The Crush

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The Crush Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  But why? It seems like that had been her only purpose for being here. She came, turned my life upside the fuck down, and left like a thief in the night. I was tempted to go after her ass and demand to know what the fuck she was up to, but lucky for me, she came back home before I made an ass of myself.

  NICK (A few weeks later)

  I shouldn’t have come here tonight, I knew that shit, but like a glutton for punishment I showed up anyway. This waffling shit has been going on for way too long though and it has to stop. I’m usually more on top of my game, but in all fairness I was new to this one. I felt my muscles tense when I saw yet another man approach her, and had to remind myself yet again that she wasn’t mine to protect, well not in that way anyway, and she was old enough to have suitors. If I went over there acting crazy as fuck, tongues would start wagging for sure. But this shit was getting out of control.

  I bit my tongue and tried to distract myself by getting lost in mundane conversation with the blonde who’d just approached me. She was one of Melanie’s friends from high school or something, hell if I remember; I never paid that much attention to her little playmates before. Never really paid too much attention to her either, not until recently.

  I felt the pull again no matter what I did, and decided to just deal with this shit once and for all. I’d pretty much made up my mind to do just that already, but I’d been willing to put it off until I’d had more time to think things through. Now with all the men sniffing around her ass this evening, I think maybe that shit is dead.

  It wasn’t just the men sniffing around her that was the problem; it was my reaction to it that was setting my fucking teeth on edge. I never really gave a fuck before if someone was checking out the woman I was with. As a matter of fact I usually saw it as a kind of compliment that someone else was that into something that I had, fucked up I know, but there you have it.

  Tonight I was this close to ripping a motherfucker’s head off with my bare hands though, and my danger signals were off the radar like a son of a bitch. I didn’t appreciate any of it truth be known, didn’t like the changes that she’d made. Why couldn’t she have stayed the sweet unassuming little stepsister that she’d always been? Why do women always have to go and start shit? And if she had to make these changes, why the fuck did she find it necessary to target my ass for practice?

  If she laughed at one more thing that fucker said he was gonna miss a couple of his fucking teeth. The little blonde next to me didn’t seem too pleased that she didn’t have my full attention, and I quickly excused myself and made my way that much closer to my prey. The dress she had on was too short and too tight, and the color did something amazing to her skin and eyes. Every fucking male in the vicinity seemed aware of this as well, which was a fucking no-no. She was sharing way too fucking much of what I had come to think of as mine here lately.

  What else was I supposed to think, when she so obviously flirted with me every chance she got in the last few days since she’d been back for summer vacation? Her tinkling laugh rang out once again and I looked around in time to see her hand rest on his arm playfully, fuck that.



  I can feel his stare from all the way across the room. I can’t believe it’s working; especially on my Nick, he’s so elusive. ‘My Nick’ I’d grown accustomed to thinking of him in that way over the years, but for a different reason, and always silently of course. Now I wanted that to become a reality more than I wanted anything else in my life.

  My stomach was in knots as I tried all the moves my best friend had taught me to catch his eye. The last time I’d embarked on this little experiment I’d chickened out in the end, too afraid of what ifs to take it all the way. Now things had changed and I was afraid that if I didn’t go through with it, if I didn’t let my sexy stepbrother know how I really felt about him, it would be too late.

  Is he coming over here? Oh hell, that look on his face, maybe I’d gone too far this time. The poor guy I was talking to seemed to be really into it and I felt a little sleazy for using him to get my crush’s attention. Eric had always been one of my admirers, even when I didn’t think I had anything worth admiring. Now with my new hair and my body that had always been hidden on display, he was even more animated in my presence.

  I started feeling not so good about myself, but I had come this far already, I’ll have to make it up to him somehow. I could feel those eyes on me again though, and that spurred me on even more. I just needed that one little push to get him moving, that one thing that would tip him over the edge. If he was even interested that is.

  I had the feeling that tonight was the night, that if I was ever going to achieve my dream that I had to make this count. His latest squeeze wasn’t here tonight thank heavens so I didn’t have that added headache to deal with, but she was the reason I had upped my game so drastically and way ahead of schedule.

  Mom had sounded very sure in our last conversation that this one was the real deal. Words that had cut me to the core and sent me into a tailspin, until my best friend had pulled me out of it and set me on the course I was now on. The seduction of Nicholas Moretti, my hot and sexy older stepbrother!

  Chapter 1


  Don’t do it Nicholas, it’s a bad motherfucking move. All that will come of it is chaos and heartache. I’ve been telling myself the same fucking thing for weeks now, but it’s getting harder and harder to listen to my conscience, especially when my dick was involved, and the way she looked tonight wasn’t helping shit any either.

  I looked at her under cover of my lashes while others carried on their conversations around us. The ass she was talking to was eating it all up, and I knew my shit was over when I had visions of planting my fist in his face just for being.

  I knew my life was about to change, because I was pretty sure I’d reached the end of my rope, and was going to make my move one way or the other. There’s no way that she wasn’t aware of what the fuck she was doing to me, and if she didn’t, too fucking bad, my dog was in this race now and that fucker hates to lose.

