Wicked Fun: An Ivy Morgan Mystery Books 7-9

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Wicked Fun: An Ivy Morgan Mystery Books 7-9 Page 43

by Lily Harper Hart

  “We will,” Jack said, petting the back of her head. “If I remember correctly, we spent the entire week between Christmas and New Year’s Day doing this.”

  “And it was the best week ever.”

  “You’re easy to entertain.” Jack kissed her forehead. “We should go on a vacation this year.”

  “What kind of vacation?”

  “I don’t know. What kind of vacation have you always wanted to take but never got around to doing?”

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing Alaska.”

  Jack wrinkled his nose. “I was thinking somewhere warmer … a beach, where you might wear a coconut bra.”

  “I’m never going to wear a coconut bra in public.”

  “Just give it some thought.” Jack closed his eyes, letting the warmth from Ivy’s breath lull him. “We’re going to be busy starting tomorrow. We have to figure out exactly who poisoned Aubrey Daniels.”

  “It couldn’t have been an accident?”

  “I don’t see how, but we won’t know anything until we talk to her parents.” Jack felt as if he was drifting off. He knew he should get up and prod Ivy toward the bedroom, but he was unbelievably comfortable and was not inclined to move. “We collected all the water bottles at the barn. Right now we’re in a holding pattern.”

  “I like being in a holding pattern.” Ivy sounded as sleepy as Jack felt. “Did you lock the door?”


  “Do you love me?”

  “More than anything.”

  “Good. I love you, too. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Right back at you, honey.” He rested his hand on her back, the weight solid and reassuring. “We’ll figure out what’s going on. Please don’t worry. It’s going to be okay.”

  Ivy didn’t answer, but she did muster a half-smile as the words washed over her. It was going to be okay. She didn’t doubt it … even deep inside where her small seeds of insecurity lived. They would make it work. Some things were destiny, and they were one of them.


  Jack woke in the same position he fell asleep, the fire completely out and Ivy dead to the world on his chest. It wasn’t a particularly comfortable position because his lanky frame was almost too tall for the couch. Despite that, he refused to move because it would mean disturbing Ivy. Instead he merely watched her sleep.

  It hadn’t been quite a year since they met and yet everything had changed about his life in that short amount of time. In about ten weeks, it would be their one-year anniversary of when they first crossed paths. He would never forget the day when he took his first shift as a Shadow Lake police detective, and covered his first murder because Ivy discovered a body in the ditch at the front of her property.

  When Jack and Brian arrived, Ivy was in an ankle-length skirt and didn’t wear shoes. She paced the driveway, and the first thing Jack noticed was the pink streaks in her hair. Then he was struck by the absolutely lovely lines of her face. Then he immediately told himself that no matter what kind of chemical reaction he was having to her, he didn’t move to the country to find a girlfriend.

  Jack was adamant that he wanted to be left alone. The horror of his past was too much for him to deal with so he knew that adding a woman to the mix was a mistake. And yet he couldn’t stay away from Ivy. Her feisty attitude and exaggerated facial expressions tugged on his heartstrings from the beginning. He was intrigued by her and yet determined to stay away.

  By the time they started sharing dreams it was already over. Jack’s resistance had been worn down to the point where there was no coming back. He didn’t know it yet, of course, but he was a goner the moment he saw her.

  Jack didn’t believe in love at first sight – even now – but he did believe in destiny. He was positive Ivy was his destiny. When he first moved to Shadow Lake he couldn’t imagine a future because it took everything he had to simply tackle the present and get through each day. Now, when he looked at her sleeping face, all he could think about was their future.

  It was going to be grand. He had faith.

  “What are you looking at?” Ivy murmured, shifting her face but keeping her eyes shut as she stirred.

  “How did you know I was looking at you?” Jack asked, curious. “Could you sense that?”

  Ivy wrenched open one eye, the clear blue lancing into Jack and causing his heart to flutter. “We fell asleep on the couch and you’re pinned under me. I know you’re awake because you make little whirring noises when you’re asleep. If you’re awake and pinned under me, what else could you be doing but looking at me?”

