Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances Page 101

by J. A. Coffey

  "I thought no one would know for a while and that I would have time to find someplace to settle down before..."

  "I think you have found that place, Chloe. Look around you. You fit right in here and whatever, or whoever, you are running from, you're safe."

  Chloe fidgeted and played with the glass. "I don't know, Carla. You don't understand."

  "Okay. How about you do me a favor after work? I could use some help dropping off some supplies to a place I help out at once in a while."

  "I can do that, but not for long." Chloe lifted her tear-filled eyes to meet Carla's. "I'm leaving tonight."

  "Let's see what happens when the day ends and our errands are finished. I think you might be surprised." Carla patted her hand as she started for the kitchen. "Just let yourself enjoy the customers today."

  Chloe took her glass and placed it in the bus bin. Uncertainty pressed down on her as she questioned how Carla knew. She couldn't bear it if Carla told Jayden.

  Chloe worked hard the first hour of work, the regular customers were in and kept her smiling. She was startled when Jayden arrived in the doorway with a beautiful girl. Ducking into the kitchen, Chloe breathed in deeply to calm the fluttering of her heart. How did he have that effect on her?

  She glanced out the kitchen door. Carla was standing next to a booth chatting with Jayden and the woman. Chloe envied her long black hair. She sighed as she ran her hand through her ponytail. She would never look that glamorous. Pen and order pad in hand, she walked slowly over to the booth.

  "Chloe, this is Jayden's sister, Jocelyn. Joce. Chloe, my new lifesaver." Carla squeezed Chloe's elbow.

  "Nice to meet you, Chloe." Jocelyn extended her hand. "I understand you have been keeping my brother busy."

  "Nice to meet you. What can I get you?" She ignored the implication of time spent with Jayden.

  "Just coffee for me this morning."

  "Okay." Chloe glanced quickly at Jayden. "How about you, Jayden?"

  "Coffee for me too."

  Work flew by and Chloe dreaded seeing the clock turn to three. It had been a busy day and tips were good. Uneasiness settled on her as she counted her money, knowing she wasn't coming back again. She should have said something to Jayden, but he would have tried to convince her to stay.

  She regretted her promise to go with Carla, not knowing where they were headed. Chloe just wanted to reveal everything to her and see where things went, but fear kept her mouth shut.

  "Ready?" Carla held the kitchen door open. "We can leave your car here and come back for it later."

  "Okay. Where are we headed?" Chloe pocket her tips and grabbed her purse.

  "I want to share something with you—you'll see when we get there." Carla picked up the box of food Glenn had prepared earlier. "Only about a fifteen minute ride. We won't be gone long."

  They drove in silence, listening to the soft rock that Carla had turned up. The scenery went by in a blur, searching her mind for answers on what to do.

  "We're here." Carla's voice was soft. They sat in front of an old Victorian house in need of paint.

  "Who lives here?"

  The privet hedges were overgrown and they almost hid the beautiful wraparound porch.

  "Some friends of mine. Come on, grab those bags in the back seat."

  Chloe reached for the bags while Carla headed up the stairs. She started slowly after her, eyes roaming over everything in sight, taking it all in.

  "What is this place?" Chloe whispered, standing behind Carla at the door.

  "A place for women. I drop off food once a week for them to help out."

  A young woman in her early thirties opened the door. "Carla, come on in."

  "Hi, Sarah. This is my friend, Chloe." Carla handed the box of food off to Sarah and turned to grab the bag from Chloe.

  "Nice to meet you." Sarah nodded towards the back of the house. "Come on, the rest are in the kitchen."

  Chloe glanced around the house as they passed down the hallway to the kitchen. It was old, but nicely furnished. There appeared to be two bedrooms off the living room, a bath, and the kitchen on the main floor.

  "Are you joining us, Chloe?" Sarah had her back to her, unpacking the box.

  "Joining you? I'm just helping Carla today." Chloe stepped back, leaning against the doorframe.

