Legion of Shadow

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Legion of Shadow Page 23

by Michael J. Ward


  Inside, you find a sack containing 50 gold crowns and a selection of rare treasures. If you wish, you may now choose one of the following:

  Majestic shoulders

  Abyssal brimstone

  Dour fury




  +2 speed +2 armour

  +1 magic

  +1 speed

  Ability: royal regalia

  Ability: cauterise

  Ability: savagery

  (requirement: warrior)

  You also find a small stone tablet, which you may take:

  Stone tablet


  Its surface is covered in strange symbols

  If you wish to take the stone tablet, then make a note of it on your hero sheet along with the number 19. Once you have updated your hero sheet, turn to 482.


  You must have the Tiger’s fury talisman equipped if you wish to learn the berserker career. As soon as this item is unequipped or you learn a new career, you lose the abilities associated with this career.

  The berserker has the following abilities:

  Seeing red (pa): If your health is reduced to 20 or less, you may add 2 to your speed. If you are healed and your health rises above 20, you lose your bonus.

  Raining blows (mo): Every time you get aresult when rolling for your damage score, you may automatically roll another die to add further damage. If you roll aagain, you may roll another die – and so on.

  Turn to 414 to return to the arena.


  The count’s great hall stretches out before you, its long tables groaning with a succulent array of wild meats and fruit. The diners, all dressed in extraordinary finery, are laughing and joking with each other – drinking wine and mead from large golden goblets. High above their heads, colourful banners and ribbons hang down from the ceiling, swaying back and forth like hypnotic pendulums.

  On a stage in one corner of the room, a group of musicians are playing to an attentive audience. Elsewhere, a jester is capering madly around the tables, his face covered in white paint and rouge. He laughs and giggles as he juggles a set of knives with practised ease.

  You scan the room for Lady Roe. At last you spot her, seated at the top table with several other gentlemen and ladies. Next to her sits a regal-looking man in a high-collared black cloak. His thin, gaunt face is partly concealed behind a golden mask. On seeing your group enter the hall, he stands and claps his hands together.

  Immediately, a hush falls over the room. The musicians stop playing – a few discordant notes hanging in the air – and the jester freezes in mid-step. All the diners put down their knives, forks and goblets and rise to their feet. You notice that they are all looking at you and the other members of your group with an intense interest.

  ‘Distinguished guests,’ says the count, his deep voice carrying the full length of the room, ‘I promised you a night to remember.’

  Your hands go to your concealed weapons as you quickly eye up the nearby tables. The diners standing around them all look tensed, as if awaiting a command.

  ‘Now is the time, my dear friends.’ The count raises his arms into the air. ‘I give to you . . . dessert!’

  There is a howl and then a scream. Before you can register what is happening, you see the count’s diners descending on your group like a pack of wild animals. There are snapping fangs and claws . . . a jet of crimson arcs through the air. More screams follow. Then a woman’s face swings into view, her fanged incisors dripping with blood. It is then that you realise the shocking truth – the count’s diners are all vampires!

  ‘This is it,’ says Spink, drawing a stake. ‘This is war!’

  You watch dumbfounded as he races towards the nearest diner, expertly staking the man through the heart. The vampire screeches in pain before exploding in a cloud of black dust.

  Then you are hit by something. You are flung into a table, knocking over plates and food. Desperately you snatch up a nearby knife, as a vampire duke attempts to bite your neck. You wrestle free, sinking your knife into its leg. But the vampire isn’t registering any pain. Of course, these creatures can only be harmed by the items that Spink gave you.

  You draw out your concealed weapons, just as the vampire gives a shriek of pain. It falls forward, landing on top of you, the back of its head a smouldering ruin. As you push him away, you see a man in a black coat and hat sliding down one of the banners. In one of his hands is a smoking flint-lock pistol.

  Before you can thank your mysterious rescuer, you are swung round to face a fresh adversary. Turn to 435.


  The flame giant has been defeated. Its roaring body of flames are silenced forever as it vaporises into a cloud of black ash and smoke, blackening the sky.

  Around the island you find the charred remains of several less fortunate adventurers. You have gained 200 gold crowns and may now help yourself to one of the following items:

  Crimson cuffs

  Firewalker’s faceguard

  Burning heretic



  (main hand: sword)

  +1 speed +4 magic

  +1 speed +3 armour

  +3 speed +3 brawn

  Ability: sear

  Ability: overpower

  Ability: critical strike

  (requirement: mage)

  (requirement: warrior)

  (requirement: rogue)

  Elated with your victory, you head back across the stepping stones to the black-stone island. From here, you take the pathway eastwards, into the dark cave. Turn to 426.


  Totsvig sets you to work – to test some fragments of the black stone with a number of different chemicals. He watches you intently as you record the results of your investigations. It appears that the rock reacts strongly to anything it comes into contact with, giving off a foul-smelling green smoke. It also appears to introduce mutations into the compounds that are created.

  Totsvig is clearly impressed by your findings. So much so, that he offers to teach you some of the basics of his profession. As a mage, you may now learn the alchemist career.