  “Oh, so you’re not magic but smart, huh?” Jack tickled her ribs, causing Ivy to squirm. “Well, Miss Smarty Pants, what was I thinking while I was staring at you?”

  “That you’re lucky to have me.”

  Jack grinned. “Very lucky.”

  Ivy pursed her lips at his melancholy expression. “You’re not going to go schmaltzy before breakfast, are you?”

  Jack stroked the back of her head. “Probably not. I just want another minute of this.”

  “Why only a minute?”

  “Because in a minute my back is going to go on strike and so is my bladder.”

  Ivy snorted, genuinely amused. “While you take care of your back and bladder, I’ll take care of breakfast.”

  “That’s a deal.” Jack offered up a soft kiss. “I was also thinking about how it’s almost been a year since I met you.”

  Ivy tilted her head, considering. “Not quite but … yeah. In a few months, it will be a year. That’s weird to think about, huh?”

  “I don’t know what I did before you.”

  “I do. You had a sad and miserable life. I was a ray of sunshine on the day you met me and you still thank your lucky stars each and every moment that I’m in your life.”

  “So funny.” Jack made chomping noises as he pressed his face to the hollow by her neck. Even in the morning, after a night of hard sleep, she smelled like licorice. “You smell divine. How come you smell like licorice this month?”

  “Anise,” Ivy automatically corrected. “I just like the scent. It’s something that’s more for the fall and winter, though.”

  “I like thinking you smell like licorice.” Jack tightened his grip on her. “I do thank my lucky stars that you’re in my life, by the way. Every day.”

  Ivy’s expression was hard to read. “I’m thankful for you, too.”

  “You didn’t need me like I needed you.”

  “That’s not true. I might not have been as isolated as you, but I was still alone most of the time. I didn’t want to change that until you. Then I met you and was terrified to change it. I couldn’t seem to stop myself, though.”

  “That’s because we’re meant to be together.”

  “So schmaltzy,” Ivy teased, her lips curving.

  “You make me schmaltzy.” This time the kiss they shared lingered, although it was just as soft. Finally, when they separated, Jack took them both by surprise when he playfully swatted Ivy’s rear end and shifted. “Now, woman, get in there and make me breakfast.”

  Ivy widened her eyes to comical proportions as she shook her head. “Oh, I’m going to lick your eggs for that.”

  “I don’t care.” Jack rolled to a sitting position and groaned. “Ugh. I am far too old to sleep on the couch.”

  Ivy took pity on him and rubbed his lower back. “I’ll make some of my famous massage oil this afternoon and make you feel better tonight.”

  Jack brightened. “You’re going to massage me for a change? I’m shocked.”

  “I massage you,” Ivy argued. “It’s not my fault you only last five minutes before you end up wanting to do something else.”

  “That is your fault,” Jack countered, extending a finger. “You’re too pretty and you have wandering hands.”

  “Ha, ha.”

  Jack cupped Ivy’s chin and held her still, staring into the fathomless depths of her eyes. “We should do something to mark the anniversary of when we me

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “I don’t know.” Jack shrugged, noncommittal. “You can pick. I just want to do something special.”

  Ivy brightened. “I know exactly what we should do.”


  “We’ll go morel hunting.”

  “Oh, geez.” Jack rolled his eyes. “I thought you would pick something more romantic than hunting for mushrooms that taste like feet.”

  The first meal Ivy ever made for Jack included the morels she loved and he hated. He was willing to pick around them for nostalgia’s sake. Spending an entire day in the woods hunting for mushrooms was not his idea of fun, though.

  “I was thinking a picnic and maybe a little something else while we look for the mushrooms,” Ivy offered, making a face. “If you don’t want outdoor sex, though … .”

