Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances Page 92

by J. A. Coffey

  "Besides," Phaedra continued, "I'm too busy pursuing my career. I'm working on my ten-year plan. What about you? Do you have a plan for yourself, Destiny?"

  Destiny had never planned ahead ten years. She'd been too busy surviving. She had goals, for sure. She knew one day she wanted to live in a nice house and have a nice car, and be able to afford nice clothes. But she'd never given deep thought to how to get it.

  "I don't have a ten-year plan. I guess I never really thought that far in advance."

  "Well, there's no time like the present to start. You need to sign up for your 401k and start thinking about your career path, too."

  "I have plenty of time for that. Right now, I'm just trying to learn my way around."

  Phaedra shot her a glance before merging with the street traffic. "You have a prime opportunity here. You need to think beyond this apartment and this job. Education is freedom. If you go to school you'll have much more opportunity."

  "College? Nah, school is not for me. Not to mention it costs too much money."

  "Then learn a trade. You already work at a law firm. Go to school to become a legal assistant. You're smarter than a lot of those ladies who are already doing it."

  Destiny warmed at the compliment. Yeah, I am smart. "Thanks, Phaedra. I just might do that."

  "We have a tuition assistance program. As long as you're taking business or law-related courses, JADE will reimburse you."

  "No shit?"

  "No shit."

  They both laughed. "You have to have worked at JADE for six months to qualify," Phaedra told her, "but the time you've already spent here counts."

  It was hard to believe it had been over a month since she'd met Cayson in night court. It was amazing how her life had changed in that short time. She was living in a whole new world that had previously been closed to her.

  "Let's get together next week. I'll help you find some areas you might be interested in."

  "Thanks Phaedra. That's very sweet of you."

  "We women have to stick together. If we don't look out for each other, who will?"

  Destiny couldn't agree more. Although, she had to admit, Cayson was doing a good job of looking out for her. She was grateful for his help, but she couldn't get too comfortable with this arrangement. She had to look out for herself.

  After Phaedra dropped her at home, Destiny was feeling confident enough to try out a new recipe. She found Cayson's iPad in the study and she started surfing cooking websites. She found a recipe for Chicken cacciatore. It looked easy enough. A quick glance in the fridge told her she had all of the ingredients she needed. And she had the perfect beverage to go with the dish.

  She poured a glass of Merlot and selected some jazz music from the Bose system. Cayson wouldn't be home until late, but she planned to cook and entertain herself until he arrived. No sooner than she'd taken her first sip, did the doorbell ring. It was followed by loud pounding on the door. Thinking Cayson had forgotten his key, she rushed to the door and jerked it open.

  Standing on the other side was a man she never thought she'd see again.

  Chapter Nine

  Destiny stared at the caramel skin and hazel eyes that had once been her undoing. This handsome brotha rockin' a shaved head and Timberlands was responsible for her arrest a month ago. As he gazed at her through hooded eyes, she wondered what she'd ever seen in him.

  "Porter, what are you doing here?"

  "Whuz up, girl? You ain't called me or nuthin'. I had to check up on you." He brushed past her, forcing his way into the living room.

  Ironically, if not for him, she wouldn't be living here now. "You left me high and dry."

  "I knew you'd get off with a light sentence. Me, I can't afford no mo' jail time. You know, all that third strike shit. I didn't expect things to go down like that. It was bad luck you gettin' arrested."

  "Why didn't you talk to me first?" she demanded. "At least tell me the plan in advance."

  He shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his loose-fitting jeans. "Would you have done it? Would you have been down for me, Destiny?"

  She shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know. There was a time when I might have done anything for you, Porter. But now, I see you don't have my back."

  "I'm here for you now, girl." He scanned the furnishings in Cayson's living room, his hawkish gaze like a predator. When his eyes landed on her again, she could see deceit and calculation there. " La'Treece told me you was livin' large."

  "This isn't my place."

  "I know. Belongs to some high class lawyer."

  Destiny stood adversarial, legs apart. Arms folded across her chest. "He got me out of a bind, which is more than I can say for you."

