A Gangster's Dream

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by Charmanie Saquea

  “I couldn’t do anything for her, Carmelo. I was fourteen! What the fuck could I have done for a newborn at fourteen? I was hella scared. You’re right. Caiden had ya’ll parents and you. Who the hell did Alexandria have? I made the best decision for Summer. I really do believe that.”

  “The best decision was leaving her? Not know who was going to take care of her or how it was going to be done? That was the best decision Alex?” Carmelo said.

  “I knew that no matter what, you would take care of her, Melo. I knew that for a fact.”

  “It wasn’t my fucking job though, yo. How you sound?”

  “Melo… I knew you would take care of her because she’s your daughter. You can act surprised about it, but deep down inside you always knew. From the moment Caiden told you I was pregnant, you knew.”

  Melo was shocked. Not because she was claiming that Summer was his, but because she had the audacity to wait sixteen years to admit that there was a chance that he was her father. When they were younger, Alexandria thought she was too good for any dude that tried to get her attention, except Melo. He was it for her. Her world revolved around him. You know what they say, ‘Good girls like bad guys,’ and it was definitely true in her case. She knew that Melo was no good for her, but it didn’t stop her from wanting him. It didn’t stop her from giving him her virginity either. All a while she knew that even though she loved him and he had her heart, she would never have his. Even in his youth, Melo was the type who liked to have choices when it came to the girls he dealt with. No matter how much he was feeling Alex he wouldn’t just focus mainly on her, which is why she moved on to Caiden. That didn’t bother Melo in the least because he wasn’t really checking for her like that. He was just getting his feet wet in the street so that was his focus.

  When Caiden told Melo Alex was pregnant, of course Carmelo wondered whether or not he was indeed the baby’s father, but Alex stuck to Cai being the dad so Melo left well enough alone. He knew for sure that if Alex wasn’t sure she would have said something, at least to him.

  “At first, I thought there was a chance, but I expected more from you. I figured you would have kept it a hundred with me even if you wasn’t sure.”

  “I’m sure though, Melo. I found out I was pregnant like a week before Caiden and I had sex for the first time. My plan was to get an abortion, but I ended up not being able to go through with it. By that time, I knew Caiden wasn’t going to leave me and was going to do whatever to help me with my baby. I knew that at that time, what I was getting from Cai I wouldn’t have gotten from you. You were too wrapped up in whatever you were doing.”

  “How does it feel to know that you were wrong? I been there for Summer since she took her first breath. I wouldn’t say I’m more of a father to her than Cai is because he is a good ass father, but I’m up there, Alex. I’m goin to be honest with you, though. I don’t give a fuck if you’re sure that I’m Summer’s pops. At this point, that shit don’t even matter. Regardless that’s my blood, so I’m going to take care of her. I’m not about to shake up her world because of stupid ass decisions you made. I’m not going to stir shit up with Cai cause I know he would be crushed. Everything you just said to me a little while ago proves that you’re not ready to be a mother. Like you said, you wasn’t ready then and you aren’t now. You petty as fuck and selfish. You didn’t think about how you secret would effect Cai, me or your baby. It was all about Alex, right? WRONG! In my world, it’s about Summer. You’re not seeing her as long as I breathing to stop you,” Melo said.

  “You’re really going to try to keep me from my daughter?”

  “I’m not going to try to do anything. I’m keeping you from her. Straight like that.”

  “Well, you should know that I moved back here a week ago for a job. I’ll be around, Carmelo, and when the time is right, I will see my daughter. Telling her that you are her father is a decision I’m leaving up to you, but I will see her. I promise you that.”

