A Valentine for Kayla

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A Valentine for Kayla Page 12

by Kimberly Rose Johnson

  “You forget he’s my manager, too. He’s well-known in the industry, and I need him.” She looked down and lowered her voice. “The scripts aren’t flowing in like they used to.”

  He blinked. Estelle couldn’t land a movie role? She was beautiful and talented. It didn’t make sense for an A-list actress like Estelle. Then again, maybe she wasn’t on the A-list anymore. It was hard to stay on top with so many willing to do whatever it took to get ahead. Music was his thing, not following who was hot in Hollywood, but now that he thought about it, she’d spent a lot of time volunteering at the children’s theater.

  He shook his head. “Work may have slowed for you, but trust me, Jerry needs you. His client list has dropped dramatically over the past couple of years. He needs us to fund his lifestyle. Whatever he paid you was a morsel of what he expects to earn in return.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t understand. If I don’t do this, he’s going to spread lies about me that will keep me unemployed for years, if not forever, in Hollywood.”

  “That’s blackmail. Why would he do that? It wouldn’t help him at all if what you say is true.” Anger toward his manager boiled. He’d been irritated with Jerry before for telling Estelle where to find him, but now he was downright furious.

  She raised a brow. “I already told you, I’m not working. Didn’t you think it’s strange that I haven’t filmed a movie in two years? That flop was the last movie I worked on.” She blushed. “I used you to stay in the spotlight, hoping that your success would rub off on my career.”

  “But then I saw you with Vince.” A producer she must have hoped would find her a spot in an upcoming movie. He shouldn’t have been so surprised by her betrayal, but it had hurt.

  “Right. And I’m very sorry for using you. I’m sorry for everything, but if Jerry follows through with his threat, I’m finished in Hollywood.” She looked at him with glassy eyes. “Maybe I should leave like you did. I’m actually quite the gourmet. I could open my own restaurant.”

  “I didn’t realize you were a cook.”

  She nodded. “Actually, that’s another thing I wanted to talk with you about. I feel horrible about the way I’ve behaved when your girlfriend is around, and I’d like to make it up to both of you.”

  “What’s the catch?”

  “No catch. Your mom’s been talking to me a lot about eternity. She actually asked me if God were to say to me today, ‘Why should I let you into My heaven?’ what would I say?” She shrugged. “I had to tell her He shouldn’t. It felt awful to admit that, but your mom led me to Jesus and now I know where I will spend eternity. She told me to pray and to trust God about Jerry, and everything would work out, but I’m scared. This trusting-God business is very hard.”

  He stilled, only mildly shocked since his mom had said she was sharing the Lord with Estelle. A smile touched his lips and his anger at Jerry simmered down. Estelle was a new Christian! “Trusting Him is an act of faith that can be difficult. But you made a great decision and my mom is right. God will help us with this blackmail situation.”

  “Us?” She raised a delicate brow.

  “That’s right. Together we’re going to bring him to justice. I know someone in the FBI who may be able to help. Let me give him a call and see what he says. And if you’re serious about making things up to me, I have a request.” He shared his plan, and she eagerly agreed.

  Her shoulders visibly relaxed, and for the first time in a very long time a genuine smile lit her face. “This is going to be fun. Thanks, Derek.” She slipped from the room with a bounce in her step.

  He rested his head in his hands. What was he going to do? Kayla needed him here, but Jerry couldn’t be allowed to get away with this. He pulled his cell from his pocket, looked up his FBI friend’s number and called.

  * * *

  Silent tears flowed down Jill’s cheeks, and Charlie patted her back with a look of helplessness on his face. Kayla turned from the scene and decided the best way to tackle this mess was one section at a time. Their insurance agent, who had left a few minutes ago, had said it was fine to clean the store.

  Their landlord was working on finding a contractor to gut the place, then redo the inside, replace the roof and install a new plate-glass storefront window. Hopefully, all the work would get done quickly so they could reopen as soon as possible. At least the building was determined to be structurally sound, so that would help speed things along.

