Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances Page 98

by J. A. Coffey

  "I'm fine. Did I do something wrong?" Chloe's voice trembled.

  "Well, this is a no parking zone."

  "I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I was tired and didn't want to fall asleep driving."

  "It's fine. Name's Jayden Peterson. I'm the Chief of Police in this town. If you're hungry or need coffee, there's a great diner down the road. I was headed there myself."

  Chloe glanced at her clothes. "I'm not sure. I probably ought to be moving on."

  "Let me buy you a cup of coffee for the road. You probably could use a bite to eat, too. Consider it a ‘welcome to our town' gesture. Anyone who lives in Arden would do the same. It's small town hospitality." He assured her with a smile.

  She hesitated a brief moment, but the rumbling in her stomach couldn't be denied. "Okay, but just a quick bite."

  "Great. Follow me. It's just down the street."

  Pulling out on the road behind the police car, Chloe's mind was a whirlwind. Why did she accept this invitation? Just where in the world was Arden? Didn't matter; anywhere wasn't far enough from Bridgeport. A glance in the rearview mirror showed a pale, scared face with huge eyes. She groaned and regretted instantly agreeing to go for breakfast. But her unborn child was the most important thing right now and they both needed something to eat.

  She parked the beat-up hatchback beside a large truck hoping to hide the pathetically looking excuse she called a car. Sweeping her hair into a ponytail with the elastic band she always kept on her gear shift, Chloe pinched her cheeks to add some color and got out of the car. Jayden was waiting beside his patrol car.

  "Glad you decided to grab some coffee at least." Jayden held the door to the diner. "This is the best food in Arden."

  "Thanks," Chloe murmured.

  "Here. This booth is quiet. Order anything you like." Jayden passed a menu across the table and discreetly walked to the counter to get coffee. The diner was small and she could hear the whispers from the counter.

  "Who's the girl, Chief?" Her name tag said Carla. She grinned at the police man like an old girlfriend.

  "Something get by you, Carla?" Jayden teased her and it brought a smile to Chloe's face.

  "Found her parked at the beach sleeping in her car. She's looking pretty hungry. Tab is mine for whatever she eats."

  "You got it." Carla picked up the coffeepot and headed towards the table. "Coffee, sweetie?"

  "Yes, please." Chloe glanced up to find a middle-aged woman smiling at her and immediately felt at ease. "What do you recommended?"

  "Anything and everything. Best food around, if I do say so myself." Carla slid into the booth across from Chloe. "I'm Carla. I own this diner. You're new to town?"

  "Just passing through." Chloe got busy perusing the menu.

  "Well, if you decide you want to stay, I can recommend some rooms for rent." Carla stood up. "Even could offer you a job. I could use some help around here."

  "I really don't know if I'm staying, but thanks." Chloe handed her the menu. "I'll have the special, though, and a glass of milk."

  "You got it." Carla headed for the kitchen.

  Chloe poured cream into the coffee then leaned back in the booth. The diner was good size and almost completely full. No one seemed to be paying much attention to her despite her disheveled appearance. She sighed and relaxed a bit.

  Her eyes fell upon Jayden sipping his coffee. She smiled shyly. Her stomach tightened in anticipation as he made his way towards the booth.

  "May I join you?" He waited for a response.

  "Of course. Th-thank you for bringing me here. I really appreciate you overlooking me sleeping in the no parking zone."

  "We don't throw people in jail for that kind of stuff around here." He chuckled. "Just enjoy breakfast. It's on me."

  "I don't have much money, Office Peterson, but I can afford to pay for my own breakfast." Chloe met his eyes.

  "I'm sure you can. But it's already tended to. Consider it a welcoming gift. Arden is a safe place to be." He gestured to Carla for more coffee.

  "Really, I can't accept that."

  "Okay. But I'll let you take that up with Carla. She expects us to be friendly around here."

  Chloe played with her coffee mug. It had been a long time since she relaxed for just a little bit and her instincts were saying Arden was a place she could begin to let down her guard. Would it be safe enough for her to stay a little while?