  The alchemist has the following abilities:

  Good taste (pa): Each time you use a backpack item that raises magic in combat, roll 1 die and add the result to the item’s benefit. For example, if you use a pot of magic (+3 to magic) and you rolled a, you would benefit from +8 to your magic instead.

  Midas touch (pa): Every time you destroy an item of equipment (by replacing it with a new item) you gain 30 gold crowns. This ability does not work on backpack items.

  Once you have updated your hero sheet, turn to 310 if you wish to talk to Totsvig further, or return to the quest map to continue your journey.


  In less than a heartbeat your weapons are in your hands. You swing at the guard, taking him by surprise. A glancing blow knocks him backwards, sending him toppling over one of the chests.

  The coach driver gives an animal-like snarl. ‘Vermin! Yer really shouldn’t have done that!’ He tugs a club loose from his belt and then lunges at you, his teeth bared.

  If you lose the combat, turn to 312. If you manage to defeat Jenkins, turn to 413.


  The tunnel ends in a circular cave filled with a bubbling pool of mud. Several items of equipment are floating in the thick gooey sludge, including a longsword and a white polished staff. Across the other side of the cave is another tunnel opening.

  Will you:

  Try and retrieve the items? — 337

  Continue onwards? — 361


  The taproom of Pisa’s Rest is almost full to bursting point. As you make your way through the smoky haze, you spot a woman weaving between the crowded tables. She is carrying an open leather case, which she passes under the noses of the curious patrons. One man lifts a pair of metal gauntlets from out of the case, inspecting them thoughtfully. Gold
exchanges hands, and the woman moves on to another table. You suspect she is a tinker, selling odds and end of armour and equipment.

  Where the sloping floor has sunk into the marsh, a make-shift bridge of wooden planks has been erected, forming a pathway to the bar. Behind it, a skinny man in a greasy apron, is serving drinks to the waiting clientele.

  Will you:

  Talk to the barman? — 384

  View the tinker’s wares? — 311

  Leave the tavern? — 348


  ‘Hurry,’ says the boy, looking back over his shoulder. Most of the crowd have already left the room. ‘Take what you need and let’s go.’

  You may select a main-hand and a left-hand item from the selection on offer:

  When you have made your choices and updated your hero sheet, turn to 416.


  The eagle veers around in a tight arc, before swooping down to land next to you on the moss-covered rock. Solandris turns in the saddle, eyeing you with a newfound respect.

  ‘That was nice work back there – for a human. Now, did you get the mandrake root?’

  You pat the side of your backpack, wary of the dryad’s intent. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that Solandris was holding a knife to your throat.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ she says, reading your expression. ‘I followed you to the wreekin village.’ She glances back, towards the corpse of the giant. ‘Bern convinced me of the urgency of your quest. I suppose it’s the ranger you have to thank for saving your life. Now, let’s get back to the village. Their leader doesn’t have long.’

  You accept Solandris’ hand, climbing onto the saddle behind her. Then, the giant eagle takes to the air, its enormous wings rising and falling as it ascends out of the murky swampland. Turn to 525.


  As a mage you may also take the following item:

  Core of flame


  +1 magic

  Ability: pyromancer career (see below)

  You must have the core of flame talisman equipped if you wish to learn the pyromancer career. As soon as this item is unequipped or you learn a new career, you lose the abilities associated with this career.

  The pyromancer has the following abilities:

  Ignite (co): If you win a combat round, instead of rolling for a damage score, you can cast ignite. This automatically inflicts 2 damage dice to all your opponents, ignoring armour. It also causes them to burn (see below). Ignite can only be used once per combat. (Note: You cannot use modifier abilities to increase this damage.)

  Burn (pa): All opponents who have suffered health damage from ignite automatically lose 1 health at the end of every combat round. This ability ignores armour.

  Once you have made your decision, return to the quest map to continue your journey.


  When you re-enter the hall, you find yourself confronted by a scene of chaos. Bodies lie everywhere, sprawled like rag-dolls over broken tables and chairs. Fights still continue in small pockets around the room as the last of the vampires seek to destroy the remnants of the resistance.

  You see the man in the black coat and hat weaving dextrously through their ranks, spinning twin swords in an elaborate pattern of swirling blades. Wherever he moves, vampires are cut down, reduced to dust the moment they come into contact with his magical swords. Behind him, Spink follows, a flint-lock pistol in one hand and a crucifix in the other.

  You hurry to join the fight but skid to a halt when you see two vampires striding purposefully towards you. One you recognise instantly. It is the Lady Roe, her long white gown splattered with blood. Next to her walks a tall, barrel-chested man. A thick fur cloak is flung back across his shoulders, making them appear even wider than they already are. In his massive hands, he carries a double-headed axe.

  Suddenly, the black-coated stranger appears at your side. ‘I’m Eldias Falks,’ he says, his eyes twinkling beneath the brim of his hat. ‘Glad you could make the party.’ He watches as the two vampires approach, bowing to them with exaggerated flourish. ‘Ah, the Lady Roe and Baron Greylock. An honour to make your acquaintance. A shame it will be such a brief meeting.’