  "Chloe has been working for me, new to the area." Carla gestured around the room. "This is the rest of the gang: Mindy, Deb, Rachel and Melissa."

  "Hi." Chloe took in each one of them. They seemed comfortable, yet on guard. She wondered how they all came to be together.

  "Chloe, this house is a safe home for battered women."

  "Really, How is it safe, and how did you guys find out about it?"

  "We have contacts all around, in hospitals, different places women would come in contact with. Battered women aren't always up front about what is going on, feeling it is their fault, or that there's no way out. We help them. Once they feel safe with us, we help them get away and start over."

  "All of you are from violent homes?" Chloe, eyes wide with wonder, carefully masking her fear.

  "Most of us." Sarah gestured for Chloe to join them at the table and waited while she slowly made her way over to sit gingerly on a chair. "Mindy's boyfriend beat her whenever he could. The others have had husbands that were unstable and violent, so it was more of a sporadic abuse. I have been here the longest and seem to be the house mom, settling everyone in and staying after everyone is gone. It gives me a purpose now that my kids are grown."

  "And they never find you?"

  "No one ever has. We have been able to swap out cell phones for new ones. A few of us have changed our last names to help feel safer, but overall we have very good friends looking out for us." Sarah reached out a hand and grasped Chloe's. "Jayden checks up on us and the local chief watches over us daily."

  "I can't imagine living that way." Chloe's voice was soft.

  "Can't you?" Carla's voice was low. "Isn't that what you are doing now? Except you feel you can't trust anyone and that you think no one knows you are running?"

  "I'm not running, Carla." A lone tear ran down Chloe's cheek. "I-I'm just trying to find a place to start over."

  "What happened to make you want to start over, Chloe?" Melissa asked.

  "Nothing. Lost my parents years ago, just have been looking for something since then."

  "Do you have a boyfriend?" Sarah asked.

  "No! I mean, I used to, but Tony and I broke up." Chloe stood. "I really need to get going, Carla."

  "Okay. I will see you girls next week." Carla gave hugs to everyone as Chloe edged towards the door.

  "Nice to meet you. I'll be in the car, Carla." Chloe was at the front door before anyone could answer.

  Carla started the car and turned towards Chloe. "Do you need anything before we head back?"

  "I don't think so." Chloe avoided eye contact.

  "Do you have a cell phone?"

  "Yeah, but..." Chloe folded her hands in her lap. "I just don't use it much."

  "How about stopping by the store I use all the time and getting a new one, new number? You don't have to give out the number, but I would like it so I can keep in touch."

  Chloe faced Carla. "I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm just fine." She snapped at her friend and it left a hollow feeling in her stomach.

  "I never said you weren't. I simply asked if you wanted to swap out your cell phone." Carla put the car in Drive and pulled out.

  "I guess that would be okay." Chloe stared out the window. "I don't know where I'm going."

  "I figured as much. Have you thought about how you are going to get prenatal care for your baby?"


  "You need to start thinking of that. Is there really any reason you can't stay with me in the apartment, for a while longer?"

  Chloe sighed. "I don't think I should."

  "At least stay another night and maybe we can look at some maps and figure out where you want to head to. I don't
want you to leave not knowing where you are going."

  "Why does it matter?"

  "Maybe a see a bit of me in you and I can relate. Why are you running? And don't say you're not. I can see the fear in your eyes." Carla paused. "I remember wishing I had someone I could have turned to for help when I was going through it. I guess I want to make sure you know you have someone to talk to."

  "Why did you have to be so nice to me? I should have just kept going that first day." Chloe bit her lip fighting back the tears that threatened to destroy what little strength she had left..

  Carla maneuvered the car into a parking spot next to a cell phone store. "Let's get you a phone. Do you have your old one with you?"

  "Yes." Chloe exited the vehicle and looked around. The storefront advertised cell phones, but no specific carrier.

  "Let's go." Carla held open the door. "Is the cell phone in your name?"