  Carmelo didn’t even respond to her. He watched as she walked back toward the front door and left. His thoughts were racing a mile a minute. He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that he was indeed Summer’s father, nor could he accept that fact that Alexandria moved back to New York and was demanding to be in Summer’s life. He knew that Alex wasn’t the type of woman Summer needed around her based on her actions. She wasn’t mother material. Alex was self-centered and thought everything revolved around her. When you have a child, everything instantly revolved around that child, but perspectives didn’t shift for Alex. Maybe if she was more like…

  “Dream,” Melo whispered, knowing exactly who it was he needed to talk to in order to get his mind off Alexandria and all the bullshit she bought to his doorstep. He glanced down at the time and noticed that it was going on eleven. He didn’t want to wake her up if she was sleeping, so he opted to send a text.

  What’s good Ms. Dream. Was thinking about you and shit.

  That’s funny because I was just about to text you before I went to bed. How was your day?

  Long as fuck, but aye get some rest I wanna see you tomorrow.

  Deal. You get some sleep too Mr. Carmelo, I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Chapter Six

  Carmelo took the day off from all the bullshit that was surrounding his life and relaxed till it was time for him to see Dream. He had the perfect date planned out for her. He was going to take her out to the pier on a little boat ride so they can have a romantic dinner while watching the sun set.

  Dream wasn't your average girl, so he knew he couldn't come at her with some average shit. He wasn't used to all this lovey dovey shit but he was going to give it a try. He had rosé chilling on ice, rose petals that led from the front of the yacht to the dining area, a whole bouquet of roses and a candlelight dinner that he had his own personal chefs put together. He hoped that he wasn't overdoing it, but Summer said females like that type of stuff.

  Carmelo had to chuckle at himself for taking advice from a teenager. He blamed himself for not being the type to settle down, but there was something about Dream that suddenly had him rethinking that decision. He checked himself over in his mirror as his phone started ringing.

  "Talk to me," he answered.

  "Remember to smile, Uncle Melo. You don't have to look so serious all the time. Also compliment her okay? Females love when you compliment us," Summer said in one breath

  Carmelo laughed. "Bye, Summer."

  "Wait, did you wear the outfit I picked out or nah? Because you looked very handsome."

  "I gotta go girl, but yes I wore the outfit you picked out." Carmelo smiled as he fixed the cuffs on the jacket that went with the Armani suit that Summer picked out for him. Truth be told, he thought Summer was trying to marry him off with the outfit she picked.

  "Yes," Summer cheered. "You def have to send me a picture."

  "Bye, little girl, I will talk to you later." Carmelo shook his head at his niece as he hung up the phone. She was just excited about this date as him, if not more.

  He finished fixing the collar of his shirt which he left the first button undone on and walked up to the top of the boat he rented for the evening. The sun was starting to set and Dream would be there any minute. He looked over everything one more time until he got a text from Shaq stating that they had just pulled up. He walked off the boat and stood at the entrance where he would wait for his Dream to approach so he could escort her up.

  My Dream huh? Yea I like the sound of that, he thought to himself with a smile. He looked up to see Shaq and Dream walking in his direction and his smile widened.

  "Hello, Ms. Dream, I'm glad you could make it," he said once she reached him.

  "Well, thank you handsome. I'm glad you invited me," Dream said with a smile that was making Carmelo weak. He reached out his arm for her to interlock hers with and hit Shaq with a wink as he escorted her on the boat. Dream gasped.

  "This is beautiful," she said in awe as she looked around at the arrangements he had set up.
r />   "Glad you like it. We’ll start here then work our way up to the top of the boat," said Carmelo.

  Summer’s words rang loud in his ear, pull her chair out for her.

  He walked her to her seat and pulled the chair out for her to sit down.

  "A gentlemen and a thug huh?" Dream smiled.

  "More thug than I am a gentlemen.” He smirked.

  "A very handsome thug, though. The suit looks very good on you," complemented Dream.

  "Thank you," he blushed. "Everything you wear looks good on you," Carmelo said as he went to get the rosé. He popped the top and walked over to pour Dream a glass.

  "Flattery gets you everywhere." Dream winked.

  "Well thank you for letting me know." Carmelo smirked. After he finished filling up the wine glasses, he pulled the top off of her plate. There was baked salmon and steamed vegetables. He had never eaten this type of food before so he was hoping he would like it, as well as Dream.