  “Don’t be hasty.” Jack’s smile was mischievous. “Have I mentioned I love hunting for mushrooms, even if they do taste like feet?”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “SO, OTHER THAN MAKING lotion so you can rub me down, what are you going to do with your day?”

  Jack showered, changed, and arrived at the kitchen table just in time for Ivy to serve him breakfast. He initially felt guilty because she did the bulk of the cooking – other than grilling, of course, which he handled – but she enjoyed it so he learned to let it go. Plus, well, she was a master in the kitchen.

  “Oh, baby, these are good eggs!” Jack forked a huge mound of food into his mouth and enthusiastically chewed, causing Ivy to smile as she carried her own plate to the table and poured herself a glass of tomato juice.

  “I went to the Amish market in Interlochen the other day,” Ivy supplied. “They had fresh eggs. I’m kind of sad I didn’t get more of them because they’re so good. Maybe I’ll make a trip before our picnic in May and make egg salad.”

  Jack swallowed and nodded. “These are definitely good. You didn’t answer my question, though. What are you doing today?”

  Ivy was calm as she took a bite, the food in her mouth allowing her to shrug as an answer. “What are you going to do today?” she asked once she swallowed.

  “We’re probably going to have to run to the hospital in Traverse City,” Jack replied. “We need to check on Aubrey. The state police lab said they would put a rush on those bottles, but I don’t expect to get an answer on those for at least a few hours. I’m honestly not sure what we’ll be doing until we get more information. Given the circumstances, I’m not sure where to start.”

  “Is that because of the different suspect pools?”

  Jack nodded, mixing his eggs and hash browns together. “If any of the water bottles test positive, then that means someone involved with the pageant probably poisoned her. If the water bottles are clean, that means she could’ve ingested the antifreeze someplace else.”

  “Is there any chance it happened by accident?”

  “I don’t see how. Antifreeze isn’t naturally occurring in food and you would have to be an idiot to keep it in the pantry or refrigerator.”

  “Good point.” Ivy scratched her cheek. “You might want to start with Peyton Miller.”

  “Who is Peyton Miller?”

  “She’s one of the contestants in the pageant,” Ivy explained. “She was the first runner-up last year and I saw the look on her face when she lost. I’m going to guess that she’s determined to win this year since it’s her last year of eligibility.”

  “Okay. You would know more about the pageant world than me – you being a former beauty queen and all – so I’ll take it under advisement.”

  Ivy glared. “I wasn’t a beauty queen. I lost. Heck, I didn’t technically compete.”

  “You’re my queen and I don’t care that some idiots years ago didn’t see how pretty you are. I am, however, kind of amused that you’re still agitated by the situation.”

  “I’m not agitated.”

  “You seem agitated.”

  “Well, I’m not.” Ivy cracked her neck as she shoveled another heap of food into her mouth, methodically chewing as Jack studied her with flat eyes.

  “Honey, I’m not sure why this pageant gets you so worked up, but I feel the need to remind you that you’re an adult,” Jack said. “That pageant you lost was years ago. Also, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. You don’t need to ride a float to prove that to me.”

  Ivy’s expression softened, although only marginally. “I’m not worked up.”

  “Oh, you’re worked up,” Jack countered. “Sometimes I like it when you get worked up because it seems to fuel you and you spend all your time jumping me to vent excess energy when that happens.”

  Ivy was mortified. “I do not.”

  Jack ignored her outburst. “This seems to me that it’s going to be something else,” he said. “I don’t pretend to understand the pageant lifestyle. If you want to explain, though, I’m more than happy to listen.”

  “I don’t care about the pageant lifestyle,” Ivy clarified. “I never cared about that. I didn’t care about the tiara … or the dresses … or the float.”

  “You cared about winning.”

  “Will you think less of me if I admit that?”

  “Nothing will ever make me think less of you,” Jack answered honestly. “I love you. That’s not going to change. I’ve also known you long enough to realize you have a competitive spirit. I see it come out mostly with Max, but I’ve also seen it with Maisie and Ava.

