Amanda's Return

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Amanda's Return Page 13

by June Kramin

  “But you’re so close to me now after all this time. Can’t we agree to meet up sometime? We’ll switch it up. Never meet at the same place twice. I can do this cloak and dagger stuff. No one has to know. You’re going to need someone when the baby comes, and I want to be there for you.”

  “I want to…I’ll just have to see.” Mandy gave her friend a strong hug and again fought tears. “I love and miss you so much.”

  “So talk to someone. Let’s fix this.”

  Mandy wiped away her tears. “I’ll try. Thanks for coming.”

  “Like you could keep me away. Please, Mand. Let’s do this again soon.”

  “I’ll try. I promise.”

  When she got back to her house, two agents were supervising a team of movers.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” she hollered as she threw her purse across the room.

  “You broke protocol.”

  “For calling Shelley? What the hell is this? You’re bugging my phone now?”

  “What do you mean ‘now’?”

  She wanted to slap the grin off the agent’s face. “You son of a bitch.”

  “A son of a bitch that needs you alive at the hearing for William Roberts. You don’t know that the mob isn’t watching you. You just put your friend’s life at risk.”

  “I haven’t been in touch with her in over a year. No one is watching her.”

  “We are. Why wouldn’t they be?”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Do I look like I’m kidding?”

  Mandy stormed into her room. “Prick.” She took a suitcase from under the bed and proceeded to stuff her clothes in it. Bastards weren’t packing her underwear.

  The agent joined her after a minute. “I would get the notion of getting in touch with that sheriff out of your head while you’re at it.”

  “I never thought about calling him.”

  He looked down at her belly. “Yes, you have. If you value his life at all, stay away, Agent Smith.”

  “Fuck you. I’m not an agent anymore.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Before heading to the prison to see Willy, Mandy called James to assure they would be allowed in.

  “He’s on a short leash,” James explained. “But I can get you in. After he flapped his gums about you, Ray and Gunner were cut off, but there are still exceptions made. It won’t be a problem. Show your badge and give them my name. I’ll call ahead and set it up.”

  Hunt and Mandy were led into the private meeting room. Willy was handcuffed and a guard stood by.

  “You?” Willy said with disgust. “You took me out of yard time for the likes of her?”

  “You can un-cuff him and go,” Mandy said to the guard. “We’ll be all right.”

  “I have my orders to stay with him.”

  “Well, consider this another one.” Hunt’s tone was intimidating, but Mandy didn’t think the guard would listen.

  The guard hesitated for just a minute. “I’ll give you ten minutes alone, but the cuffs stay on.”

  Mandy was grateful he gave in. She nodded. “Thank you.”

  After he left, Willy spoke. “What the hell are you doing back? Thought we’d seen the last of you.”

  “I had hoped so, too. Eddie brought me back.”

  “What on earth for? You were nothing but a pawn.”

  “Maybe, but I’m a pawn that Eddie seems to need.”

  He laughed hard. “You were a joke. Eddie doesn’t need anything from you.”

  “Apparently he does now. I don’t have to justify any of this to you nor am I going to waste my breath explaining it. I’m sure no matter what kind of hold they think they have on you, you know everything, anyway.”

  “They told me Angelo was dead.”

  “That didn’t take long at all,” Hunt said. “I think we came to the right guy for information, babe.”

  Willy ignored Hunt. “I don’t have anything for you.”

  “Sure you do, Face.” Mandy turned a chair around and sat down with the back of it facing him. “You played undercover so well you had me sticking up for you when I thought I was the only rat. You still have a good bunch of them convinced you shouldn’t be in here.”

  “Your point?”

  “I know you still have ties at the agency. I need to find out just what side they are on.”

  “Seriously? You think the feds want anything to do with me?” He stood and leaned towards Mandy. Hunt moved closer and stood at the table between them. Willy looked up at Hunt, frowned, and then sat back down.