  "This looks delicious. How did you know I like salmon?" Dream asked.

  "I'm just that smart," Carmelo joked. He was jumping for joy on the inside that she actually liked salmon

  "Okay, Mr. Melo, let me find out you been stalking me."

  Carmelo laughed at her and Dream joined in. "Nah, I'm sorry but stalking isn't my thing."

  "That's nice to know. So how long have you been in sales, as you would put it?" she asked.

  "Longer than I can remember," answered Carmelo.

  “Oh, do you ever think about getting into another line of business?” she asked.

  Melo shrugged his shoulders, “Nah, not really. I been doing this for as long as I could really remember. I’ve been successful and stayed alive this long. Why switch shit up?” he said honestly.

  Dream nodded at his response.

  “What about you, though? I mean as much as we text and kick it on the phone, we never really go deep into Dream’s world.”

  “Well, you know the important stuff. I’m pretty much what you see is what you get, you know?”

  Carmelo nodded as Dream continued. He could tell that she wasn’t afraid to share who she was with him due to the way she spoke freely about her childhood and everything that made up her life.

  “So fashion been in your blood since birth,” Melo said. After Dream revealed that her mother did print and runway modeling back in the day.

  “Yep, pretty much. My father is a photographer which is how he and my mom met. This world is really all I know. We got that in common.”

  Melo smiled.

  "This salmon is delicious," Dream said as she ate.

  "I'm happy you like it, I didn't know what to cook," Carmelo said as he wiped imaginary sweat off his forehead.

  Dream laughed with a little snort and she covered her mouth out of embarrassment but Carmelo actually thought that was cute.

  "Aw, you snort." He smiled.

  "That is so embarrassing," she said, hiding her face.

  Carmelo reached over the table and moved her hands from her face. "You don't have to be embarrassed, ma, I actually thought it was cute. You don't have to be afraid to be yourself when you're around me," he said as he looked into her exotic eyes.

  Dream just blushed, she didn't know how to respond to that so she didn't even bother to. Over the duration of dinner, the two took pleasure in getting to know each other more with no barriers. Carmelo answered any questions Dream asked honestly and she did the same in return. After they were done eating, Carmelo led her to the top of the yacht. It was a little windy with the boat moving and with them being on the water, so he took his suit jacket off and put it around her shoulders.

  "This is so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it," Dream said as she admired the different colors in the sky.

  "It is mad nice, isn't it?" Carmelo agreed.

  The two stood there quietly for a few before Dream spoke again. "Have you ever just wanted to run away from all the bullshit that comes with life? Like just escape reality for a little while where you don't have to worry about anything?"

  Carmelo thought about it for a minute. It would be nice to just get away every once in a while, especially for a nigga like him. It seemed like he was getting hit with some new shit every other day but he always managed to bounce back, no matter the circumstances.

  "Yea, that's why I invited you here, so won't nothing be on my mind but you," he said softly as he ran his fingers through her hair.

  Dream turned to look at him with admiration is her eyes. She really dug Carmelo's vibe. Usually she wouldn't have even given him a second look considering his choice of profession, but she also wasn't the type to judge a book by its cover. He was more laid back and calm than she would have expected, but at the same time he still had an authoritative stance and swag about him.

  She leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. She normally wouldn't have been this bold but she was buzzing off the rosé they had. Not being the kissing type, Carmelo didn't know what to do next. He grabbed her hand and led her to where the rooms were. When he reached the door, he stopped before going in.

  "This is the point of no return, if you're not ready to do this then I would advise you to stay out here," he said before going in the room.

  Dream stood there contemplating if she should go in or not. She never was the type to give it up on the first date, but there was a certain connection that she felt with him.

  Carmelo was unbuttoning his shirt when he felt a pair of hands wrap around his body. Dream walked in front of him and helped him finish taking his shirt off.