  “Good morning!” Derek walked in carrying a cup tray with four large cups. “I brought coffee.” He handed one to each of them, then took the last one for himself.

  Kayla sipped hers and her eyes widened. “This is a mocha.”

  “I thought you would enjoy a treat.”

  She nodded. “Thanks.” She filled him in on everything, then asked about the help he’d promised.

  “We were lucky this is a Saturday. The cleaning brigade will be here soon.”

  “Seriously?” Her voice hitched. “That’s wonderful news.”

  He grinned, then brushed his lips against her forehead. “I promised you help. I always keep my promises.”

  Kayla’s insides tingled, not only from his tender kiss but from his encouraging words. This man was full of surprises.

  Derek pushed up his sleeves and got to work tossing soaked, scorched and melted merchandise into large trash bags. Kayla worked alongside Derek, amazed that he would dig into the muck and mire that filled their store.

  She stood and stretched like a cat, her attention riveted on the man beside her. His T-shirt strained against the muscles in his back as he hoisted a large black trash bag over his shoulder. He winked as he passed. Her stomach fluttered as if a hundred butterflies occupied it. There was no denying it—the man held a special place in her heart.

  Six hours later, sweaty and more tired than she’d ever been, Kayla stood in the middle of Flowers and More and smiled. The space was now ready for construction.

  “Thanks to all of you, we did it! Jill and I never could have done this on our own. We’re grateful to each of you.”

  Her friends, some old and some new, cheered and clapped, then slowly filed out the front door.

  Derek sidled up beside her. “Pretty soon the place will look brand-new, and you’ll have a fresh start.”

  Kayla turned to face him. “A fresh start. Hmm. I like the sound of that.”

  “Me, too. How about you and I clean up, then head out for a nice dinner?”

  Kayla’s pulse picked up. “Yes, I’d like to have dinner with you. Give me an hour?”

  “You got it. I’ll pick you up at six.”

  She watched as he stepped out the front door.

  “He’s perfect,” Jill sighed. “You better not mess things up with him. I think he’s the one.”

  Kayla looked over her shoulder at her delirious friend and laughed. “No one is perfect, but he is pretty cool. As far as being the one? We’ll see.”

  Charlie pushed through the swinging door from the back room. “The roofers are taking off. I have to hand it to your landlord, not only did he secure a crew in short order, but there are so many of them the job will be finished in no time.”

  Kayla shouldered her purse. “Yeah, he’s pretty impressive. Being back in business before the festival is looking more like a possibility. Will the two of you lock up? I have a hot date.”

  Jill waved her away. “We’ve got this. Have fun.”

  Kayla rushed from the shop. She didn’t have much time to shower and get ready for her date, and she wanted to look her best.

  Forty-five minutes later her doorbell pealed. She charged down the stairs, not wanting to keep Derek waiting. She’d chosen a long white skirt with a red blouse and red ballet flats. The ensemble made her feel pretty, which was exactly what she’d been going for.

  She pulled open the door and grinned. “Hi.”

  “Hi, yourself.” Derek’s eyes held appreciation. “You ready?”

  “Just let me lock up.” Her stomach growled. “Whe
re are we eating?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Oh no. The last time someone said that to me, I found out I was getting a stepdad. May I at least have a hint?”

  He chuckled, took her hand and tucked it around his arm. “Nope.” A silly grin covered his face as he pulled his pickup door open and helped her inside.

  What did Derek have planned? She hopped inside and clasped her hands, willing her pulse to slow.

  Chapter 15

  Kayla’s eyes widened as Derek pulled into his mother’s driveway. “We’re eating dinner at your mom’s house?” Hadn’t he suggested a nice restaurant?

  “Not exactly. Have patience. I don’t want to slip up and spoil the surprise.”

  Kayla nodded and tried to keep an open mind. Not that she minded Helen or even Estelle at this point, but she’d hoped for a romantic meal alone with Derek. He parked near the barn. She jumped out. “Are we eating in the barn?”

