Bring On the Heat

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Bring On the Heat Page 12

by Eden Bradley

  “You don’t know that,” Ron argued. “A lot of time has passed. Maybe she’s a different person now.”

  “Maybe. She does seem a little more willing to stand up to me.”

  “See? So she’s a stronger person. It would do you some good to have a fighter, you know.”

  Ron was right. A weak girl wasn’t as much fun to work with. “Uh-huh.”

  “A malleable sub would bore you to death, and you know it.”


  “When are you going to talk to her? Don’t wait too long.”

  “She’s coming over tomorrow.” Jack omitted the details about why. Ron would never judge him—he was a Dom himself, but there were some things he wanted to keep between himself and Callie.

  “Good. Just make sure you talk before you get involved in another scene.”

  “Planning on it. Anyway, I gotta go. I need to get some sleep. Thanks, man.”

  “Anytime, my friend.”

  Jack hung up and scrubbed his hands over his face.

  This woman may very well be the death of me.

  With that sobering thought, he went to bed.

  He woke up the next morning, though, feeling more optimistic. Maybe he’d just needed time to percolate the conversation he’d had with Ron. Today he was going Christmas shopping for her. Jack tried to imagine how she’d react to the very special gifts he was planning to purchase. A few of them would have come in handy tonight when he punished her, but he’d have to make do with his current inventory—he didn’t want to give her everything tonight.

  Jack locked up the house, finding himself whistling before rolling his eyes at his own foolishness and then headed for his favorite sex shop.

  ~ * ~


  Callie shivered as she stood on Jack’s doorstep. Her pussy had been soaked all day, thinking about what punishment he might have come up with. He’d always been inventive with his discipline, and she doubted that had changed.

  Jack answered the door. His face devoid of any expression, he waved her inside. She stepped over the threshold, a strange mixture of both anticipation and dread warring in her belly. Immediately she shrugged out of her jacket and then stripped before kneeling in front of him with her collar in offering. He grunted and took it from her, enclosing it around her neck. “Go into the playroom and stand in the corner. I want you to think about why you’re being disciplined.”

  Stand in the corner? Was he kidding? That was a new one.

  Apparently he wasn’t, because when she didn’t move fast enough, he grabbed her, turned her around, and applied several hard hand spanks to the tops of her thighs. “Did I stutter, beauty?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Then why are you still standing here?”

  Turning, she rushed into the playroom. Glancing around, she didn’t see anything out of place—nothing to indicate his plans. She went to the corner by the bed and pressed her body to the wall. Then she waited. And waited. Just as she was starting to shift from foot to foot, she heard him come into the room but didn’t dare turn around. Without speaking, he began to spank her with his hand again, right there in the corner. Callie locked her knees and put her hands in front of her on the wall.

  After a few moments, her ass was just starting to burn. He stopped and turned her around. “Kneel.” She did, and he said, “Did you disobey me yesterday?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “How did you disobey me?”

  “I didn’t come in the time you allotted me, Sir.”

  “That’s right. I’m going to punish you and then send you home. I want to see you tomorrow, though. Hopefully it will be under better circumstances.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She didn’t know what else to say, and he didn’t seem to require anything further. She waited on her knees with her head bowed as he stepped away. The sound of drawers opening and closing sounded unusually loud in the room, and she shuddered.

  “Crawl over here, naughty girl.” Sir was sitting naked on the bed with his legs splayed, his proud, erect cock jutting out from his body. Dutifully she crawled on her hands and knees to him. He produced a small bullet vibrator. “Put this in your pussy.” She did, and he smiled. Knowing him as she did, she didn’t trust that smile for a second. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” He cuffed her hands behind her and turned her again. “Such a pretty sight, my naughty little slut, bound and on your knees for me.”

  Callie’s pussy contracted around the bullet. Sir’s way of talking to her had always had that effect. Grabbing her chin, he pulled her face up until her gaze met his. “Because you can’t follow directions, we’ll do some remedial work on coming at my command. I’m going to turn the vibrator on shortly, and then you’re going to suck my cock until I come. Only after you’ve taken a load of my cum will we work on your orgasm. If I were you, I’d concentrate on giving me a nice suck, because if you come without permission, there will be consequences. I doubt you’ll enjoy them. Now be a good girl and open that pretty mouth for your master.”

  She did, and he turned on the vibrator. Standing, Sir then pulled her face to his groin and immediately ravaged the depths of her throat with his long, thick erection. Callie concentrated on not gagging as he pushed into her mouth again and again. At the same time, she did her best to ignore the insistent buzzing of the bullet vibrator in her pussy. She didn’t know what he would do if she came without permission, but she really didn’t want to find out, either.

  For long moments, she just held on as he thrust in and out with full, deep strokes. She chanced a glance up and found him staring back at her, his eyes nearly black with excitement. “Yeah, that’s it, slut. Take it all. Take my whole cock,” he growled, and her pussy clenched again, sending a lightning bolt of sensation straight to her clit. She whimpered as her need built ever higher. There was a good possibility she wouldn’t be able to hold off her own orgasm. She hadn’t had orgasm training since they’d been together and that wasn’t exactly like getting back on a bike. It would probably take months to really master the skill once more.

