by Amanda Rayne
With a smirk, Aiden gave me a sly look. “Maybe next time. What do you think about that, Ella?”
When they both laughed, I assumed they were joking, but the look Aiden gave me as we exited the studio, made me unsure.
Instead on going back to Aiden’s place, we went to a quaint Mediterranean restaurant around the corner from the studio. Throughout the meal Aiden’s phone vibrated. Each time he looked at it and frowned. It persisted for nearly ten minutes and I figured it was his father until he said, “What is it, Elizabeth?”
I heard a light breathy voice on the other line who spoke to him with a familiarity. She sounded kind, although Aiden’s voice was tight, controlled. Distracted he slipped from the table a couple of feet away. I attempted to ignore the conversation which was getting harder as his voice raised and then dropped to a deep growl.
“Elizabeth, I already told my father I wasn’t coming. I really don’t care if he gets into office or not. I’ll leave that up to you.”
Her voice was just a low murmur on the other end as she spoke for a long time. He returned to his seat and leaned into the table, his fingers lightly stroking my hand that rested on the table. He made a poor attempt at a smile. “My father and I do have a strained relationship. They are putting a spin on the narrative, they are reporting the truth. What do they want me to do? I signed the papers. I will not talk to them. What else does he want?”
More dialogue, and the smile did emerge, dark and cynical. “You know what, Elizabeth, I will go. If he will give me a check for my summer camp. I think he should sponsor twenty more kids.”
Her voice raised enough for me to hear her angrily concede to his request. He moistened his lips, “Well that will only cover the children. He can’t expect me to add twenty more children and not increase the staff, now can he? So it will probably be a good idea if he doubled it.”
Her voice was loud and clear as she called him a son-of-a-bitch before she hung up the phone.
“You have a dinner to go to?” I asked once he put his phone away.
“No, not a dinner. A stuffy boring party for some of my father’s donors and closest friends. All hundred and fifty of them. And I don’t have anything to go to, we have an event.” He said his lips kinked into a grin.
I guess we will go for the event and stay for the show as Aiden and his father attempt to be civil toward each other.
It felt odd watching Lorraine go through the dresses that she’d picked out for me to wear. I didn’t understand why he couldn’t just take me home and let me get one of the many unworn dresses I had from the last time I stayed. Lorraine was a woman of many talents and she’d placed my hair in a very attractive upswept, much better than any one that I could have done. The technique was better than the one I attempted. It was more defined allowing the designs to accentuate the style rather than overpower it.
“Do you like this, Ella?” Aiden asked. I took the beautiful dress into my freshly manicured hands. The quality silk was soft as it slipped out of my hand.
I shrugged. “Do you like it?”
Addressing Lorraine, he asked, “Will you give us a minute?”
When the door closed behind her, he moved closer, his voice deep and rough. He lifted his chin, “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Pick something because I like it,” he said. His voice had lost the deep silkiness, it was coarse and cold. He was annoyed.
“Fine, I’ll wear this.” I stepped away and did a little spin in just my bra and panties. He closed the distance I put between us and placed his hand on each side of my waist, the stubble from his face bristled against cheek as he whispered in my ear. “I would love to have you in this all day.” his hands moved slowly and languidly over my hips and cupped my butt. One hand continued, moving to the front where he gently caressed me over the front of my thong before slipping a finger into me. I gasped, as he slowly moved, I rocked slowly against him, the pleasure building. Warm lips hungrily took mine. Demanding more from me.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“No.” He rubbed his finger over my lips and I could taste me on them.
“I want you to fuck me.”
He stepped back, a roguish smirk played at his lips, a hint of mischief lingered over his eyes. “Then you need to pick a dress fast, because we only have an hour and a half.”
I glared at him which only seemed to encourage him. He licked his lips, and picked up the soft raspberry colored single shoulder dress, that had a hint of a shimmer along the band that reminded me of Aiden’s eyes.
“I like this one.” I held it against me. Then I slipped it on to let him see it on. He nodded his approval once keeping his eyes on me as I slipped it off and stepped closer. Slowly moving his arms down my arm, over my shoulder down my mouth before roving down my back and unclasping my breast and taking one and then the other into his mouth. He ran kisses from my cheek down my stomach and then he pulled off my panties. In an effortless move, he lifted and slipped into me. And then walked me into the wall. My back hit the wall as he pounded into me as his lips coasted over mine, brushed. He gripped handfuls of hair. My fingers clawed into his back as the thrust into me. We hit a steady rhythm and I hungrily searched for his mouth, wanting more of him. I erupted in a wave of ecstasy slouching into him as my face rested against his face. After a few moments, he released me and I slid to my feet, sidestepped him to pick up the dress.
“You liked this one. When you held it, you studied it longer and put up against me. And the band around the waist reminds me of your eyes. That’s why I picked it.” I said softly.
His lips pulled into a frown. “My rules, Ella. Do things that make you happy. Okay?”
And then he left and Ms. Lorraine walked in minutes after and the entire time she redid my hair she brandished me for behaving like an animal in heat. I couldn’t help but laugh because I knew Aiden was going to get the same lecture.
