against the wall, propping himself up. His recovery from the attack was progressing, but he still tired easily and had to rest frequently. Despite his anger, Mo’ata was concerned. Damned family. Yes, the Prizzoli was family. Garfield crawled up next to Levi and leaned against his leg.

  “Fuck.” Mo’ata borrowed the word. He swallowed. “Fine. We’ll keep it simple for now, but we’ll need to figure out a way to tell her the whole of it. She can’t be kept in the dark. Neither of them can.”

  “Agreed,” Felix said. “We’ll figure it out.” There was steel in the man’s voice.

  Mo’ata picked up his comm and sent a message to Forrest.


  Blue sighed as she sat next to Phillip in the inn’s dining hall. It was dangerous for him to be down here, but they both needed to get away from the confines of the room above. Forrest, the only one besides her who didn’t set off Phillip’s darker side, took a place across from them. A server hurried over with three steaming bowls of stew, and Blue gave her a smile. They’d learned what she liked.

  Four days. It had been four days since they’d captured Phillip and confined the crystal. As long as he stayed calm and Blue was near, they had no trouble. There had been one incident when Mo’ata had kissed her goodnight and Phillip had seen and the something that was the crystal had broken through. Mo’ata’s quick retreat and soft words from Blue had averted the potential disaster, but it had been too damn close.

  He took a bite of the stew and swallowed, light glinting off the collar he wore. Her stomach twist
ed, and she put down the spoonful of stew she’d raised to her mouth.

  Trevon diving at Phi. Forrest crumpled on the ground. The images haunted her. She thought if she could just… reassure herself they were truly okay, she could get past it. But she couldn’t even hold Forrest’s hand with Phi around. Forget about Trev. Not that she wanted to hold his hand, but she’d only seen him in passing since he’d regained consciousness. She’d not even been able to thank him.

  “Everything okay?” Forrest, still a little pale, kept his gaze on the food in front of him.

  She peeked at Phillip, only to see him staring at Forrest, sorrow and a dark satisfaction lingering in his expression. It was an eerie combination. He twisted his head to stare at her next, revealing his bandage-covered ear. He smiled, and she shivered.

  A commotion at the door drew her attention. Bodies cleared out of the way, and her eyes met those of Brendan Faust. A petite woman, a touch of gray flowing in her dark hair, stood beside him.

  Well, crap on a stick.

  He approached with measured strides, and she stood. The woman followed him, moving gracefully, everything from her pale skin to her tailored dress shouting her wealth.

  Brendan nodded in greeting, sandy blond hair just going to gray falling across his forehead. “Cousin.” He held out a leather glove–covered hand to her. When she hesitated, he pulled it back. “I thought I would extend a common Earth courtesy to you.” His voice was stiff as his gaze drifted past her and to Phillip. She resisted the urge to look behind her.

  “I apologize. I had not expected to see you here.” She licked her lips, and her gaze darted to the woman. “Would you like to join us?” She could have kicked herself. Why would he want to sit with his daughter’s killer? Did he know?

  He focused on her, then flicked his eyes back to Phillip. His upper lip curled in a sneer. He knew.

  “No, thank you.” He cast a look on Forrest, his expression returning to blank. “I understand you preferred to use the Zeynars as a… go-between for the other matter, but this is strictly family business.”

  It wasn’t that she preferred to use them. Trevon had offered, and she hadn’t had the energy to protest. She held back the explanation. Now was probably not the time. “All right,” she said.

  He flicked another look at Forrest, then Phillip.

  “Forrest is family, and Phillip… needs me here,” she said.

  He inclined his head, formal. How could her father have been related to this man? “As you will. I have come to formally and officially request that you relinquish any claim to Sirisa Shipping.”

  Shock held her immobile. How was she supposed to react to that? To even think about something like this while still dealing with Phillip?

  The woman, silent up to this point, raised a hand and, with a motion faster than Blue could easily follow, slapped Brendan Faust, the mobster, on the arm. “You are an imbecile.” The woman turned to Blue. “I am Dorani and married to this very stupid man.” She held out a hand, just as her husband had, and Blue took it.

  Dorani’s skin was cool and smooth, her grip firm. When Blue pulled back, Dorani held on to her. “You look very much like my Gabriella,” she said. Her voice remained smooth. Other than the brief irritation of a moment ago, this woman showed nothing of who she was, no clue to what she was feeling.

  And then she smiled. It was filled with all the warmth Brendan lacked. “What Brendan means to say is that we wish to help provide for you while you are getting established here. I understand that when this… situation is dealt with, you will follow in your father’s footsteps and attend the Ministry’s Academy?”

  Blue gave them a slow nod.

  Dorani glanced at the people surrounding them, then jerked her shoulder up in a small shrug. “We simply ask for the other to avoid confusion about who is making decisions. With you being new here and not understanding all the… ramifications of decisions that must be made.”

  In other words, they don’t want me mucking about in their business. Which was fine. Blue still had extremely mixed feelings about the “mob” thing.

  “On a more personal note,” Dorani continued, “I would very much enjoy it if you would st—”

  “Dori,” Brendan said in a warning tone.