  Carla brought her breakfast and Chloe dug in with gusto. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until the food was placed in front of her. She slowed down and glanced up. Jayden was watching.

  "Hungry?" He grinned.

  "I guess so." Chloe shrugged. "Might as well fill up now. Not sure where I will be when it's time for my next meal."

  "Are you headed somewhere in particular? I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

  "It's Chloe, Chloe Wilder." Chloe sat back and considered the question. "I'm just looking for a change of pace and something new. Didn't give it much thought really." She looked down at her hands folded in her lap and fought to keep the tears in check. It all seemed so logical last night after the nightmare, but now in the daylight things were not as clear.

  "Well, we always have room for one more in Arden. It's a small town and a close knit one. We take care of our own." Jayden picked up his hat. "Thanks for the company. It was nice to meet you, Chloe."

  Jayden threw a tip on the table and walked over to Carla. Chloe finished her meal and reached for her purse. Opening her wallet, she blinked hard at the threat of tears flowing as she saw she had only seven dollars in her wallet. Just enough to pay for what she had eaten.

  "It's all paid for, honey." Carla slid into the booth. "Don't you worry about it."

  Chloe gave her a smile. "Thanks."

  "I don't want to overstep, but I really could use some help for at least the next few weeks. The girl who was helping all summer left for college and now I'm left shorthanded. Could you spare a few days to maybe help me out?"

  Chloe studied Carla. "I could use the extra money, but have nowhere to stay. And not much money."

  "Don't worry about that, I have a huge house and with a vacant in-law apartment. It's yours to use as long as you want. If you stay longer than a few weeks, we'll talk about rent."

  "Thank you. I don't know..." Chloe's voiced trembled then trailed off. Why was she always so close to breaking down in tears?

  "Let's get you settled in. Is it okay if I have you follow Jayden to the apartment while I finish up this shift?" Carla stood.

  "Yes, of course." Chloe rose and smiled again. It felt good to be staying in a quiet place, a safe place. She just needed to find out how far she had made it from home...from Tony.

  Carla called for Jayden. They talked quietly, as Chloe stood and walked towards them trying to look sure of herself. Her mind was a spinning as she followed Jayden out of the diner and to her car.

  "It's down the road. Not far. Easy walking distance on nice days, if you wanted to."

  "I'm sorry?" Chloe looked up and saw Jayden watching her. "I guess my mind was elsewhere. I'm ready when you are."

  "Okay. Just down the road." Jayden started to turn towards his car and stopped. "Chloe, are you okay?"

  "Yes. I'm fine. Tired...long drive last night." She avoided his eyes and started to her car.


  Jayden turned and went to his car. His instincts told him she was hiding something, yet he felt the overwhelming urge to protect her. She looked so fragile and scared. He sighed. The need to protect her was more than his duty as a police office. In the back of his mind, he knew he needed to stop that line of thinking, yet he couldn't help it. Something about Chloe made him want to fold her in his arms and tell her it was going to be alright, whatever that might be.

  Chapter Three

  Chloe and Jayden parked in front of Carla's large old Victorian home. The light blue paint peeled away from the wood exterior, but the gardens were in full bloom, testament to the love that had been given to them.
She stepped out of her car and was taken back to a happier time where laughter filled the air. She could hear her dad laughing as he pushed her higher and higher on the old tire swing in the backyard and she squealed with delight.

  She shook her head to clear the memory, put on a smile, and turned towards Jayden. For the first time she really noticed him. He was fairly tall with brown hair cut short. His dark brown eyes reminded her of rich chocolate that she could just melt into. Chloe's cheeks warmed as her thoughts wandered.

  She faced the house. "What a great house."

  "Yes. It's been in Carla's family forever. It's her baby."

  Chloe instinctively wrapped her arms around herself and sighed. Where was she going to raise her child? She wanted a home filled with laughter for her child and yet she saw no hope of that. Everything was bleak.

  She went to the back of the car to grab her tattered suitcase. Before she had it out, Jayden was there reaching for it.

  "It's okay. I've got it," Chloe insisted, ashamed of the sad shape it was in.