Dressed in the raspberry-colored dress, I looped my hand through Aiden’s bent arm as we walked up to into the small estate after Bane dropped us off at the door. The entrance spilled into a large spacious room. Gilded art hung on the walls, crystal chandeliers illuminated the room and the marble floors. Dual stairs wrapped around leading to a loft which was filled with people. Flashes came from my left and then several from my right all focused on Aiden and the woman he was with—me. He didn’t seem bothered by it, but I did. I tensed each time the flash flared in my face.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
I swallowed and croaked out, “I’m fine.”
Someone jumped in front of us. Bright light flashed in front. A flutter of color glazed over my vision.
Aiden’s arms tightened around me and he kissed me on the temple. That made things worse with more flashes. Clicks. Who the hell cares about a politician? But someone cared. Maybe it was the hype of the “Prodigal Son” coming home. Or maybe his dad took them to use during campaigns. As the cameras continued people answered questions, it was apparent that it wasn’t new to him. He flashed a brilliant smile that radiated confidence, charisma and charm that was his special blend; his brand.
I wondered who I would be referred to in the caption: “Fucktoy”, “woman for the night”, “play thing”, or “flavor of the week”.
The long path into the home ended with Aiden’s dad meeting us in the large, lavish room that I assumed was a living room. He shook his hand and then pulled him into a hug. More flashes. And they spoke briefly before Aiden pressed his hand into my back and led me further into the house past the crowd of people into a small room in the corner. He put in a code on the keypad and opened the door to a small library. The smell of oak and vellum inundated the air. I’m sure every book was original and worth thousands. Silence, I didn’t realize how much I welcomed it.
“Why are there so many cameras?” I asked.
“I should have warned you. I didn’t think there would be this many.” He smi
led; crooked and wry. “I’m sure Elizabeth will make sure none of them go to waste.” He said.
He leaned against the door, his eyes trained on me. Amber eyes followed me as I walked throughout the small room, scanning the titles. Originals of: Wilde, Poe, Shakespeare, Ginsberg, Keats, and Fitzgerald, and so many other works I’ve enjoyed.
“Your life is interesting,” I considered as I continued to look at the books.
“This is my dad’s life. Not mine. Don’t link me to the circus.”
The library was a welcomed escape from the crowd. Jason had taken me to plenty of events similar to this one, but he was an unknown. He attempted to mingle, but in the end, he was just another body. If there was a camera, we’d get the obligatory one shot. But that was it. Just a general scan of the room I saw several people I recognized from television, sports teams, and mid-budget movies. And several local politicians. I was okay staying in the library for the rest of the night while Aiden played nice with his father.
Aiden grinned, “If you see anything you like, take it.”
“You want me to steal from your dad? If I take anything from here I think it will be considered grand larceny.”
He chuckled, pushing himself from the door and walking over to the bookshelf, he pulled out a weathered book and handed it to me. The Story of O.
“Have you read it?”
I nodded.
“The original?”
“No, it’s in French.”
He eyed the book and then my purse and frowned. “Your purse is too small.”
I grinned, “If I knew we were going to commit grand larceny then I would have brought a bigger purse.”
He tossed the book on the table in the middle of the room and kissed me. But a kiss was never a kiss with him. He backed me into the wall, sliding his hands up my thighs. He kneaded my skin as he lifted me, and I curled my thighs around his waist. His finger inched up my leg traveling toward my panties. I grabbed them. “No. There are people just outside this door.
“So?” He made another attempt and I grabbed his hand and unraveled my legs from him. And stood.
“So, I’m not doing that. I don’t think Elizabeth will be able to explain that away.”
He made a dark sound, “I assure you, she can. She is a spin machine. Talented enough to get my father to D.C.”
He slipped his around me arm and guided me out the door. Moving next to him, when he released my arm, I slid my arm down his and attempted to grab his hand. A graceful sleight of hand, his palm was pressed into my back as he guided me out of the room. The warmth of his fingers spread over me, he smiled and looked at his watch.
“In an hour, I want you to meet me up there,” he pointed to the spiraled stair to the right that led to a small group of people who had gathered, but thinner than the crowd downstairs.
Before I could ask more questions the small number of people gathered between us and he turned, shaking hands and engaging in small talk. I grabbed a glass of wine from one of the passing trays and tried to disappear into the corner away from the crowd of people.
For moments, I become a wallflower. Invisible to the powerful and elite and it didn’t bother me. The small group of people in front of me thinned enough for me to see Aiden approach his father. Aiden’s lips curled into a charismatic smile. His father had an elegant brunette in her late thirties, sidled close to him. I presumed his new wife. Aiden’s step-mother. I tried to figure out where I knew her from. I think she hosted a local talk morning show.