  He nodded. "When you git your apartment? You still on the waiting list?"

  "How did you know about that?"

  "La'Treece told me."

  La'Treece had been talking her business too much. She didn't want Porter knowing about her new place. She didn't want him coming over there. In fact, she didn't want him here, either. She was still pissed with him for putting that jewelry in her purse.

  "I have a lot to do tonight, so you're gonna have to leave." She moved toward the front door hoping he'd follow.

  "Leave? Baby, I ain't goin' nowhere. You and me got unfinished business."

  "Like what?"

  "Like you being a tease." He grabbed her arm and spun her around. He pulled her close, breathing his stale breath in her face. "I remember how you used to get all hot when I kissed you."

  Funny, he should mention that. His kisses were lukewarm compared to Cayson's. She couldn't believe she was ever attracted to Porter. She watched his eyes scan her outfit. She'd changed into leggings with an oversized shirt. He licked his lips, letting her know he appreciated the view.

  His lips descended on hers. Before she could stop him, he shoved his tongue inside her mouth. She squirmed to get away, but he held on tight, trapping her arms between her body and the solid wall of his chest.

  When she finally wrenched her mouth away from his, she was livid. "Stop it, Porter. I'm not feeling you like that."

  "I see you still bein' a tease."

  She pushed him away. "No, I'm not. I just want you to go, now."

  "Nah. Not 'till I get a taste of what's in dem panties. You can't put me off this time."

  He lunged for her. She fled toward the study, and tried to lock the door. Porter shoved his big boot through the door opening, and forced his way inside the room.

  His hazel eyes were balls of molten lava. He flew forward, causing her to fall backwards with him on top of her. "Woman, what the hell done got into you?" he raged.

  She slapped him across the cheek. "Get off me!"

  He slapped her back, stunning her with the force of his palm. Her vision blurred as she fought the spikes of pain. She groaned, as her head dropped back and lolled against her shoulder. She gasped for air. She couldn't catch her breath. He was so heavy! Her arms flailed; she hoped to connect with something-anything she could get her hands on to hit him with. The scream in her throat died when he wrapped thick fingers around her neck.

  Lord, please don't let him kill me. Dear God, if you can hear me, please, please help me!


  Cayson bolted toward the loud scream he heard coming from the study. Seconds later, he saw Destiny trapped on the floor beneath some stranger. Rage consumed him as he shot forward and grabbed the man by the back of his collar, and then slung him against a nearby wall. Cayson's precious artwork careened to the floor.

  After the man recovered from his initial shock, he snarled and rushed at Cayson. He was a big fucker who didn't know how to fight. He wasn't quick enough to avoid the powerful punch Cayson delivered to his jaw.

  A crack resounded in the air, and the man staggered backwards, grunting in pain. Cayson was shorter and slimmer than him, but that didn't matter. Years of fighting his big brothers had prepared him to strike quick and deadly. He punched him in the stomach. The man doubled over in pain.
When his head fell forward, Cayson brought his knee up to connect with the man's nose. Blood spurted everywhere.

  Destiny screamed.

  Cayson blocked out everything except his victim, who was crouched on the floor gasping for breath. One of the bastard's knees was flush to the hardwood. The other was drawn to his chest, holding the weight of his hulking torso. Cayson saw red. Nobody came into his house and terrorized his woman.

  When the man pushed himself up and stumbled menacingly toward Cayson, he was rewarded with a flurry of punches as Cayson pummeled him. Each hit only intensified his anger. He was hungry for blood. "C'mon, you sorry motherfucker!" Cayson challenged him. "You're not leaving here without getting your ass beat."

  When the guy reached behind him, Cayson assumed he was trying to push himself to a standing position. He wasn't prepared for the gun he pulled from his waistband. Cayson froze as the man pointed the shiny, black Glock in his face.

  "No!" Destiny yelled to the man. "Please, I'm begging you. Don't do this!"