  “Now, I get that things were rough for you when you were a kid because you were different,” he continued. “That thing that made you an outsider with the girls also apparently intrigued the boys. For the record, if they come sniffing around – boys or men, I mean – I’m going to get competitive.”

  Ivy chuckled, the low and throaty sound warming Jack’s heart. “I like to win. I can’t help it.”

  “I know. Why do you think I’ll never play Monopoly with you again?”

  “That was an accident,” Ivy protested. “My elbow accidentally hit the board.”

  Jack arched a dubious eyebrow. “You threw the board. Here I thought we were having a quiet evening in front of the fire because we were snowed in and then, the next thing I knew, there were little houses flying everywhere.”

  Ivy wrinkled her nose. “It was an accident.”

  “I’m never going to believe that version of the story, so let it go,” Jack chided. “I get that you’re competitive. I’m fine with it, although it will put a crimp in our board game activities in the future. I just want to make sure you’re not still harboring some weird insecurity thing about not winning.”

  “Oh, I don’t care about being the prettiest woman in Shadow Lake,” Ivy explained. “I just wanted to win because I like lording it over people when I’m number one.”

  Jack’s lips quirked. She was so matter-of-fact he couldn’t help but love her even more. “Well, that’s good to know. You still haven’t told me what you’re doing today, though. You kind of dodged the question, which makes me suspicious.”

  Ivy heaved out a sigh. She was hoping Jack would leave without getting his answer. She should’ve known better. “I’m going to the festival to volunteer my time to help with the pageant.”

  Instead of reacting with anger, Jack merely made a sighing sound as he shook his head. “I knew it.”

  “How did you know?”

  “You just have a look about you when you’re trying to keep a secret,” Jack replied. “I figured you wouldn’t be able to make it through the day without sticking your nose in this one.”

  “I’m not sticking my nose in,” Ivy clarified. “I’m simply trying to discover the truth to help the community as a whole.”

  “Oh, you’re so selfless,” Jack intoned, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ivy, I know why you’re so interested in this. You saw what was going to happen and it jarred you. I get it.”

  “I just want to know.” Ivy lowered her voi
ce. “I can’t explain it. I just … need to know.”

  “And I figured that would be the case,” Jack said. “I’m fine with you volunteering at the pageant. I think it’s actually a good idea because you’ll be able to take a long look at the women hanging out there. I need you to be careful for me, though.”

  Ivy snorted. “I’m a little old to be considered competition for the Festival of Love Pageant.”

  “Yeah, but you’re my future wife and you have a tendency to be intense when investigating stuff,” Jack pointed out. “You might inadvertently upset someone if you ask the wrong question.”

  “Oh, well, I didn’t think of that.”

  “That’s why I’m here.” Jack winked because he knew it would drive her crazy. “I want you to be careful while keeping your ear to the ground. I also want you to avoid drinking anything that’s been left out or handed to you by someone else.”

  Realization dawned on Ivy. “You think that someone there is responsible.”

  “Probably,” Jack said. “We don’t know, but I will not be happy if you end up poisoned. So, no drinking out of communal bottles or anything. If you want something to drink, buy your own bottle of water or soda from the machine. Do not leave that bottle or can laying around. Hold it until you’re done with it.”

  “Sir, yes, sir.” Ivy mock saluted, amused. “I know how to take care of myself, Jack. I promise it’s going to be okay.”

  “It will be okay,” Jack agreed, nodding. “I can’t live without you so it has to be okay. By the way, that’s what I was thinking when you woke up. I was sitting there, staring at you, and wondering how it is that I made it through a day before you were in my life.

  “I don’t know the answer to that question, Ivy, but I do know that I can’t make it through a future day without you,” he continued. “You be careful and watch your back.”

  “I will,” Ivy promised. “For the record, I can’t be without you either.”

  “Of course you can’t.” Jack’s grin was back. “We’re stuck with one another, for better or for worse, for the rest of our lives. Funnily enough, I’m happy about that. You need to be careful to keep me happy.”


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