  I first noticed the change in the way I looked at her a few short weeks ago, when she’d been home for a quick break. I’d brushed it off as a fluke, just me reacting to the new changes in the all grown up her. I’d even chided myself for having such wayward thoughts about someone who only saw me as an older brother, even though we weren’t related by blood.

  The feelings had come out of left field and totally sideswiped my ass when I least expected it. I’m not one for feelings, that shit just isn’t my deal. I’m a fuck’ em in the moment type and anyone who fucks with me knows the deal. Not like I’m spreading myself around with a new chick every other weekend, no that’s not my deal either I have too much respect for myself for that game. But I’m young yet, still spreading my shit around for say, the next fifteen years at least.

  Or so I thought, until she pulled a fast one and changed up my whole thought process. In the blink of an eye she had me questioning shit I never had to before, and like I said, I put it down to the shock of seeing the new her for the first time. I could’ve left shit there, but it was not just the new changes in her appearance, I definitely sensed a shift in the air around us whenever we were alone in the same space.

  Call me over imaginative, but I know when someone’s on my dick, and there was a point there that weekend when I was a hundred percent sure my little stepsister was sending out signals. I had someone in my bed back then, and being very averse to the cheating game, I found myself in a bit of a quandary.

  I knew that Dee-Dee had been making noises about making shit a little more official, don’t know where she got that shit, but I didn’t play into it and it had waned after I didn’t fan those particular flames. Now I found myself in a bit of a fix, lusting after the forbidden fruit of my baby stepsister while sharing time with someone else.

  In the end I’d cooled things off with Dee even though I still didn’t know what the fuck was going on with this one. I just
knew it felt weird even thinking of touching someone else when my head was suddenly so full of her. Dee-Dee had not taken the breakup well, no one ever does, and there was still some tension there, but at least I’d done my part; and lucky thing too because the shit had only grown worse.

  Still I hadn’t made my move right away, because there was just too much involved. I was looking at life here, not just a fling with a hot new number. I couldn’t think of her the way I would someone else, and I found that I didn’t want to. But were my feelings strong enough, sure enough to make that first move? To take us beyond what we were?

  I suffered through sleepless nights and chronic blue balls for fucking weeks and still was no closer to knowing what the fuck to do about my new dilemma. She haunted me; there was no other word for it. I saw her, the new her, everywhere. I wanted to be around her all the fucking time, when I wasn’t trying to run away from her and all the shit she was starting to make me feel.

  I had a brief reprieve when she’d gone back to school; the hunger had eased a bit but was by no means gone. I’d spent the weeks between then and now trying to come to terms with what the fuck was going on with me. I haven’t fucked so much as the fucking wind in all this time and my shit was about to revolt.

  I’d made myself forget the changes in her, or tried my best to, and for a while there it seemed like it just might work; but with her return, that shit was back worse than before. This was no fluke and not my imagination, this shit was real, more real than anything I’d ever experienced before in my checkered past.

  She had me searching my feelings like a little bitch, no joke, which I did not appreciate at fucking all. I like things to stay where they’re supposed to be, everything in its place. And my dad’s little stepdaughter did not belong under me; though my dreams of the last few weeks have been placing her there night after night.

  If it were just my libido that I had to worry about I could’ve found a way to alleviate the situation, but the last few days had convinced me that I wasn’t the only one looking. I was even more surprised by the fact that I was interested, more than a little in fact, although I knew what going after her would mean.

  I found myself being jealous as fuck of anyone that came around her. Me, Nicholas Moretti, one of the city’s most eligible bachelors was being led around by the nose, by a college kid who seemed to be running hot and cold. One minute I was reading come get me signals loud and clear, and the next she was back to acting like my little sister, what the fuck?

  It was a fucked up situation all around mixed signals aside. Shit could blow up in my face in a big way because of the familial ties if I didn’t handle things right. Even though she’s an adult, I’m still older, and beyond that, as a man, I have to take point for whatever happens here, but something has got to motherfucking give, and soon. Now she had this poor sap on the hook and I was over the shit already.

  “Melanie come here a minute?” No one looked at me with suspicion, least of all the walking dead fuck that she was talking to. And why would they? I had every right to be here, I was one of them. There was nothing wrong with this scenario; nothing out of the ordinary shall we say, except for the thoughts in my head.

  The room full of family and friends could have no idea that the young beauty making her way over to my side was in danger. There was a part of me that warred with what I was about to set in motion. The young man that had met the spritely, awkward fledgling was a little at odds with the adult male who had one thought on his mind. To mount, to take her down hard and fast and sink into her until she knew who the fuck she belonged to.

  “What’s up big brother?” Shit, I wish she wouldn’t call me that, not now, but one look down at my dick showed that it didn’t have any negative affect on my newfound libido. I cleared my throat and tried not to growl when she pushed her arm through mine, which caused the soft side of her tit to press into my side. Fuck if she wasn’t doing that shit on purpose.

