Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances Page 88

by J. A. Coffey

  "Fine," she agreed.

  "We don't want to create the perception of favoritism."

  "I got the message, loud and clear."

  She turned on her heel and fled the office, trying to put as much distance between her and Cayson as humanly possible.

  To think, I actually thought he looked handsome in his baby blue striped shirt and scarlet tie.

  When he'd first looked at her, eyes wide and mouth open, she thought he might compliment her on her new outfit. But the condescending words that came out of that mouth left her feeling hollow and unworthy.

  She blinked back tears. What the hell was wrong with her? She was never emotional like this. Must be that time of the month approaching. She breathed in big lungfuls of air. She was calm. She was calm. She was calm. Okay, she forgot her place for a minute. She was so caught up in this new world she forgot she wasn't one of them. She wasn't part of Cayson's world. She wouldn't make that mistake again.

  Cayson stared at the closed door. Destiny's perfume still lingered in the air. When had she bought it? It must have been the same day she'd spent gobs of money on her shopping spree with Phaedra. The bill was outrageous. And after seeing the results today, it was worth every penny. The transformation was nothing short of a miracle. When he saw her standing in the middle of his office, he was shocked. The long lines of her skirt hugged her curves, flattering her body in all the right places. The soft material of her blouse caressed her generous breasts. For a split second, he wondered how it would feel to replace the fabric with his hands. Run his palms across her nipples.

  Her hair hung loose. All he could think about was grabbing a fistful and yanking her head back to expose the creamy expanse of her neck. How would she respond if he lavished kisses all over her throat? Would she get as hot as he was now?

  He was pissed at his reaction to her. Pissed that he could feel this growing spark of attraction. Pissed that his dick kept standing at attention inside his trousers whenever she was near. Maybe that was why he'd reacted so harshly, telling her to keep away from him. He knew he'd hurt her feelings. She'd kept her expression stony, but her eyes were a tumultuous sea of emotions. Damn. He needed to get laid, plain and simple.

  He picked up the phone and called Phaedra. "Any news on the apartment for Destiny?"

  "I'm working with an agency that helps women get back on their feet," Phaedra told him. "But they have a waiting list. They told me something should be opening up at the end of the month. That's the soonest I can get her in."

  "Three more weeks? Shit!"

  "It's not as if you don't have plenty of room at your house. What is three more weeks out of your life?"

  That was easy for her to say. She didn't have to deal with spontaneous hard-ons. "Thanks Phaedra. Keep me posted. The moment something opens up, I want to know."

  By the time Cayson got home it was well after eight p.m. The moment he walked through the front door, the acrid stench of burnt food assailed his nostrils. He threw his briefcase down, raced to the kitchen and nearly collided with Destiny.

  She pressed her dainty fingers against his chest, making him suck his breath from the contact. "What's that smell?" he asked, nearly choking.

  "We tried making pork chops, but they didn't turn out so well."

  La'Treece was rinsing a skillet beneath the faucet at the kitchen sink. Plumes of smoke sputtered from the now-black pan. He wasn't sure which sight hurt his eyes more-the destroyed pan or the too-tight, hot-pink jeans she wore. "You didn't have any cooking oil," she complained. "We had to use butter. It ain't the same."

  Destiny gave him a sheepish smile. "She's the cook, not me."

  Cayson eyeballed the charred remnants of meat in the pan. "That was a perfectly good Caphalon non-stick skillet given to me by my parents for Christmas."

  "Good thing you have PB and J," Destiny quipped. She held a jar of grape jelly in one hand and crunchy peanut butter in the other. She'd changed out of her work clothes and wore a thin t-shirt with no bra, her ample breasts straining against the fabric. Long legs sprang from the shorts she wore. Her feet were pushed into furry pink slippers. Her slender ankles held his gaze captive for longer than he wanted.

  He shook his head, fighting off the image of his fingertips stroking the skin there. "Skip the sandwiches," he said. "I'll have pizza delivered."

