Our Darkest Maze

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Our Darkest Maze Page 34

by Sarah Bailey

  I cocked my head to the side, wondering if there was a catch.

  “Does this mean you’re going to stop objecting to us being together?”



  He fiddled with his watch for a moment before meeting my eyes.

  “You have my blessing to marry Logan.”

  “Thank you… but you do realise you have to tell him to his face as well, right?”



  I stood up from my chair and stepped into him, wrapping my arms around his back and burying my face in his shoulder.

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  He stroked my hair before leaning his head against it.

  “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  We held each other for a long time before I pulled away and looked at the clock on my laptop.

  “I have to go… Logan’s parents are throwing us a little family engagement party thing.”

  “We should have them around for dinner soon.”

  I smiled.

  “They’d like that.”

  My parents had met his several times over the years. It had been awkward at first, but they got on with each other for the most part. I think there was some tension between Dad and Dante, but it probably had more to do with Dad’s dislike of Logan more than anything else. I hoped now we’d had a talk, Dad would stop treating my husband-to-be like he was a bad influence on me. Logan had been nothing but loving towards me since we’d officially become a couple.

  “I’ll see you on Monday then, sweetheart.”

  I nodded, watching him leave the room before packing up my stuff and making my way towards the tube. When I got to Logan’s parent’s house, I rang the doorbell and waited. A minute later, Dante opened the door holding Charon, who was squirming in his arm.

  “Did he want to escape out the front door again?” I asked as he stepped back to let me in.

  “He is a little menace, aren’t you?” Dante replied, looking down at the wriggling black cat in his arm.

  I shut the door and grinned, reaching out and stroking Charon’s head.

  “They’re all little terrors.”

  He shook his head before setting Charon down who gave him a dirty look before sitting and cleaning his leg. Dante stepped forward and gave me a hug.

  “I want you to know I’m happy you’re becoming my daughter-in-law. You’re good for Logan and this family.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, feeling a little emotional.

  The acceptance I felt from Logan’s family couldn’t be compared. They’d welcomed me into their family with open arms the first time I’d met them and nothing had changed since then. Having two loving families was more than a girl could ever ask for. I just hoped my dad stuck to his damn word and stopped giving Logan such a hard time.

  Dante let me go and patted my shoulder.

  “Liora’s in the kitchen and she’s got me on food duty, so I better get back to it.”

  I laughed.

  “I’m just going to change and I’ll be right down.”

  He gave me a smile before ambling off to the kitchen. Logan and I were staying the night. I went upstairs, dumped my overnight bag on the end of the bed and changed into something a little more comfortable for this evening. Fixing my makeup and hair first, I went back downstairs and found Liora in the kitchen. She smiled wide when she saw me, coming over to give me a hug.

  “You have no idea how happy I am Logan finally asked you.”

  “He told me you helped him pick the ring.”

  She pulled back and took my hand, stroking the ring with a finger.

  “Yes. He was worried about going overboard and wanted to make sure you’d like it.”

  “I love it.”

  The doorbell went, but Liora made no move to answer it. I assumed Dante would get it.

  “Do you need any help with anything?” I asked as she walked back over to the stove.

  “No, no, don’t worry, we’ve got everything under control.”

  I was about to say I wanted to help when Dante came in with two boys dangling off his arms.

  “But, Uncle Dante, why not?” Asher complained.

  “Because it’s Logan and Aurora’s engagement party,” Dante said, ushering them into the conservatory.

  “But—” Josiah started, but he was cut off by Dante telling them to quit it.

  I didn’t dare ask what the twins were complaining about. They were Ant and Maia’s boys who’d turned four not too long ago.

  “Those two are such troublemakers,” Liora said whilst stirring a pot on the stove.

  “Tell me about it,” I mused, “I caught them stealing biscuits when they were over at ours a couple of weeks ago.”

  “No doubt Logan wasn’t happy about that.”

  I scoffed.

  “Nope, no one can touch his precious custard creams.”

  Ant, Maia, Callie and her wife, Aubree, wandered into the kitchen with Logan’s aunts and uncles following them. They all came over to give their congratulations before making their way into the conservatory. The front door opened and closed again. Logan strolled in a moment later, his hands dug in his pockets. I couldn’t help smiling. He returned it when he saw me. Before he could come closer, I went over to him, taking him by the hand and dragging him out of the kitchen, along the hallway and into the dining room.

  “Rora, what are you—”

  I cut him off with my mouth against his, shoving him up against the wall as my fingers speared into his hair. Not sure Logan knew what was up or down as his hands curled around my waist, but he wasn’t stopping me.

  “Hey,” I whispered against his lips.

  “That’s one way to say hello.”

  “I missed you.”

  I kissed him again, never wanting it to end even though we were at his parent’s place. When I finally pulled back, his hair was messy and his eyes full of lust.

  “You sure you only missed me?” he asked, his voice breath,. “You saw me this morning.”

  “I talked to my dad.”