  “We need to talk.” I led her to the back of the house, where we were sure to have some privacy for a minute at least. I didn’t need anyone else overhearing this particular conversation, not yet anyway. She followed me aimlessly, no sense of self-preservation whatsoever. It’s odd, but I thought for sure she would sense the danger. Didn’t most prey know when a predatory animal was near? Wasn’t there some kind of sixth sense that alerted them to the imminent danger?


  Now that I was here I wasn’t quite sure where to start. Maybe I had lost my mind after all, maybe this was all in my head, but if it was, then I was in some serious shit. One way or the other we were going to get to the bottom of whatever it was that was going on here though, I couldn’t go on much longer with things the way they were.

  I’ve known Melanie for eight years. She used to be pigtails and braces, shy and passably cute. Now she was my worst fucking nightmare. The pigtails were gone and so were the braces. Instead she was a walking wet dream, with long, thick, red-blonde hair, that gave me visions of it trailing all over my chest while I fucked up into her, and an ass that defied gravity. I wasn’t touching her tits in this assessment, a man can only take so much and I had reached my breaking point. I’m a tit man all day, everyday, and what this one was working with was about to get her fucked six ways from Sunday and then some. Damn!

  “What’s going on Nicki?” Those big beautiful baby blues stared up at me all innocent like, and the pouty lips didn’t hurt. The fuck is she doing? “What’re you doing Mel?” No point in beating around the bush, we were both adults here, though I had her by a good six years. In this game though we were all equals…for now.

  “I don’t think I understand big brother.” Fuck!

  “See, that right there, what the fuck is that look?” I pointed a finger at her little mischievous ass. She had her tongue caught between her teeth and was now twirling a lock of hair between her fingers as she looked up at me. Now who the fuck does that shit unless they want to drive some dick out of his fucking mind?

  She bit her lip and batted those lashes at me and I all but whimpered. “What look, you don’t like my face?” Oh now she was playing with me. What the fuck happened to her at that University anyway? She left here a little less than a year ago, an innocent little thing who barely looked at my nose when we spoke. Now she’s this bold, brazen beauty with a body from hell. And fuck me if she hasn’t decided to torment my ass with her shit.

  “Mel…you’re playing with fire, now I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you, or what exactly you’re up to, but you gotta stop.” I can’t believe I’m saying this shit but I have to give her one last shot. If I fuck her now there will be no turning back for either of us. I’m so fucked that I know down to the last play in this little game. I’ve been going over and over it in some variation or another for the last couple of weeks. Things had got so bad at one point that I’d been tempted to head up to her school and set shit straight once and for all, but in the end had thought better of it.

  I know I can’t just take her, have my fill and then leave like, I would any other female I took a fancy to. I spent the last few nights going over and over that shit in my head too. It was the only thing that gave me pause. At twenty-five I wasn’t exactly looking for hearth and home and she was barely nineteen her self with her whole life ahead of her. Too bad for her, if I was reading the situation right, there was only one way for this shit to end and I’m afraid she would end up losing a lot more than she bargained for. I know for a fact that if she lets me in that pussy, she’s never setting foot back on campus again for one. And if this new crazy shit I had going on persisted, she was going to be on lockdown for a good long while fucking around with me.

  She moved across the room and my eyes were glued to her ass as had become the norm in the last few days. Where the fuck was the little girl who had hero-worshipped me when I was seventeen and she eleven? That girl didn’t make me sweat, or fill my head with inappropriate thoughts at the worst fucking possible times, like when I was in the middle of a family

  And how come all of a sudden I was ‘big brother’? She never called me anything but Nicki before. In fact she was the only one I ever let get away with that shit because she’d seemed so lost and sad when we first met. Who knew that the knobby kneed, gap toothed urchin with the wiry hair would turn into this? And why the fuck had she decided to torment me with this shit? I was always nice to her dammit.

  “I’m having a drink would you like one?” What the fuck?

  “Since when do you drink? Put that shit down.” I walked over and took the decanter from her hand and replaced it on the marble counter where dad kept the rest of his liquor. Alcohol is the last thing we need to add to this equation. Clear heads must prevail because shit was already out the gate and if she made the wrong move she was in danger of finding herself gored by my dick, which was at this present time throbbing like a fucking toothache in my slacks. Fuck me if the fucker wasn’t leaking just from being this close. It was like being thirteen all over again.

  I fought for control as she continued her innocent me bullshit, but if she thought that fuckery was gonna work she was dead wrong. I let my eyes run over her compact form in the clinging dress and had to bite back a growl. Take it easy Nick you cannot fuck this girl in this room. Maybe I should have a drink after all. I got control of myself and back to the matter at hand.

  “Now would you please tell me what’s going on with you?” I didn’t want to be the first to show my hand. What if she wasn’t interested, what if I’d misread the whole situation? Then I’d just embarrass us both and put some kind of strain between us that would last for the rest of our fucking lives, since our folks were in it for the long haul. Or worse yet, what if she was just cutting her teeth on me?


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