  Hours later, Cayson lay in his king-sized bed staring at the dark ceiling in his bedroom. Fully sated from pepperoni and sausage pizza, he struggled to fall asleep. The house was quiet. La'Treece and Destiny had gone to bed long ago. He finally had a moment to himself to think.

  What the hell am I going to do with these women?

  Destiny was controllable, but La'Treece was a storm cloud ready to burst. He didn't like the things she said. The way she flaunted her body. The way she looked at him. Her actions were almost predatory. If he weren't careful, this entire situation could get out of control. There was a also the issue of what she was going to do while he and Destiny were at work all day. She couldn't very well lay on her ass watching TV and burning up his cookware. He made a mental note to talk with her about it tomorrow when he got home from work.

  He plumped his pillow and turned over on his side. He had a long day of depositions tomorrow. He couldn't afford to fall asleep during any of it. It seemed he'd barely closed his eyes when he felt a warm feeling against his back. Seconds later, fingers snaked around his mid-section, pulling him against a soft, feminine form.

  What the fu-?

  He jumped up and switched on his bedside lamp, casting a spotlight on the intruder. His heart lurched as he stood over the woman draped in a flimsy teddy. "La'Treece," he growled. "What are you doing in my bed?"

  Chapter Five

  "I wanted to show my appreciation for all you've done for us."

  La'Treece's eyes raked Cayson's body from head to toe. Despite the fact that he was in his own bedroom, he felt vulnerable beneath her hawkish gaze. Thank God, only his bare chest was exposed. He'd worn his silk pajama bottoms to bed instead of sleeping nude like he normally did.

  "There's no need for that."

  She reclined seductively, her butterscotch skin contrasting against his black sheets. "You can stop pretending to be all righteous, Cayson. I been watching you. I see how you be lookin' at me."

  "Look, La'Treece," he held his hands up in mock surrender. "It's been a long day. We're all tired, and this has obviously been a misunderstanding. Let's just forget it ever happened."

  "Ain't no misunderstanding on my part," she assured him. "I know what I'm here for. I know what I want. And I think you wanna give it to me."

  He let out a deep breath. He was accustomed to talking women into bed, but he'd never tried to talk one out. "You couldn't be more wrong."

  "You tellin' me you don't want this?" She waved a hand across her near-naked body in the same way a game show model might display a prize. To further entice him, she licked her index finger and then used it to draw a circle around one of her nipples.

  No, he didn't want her. He wasn't remotely attracted to her. In the past, he'd been less discriminating about the women he'd fucked. But he'd learned not to shit where he ate. La'Treece was living under his roof. She was trouble, and he wasn't going to do anything to upset the already tenuous situation.

  "You need to leave, now," he ordered. He turned his back on her, offering the privacy she needed to get away. But instead of leaving, she challenged him.

  "Oh, I'm not good enough for you?" she screeched.

  He whirled around. "You need to chill out. And stop yelling in my house."

  Her mouth snapped shut, but her eyes blazed with anger. "I come here to show you thanks for what you done for us, and this is how you treat me?"

  Her tone was scathing. She had no reason to be pissed at him. "You don't need to do this to thank me, La'Treece. I'm doing this under court-order. I'm here to help Destiny. You were a part of the package. I have no desire to screw you. I don't know how much plainer I can make it."

  "I get it. You want somebody like Phaedra. A woman from the right side of the tracks."

  "Who I'm interested in is none of your business. All you need to know is it's not you." He couldn't believe he was arguing with a woman he barely knew in his bedroom.

  She stood, not bothering to cover the exposed body parts the sheer lingerie failed to cover. "Is it 'cause I' m black? You don't like dark nipples? Well, I can't change my color, honey."

  He'd seen plenty of tits. Hers were nothing special. "I don't see color." He walked to the door and held it open for her. "You have officially outworn your welcome, La'Treece."

  He didn't back down from her glare as she stalked from the room. He'd never been afraid of a woman before, but for the first time in his life, he wished he'd installed a lock on his bedroom door.