  The intruder stumbled to his feet. Cayson's heart roared in his ears as the man's eyes locked with his. In that moment, he came to the realization that this thug could kill him without a shred of remorse. Then, what would happen to Destiny. She'd be alone and unprotected. But he'd never been one to back down from a fight, and even with the odds stacked against him, he wasn't about to start now.

  As Cayson's pulse raced, he heard Destiny pleading softly. "Please. Just leave. No one has to get hurt."

  Blood poured from the man's nose onto his thick lips as he sneered in Cayson's direction. "You lucky this bitch pled for your life."

  He sucker punched Cayson in the ribs, and then whirled around and fled through the study door and out of the house.

  Cayson dropped to one knee, clutching his mid-section.

  Destiny ran to his side and threw her arms around him. "Are you okay?"

  He embraced her with his free arm. The mere act of holding her safely in his arms made him feel better. "I'm fine," he gritted through the pain. "You okay?" He stroked her hair and breathed her familiar scent.

  "Oh, God," Destiny moaned against his shoulder. "I'm so glad you were here. I've never seen him go off like that."

  "You know that asshole?"

  She wiped her tear-stained face. "Yes. That was Porter."

  He grimaced. "Your brother? Why the hell-?"

  Destiny cut him off. "He's not my brother. He used to be my...boyfriend."

  An engine rumbling to life and the squeal of car tires pierced the air. Cayson staggered to his feet and hobbled from the room.

  "No, Cayson! Don't!" Destiny screeched as she followed him. "He's dangerous."

  By the time Cayson reached the front door, the street was dark, except for the faint porch lights of his neighbors. He turned to Destiny. "I was ready to strangle that son-of-a-bitch. He was trying to rape you!"

  "Thank God you got here when you did."

  He expelled a deep breath. "I decided to come home early tonight." He didn't add that he'd been missing her and he wanted to make it home before she turned in for the night. "The front door was cracked open. Something didn't seem right." He shook his head. "And then I heard you scream."

  He leaned against the wall and cradled his ribs. Something was definitely broken. "Why did you tell me Porter was your brother?" he asked through clenched teeth. The sharp pain was making it hard to talk.

  "I didn't. La'Treece did."

  "You didn't bother correcting me."

  "I was wrong. I'm sorry." She caressed his cheek. "Please don't be mad at me."

  "I'm not mad. I just wish you would have been honest. It's harder for me to protect you when I don't have all the facts."

  "Thank you for rescuing me. I don't know what I would have done if..."

  He steadied himself with one hand on the wall. The other hand hooked around Destiny's waist as he pulled her closer. He nudged her lips apart, slipping his tongue inside her mouth. She responded immediately. Her tongue danced with his as she whimpered into his mouth. Heat flooded his body, sending all the blood rushing to his dick. The fire of her kiss competed with the pain as she suckled on his bottom lip. He loved how she melted from one single touch. And the feeling was mutual. Whenever she was near, his body went on red alert. He couldn't get enough of holding her, touching her, kissing her. He had an overwhelming desire to pull her beneath him and drive himself deep inside her. He wouldn't be sated until he'd had his fill of her, and made love to her repeatedly.

  As if feeling the same hunger, she slid her arms around him and pressed against his erection. Pain seared through his ribs.

  He broke the contact as he hissed through his teeth. "Shit." He wished he could finish what he'd started, but he knew his limitations.

  Destiny pulled away, a mixture of longing and concern dancing in her eyes. She knew it too. "I think we'd better get you to the emergency room."


  Cayson's arrival to Missouri Baptist Medical Center was like a family reunion. Irene was doing her best to keep from crying over her "little boy." Cayson's dad was the rock that Irene leaned on. With his thick, dark hair and salt and pepper goatee, David Sullivan appeared as though he'd found the fountain of youth. Destiny could see where Cayson got his good looks.

  She gave his parents a brief run-down of the night's events, purposely glossy over the dirty details. She knew they had more questions, but she didn't feel it was her place to divulge everything. Whenever they learned the entire truth from Cayson, she hoped they didn't judge her for putting their son in danger. Three of Cayson's ribs were bruised as a result of Porter's attack. She considered him lucky to be alive.