  His eyes widened.

  “Oh, and what did Quinn have to say for himself?”

  The wariness in his tone didn’t surprise me considering what happened the last time Logan had seen my parents.

  “Well, I may have threatened to stop him coming from the wedding if he didn’t get on board with us getting married.”

  “You did what?”

  “I wasn’t going to go through with it!”

  He chuckled and shook his head.

  “You really are something else.” Logan wrapped his arms around my back, holding me against his chest. “And I love you for it.”

  “Yeah, well, I also told him the truth about how he makes me feel. I think it finally got through to him how unreasonable he’s being. He said we have his blessing.”

  “Did he now?”

  I stroked my fingers down his chest.

  “Mmm, I made him agree to tell you that himself.”

  “You’ve been a very busy girl today. I think I may have to reward you later.”

  His hand slid down my back and curled around my behind, squeezing the flesh. I squirmed against him knowing exactly what type of reward Logan had in mind.

  “I look forward to it.”

  He leant down, nuzzling his nose against mine.

  “Trust me, you’ll be singing my praises by the time I’m done with you.”

  “We’re staying here tonight.”

  His smirk set my blood on fire.

  “I may just have to gag you then, won’t I?”

  “Perhaps you might.”

  “Mmm, fuck, little masochist, you’ve made me hard and now we have to go spend time with my family. This isn’t okay.”

  I didn’t dare try to touch him further other than my hands resting on his chest. Not sure Logan would’ve appreciated it given the look in his eyes.

  “Oh well, I’m sure you can think of a way to make me pay for it.”

  I pulled away, taking his hand and walking towards the door.

  “I have many, many ways to make you pay.”

  I glanced over my shoulder and gave him a wink.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Forty Eight

  To say I was a little nervous about speaking to Quinn was an understatement. Aurora may have reassured me he was going to be fine, but it didn’t stop me from worrying over the whole thing. Quinn and I had been civil for the most part over the years, but I’d never got to know the guy the way I had with her other fathers.

  Xav wasn’t hard to get along with his love of jokes and winding everyone up. Eric was always asking me about my charity and how everything was going. And Rory? Well, he and I got each other in a strange way. He saw how good I was to his daughter and respected me for it. Despite not liking people very much, he was always very open with me, just like he was with his kids. Aurora’s mother had basically adopted me, treating me like I was one of her own. Their family was just as crazy as my own. I suppose it’s why I got on with them so well. I was used to having an interfering family who were always in each other’s business.

  Aurora didn’t fully trust her father either as she insisted on being there when I met with him. We’d gone around her parents’ for dinner. Before we all sat down to eat, Aurora had dragged both me and her father into the games room and sat us down. Her hand was curled around my thigh. She gave her dad a look as if to ask what he was waiting for.

  Quinn cleared his throat as he sat back and rested his hand on the arm of the chair he’d sat in.

  “I realise I’ve been rather… reluctant to accept your relationship with my daughter,” he started before sending a sharp look Aurora’s way as if to tell her to keep her mouth shut.

  Her hand on my thigh tightened but she didn’t say a word.

  “I haven’t allowed you a fair chance, as I’d already made up my mind the first time we met. That was a mistake on my part and I apologise for it. Whilst you’ve made some mistakes with Aurora, I do also see you’ve done nothing but treat her with respect since you’ve been together.”

  He looked completely sincere as he spoke, which put me at ease. Honestly, I hadn’t been sure what I’d be walking into when it came to him.

  “I never wanted my daughter mixed up with anyone who has experienced the type of life me, Ash and the boys had. We always wanted our children to grow up without those things hanging over their heads. Turns out, we couldn’t prevent it from happening. Not when it’s put barriers up for the people they’ve chosen to be with and has brought all of them a lot of hardships because of it.”

  I wrapped an arm around Aurora as I could feel her trembling next to me with her father’s words. I wasn’t sure her parents had ever told her how much it pained them to see the way their kids had been affected by their choices in life. If they had, she’d never mentioned it to me.

  “But, as Rora has told me, you’re aware of the difficulties she faces by having a somewhat dark past. It gives you a unique understanding of her circumstances which I do not think she could share with anyone else.”

  It was true. I related to Aurora on that level given what happened in my own family with my grandfather. It had never saddened me not to have met him. He didn’t deserve it after what he’d done to my father, aunts and uncle. And especially not after the way everything had gone down with my mother. The fact she’d fallen in love with my father and supported him through everything was a testament to her character and her pure heart. It wasn’t any wonder Dad always called her his heart.

  “Aurora is my only daughter and I realise now it has clouded my judgement. She’s a capable woman who lets nothing stand in her way. Being with you has only made her stronger, which I failed to see until now.” His eyes flicked to Aurora. “I’m sorry about that. You have no idea how much, sweetheart.”

  “It’s okay, Dad,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper, “I know.”

  He gave her a soft smile before returning his gaze to me. Taking a long breath, he let it out and clasped his hands together in his lap.