  "No. And I haven't turned it on since I left." Chloe handed it to her.

  While Carla went to the counter and talked with an elderly gentleman, she browsed around the store, keeping her eyes on Carla and the gentleman. Her cell phone was handed over the counter. Carla motioned her to come close.

  "Any contacts you need transferred?"

  "No. There really isn't anything in there." Chloe fidgeted.

  "Okay, we'll take the usual, Bob." Carla glanced at Chloe. "Basic phone, not a lot of bells and whistles, but totally untraceable."

  Chloe was speechless as Bob brought out the phone and activated it. Within minutes they were out of the store and she was ready to go.

  Chapter Ten

  Chloe sat in the apartment with the lights off. She had a phone, her bag was packed, and yet she had allowed Carla to talk her into staying another night. A strange prickling started at the base of her neck. The same feeling she used to get when Tony was watching her. She went to the window, stood behind the curtain and peeked out. The street was dark. No one around her car.

  She shrugged and turned when she saw a shadow. Someone was out there. Reaching for her cell phone, she typed in Carla's number. With finger poised over the Send button, she strained her eyes to focus in the dark, trying to see the shadow. Headlights coming down the road illuminated a person standing across the street, but he slipped backwards, out of the light.

  The car parked behind hers, and out stepped Jayden. A sense of relief flooded Chloe yet she resisted the temptation to run to the door. She stood beside the window watching him cross the lawn to the stairs to the apartment. She turned her eyes to the shadow again. He was still there. Her heart raced in her chest as her eyes strained to focus. He couldn't have found her, he just couldn't have. She thought she was safe. Now, not only was she in jeopardy, but she had put Carla there too.

  She jumped as someone knocked on the door. Glancing out the door side window, she threw open the door, reached for Jayden's hand, pulling him in.

  "What's going on, Chloe?"

  "There's someone watching the apartment, in the shadows." Her voice trembled. "Please believe me."

  "I believe you." Jayden crossed to the window and looked out. The street was empty. "I don't see anyone."

  Chloe moved beside him and viewed the street. Her eyes strained to see through every shadow, but the prickling was gone. He had left. "He'll be back."

  She moved to the couch and sank into the cushion with a sigh. As she stared at the carpet her mind raced to sort out the day's happenings. Should she ask Carla to stay at the home with the other women? Her first desire was to protect her baby. He couldn't know she was pregnant.

  "Chloe?" Jayden's soft voice penetrated her thoughts as he sat next to her. His arm went around her shoulders as he pulled her close. "Talk to me."

  She closed her eyes and leaned against him, washed by the safety of his arms. The tension left her shoulders as the tears flowed. She sobbed and heard his murmurings into her hair as he held her.

  Pushing away, she stood. "I have to leave."

  "What's going on Chloe? I can protect you if someone is after you." He reached for her hand and she slipped out of reach.

  "I just can't, Jayden. It's not fair to you."

  She turned towards the window, but stayed to the side. Looking out, she wiped the tears from her eyes. A sense of urgency overcame her. She sighed as Jayden came behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back against him and the longing for safety battled against the need to leave.

  She closed her eyes as he kissed her neck. "Stay with me, Chloe."

  Turning to face him, she searched his eyes. "I..." She never got the words out as his mouth covered her, caressing her, reassuring her. She melted into his touch and her body responded as her mind screamed No! Her hands wandered up his shoulders to the back of his neck. Fingers entwined in his hair, the urgency to feel him closer brought her to press against him.

  "I'm sorry." Jayden backed off and struggled to compose himself.

  "I'm not, but it doesn't change the fact I have to leave." Chloe moved to the couch. "I need to get out of here, far away." She sighed. "If he's out there he will find me again."

  "What are you running from?"

  A knock at the door startled them. Jayden inched towards the handle as Chloe raced down the hall for the bathroom. Slipping the door shut behind her all but a crack; she heard Carla's voice speaking softly. Unable to make out the words, she allowed her mind to wander to the "what if's" in her life.