  Will you:

  Attack Lady Roe? — 302

  Attack Baron Greylock? — 306


  You scramble down into the crater, your eyes stinging from the thick green smoke. At the bottom, you discover a jagged splinter of black rock sticking up out of the charred soil. It glows as if alive, each pulse giving off more of the green, putrid-smelling smoke.

  The rock is far too large for you to pull out of the ground. It also looks too thick and strong to break. As you ponder your next move, you suddenly notice a large burrow-like tunnel to the north, winding away into darkness.

  Will you:

  Examine the black rock further? — 372

  Enter the earthen tunnel? — 428


  Searching through Logan’s belongings, you discover a number of powders and poison vials, wrapped in tattered cloth. As a rogue, you may now learn the assassin career.

  The assassin has the following abilities:

  First strike (pa): (requires a dagger in the main hand.) Before combat begins you may automatically inflict 1 damage dice to an opponent, ignoring armour. This will also inflict any harmful passive abilities you have, such as venom and bleed.

  Deadly poisons (mo): If you have the venom special ability, its damage is increased by 1 (causing 3 points of damage instead of only 2).

  Once you have made your decision, return to the quest map to continue your journey.


  ‘Who?’ snaps the barman, cupping a hand to his ear. ‘Cornelius, yer say? The only Cornelius I ever heard of is the marsh man. A crazy old hermit who lives out in the swamp. Never set eyes on ’im myself, but he’s something of a local legend. They reckons he can see the future.’ He snorts dismissively. ‘Like I said, crazy old man. Now, I got work to do so hurry it up.’

  Will you:

  Ask if there is any work going? — 420

  Ask about local rumours? — 378

  Turn your attention back to the taproom? — 404


  The crumbling walls and weed-choked flagstones offer up a wide selection of different herbs. If you have Lorinwold’s Field Guide to Roots, Herbs and Leaves then you may add 2 bramble thorn, 1 thimble sage and 1 taponica bulb to your collection. (Make a note of the herbs on your hero sheet.)

  Finding little else of interest amongst the outbuildings, you make your way over to one of the larger, colonnaded temples. Most of its ceiling has caved in, littering the cracked mosaic-floor with dusty piles of stone and rubble. Whatever furniture or items of worth this place once contained, they have long since been buried or looted by thieves. You are about to leave and continue your journey, when you spot a black-stone chest resting against one of the walls. You hurry over to inspect it – discovering that it is still locked. There is no keyhole or any other obvious way of opening the chest. Perhaps the strange angular runes that are etched into the lid, might provide a clue.

  If you have The Compendium of Dwarven Lore then turn to 471. Otherwise, you cannot understand the complex markings. Turn to 482.


  Jenkins is dead. You turn to face the guard, who is still struggling back onto his feet, encumbered by his heavy armour. ‘Yer killed Jenkins,’ he blusters, a tremor of fear in his voice. ‘The count will be really mad at yer – he hates good blood going to waste.’ He glances down at the dark pool forming around the body.

  ‘Good blood?’ you ask quizzically. ‘What do you . . .?’

  Suddenly something strikes you from behind, sending you toppling forward onto your knees. The room spins, as white flashes of pain obscure your vision. You try and turn, to see what hit you . . . but your muscles are no longer doing what you ask.

  ‘Is this one causing you problems?’ says a gruff voice, from somewhere amongst the white haze. ‘Well, no matter. They’ll
get their just desserts soon enough.’

  ‘Ah yeah, desserts,’ laughs the guard. ‘That’s a good one that is . . . desserts . . . yes . . . good one.’

  The voices fade, replaced by a roaring white noise in your ears . . . you can feel your limbs stiffening, growing numb. Then you lose consciousness, falling into a deep dark sleep. Turn to 312.


  A delighted Bart rushes over to you, a silver casket held in his hands. Flipping open the lid, he reveals its contents – a pile of sparkling gold coins.

  ‘Here are your winnings!’ he exclaims excitedly. ‘That was the best fight I ever saw. You’re a hero!’ (You have gained 150 gold crowns.)

  The wizard swoops down to the arena floor, and hops off his carpet. ‘Congratulations,’ he says. ‘You’re the Grand Champion of the five hundred and eleventh gladiatorial games!’ Another wave of applause sweeps across the stadium. ‘It is with great honour that I now present to you the champion’s chest . . .’ He makes a series of quick gestures and suddenly a sparkling gold chest appears, hovering in mid-air. As you watch, the lid creaks open, revealing rare treasures inside.

  You may now choose one of the following rewards:

  The cage

  Brawler’s shiv

  Battlemage’s fists


  (main hand: dagger)


  +2 speed +3 armour

  +2 speed +4 brawn

  +3 magic +3 armour

  Ability: iron will

  Ability: venom

  Ability: dominate

  (requirement: warrior)


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