  “All I ask is you continue to take care of her even though she’s perfectly capable of doing it herself. She needs a partner and she would never choose anyone who isn’t worthy of her. I know that now.”

  He took a minute to collect himself as his eyes were full of emotions.

  “You have my blessing to marry my daughter.”

  I didn’t know why I felt a little choked up by what he’d said, but I did. It didn’t occur to me now how important it was to have him say that. Next to me, Aurora’s body shook. I turned to her, my arm around her tightening. Her eyes were full of unshed tears. I kissed her hair.

  “It’s okay,” I murmured, “I’ve got you.”

  Turning back to Quinn, I gave him a smile.

  “Thank you, I really appreciate you saying all of that… it means a lot to me and to Rora.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said with a smile of his own. He turned his attention to his daughter. “Is there anything else? Your mother will be wondering where we’ve got to.”

  “No. We should go in, besides, Logan and I have something to tell all of you.”

  Quinn raised an eyebrow.

  “Should I be worried?”

  “No, Dad. It’s nothing bad.”

  She stood, taking my hand and pulling me up. I stroked her hair before leading her from the room with Quinn following us.

  A few minutes later, we were all seated at the dining room table with full plates and the conversation flowing. There was never a dull moment in her parents’ household. Aurora knocked her knife against her glass, bringing the chatter to a close.

  “Um, Logan and I have something to tell you.”

  Her parents all turned to the two of us. Having their full attention on us always made me nervous, but as Aurora had told Quinn, this was nothing bad.

  “We’ve set the date… we’re getting married next spring.”

  “You are?” Ash said, her face breaking out into a smile.


  “Oh, sweetheart, I can’t wait. We have so much to plan.”

  Ash and Aurora bowed their heads together the next moment. I rolled my eyes since wedding planning was not on my list of fun things to do. I’d already agreed I’d be as involved as Aurora wanted me to be. Xav was sat next to me and he nudged my shoulder.

  “You know she’s going to be wedding crazy until the big day, right?”

  “Trust me, I’m fully aware.”

  He snorted.

  “Good luck with that.”

  “She can have whatever she wants. I’m so not telling her no.” Aurora’s hand was resting on the table. I curled my hand over it. “She’s worth it.”

  Aurora must have caught my words as she smiled at me briefly.

  “Between you and me, I have no idea what got stuck up Quinn’s arse over you. No one could say you don’t treat our daughter well.”

  I grinned.

  “Thank you, appreciate it. Credit goes to my mother, she raised me well. Besides, she wouldn’t let me get away with anything else. You might think she’s sweet and all, but you should see her putting my dad in place. It’s terrifying.”

  Xav eyed me with surprise.

  “Really? Little Liora’s that fierce?”

  “Oh yes, but most of the women in my family are. You’ve not met Aunt Jen yet. Savage springs to mind, but she also commands respect. You wouldn’t mess with her if you wanted to continue living.”

  He chuckled and shook his head.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. You sure you’re ready to officially become part of the family?”

  “Officially? Thought I already was.”

  Xav slapped my shoulder.

  “You are, but you’re going to be legally bound to this one.” He nodded over at Aurora. “Big commit
ment there.”

  When I was younger, I hadn’t been ready for commitment, but now? I was ready to take a giant leap with Aurora. We’d been together long enough to know we were it for each other. Nothing would change when we got married. We’d still be Aurora and Logan as we’d always been.

  I looked over at Aurora, noting the way her brown eyes were shining as she discussed her ideas for the wedding with her mother. Her dark hair was flowing down her back in waves and she was wearing a summery dress that highlighted all her curves. There was no other woman in the world as stunning as her in my eyes. No one matched up to my little masochist. She was my one.

  “You don’t have to worry on that score. I’m very ready to marry the girl of my dreams.”

  Turning back to Xav, he gave me a wink and went back to his food.

  I had no doubts about my future with Aurora. And I couldn’t wait to make her my wife.

  Chapter Forty Nine

  There were some days which stuck out more than others in life. Today was one of them. Probably one of the happiest days of my life, if I was being completely honest. My life hadn’t always been easy, but now, I was content and ready to start a new chapter in it.

  Watching my wife mingle with our guests made me smile as I stood with my best friend, Ant, by the bar. Aurora had never looked more stunning than she did now. Her dark hair was up with little wisps framing her face, a hairstyle which I loved on her. And the dress? Well, I couldn’t fault her for her choice. The top was tight and decorated with lace, whilst the A-line cut of the bottom fanned out around her. When we’d said our vows earlier, I only had eyes for her. She was without a doubt my favourite person on this earth and I loved her with every inch of my being.

  “Didn’t think you’d ever settle down, you know,” Ant said, nudging my shoulder.

  “Neither did I.”

  “Well, can’t blame you for picking Rora. She’s wild. You needed someone to give you a little push to be real with everyone.”

  I snorted. My wife was quite something.

  “A little push? More like a giant shove.”


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