  Destiny cradled her cell phone against her ear as she checked beneath the bathroom stalls for feet. Good. The restroom was empty. She slipped into a stall and listened to La'Treece's rant.

  "I'm telling you we need to leave, Destiny. Cayson is taking advantage of us, and a few nights ago, he tried to holla at me."

  "What?" Destiny wasn't sure she heard La'Treece right.

  "Yes! He pushed up on me. Told me I should be thanking him properly for letting me stay there. Girl, he's good-looking and all, but I ain't about to let nobody practically rape me."

  Her heart thumped painfully. "What are you talking about? Cayson is not like that."

  "Shit. Don't let the suit and briefcase fool you."


  "I'm ready to leave-today. Let's just pack up and go!"

  Destiny blinked back tears. This could not be happening. It seemed every time things finally turned around for her, the universe had a way of dumping another load of shit on her.

  Lord, why can't I get a break?

  She'd only been staying with Cayson a week, but a week in her world seemed like an eternity. She had a good thing right now. A good job. A roof over her head. She didn't want to leave. Cayson had been nice to her. Phaedra was sweet. For the first time in a long time she felt she had a chance.

  "La'Treece, I gotta go. I'll call you back."

  "Fine, but don't forget we're leaving tonight."

  Destiny hung up then blew out a deep breath. She couldn't believe Cayson made a pass at La'Treece. La'Treece didn't seem like his type. What was his type? Destiny wasn't sure, but she knew it wasn't her. He'd never shown interest in her like that. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he tried to holla at her. Like La'Treece, Destiny had noticed his striking good looks. Eyes like dark chocolate. Full lips that she'd fantasized once or twice about covering hers. She'd yet to see him work out, but the man had muscles in all the right places. She'd seen his biceps plenty of times when he wore those wife beater t-shirts. Whenever they were in the same room, she could smell the scent of his minty shampoo mingled with his musk cologne.

  Yeah, on the exterior, he seemed like a straight-up square. But she knew better. She'd heard the rumors around the office. He was a ladies' man. Well, with everyone except her, it seemed. He wanted her to steer clear of him at work. She respected his wishes. If he wanted to keep things strictly business, she could handle that. She didn't need to get attracted to him anyway. Cayson Sullivan was probably more man than she could handle.


  Cayson sat at his desk thumbing through a thick stack of files. This reminded him of his early days at the firm years ago. He'd had to sort through mounds of discovery material. Thankfully, JADE had interns to do it now. However, that did him no good when at least half of them were out sick with the Flu. The fools were too young and afraid not to show up for work. So, one of them had come in sick and spread it to all of the others. He needed all hands on deck for his new case, and today, he'd had no choice but to call on the one person he should not be sharing close quarters with.

  "You wanted to see me, Mr. Sullivan?"

  Destiny hovered in his doorway, looking like a lamb brought to the slaughter. The last time she was in this office, he treated her like a second-class citizen. He was an ass. He made no apologies for it. But it was for their own protection.

  Liar. It's for your protection. So your balls won't swell up every time you see her.

  "Half of the staff is out sick, so you get to help me with a very important case."

  Relief washed over her face. What had she thought he'd summoned her for? To fire her? He didn't have the authority to do that even if he wanted to-which he didn't.

  "Tell me what to do."

  He liked her resilience. She made no mention of her previous visit or his behavior. She got right down to business. "Sit." He started rattling off instructions before she could get comfortable in a nearby chair.

  He watched as she took notes. Everything about her appearance had changed except for those fingernails. She still kept them an indecent length. He wondered how those claws would feel raking across his back. He shook his head, smothering the licentious thought. After twenty minutes, he had to ask, "How do you get anything done with those nails?"

  She briefly inspected the tips. "I do mostly filing, sorting, and light typing."

  "If anyone is going to take you serious, you'll have to cut them."

  Defiance flashed in her eyes. "I'm qualified to do this job, Mr. Sullivan. I haven't received any complaints."