  She couldn't help but to lick her lips at his body. He wasn't built like a bodybuilder, but he wasn't a little nigga either. He was just right, for her, anyways. She turned around so he could unzip her dress. Carmelo slowly unzipped it while kissing down her neck and back in the process, sending chills down her spine. He let the dress drop to the floor and she slowly stepped out of it.

  Carmelo wasn't into all the slow, sensual, love-making shit, so he nodded his head towards the bed and Dream caught the hint. In one swift motion, he ripped her lace panties off while reaching in the drawer for a condom.

  "Let me find out you knew this was about to go down," Dream chuckled.

  "You never know so you always have to stay prepared." He smiled.

  “I bet.” Dream playfully rolled her eyes.

  She laid back on the bed and Carmelo climbed up her body until they were face to face. Dream wasn't any ol chick out the hood, so this wasn't going to be any ol wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. He wasn't going to treat her like a basic bitch simply because she was far from basic.

  He placed butterfly kisses on her neck as he placed the head of his manhood at her opening. Dream let out a gasp when she felt Carmelo enter her. She wasn't a virgin, but at the same time she didn't just open her legs for anybody.

  “Shit,” Carmelo cussed when he felt how tight she was.

  Unconsciously, Dream dug her nails into Carmelo’s back as she adjusted to his size. He stayed still for a minute for her to get used to it before he started pumping in and out of her. He wasn't used to this slow and sensual stuff, he liked it rough and hard, but he didn't want it to seem like Dream was just a fuck to him.

  “I know you can do better than that. I'm not fragile and I promise I won't break,” Dream said.

  Carmelo smirked, here he was trying to take it easy on her and she wanted to be a big girl.

  “Alright then, on ya knees,” he said as he pulled out of her.

  Dream obliged and did as she was told. Carmelo gave her derrière a firm slap as he watched it jiggle a little. Dream looked back at him and gave him a look that said she was ready for whatever. He gave her a look that said he wasn't going to have any mercy on her. He inserted himself back in her while grabbing ahold of her waist.

  “Be careful what you ask for,” he warned as he went into beast mode. He pounded unmercifully as Dream tried to get away. “Where you think you going?” He smiled as he pulled her back as her ass connected to his pelv

  “Melo, wait,” Dream cried out. She had put her foot in her mouth and was trying to back out of it now.

  “You want me to stop?” he asked as he slowed down.

  “No, just…ahh right there. That's my spot,” she said as she threw it back at him.

  Carmelo grabbed a handful of her hair as he felt her juices raining down. Her body started shaking, and he knew she was nearing her peak.

  “Shit!” he yelled as her muscles squeezed his dick.

  “I'm cumming!” Dream cried out.

  “Cum for me, ma,” he said as he sped up his pace. Dream’s body started shaking as if she were having a seizure. Not too far behind her, Carmelo continued to thrust in and out of her until he released his seeds inside the condom.

  Dream collapsed on the bed and he collapsed on her.

  “Melo,” she whined.

  “What girl? I'm tired as fuck.” He laughed as he rolled off of her.

  Dream rolled over on her back as she looked up at the ceiling. “So what now?” she asked.

  “What you mean?”

  “I mean like, did you get what you wanted so now you're through or what?”

  Carmelo sat up and looked at her real good before speaking. “Yo, check this out, ma. If I just wanted to fuck you and that's it, then I would have told you that from jump. You think I would do all this just for a fuck? Naw, that ain't me. I did this because I'm really feeling you and I wanna see where this thing between us is headed. As long as you stay down for me, I'll stay loyal to you.”

  Dream just looked up at him and smiled. “You don't have to ask or tell me to be loyal, Carmelo. I'm not that type of girl, but I can show you that better than I can tell you.”

  She didn't have to tell him. He could tell she would be loyal to no end. She was a good girl that was about to get herself wrapped up in a hood nigga. Part of him was pushing him to tell her what went down between him and Alexandria, but he really didn’t feel it was something that she needed to know. On the other hand, he didn’t know how to deal with the situation so hearing the opinion of someone who didn’t have shit to do with it could end up being exactly what he needed.


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