  Mandy continued. “I’m not back in with them so I can’t say. I did go to speak to someone briefly about this—”

  “Asking for help?”

  “No. I was trying to get a feel for who knew what. I know someone knows what’s going on. I’m sure nothing has changed. They know, and they aren’t doing a damn thing about it.”

  “Hell, Mandy. You were no different. You were working for them but screwing Gerard every chance you could.”

  “Watch it,” Hunt warned.

  Willy laughed. “What? Like she’s not blowing you on stake-outs, too, Mister Big Time Sheriff.”

  Hunt grasped the back of Willy’s head and smashed it into the table in one quick jolt. Willy picked his head up and brought his hands to his bleeding nose. “You son of a bitch! You broke my nose.”

  “It’s not broken, you big baby. You watch how you talk to my wife.”

  “Mandy, would you get a leash on your dog. Fuck!” He held his nose again and dropped his head between his knees.

  Mandy kept her face expressionless. “Sorry. I must have missed a feeding.”

  Willy raised his head. “You mean a—” He looked at Hunt and stopped. “What do you want from me? Ask and get the fuck out.”

  “Who was your contact at the office?”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “That’s for me to decide.”

  “He’s not there anymore, anyway.”

  “I’m in a great position to take out one of your kneecaps.”

  “Jesus, Mandy! You know I dealt with Dan. He’s kind of out of the question now, isn’t he?”

  “Who else?”

  “There was no one else. The only one I’ve been in contact with since that day at the cabin is that Agent Stoner.”


  “Yeah. James. You asked, I answered. Is that it? Because I have a few questions myself.”

  “James? Six feet, brown kind of curly hair? Used to run the training course?”

  “I didn’t do no training there. You know they took me off the street and bribed me into cooperating, but yeah, sounds like him.” Hunt and Mandy shared a look. Willy grinned. “He’s screwing you, isn’t he?” Hunt glared, and he backed up a bit. “I mean, screwing you over, ass wipe, not you know, screwing her.”

  “Just quit while you’re ahead,” Hunt said as he crossed his arms.

  “Who are you talking to from the gang? Besides Gunner?”

  “Don’t even get to talk to Gunner anymore.”

  “Who is feeding you info, then? How did you hear about Angelo?”

  “You know how news travels in here. How does anyone hear anything? Now it’s my turn. Is it bullshit about Angelo?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “He just seemed…you know, untouchable.”

  “Vince was murdered, Face. No one is untouchable.”

  “Yeah, but Eddie brought you in to get him out then he’s dead? That sounds fishy even to me.”

  “Don’t put that on me. If Eddie got off his ass sooner, maybe I could have helped.”

  Willy nervously searched out the door for the guard. “You don’t think that’s fishy? Why would Eddie need your help?”

  “I’m not an idiot. I’m not doing anything he couldn’t be doing on his own. I am curious as hell as to what the big picture is. He doesn’t want me dead, or he would have done it when he found us.”

  “You get me out and I’ll help.”
r />   It was Mandy’s turn to laugh. “I am in no position to offer you any deals. Even if I was, I wouldn’t team with you, Face. How dumb do I look?”

  “No comment.”

  “You can’t teach a dumb dog new tricks,” Hunt said as he took a step closer.

  Willy scooted his chair back a bit. “Enough. Look. Get me out, Mandy. I’ll get my boys on this thing. We’ll find whoever this is. I know you think I was a sell-out, but I liked Angelo. There’s no way someone from my team had anything to do with any of this. You know Axle and Kermit don’t have the brains to pull that off on their own.”

  “So you do know more than you’re sharing.”

  “Get me some smokes.”

  Mandy motioned her head from Hunt to the guard. Clearly taking the cue, he walked out and spoke to them.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Hunt came back with a pack of cigarettes and a handkerchief. He tossed them both on the table. Willy reached out with his cuffed hands and removed a cigarette from the pack.

  “No light?”