  He smirked. "Not yet."

  When she stood, he thought she was leaving, but she closed the door and approached his desk, invading his personal space. She surprised him by getting in his face, so close he could feel her breath on his cheek as she leaned over him. "What's your problem, Cayson? Are you trying to piss me off because my friend rejected you?"

  His heartbeat quickened, and it had nothing to do with her nearness. The hollow of her throat looked tempting enough to touch. "What are you talking about?"

  "La'Treece told me how you made a move on her. But she put a stop to it." Destiny's eyes narrowed in accusation. "What happened? Your ego couldn't handle it? You've got every luxury in life, but that's not enough. You had to have La'Treece too." She spat the last sentence as though she was disgusted with him.

  "She's a liar."

  Destiny scowled. "I don't believe you."

  "I don't expect you to. But all I can tell you is the truth. She came into my room a few nights ago and slipped into my bed. I kicked her out."

  "I've known her most of my life. Why would she lie to me?"

  "She's jealous."

  "Of what?"

  "Of you."

  Destiny backed away, keeping her intense gaze on him. "She has no reason to be."

  Cayson stood. "She wants what you have."

  "I don't have nothin'."

  "You don't give yourself enough credit, Destiny. You've got a job. You're about to get a new apartment." He paused, his eyes lingering on her long, mahogany legs. "You have my respect and admiration."

  The air crackled with the same electric energy as it always did when they were alone and things threatened to get explosive. "You admire me? You coulda fooled me."

  She turned to walk away, but he tugged on her wrist, pulling her back to him. He cupped her face and stroked the smooth skin of her jaw line. He'd been aching to do that for over a week. "You're tough. I respect toughness."

  In the thick silence, he could swear he heard the thudding beat of her heart. "La'Treece is tough too," she countered.

  "I'm not attracted to La'Treece. There's only one woman I'm interested in."

  Her smoldering gaze told him the feeling was mutual. He stood holding her, the warmth of her body flooding into his fingertips. Touching her was like magic. He was mesmerized by the feel of her. Her lips parted to say something, but he didn't wait for her response. Besides, nothing could be more important than what he had on his mind.

  He leaned in and captured her mouth. Sweet nectar greeted him, and he greedily plunged in, hungry for more. He tilted her head back for better access. She was tough, but her kiss was soft. He l
et out a satisfied grunt as she yielded to him. Moments later, their tongues moved seductively in a dance as old as time. No matter what differences a man and woman faced, the fires of passion could always triumph. And Lord, he felt the fire for her. His body heated as he plundered her mouth. She was everything he'd imagined she would be. His heart stampeded like a runaway stallion as she purred against his lips. Already, his dick was rising to the occasion.

  Jeez! From just one kiss?

  What was it about Destiny that drew him like a kid to the carnival? He had to have better control over his actions. And he'd broken rule number three-no shoving his tongue down a co-worker's throat.

  He abruptly pulled away, ready to take the focus off his raging libido. "I want La'Treece out of my house," he said. "I don't trust her."

  The pretty mouth he'd just ravished dropped open. "You want me to leave?"

  "Not you. Her."

  Destiny shook her head. "No. We discussed that. I won't leave her stranded."

  He returned to his desk, eager to put distance between them. "La'Treece is not a victim. She brought this on herself. She needs to be gone before I get home today. I'm having the locks changed too. I'm simply telling you as a courtesy."

  "Then, I'm going with her." He watched her bottom lip tremble, obviously dismayed with the choice she had to make.

  "Now, you're the one who's lying."

  "You think I won't do it?" She raised her chin a full inch in the air.

  "If you do, it'll be the biggest mistake you ever made. You have a chance to start anew. You're a grown woman. I can't tell you who to keep company with, but she's out of my home."

  "How can you be so cold?"

  He reclined in his leather chair. "I'm protecting what's mine."

  Her eyes sparked with anger. "I am not yours!"

  He folded his arms over his chest. "I meant my house, not you."


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