  “Shh.” He touched a gentle finger to her lips, then guided her along a path that meandered between the house and barn. They looped around toward the back of the house and stopped on a footbridge.

  Twinkle lights lit the backyard, and a darling cottage stood at the edge. Kayla caught her breath. “This is beautiful. I had no idea this was back here.”

  “No? Remember me telling you I was staying in the guest cottage?”

  “Now that you mention it, I guess I do.” She grinned. “But I had no idea what a paradise your mother’s backyard is.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I’m glad you’re here.” He kissed her lightly, then stepped back and took her hand. “Come on. Dinner is waiting.”

  He pushed the door open with a flourish. “Welcome to Casa Derek. After you.”

  Kayla stepped inside the quaint home. It was essentially a studio, with a curtained-off sleeping area, a small dining table, a kitchenette, a cozy living room and a door she presumed led to the bathroom. The table was set with silver-trimmed white plates, simple goblets and two red taper candles. “It’s beautiful.” She breathed in deeply. “Rosemary?”

  He nodded and guided her to the table.

  “How did you have time to pull this off?”

  “A friend helped, and the food is catered.”

  “You found a caterer on such short notice?”

  He shook his head. “I actually set this up last night with the hope you’d say yes.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “What if I’d said no?”

  “Then I would have had the most amazing prime rib, roasted vegetables, homemade rolls and apple pie à la mode to myself.” He gently guided her to the table and pulled out her chair.

  “I’m glad I said yes.” She sat and looked up at him.

  His eyes danced. “Me, too.”

  He stepped into the kitchenette, opened the small oven, then pulled out a platter.

  “Oh my goodness. It’s beautiful. Who cooked this? I had no idea Oak Knoll had a caterer.”

  “A friend. She’s technically not a caterer, just passionate about cooking.” He placed the platter on the table, then offered a blessing for the food.

  After serving herself, Kayla took a bite of the melt-in-your-mouth meat. “Whoever your friend is, she could make a killing if she did this full-time.”

  “I’ll let her know you said so. She mentioned she’s considering opening a restaurant.”

  “With food like this, she’d be a hit.” Kayla tasted the vegetables and almost sighed with contentment but caught herself. “Wow. Please give your friend my compliments.”

  Derek grinned. “Will do.” He forked a bite of beef into his mouth and chewed.

  Kayla looked around the cottage admiring the little touches. Lace curtains covered the windows and a simple white couch faced a natural-gas fireplace—not exactly a bachelor pad, but it had touches of homeyness that made her want to stay awhile. She liked her own house, but this place was the next best thing. “Your mom has done an incredible job.”

  He looked around the room. “It’s cozy.” He placed his napkin aside. “Dessert?”

  “Not yet. I need to digest.”

  He pushed back from the table and moved to the wall beside the fireplace. “I’ll light the fire and we can visit on the couch.”

  “I’d like that.” She stood and walked the few steps to the couch as he flicked the switch on the wall. “That’s definitely easier than lighting a fire the old-fashioned way.” She settled into one corner of the couch.

  “For sure.” He dropped into the other corner and sat facing her. “I’m really glad you came tonight because there’s something I need to tell you, and I want you to hear it from me.”

  Kayla’s throat tightened. From the look on his face, this had to be bad news. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Okay.”

  “I’m leaving for Los Angeles on Sunday, after church.”

  Kayla gasped. The dinner she’d just devoured turned sour. She fought to control her emotions. He’s leaving. “I see. Thank you for telling me.” Especially before I made a fool out of myself and declared my undying love!

  “I should only be gone a week at the most.”

  The tension flowing through her eased. Too bad he hadn’t opened with he’d be gone only a week. She’d about lost her meal at the thought of him walking out of her life for good.

  “You wouldn’t believe what my manager is trying to pull. I actually had to call the FBI for help. It’s the kind of thing you’d see in the movies.”

  “Huh?” She shook her head, as if the motion would clear up everything. “What are you talking about?”