  When her cell phone rang, she was happy to step out of Cayson's hospital room to give him and his parents a moment of privacy. Alone in the hallway, she answered her phone. "Hey, La'Treece. I need to call you back. I'm at the hospital with Cayson."

  "What the hell happened?" La'Treece demanded.

  Destiny filled her in on the details, getting choked up and almost crying as she relived the nightmare in her mind.

  "Omigod! That fool is dangerous! He could have killed Porter."

  Destiny's mouth dropped. "Porter? Are you fucking serious? Cayson could have been killed!"

  "Why you so worried about Cayson? Where's your loyalty?"

  "Porter wasn't loyal to me!"

  "Grow up, Destiny. Porter ain't perfect. But he can do stuff for you. And look at you-holding the coochie back like it's a gold nugget or somethin'."

  Destiny shook her head and moved further down the hall to ensure Cayson's parents didn't overhear her conversation. "I can't believe what I'm hearing."

  "Neither can I. We've been road dogs for years. You changin' on me, girl."

  "No. I'm the same as I've always been."

  "Not since you got with that uppity lawyer. Can't you see he don't even like black people?"

  "Cayson is a good man. He got me a job and an apartment."

  "So, why you still livin' with him?"

  "You know I'm on the waiting list."

  "Yeah, right. I'll believe it when I see it. I told you, ever since that night, I don't trust him."

  "He said it didn't go down like you said. He said you tried to force your way into his bed."

  "Excuse me? Who the hell you goin' believe? Me or him?"

  Destiny fumed. She didn't want to think about this right now. La'Treece didn't even ask how she was doing. And now, she'd jumped on Porter's bandwagon. It wasn't fair. Destiny didn't want to have to make a choice between her best friend and her new friend. No, Cayson was more than a friend. He'd changed her outlook on life. He'd awakened her body with his soft caresses and sensual kisses. Maybe lust was clouding her thinking.

  "I gotta go," she lied. "The doctor is calling me."

  She hung up before La'Treece could say anything else. How dare La'Treece question her allegiance? If anyone had been loyal, it was Cayson. He'd rescued her more times than she could count, including tonight
, jumping on Porter and almost beating him to a pulp. And he would have done it if Porter hadn't shoved a gun in his face. Cayson wasn't dangerous. He was protecting her. Nobody had done that in a long time.

  Right now, it seemed like her old life and her new life were having a head-on collision. It was like Phaedra said: she had a prime opportunity here. La'Treece was used to surviving. Of course, she would feel threatened by this new life. She just needed time to get adjusted. Somehow, Destiny would make her understand.

  Cayson reclined on the hospital bed. His overzealous nurse had bound his ribs tightly with bandages so he wouldn't move and accidentally hurt himself. Seemed like a damn shame. All of this attention for some bruised ribs. When he was twelve, his parents brought him to this same hospital after Mark bet him that he couldn't pop a wheelie on his dirt bike. One broken arm and two chipped teeth later, Mark proved he was right. Back then, his injuries were a lot more severe, but he didn't get fussed over nearly as much as he was now.

  "I think that nurse has a thing for you," his mom observed.

  "Not interested," Cayson replied.

  His dad shrugged. "Don't be so hasty, Son. Some harmless flirting could help with the bill."

  Cayson smiled at his dad's dry sense of humor. "I never do anything harmless. Besides, I've already got my eye on someone."

  As if on cue, Destiny returned to the room. Cayson's eyes lingered on her. She offered him an encouraging smile that failed to hide the fear in her gaze. He didn't know who had called her, but he had a good idea. Now, more than ever, he wanted her corrupted friends to stay away from her. He didn't know what possessed him to be so overprotective. He'd gone into rage mode when he saw that beast on top of her. But he wouldn't have handled it any differently. He couldn't. It was him against Porter, and he'd been determined to win. If the idiot hadn't had a gun, how far would it have gone? Would he have strangled him with his bare hands like he'd wanted to do? He shuddered. His new-found aggressiveness scared the shit out of him.


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