Aiden had settled on a gentle placid look, nothing as turbulent or stormy as the look he usually had when he spoke to his father. I watched with amused interest; separated from Aiden by a bastion of people as he played nice with his father. He’d greeted his step-mother with the same pseudo warmth that he directed at his father. His smiled as relaxed as it was with me; a performance for the world and he deserved an award
When he glanced in my direction and smiled, I thought he was headed in my direction when two women a couple of feet from me turned to ask me a question. Soon I was engaged into their conversation glancing up to look at Aiden with his father. He didn’t look uncomfortable at all in this place. Despite disliking it, this was the world he lived in and was most familiar with. Or perhaps he was a chameleon blessed with the ability to adapt to any situation he was put into.
I tried to mingle but it was hosted by a politician. Conversations no matter how seemingly benign, ended up as a discussion about politics. I remembered my father’s warnings of never speaking about religion and politics and I agreed, those conversations went downhill fast.
Spending most of my time dodging political conversation I found myself talking to an older couple who reminded me of my parents. They were just several years older. And just like my parents their children were just trophies. When we discussed art and my love of dancing, she casually slipped in her older daughter went to Juilliard before deciding on a career as an entertainment lawyer. Their son was a big contributor to the arts and between running a Fortune 500 company and getting his pilot’s license he manages to descend from heaven and grace the lowly ballad company with his presence.
I asked about the third child they mentioned once when they stated they had three children. This was definitely my parents. And I was the child that they didn’t mention. I tried not to let it bother me, but it was hard not to. I looked around the room, and found Aiden in a small cluster of men, all garnishing the same casually interested smiles. Aiden’s eyes met mine, and he tapped his watch. I looked at my phone, twenty minutes and then I would meet him upstairs.
Just when I’d decided to join him in the group, a woman walked over and stood next to me. “They look alike, don’t they?”
I assumed she was talking about Aiden and his father. And they did. The same build, although there was a noticeable age difference. Even in his suit you could tell he was fit. Dusting of gray around his temple, he had strongly hewn attractive look. And their eyes were the same expressive and intoxicating amber. And their confidence and magnetism was as intertwined as part of them as any of their features.
At first I gave a sweeping look at the stranger but quickly found myself staring at her. She was breathtaking. Voluminous blonde hair cascaded over her shoulder, striking yet delicate features and hazel and green flooded her eyes. Her smile made its way to her eyes and brightened them. The billowy spaghetti strapped maxi dress barely hid what looked like her four month baby bump.
“You’re here with Aiden, right?”
I nodded. Her smiled remained as she gave me an assessing look. “You’re gorgeous, but I wouldn’t expect anything less. My husband has always had a thing for brunettes.”
“Husband,” I croaked out. Husband?
My throat became extremely dry and the white wine that I kept taking a sip from wasn’t enough. My mouth had become the Sahara. I waved for the server to bring me another.
“Ex—” she offered, too late. I’d finished my first glass and had taken another long drink from the second one. My eyes went to her and then to her stomach as she placed her hand on it. I looked up at Aiden, our eyes met, and then it slipped over to his ex-wife. The pleasant façade that he’d been masterly wearing dropped. He frowned and soon left the group and was coming in my direction. He kissed me lightly on the cheek and looked down at my nearly empty glass.
“I see you’ve met my father’s campaign manager.” He offered in an even voice.
“And your ex-wife.”
“You’ve been my dad’s campaign manager longer than you’ve been my ex-wife. So as far as I’m concerned you are my father’s campaign manager.”
He looked down at her stomach jutting out. His supple lips tightened into a thin line as he held her gaze. Gingerly, she moved, taking his hands, keeping eye contact with him as she placed it on her stomach. “Six months,” she said. He held his hand there for a long time before exhaling a deep ragged breath.
His jaw clenched tight, his brow furrowed as though he was considering so
mething extensively. Perhaps counting back the months. “I’m sure the dad is very happy. Congratulations.” He jerked his hand away and slipped his hand behind mine and guided me through the small group of people who were surrounding his father. He leaned into his father to let him know he was leaving.
And then his voice dropped to a low, rough growl pushing his words through clenched teeth. “I expect the check tomorrow. If Elizabeth needs me to participate in any more of this media bullshit, she will make an appointment with my assistant. She will not call me directly again. Are we clear, Dad?” He stepped back, looked at the crowd of people, the media, and a few local celebrities. He grabbed a drink from one of the trays passing us, tipped it to his father and after a long draw from it, he said. “Congratulations, Dad.” Then he took another look around the room his eyes landed on Elizabeth for a moment. “This is a very successful fundraiser.” A tinge of cool ire draped over his words.
He finished the glass. The moment we left the house there was more flashing lights from a camera. I turned from it placing my face in Aiden’s shoulder. It wasn’t that I disliked pictures it just seemed like there were so many. It was overwhelming. I could see why he despised this world or maybe it was because this was his father’s world, which is why he loathed it.
“That’s enough,” Aiden said to the photographer. He started to lift his camera again to take one more shot. Aiden’s voice dropped to a low growl, “I said that is enough. Don’t take another picture.”
Aiden’s hand had slid down to my butt where he gently caressed it and nuzzled my neck before kissing me on my cheek. “I didn’t realize there would be so many photographers at a political event.”
“My father enjoys the publicity and the attention. And most people come to get a glimpse of the local celebrities. And my father will not have an event unless he can ensure their there so he can get the most media exposure.”