  "Chloe?" Carla tapped on the bathroom door. "Are you okay?"

  Chloe released the grip she had on the handle and the door opened, . She dropped into Carla's arms and hugged her tight. "I'm fine. But I should have left this afternoon."

  "Jayden said there was someone outside. Come stay at my place tonight."

  She shook her head no and went to the living room. "I don't want you getting in the middle of this."

  "Come stay at my place. No one will bother you if you are with the chief of police," Jayden offered.

  "I need to get away from here." Chloe paced the living room.

  "You need to think this through." Carla's protective tone brought Chloe's thoughts to the baby. "You can't run forever. At some point you need to think of what is the best thing."

  "I know," Chloe whispered. She glanced at Jayden and was relieved to see he didn't seem to be aware of the hidden message Carla was sending.

  "We can get you to a safe house, if you want."

  "No. There is no need." Chloe bit her lower lip, deep in thought.

  "Okay, then. I will stay here tonight so Chloe can get some sleep. We will decide over breakfast what will be done." Jayden's commanding tone startled Chloe.

  "Don't think you can decide what's best for me."

  "I didn't mean anything by it, but right now you are too tired to think straight. You need some sleep." Jayden nudged her towards the bedroom. "Go, get some sleep. I will be right here on the couch if you need anything."

  She slipped into the bedroom longing for Jayden to join her and hold her through the night.


  With Chloe gone from the living room, Jayden positioned himself near the window. He had a clear view of most of the street, including Chloe's car. "What is going on with her?" He never looked at Carla, but felt her eyes staring at him.

  "I have no idea."

  "Give me a little credit, Carla. You got her a new cell phone and took her to the safe house today. There had to be a reason and I want to know what I'm dealing with."

  "I don't know. It's a conversation you need to have with her."

  "Aren't you the one who told me not to ask?" Jayden suddenly stared at Carla, trying to read her face.

  "Yes, but that was before I knew she was planning on leaving. We can't let her go now." Carla's tone held urgency and fear to it.

  Jayden canvassed the area outside the house with his eyes. No unusual shadows or cars on the road.

  "Go home, Carla, and lock your doors tonight." Jayden's tone held no room for argument.

  "Keep he
r safe, Jayden," Carla whispered as she started down the stairs.


  Joe shrank back behind the trees. Pulling out a cell phone, he punched the number he knew by heart. There wasn't much time if she sensed she was being watched. He rambled off Jayden's license plate with explicit instructions to get the information back to him ASAP. He wasn't about to let his boss know there was another man with her until he had full information. He had already researched the woman from the diner. She could be trouble at some point. Right now, he hoped to slip in and grab Chloe before anyone saw. This man would be a problem if he didn't leave. He hated leaving lose ends, but hated even more being forced into violence.

  Walking around the back of the house, he stopped every so often staring at windows and doors. He hadn't expected her to be involved with someone so quick. Boss wouldn't be happy about that. Stairs led to a deck outside the apartment. In a better position to watch, he shrank into shadows and settled in. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jayden glanced down at his watch, two a.m. He'd been staring out the window for two hours and nothing. But the fear in Chloe's eyes was real. He pulled the curtains shut and laid back on the couch. He closed his eyes, but his mind was running in all directions trying to figure out what was going on. He played different scenarios and yet couldn't put a finger on what might be bothering her.

  He heard the bedroom door open and sat up. "Chloe?"

  "Yes. I couldn't sleep." She padded into the living room and sank into the chair, tucking her feet under her. "Did I wake you?"

  "No, not at all." She was sitting in the shadows just out of the beam of moonlight. He couldn't read her face. "Do you want to tell me what's going on now?"

  The silence was deafening as Jayden waited for Chloe to speak. Her fingers picked at imaginary lint on her yoga pants. It seemed like forever before she cleared her throat.

  "I don't know where to start. I didn't mean to bring trouble with me here." She paused, glancing up to the window. "I'm sorry."


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