  "Don't be ridiculous, Chloe." Jayden tensed. "My mom taught me to be a gentleman. Please, let me carry it."

  Chloe stepped back. "Sorry. I'm just used to doing things myself."

  They followed a small walkway around the old house to a staircase that led them to the in-law apartment. Jayden pulled out the key Carla had given him and opened the door. Chloe had never seen such a plush apartment. The carpet was a deep burgundy and thick. It was furnished with an overstuffed couch and recliner. A television stood in the corner. She moved through the living room to a room off to the side. A small dinette sat in the corner of the kitchen. It was small, but functional.

  She traced the carved wooden trim with her fingers as she walked down the hall which ended at the two bedrooms. She stopped at the small one and sighed. It would be perfect for the baby—if she stayed that long. She turned and made her way back to the living room, she saw her suitcase by the door, but Jayden was nowhere to be found.

  Chloe glanced out the large bay window and found him standing out on the small deck overlooking the backyard.

  "Beautiful place." She said from the doorway as she scanned the amazing yard, Jayden move towards her and she felt his gaze as he studied her.

  "It is. I'm glad you will be helping Carla. She works too much for someone her age."

  Her face heated up as he continued to stare. "I'm glad I could help. I don't know how long I can stay though." She turned to meet his eyes.

  "Why? Where are you headed?" Jayden asked.

  "I don't know. I just don't know what I'm doing." Chloe's voice wavered. She forced herself to look away and took a few steps to the other railing. She needed space between them because she wanted nothing more than for him to hold her.

  Where had that come from?

  "I don't want to pry, Chloe, but I can't help but wonder what you are running from."

  "What makes you think I'm running? I'm just looking for a change of scenery, some place different. That doesn't mean I'm running." Chloe turned. Blinking back the tears she fought to hide.

  "Okay. I'm sorry." He stepped towards the yard "If you need anything, let me know. Carla can let you know where to find me."

  She nodded and whispered, "Thank you."

  Jayden's eyes met hers and held her gaze as he descended the stairs. "Get some rest, Chloe. You look exhausted."

  Her eyes followed him as he walked back to his car. The tears she fought to hold back flowed down her cheeks as Jayden drove out of the driveway. She moved back inside and collapsed into the overstuffed recliner. Within minutes she was sound asleep, and for the first time in a long time, it was a peaceful rest.


  Jayden turned his car towards the station and battled his conscience about whether or not he should run a check on Chloe Wilder. He had the definite feeling she was hiding something. He kept telling himself he was protecting Carla by finding more about Chloe. There was such vulnerability about her. Her blue eyes were full of sadness and fear. There had to be more to it than just looking for a change of scenery. She was running. His gut told him so. The question was from what and how bad was it?

  He slammed the door at the station and received a glare from his dispatcher. He grabbed another cup of coffee, deep in thought as he stirred it.

  "What's eating you?" Betty asked. She had been the dispatcher for the Arden police office all her adult life. She had worked for Jayden's dad before him."Nothing. Just have some stuff on my mind." Jayden set down the spoon and sipped his coffee.

  "Humph. So you say. Don't be slamming doors around here. I know your mother taught you better," Betty grumbled as she turned back to her computer screen.

  "Sorry, Betty. Yes, I know better." Jayden smiled and moved to his office, closing the door softly. He chuckled. She got after him about the door when he was kid and ran in to the office to see his dad.

  Sitting behind the desk, Jayden flipped on the computer. He sat back in the chair, sipping his coffee, wondering where to start. The curser blinked at him. With a sigh, he pulled up Google and typed in her name. His finger hovered over the Enter key for a brief second before he clicked it.


  The screen revealed no results. She was a nobody as far as Google was concerned, no one with a record or internet history that he could find. He sat back and contemplated his next move. Lots of resources were available, but a smile played across his lips as his mind wandered to consider how he would like to just get to know her. The sad eyes had caught him and underneath the baggy clothes he wondered how thin she really was. She had a gauntness about her, she needed someone to take care of her, someone to cook a decent steak for her.