  “Estelle is being blackmailed by our manager. As it turns out, the FBI was already investigating him. They want Estelle to return to Los Angeles and give a statement.”

  “Oh, wow.” Her stomach tensed. “Why are you going? Is he blackmailing you, too?”

  “No. But it’s because of me he’s doing this. Jerry is a desperate man, and he’s angry because I left. I’ve made him millions.”

  For the first time Kayla had a hint of exactly how wealthy Derek was and what he was giving up. He acted like such a regular guy. But she didn’t care that he was rich. She was proud of him for doing the right thing but was concerned about the timing. “What if you aren’t back in time for the festival?”

  He scooted closer to her on the couch and reached for her hand. “I promise no matter what happens, I will be here.” His eyes spoke sincerity, but sincerity didn’t change the legal system should he be required to stay longer than he anticipated.

  The growing knot in her stomach tightened. “What about our duet?”

  “We already sound great, so there’s nothing to worry about. Any practice we get is a bonus.”

  “What about your worship position at the church?”

  He frowned. “I hope to be back by Sunday, but Pastor Miller knows what’s going on.”

  “Okay.” It seemed as though he had thought of everything. She would miss him, but he was doing the right thing. A lone tear escaped and she quickly swiped it away.

  “Hey,” he said softly, and tipped her chin up with a finger. “You’re taking this way too hard. What’s up?”

  She shrugged. “It’s nothing.” She offered him a quivery smile. “I’ll miss you. You’ve turned into my knight in shining armor.”

  “Ah, Kayla, you’re killing me.” He pulled her close.

  She nestled into his embrace and relished the comfort of his arms. A few tears slipped out and were soaked up by his soft shirt. She pushed back. “I don’t know why I’m being such a baby. I’m sorry. It’s not fair to you that I behave like this. I get emotional when I’m overly tired. I didn’t sleep well last night and cleaning the shop today wore me out.”

  * * *

  Derek’s heart melted at Kayla’s words. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s okay.” Now that Kayla had pointed out how tired she was, her tears made sense. His mom did the same thing when she was wiped out
. Maybe asking Kayla to dinner after all she’d been through in the past twenty-four hours had been selfish, but he didn’t want to leave town without telling her what was going on. He placed a kiss on the top of her head.

  With a shuddering breath, she pulled from his embrace. “Thanks for the meal and for everything you did today.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Three quick taps sounded on the door. Who could that be? “Excuse me.” He marched the short distance to the door and swung it open. “Estelle. What are you doing here?”

  “I came for the dishes. Your mom went to bed early, and I’m bored.”

  “Oh.” He stepped aside, allowing her to enter. His gaze landed on Kayla’s shocked face. “Estelle was our caterer. She’s here for cleanup.”

  Kayla hopped up. “You cook, Estelle? I had no idea.” The pitch of her voice rose. She moved around the couch and into the dining area, where she helped Estelle clear the table. Weariness covered her face and her movements were slower than normal, but he had to give her credit for helping out in spite of being worn out.

  “I read that you have a private chef who cooks for you.”

  “I did for a short while, and she was amazing. I was so fascinated by her culinary creations I convinced her to teach me some dishes so I could impress my guests from time to time.” She grinned. “Cooking is therapeutic, and I’ve missed it since I’ve been here. But that will all change soon.”

  “Yeah, I heard about your manager.”

  Estelle’s brow furrowed. “I hope you keep that to yourself.” She shot an annoyed look at Derek.

  “What? I had to tell her. I couldn’t leave town without an explanation.”

  “Didn’t stop you before,” she snapped. Her shoulders drooped. “Sorry. That wasn’t nice.” She offered an apologetic smile to Kayla. “I’m working on being kind even when I’m stressed. Which I am.”

  “Because of the statement you’re going to give the FBI?”

  She nodded. “If the press gets hold of this…ugh. I don’t even want to go there.”

  Derek pitched in and soon the dishes and leftovers were neatly stacked in the box he’d used to carry everything over. “I’ll be right back, Kayla.”


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