  Months? Will he want me that long? Can I really be what he needs?

  Reaching behind him, he flicked a switch, and the bullet began to vibrate faster.

  Damn him!

  He leered at her. “I’ve got a ways to go yet, beauty. You’d better get sucking, or you can look forward to a long, painful punishment. Concentrate. Control your body.” He pinched her nipples hard and she moaned. Sir chuckled. “My little pain slut. I love that.”

  For long moments, Sir continued his rough use of her mouth, shoving his cock in over and over. Finally she felt his knees lock and knew he couldn’t be far off. She was grateful she’d been able to hold on without coming, even though it had taken her emptying her mind completely to accomplish the task.

  “Take my cum, naughty girl. Drink it down—all of it.” Sir pushed back into her throat, and Callie felt his dick swell, and then hot jets of semen erupted out of the head of his cock. She swallowed convulsively to make sure she didn’t lose any. He moved back and turned off the bullet. Callie groaned in frustration. “On the bed, beauty. Facedown, ass up.”

  Since her hands were still bound behind her back, he helped her off her knees. She was able to wiggle into position herself as Sir walked away. He returned shortly with one of his impression paddles. Showing it to her, he said, “You’ve been a naughty girl, and naughty girls get paddled, don’t they? Everyone will know what a bad girl you are.” The paddle had the word bad spelled out in it and would leave a mark on her ass after every stroke.

  He began to paddle her slowly, alternating cheeks. He turned the vibrator back on low and alternated his strokes with reaching around to pull and pluck at her nipples. She moaned, and he laughed in response. “Wanna come for me, beauty? Yeah, I bet you do, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she panted. She was going to lose her mind if she didn’t come soon.

  “I guess I’d better paddle your disobedient little ass harde
r then. You have permission to come.” The strokes began to rain down faster than before, and then the bullet inside her pussy turned back to high. Callie screamed, arched her back, and dug her toes into the mattress. He continued to paddle her hot, stinging ass right through her orgasm. When the convulsions finally stopped, he tossed the paddle aside, removed the bullet, and uncuffed her hands. Sir told her to put them above her head. Then, turning her over, he began to bite and suck her nipples.

  Reaching down, he pushed first two and then three fingers into her pussy, fucking her with his fingers while his mouth continued to do wicked things to her breasts. His fingers strayed lower until he pushed them into her ass, and the endorphins had her flying so high she would’ve done just about anything he asked. She loved going into subspace—it was where she felt safest, most like the person she needed to be, and Sir got her there quickly and kept her there. It was undoubtedly one of the best things about their relationship. Even a supposed punishment like the one Sir was giving her threw her into subspace.

  He moved down until he reached her pussy and then licked from right above his fingers all the way to her clit. Her legs were shaking as he continued his relentless assault with his teeth, tongue, and lips while she floated in that blissful state where all she could do was exist, feel. Soon she felt another wave of climax slam into her body, and she groaned with the overload of sensation.

  “That’s it—come for me, slut. Show me what a bad girl you are.”

  His words set off another wave of pleasure, and she could only hold on and ride it out. This was what she’d missed these past three years—not being responsible for her own pleasure. Giving herself over to someone else and letting that person orchestrate what she needed and how she got it.

  By the time her second climax abated, Callie was thoroughly exhausted. Sir sat next to her, stroking her hair. “You are so fucking beautiful when you submit, beauty, when you really let yourself go.” Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. “Stay there for a bit and rest. I’ll go get you some water.”

  Callie would’ve snorted had she the strength to. There was no way she was going anywhere for a while—not while her bones felt so wonderfully liquid and her brain was a big, mushy mess.

  Jack soon returned with a big glass of water. Helping her sit up, he slid behind her on the bed and stretched his long legs out on either side. Pulling her back into his chest, he handed her the glass and then cuddled her into a soft blanket. “Drink, my girl.” When she’d had her fill, she placed the glass on the table next to the bed and yawned. “Tired?”

  “Weightless. Brain-dead.”

  Jack chuckled. “That’s what I like to hear. Can I see you tomorrow?”

  “I have plans with Lora to go out and see some of my old friends.”

  “The next day, then.”

  “That should work.” She yawned again, and his arms tightened around her.

  “I don’t want you driving home until you’re clearheaded. Do you need to take a nap? Have a shower?”

  “Maybe a short nap.”

  “All right, beauty. I’ll wake you up in a bit.” He tucked her into bed and left the room. Callie rolled over, facing the wall. Why hadn’t he stayed? She felt bereft having to go to sleep alone, and then just felt stupid. She slept by herself all the time—why should now be any different? But for some reason it was, and after long minutes of tossing and turning, Callie rose and got dressed. She found Jack in his home office.

  “You didn’t sleep?”

  “Turns out I didn’t need to,” she lied. “I’m just gonna go.”

  “Are you sure you’re all right to drive?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Feeling a familiar tightness behind her eyes, she turned to leave the room. Callie would be damned before she’d let him see her like this. No, she would handle this ridiculous feeling of abandonment on her own.