  Hunt leaned forward with a lighter, and Willy put the cigarette in his mouth. Hunt lit it for him then stepped back. “You were saying?”

  Willy let out a long exhale and shuddered as if he were on the border of an orgasm. “Damn.” He finally picked up the handkerchief and wiped the blood from his nose.

  “They cut you off from smoking?”

  “I’ve been a bad boy,” he said with a wink.

  “Any particular reason?”

  “I’m never gettin’ out. What’s the point in behaving?”

  “You were an asshole and playing both sides. You think the feds would do something for you in here?”

  “Yeah. Send me assholes to break my nose.” He held his hands up, blocking another blow that didn’t come. He took another drag.

  “They didn’t send me. I’m here on my own. Now tell me something I don’t know, Face.”

  “I don’t know what you expect me to know from in here.”

  “Why the song and dance then?”

  “I really wanted a smoke.”

  Hunt took a step forward, but Mandy stopped him. She stood and kicked her foot hard into Willy’s chest. The force sent him backward. She sat on his chest and held his arm still. He hadn’t dropped the cigarette so she removed it and flicked it into the corner.

  Willy cried out. “Goddammit! Guards!”

  One guard turned towards the door, but the other grabbed his arm, stopping him. They both turned back around with their backs against the door.

  “No one’s going to help a low-life like you. I’m not screwing around, Willy. Talk. Who told Kermit and Axle to grab Angelo? I know they didn’t act alone.”

  “I don’t know anything.”

  “What’s the word on Eddie?”

  “Eddie? He’s as straight as my grandpa’s dick. He worshiped the ground Vince walked on. He wouldn’t have anything to do with Angelo getting hurt. Why? You hear otherwise?”

  “I’m covering all angles. No one is beyond questioning at this point.”

  “What’s the word with this daughter of Vince’s?”

  “You heard about that?”

  “Of course I did.”

  “From who?”

  “Same people. Everyone, dammit. Let me up!” Mandy pushed herself off of him, and Hunt helped get him upright. “Can I get my smoke back?” Mandy hesitated then placed another one in his mouth. Hunt lit it. “Thanks.”

  Hunt barked at him, “Speak, or I turn her loose again.”

  Again Willy hesitated with a long draw. “I’d kill for a beer.” Mandy slammed her hands on the table, and Wily jumped. “Okay, okay. I heard you were passing yourself as Vince’s daughter.”

  “What did you say?”

  “Nothing. I was curious to see what you were doing.”

  “So you haven’t told anyone otherwise?”

  “Nope. I kind of went along with it.”


  “Said I suspected it all along.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Like I said, I wanted to see what would happen.”

  “Gunner told me you tried to convince him I was a fed.”

  “And he hasn’t been allowed back, has he?”

  “But you still get messages to him.”

  Willy took another long drag and shrugged. He winced as Hunt took a step closer again. “All right! It ain’t news that there’s a grapevine around here. I let it drop, though. Wasn’t worth solitary again.”

  “So you’re getting news about the killings.”

  “Of course.”

  “And you have no theory?”

  “Eddie ain’t involved.”

  “That’s all you can say?”

  “It ain’t the dick feds. They don’t have the balls.”

  “Then who is it?”

  “No fucking clue, bitch. Now get the hell out!”

  Hunt slammed Willy’s head into the table again. “Now it’s broken, asshole. I told you not to talk to her like that.”

  The guard walked in and examined Willy. He turned to Mandy, shaking his head. “Your time is more than up.”

  “I’ll say. You won’t get in trouble for this, right?”

  “For the likes of him?” He scoffed. “Nope. Ain’t the first time his nose has been busted in here. Wanted to do it myself on a few occasions. If shit rolls, I’m rolling it to you, though.”

  “I’d expect it. Thanks for your help.”

  The guard took Willy out. As soon as the door closed, Mandy slapped Hunt hard in the arm.


  “What did we talk about, Hunter Blaine?”