  He stood up suddenly and headed for the door. He stopped with uncertainty. Betty's hands never missed a keystroke.

  "Headed out again?"

  "Yeah. I'll be back later. You can reach me if you need me." Jayden started for the door again.

  "Checking up on that new girl in town?"

  Jayden turned and looked at her. "How on earth did you know about her already?"

  Betty grinned. "I may be old, but I still know what's going on."

  "I have some errands to run. I'll be back." He left in a hurry. If Chloe was running, she wouldn't be able to blend in very well with so many busy-bodies in this town. Jayden couldn't shake the feeling that Chloe needed him to protect her.

  Chapter Four

  Chloe awoke to an unfamiliar room. Panic gripped her until she remembered yesterday. And Jayden. He had been so kind. She reached for a lamp. No. She needed to keep her wits about her. Another man was not in the cards right now.

  Her stomach grumbled and she realized she needed to take care of the baby. She sat there a moment thinking of how to get groceries. She had seven dollars to her name and didn't start work until tomorrow. Walking to the kitchen, she hoped there were at least crackers in the cupboard.

  She stood in the center of the small kitchen and wondered where to start? A tug of guilt went through her as she reached for the first door. It was filled with everyday plates and cereal bowls along with a few mixing bowls. Chloe moved onto the next cupboard and found glasses and coffee mugs. Frustrated, she leaned against the counter and closed her eyes. How did she get into this mess?

  The doorbell rang and it sent her heart racing.. No one knew where she was. She had been careful to leave her cell phone off. She hesitantly walked to the door and peeked out the side window to see Jayden standing there holding a bag. She opened the door slowly wondering how smart it was for her to continue to talk to him.

  "I brought you some groceries. I thought you might not have had a chance to look around town yet or find a grocery store. Just some basics—milk, eggs, crackers, cereal, and some steaks, salad and potato for dinner tonight." Jayden smiled and waited for Chloe to let him in.

  "You didn't have to do that. How much do I owe you?" Chloe stepped aside, hoping he would allow her to pay him after she got her first paycheck.

"Not a thing. Just a friendly gesture." Jayden started for the kitchen. "How do you like your steak?"

  "I haven't had a steak in a long time. Medium, I guess." Chloe followed him back into the kitchen and watched Jayden take over, putting the milk and eggs in the refrigerator.

  "I hope I'm not overstepping, Chloe. I just thought I could cook you dinner. I've had a long week and a steak dinner sounds good on a Friday night. Thought it might sound good to you, too. Of course, I'm interested in hearing about what brings you to Arden, if you feel comfortable talking about it."

  Fear gripped Chloe and she struggled to keep her face neutral. "Dinner is fine, but I would much rather hear all about this town since I'm going to be here for a little while." She reached for the empty bag to fold up. Her hands trembled and she forced them to be still, hoping Jayden had not seen.

  "Oh, the stories I could tell you about this town." Jayden laughed. "I grew up here. I'll probably never leave."

  Chloe let out a breath. He obviously hadn't noticed her uneasiness, or at least he wasn't mentioning it. "You've lived here all your life?"

  "Yeah. My mom and dad grew up in this town, too. It's a great town. Tourist fill it up in the summertime, but in the winter, you just get lost in the quietness."

  A smile played on his lips as he reminisced. His love for his hometown was obvious.

  "What can I do to help?" Chloe interrupted as the rumble in her stomach signaled her hunger.

  Jayden chuckled. "Haven't you eaten since breakfast?"

  "No, I guess I fell asleep." Chloe's face heated up.

  "I'll get the grill fired up. If you want to wash the potatoes and wrap them in foil, I will get them on the grill and then start preparing the steak. You can make the salad." Jayden slipped out the back door onto the deck where a grill stood at the far side.

  Chloe sighed and reached for the baby potatoes. She needed to keep her guard up with him. He was a police officer and if anything, could lead Tony right to her without even trying. Tony had a way of making friends with police and winning them over.

  She busied herself getting the potatoes ready and took them out to Jayden. He had fired up the grill and was standing on the deck looking out to the ocean.


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