  He didn’t say anything as he walked her to the door. Placing another kiss on her forehead, he said, “Drive safe.”

  She’d already pivoted and was heading down the walk when she called back, “Will do. See you soon.” Opening her car door, she slid in and started the motor. Jack waved and closed the door as Callie pulled away from the curb. She’d only gotten a few blocks when she had to pull over, though, her body racked by sobs.

  What is wrong with me? Why am I so upset?

  After a long time and some serious effort, she calmed down and pulled back onto the road. Callie hoped Lora would be asleep by the time she got home. She really wasn’t in the mood to articulate what was going on inside her head. The best word she could come up with was chaos.

  God, what is he doing to me? Maybe I’m still not strong enough for him. I thought I was. I want him so much. What can I do to prove myself to him?

  ~ * ~

  Jack closed the door and let out a long sigh. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into Callie, but she’d gone from a big pile of satisfied goo to an ice queen in the space of a half hour, and damned if he knew why. Subdrop? Maybe. It had probably been a while since she’d been in subspace, but Jack couldn’t see Callie not recognizing it and seeking out his help. Every sub experienced the special form of depression at one time or another, including Callie.

  Turning back toward his office, he let out a vicious string of curses. They’d never had that talk he’d intended before he’d punished her. Now it was too late—he’d have to wait until he saw her next. Jack tried to concentrate on lesson plans for next semester but gave up after it became obvious he wasn’t going to get any work done. He glanced at the clock, then dialed Ron’s number.

  “Is this a bad time for you?”

  “Nah, man, just hangin’ with my family. What’s up?”

  “Remember how you warned me to have that talk with Callie as soon as possible?”


  “I got caught up in the moment and forgot.”

  He could almost see Ron shaking his head. “That’s bad news.”

  “I know.”

  “So what’re you gonna do about it?”

  Rubbing his forehead, Jack said, “There’s not much I can do.”

  “You’re a dumbass, you know that?”

  Jack now shoved that hand through his hair. “I do know that, but thanks for confirming.”

  “Look, give me a sec to go somewhere private, and we can talk about this more.”

  “Sure.” Jack contemplated his situation as he waited for Ron to seek out an empty space.

  “Okay, I’m back,” Ron said. “So what’re you gonna say when you talk to her?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. I don’t know exactly what I want, but I do know I don’t want to lose her again.”

  “Then tell her that.”

  “I thought I had, three years ago.”

  “So say it again. Maybe she misunderstood the first time.”

  Jack groaned. “I work with words for a living; why is this so freaking hard?”

  “Because the words actually mean something, bud.”

  “When did you become this all-knowing guy? It’s kind of annoying.”

  Ron laughed. “That’s because you know I’m right.”


  “Anyway, don’t let it go too long.”

  “I won’t. Hey—I’ll let you get back to doing your thing. Thanks again.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Jack hung up and paced his office. What did he really want out of this relationship with Callie? What did she want? And if he ever found out what she wanted, was he capable of giving it to her? Shaking his head, he decided to take a shower. Maybe that would clear up some of the questions swirling in his mind.

  ~ * ~


  The next night, since he hadn’t heard from Callie and was trying to give her some space, Jack was reading a book when the ringing of his cell phone on the coffee table jarred him out of his reverie. Frowning, he stuck a bookmark in his book and dropped it into his lap. He glanced at the clock on the mantel—nearly
midnight. There was no way this was good news. His heart leapt into his throat when he saw the call was from Callie, and he snatched the phone up, pressing the Talk button.

  “Are you all right?” A feminine giggle erupted at the other end of the phone. “Callie?”

  “We’re playing Truth or Dare. Lora dared me to call you.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  “Define drunk,” she answered and giggled again.

  “Where are you?”

  “At the Wet Willie.”

  “Don’t move. Don’t anyone fucking dare move.” He was already halfway into his coat before he finished speaking. Grabbing his keys, he ran out the door, the phone still held to his ear. “Do you understand me, Callie? No one is driving home drunk.” Jamming his phone between his shoulder and his ear, he wrenched open his car door. After fumbling for the wireless headset he kept between the seats, he put it in his ear. “Callie? Can you hear me?”

  “Yesssss…” She dissolved into giggles again, and Jack was thankful she was at least coherent enough to do that. He was happy Callie had called him, even if it was a drunk dial, but he was mad as hell too. He’d lost a good friend in high school when a drunk driver hit him on his bike, and Callie knew how he felt about people getting into their cars after having too much to drink.

  Being careful as he navigated the icy roads, he kept talking to Callie. When he arrived, he put the car in Park right in front of the door and charged inside. There, with her head down on the table in a booth to his right, sat Callie. Lora was on the other side, sitting sideways with her feet propped up on the seat. Jack threw a look of apology the bartender’s way as he strode through the crowd to their booth.

  “Master!” Callie exclaimed, and Jack winced. He wasn’t ashamed of his lifestyle by any means, but he didn’t usually choose to openly display it, either.

  “Both of you keep your mouths shut unless I speak to you.” Lora made an “oohhh” sound, and Jack wondered how much she knew about who and what he was.


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