  “This isn’t funny! I talked to you in detail about hitting people over me, and this is twice now.”

  “I thought it would help loosen him up.”

  “Dammit, Hunt. You’re a mobster for a few days and already you’re beating people up.”

  “You gave me the name Hammer.”

  She smirked. “Stop it. Don’t make me laugh, I’m pissed at you.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s not like you went easy on him, Miss Chair Tackle.”

  “That’s different.”

  “Why is it different when you do it?”

  “Because I won’t break something unless I mean to.”

  “I didn’t break his nose until I meant to either.”

  Mandy sighed. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  “So this was a complete waste of a trip, huh?”

  “I’m not so sure we’re done with him. I didn’t expect to get anything out of him. Although I don’t like one thing he told us.”


  “Yeah, James. I don’t like the fact that Willy says he’s been talking to him.”

  “That kinda threw me for a loop, too. You think James is crooked like Abbey?”

  “I don’t know what I’m thinking right now, Hunt. Someone is issuing orders for killings, and that included us. The only hunch I have to play right now is Willy. Ray was ordered to kill us and him being Willy’s guy just leads me to that conclusion. The fact that Face is in jail doesn’t mean it’s not him. I don’t like being lied to about him still having a connection with someone at the Agency. This just reeks. I need to go talk to James. And by talk, I think I mean rip his fucking face off. What are my chances of you waiting in the car?”

  “Nil to none.”


  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Hunt and Mandy drove back to the Federal building. When the guard tried to stop Mandy, she flashed her badge, and he took a step back.

  “I didn’t realize you were back with us, Agent Smith.”

  “That makes two of us, John.”

  John’s attention went to Hunt. “You want me to whip mine out, too?” Hunt asked, pointing at his crotch. Mandy elbowed him. “What? It was an honest question.” The guard waved them through.

  “What is with you, Hunt?”

Whatever do you mean, oh, love of my life?”

  “Come on. Whip mine out? I have never known for your sarcasm meter to be on such full force. Ever. You haven’t been yourself the past few days.”

  “This situation hardly calls for me being me. You’d rather me flip out with every slug we’ve had to deal with? It goes against everything I’ve wanted to do my whole life. We’re not putting the bad guys away, Mandy. We’re eating meals with them. You’d rather I turn up the sarcasm or have a heart attack?”

  She stopped her hurried pace and took his hand. “I’m sorry. I knew you being here was a bad idea.”

  “And so did I, but it doesn’t change anything. Just let me deal with this my own way.” After looking down the hall both ways, he took Mandy by the hips. He eased her back the few paces to the wall and placed his lips over hers. She submitted easily to the kiss and kept it going even after Hunt tried to stop. He stared at her lovingly when they finally broke apart. “That’s how I really like to deal with stress.”

  “Happy to oblige you, kind sir.”

  Mandy was a little less uptight after the kiss but not much. She’d thought she had an ally in James. Now she had to wonder about his intentions.

  “He’s down on the training floor with a couple of new recruits, Ms. Smith,” a different secretary told them. Mandy frowned. “Sorry. Mrs.…”


  A look of slight recognition was in the secretary’s eyes. “I thought it was Blaine?”

  “You have to keep up with this one.” That comment got Hunt another jab in the ribs. They walked out of the office and back down the hall to the elevator. Hunt whispered to Mandy, “You know, if you’d let me take you in a closet somewhere I could probably turn off the sarcasm altogether.”

  “Nice try.”

  They rode down to a lower level, and Mandy headed down another long corridor.

  “How did you ever learn the ins and outs of this place? It’s massive.”

  “There are still lots of floors I’ve never investigated. I only went where I needed to.”

  They entered a door that looked like all the others. Instead of it opening into an office, it opened into a large room with chairs on different levels like a movie theater. They faced a huge window that overlooked something similar to a gym floor you’d see at a school. Most of the floor was covered with padded mats. There were balance beams, pommel horses, and other equipment.


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