  Her eyes pinched at the corners, and her lips thinned slightly. It was subtle; Blue almost didn’t catch the change before Dorani once again wore the perfect mask. “I would very much enjoy it if you stayed with us for a time.” Her lips softened, and the warmth of her earlier smile peeked through. “When your business is done, of course.” She squeezed Blue’s hand and let go, stepping back.

  Blue sensed movement behind her, and the couple’s gazes locked on something just over her shoulder. Phillip.

  “I will send over the exact terms. I am confident that you can find someone to help you sort through it.” Brendan turned on his heel and strode out, Dorani once more following behind, leaving silence and averted gazes behind them.

  Blue fell back into her seat. What did someone do with that? Did you laugh? Cry? Shrug it all off? What?

  A pale hand appeared next to hers. It was too pale, and trembled. The nails were ragged but clean. Phillip placed his fingers over hers and squeezed. “I can take care of him for you if you want.”

  She jerked her gaze to his. No purple, just chocolate brown. She had to remember that even without the crystal, Phillip had… a competitive side. “No. I’m not sure what I want to do. I don’t think I’d really want part of a shady shipping empire.” The mention of an allowance had given her pause. What were she and Forrest going to do for money? “But thank you, Phillip, for the offer.” She slid her hand out from under his and forced herself to take a bite of the stew.

  Whatever else it did, Phillip’s presence forced her to cultivate a calm facade, fake as it may be. The other two resumed their meals.

  “Any news on our trip?” That was what they were calling it. Phillip still needed to get to Padilra. This wouldn’t be over until the connection had truly been severed.

  Forrest shrugged. “Still negotiating the arrangements.” So the others were still playing politics. Jason, for once, had not gone running to his superiors. The last she had heard, that hadn’t stopped them from demanding Phillip be turned over to them for sentencing. The Padilrian government had also demanded he be released to them, while the Prizzoli were listing demands of their own. She didn’t know the whole of it yet—negotiations were still ongoing—but the sooner this was done, the better. Blue was surprised the Fausts hadn’t also demanded a piece of him. Probably Trevon’s doing.

  Forrest’s comm beeped. He glanced at it. Felix had programmed them with some basic messages in English. You’d think with an advanced society like this there would be automatic translators, but it wasn’t a priority for a closed-world language. And if you were part of the Alliance, you spoke Common to one degree or another and it just wasn’t necessary.

  A bit arrogant and insular, if you asked her.

  She looked at Forrest questioningly.

  “Mo’ata needs to see us.”

  Blue took a breath and grabbed Phillip’s hand. She dredged up some exasperation, not that hard to do, and put it all into her next words. “Come on. Let’s go see what he wants.”

  “Yeah, he’s annoying.” Phillip followed after her, sounding like a petulant nine-year-old. Blue rolled her eyes, knowing he couldn’t see her.

  They went to Levi’s room and crowded in with everyone else. And she meant everyone. They looked exhausted. Levi though, he looked… defeated. He sat on the edge of his bed, head in his hands, shoulders rounded. Garfield sat on the floor next to his leg, leaning into it. Vivi was perched on Felix’s shoulder, her usual spot if she wasn’t with Forrest. No one would meet Blue’s gaze.

  “What’s the news?” Forrest’s hand bumped against her thigh, and she grabbed it, not caring if Phillip noticed.

  Mo’ata stepped forward. “The Prizzoli have agreed to… host Phillip.” He swallowed. “They have a fe
w demands. One, the crystal must be returned to them.”

  Blue nodded. They’d expected that.

  “Two, Phillip must remain with them for the duration of his life.”

  That one was new, but it was probably smart. If anyone would be able to deal with him and handle his connection to the crystal, it was the Prizzoli. They obviously didn’t want him out in the worlds talking about it either. Considering all he’d done, the people he’d killed, he was getting off lightly. It was basically a life sentence instead of the death penalty.

  “Three—” Mo’ata swallowed. “Three is something they will not budge on. There was talk of Padilra leaving the Alliance if it was not complied with. Blue, I’m sorry, we’ve been trying to work with them on this, but—” His eyes fell closed.

  When he didn’t continue, she sought out each person in the room. The only one who would meet her gaze was Trevon. His lower lip was slightly swollen. He gave her a tight smile, though he didn’t speak.

  Forrest inched closer to her, and Phillip’s hand tightened around hers to the point of pain. “What’s the third?” she asked.

  “You have to go, too.” Mo’ata’s voice was dull.

  How is that bad? The plan had always been for her to make sure Phillip got to the Prizzoli.

  “You have to stay,” Jason spat out.

  “We could always go back to the option where we start a war,” Trevon said, his tone musing though his expression was hard.

  Felix shrugged one shoulder, the movement almost too deliberate. “I ask again. They say no. Again.”

  Trevon snorted. “The Order is a bunch of pansies.”

  At this banter Levi, usually so calm, jumped up and punched Trevon, sending the other man into the wall. Mo’ata stepped between the two. Trevon straightened, rubbing his jaw and rotating his shoulder, but he didn’t retaliate.

  There were undercurrents here she didn’t understand.

  Phillip, still beside her, clutched her hand tighter and yanked her closer to him. “Why is this a bad thing? Blue and I were meant to be together. It sounds to me as if the Elders realize this.” That deep note had crept into his voice, and everyone in the room froze.


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