Blue Moon Hollow's Eve

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Blue Moon Hollow's Eve Page 2

by Trinity Blacio

  “Good; now, let’s eat.” They finished collecting their food, and he moved her over to a quiet table at the edge of the forest and near the pond.

  Chapter Three

  True stared at her plate and tried to eat, but once more, her fear was getting the better of her. It was one trait she deplored in herself and that was being the biggest chicken in the world. Her mother had been the same way, but with her father by her side, her mother could do anything. It was like he gave her the strength to do things True knew she’d never do on her own.

  She peeked up at the lion shifter as he ate his food. Oh, True knew he was watching her, worried. “I was eighteen when I met Gabe. You have to understand, I’m a lot like my mother. I had always hoped I would outgrow this fear or need to be with someone stronger, but I guess it’s not going to happen. I guess, you’ll get along great with my father. Even at the age of seventy, he still worries and watches out for me when he can.” True took a bit of the steak and moaned. “Shit; this stuff is good. Remind me to get the recipe before we leave. They had to marinate it with something different. Anyway, I thought Gabe would be the man like my father. At first, he was great, but as soon as he placed the ring on the finger, even before the wedding, a monster was born.”

  True frowned and sighed. “Did we miss the drinks?” she asked, and Lawrence shook his head.

  “What would you like?” he asked.

  “A sweet red maybe would be great,” she said, and just like that, a glass of wine appeared next to her plate. “Wow, now that is handy; I need that at home.”

  Lawrence snorted. “The pixies would be a pain in the butt having them around all the time. They can be mean little things when things aren’t going their way,” he said as a bucket of water dumped over his head.

  “Pixies I take it?” She couldn’t help it but laughed as he growled.

  “Dot...” he tapped his fingers on the table and seemed to wait. All of a sudden, a small, little woman appeared on their table. She was about the size of her wine glass, her bright red hair curled down her back.

  “I am sorry, but you know we have feelings, too,” she said.

  Lawrence sighed and sat back. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to offend any one of you, but you know you guys have a temper on you. Do you not?” he asked.

  “Well, maybe, but we sure don’t like to be called on it. How would you like to be called on your prowess in the bedroom?” she said and waved her hand before disappearing.

  “Dot... I wasn’t personal,” he snapped.

  “Well, at least you are dry now.” True reached out and took a drink of her wine.

  “Yeah, but now you most likely think I’m a man whore or something,” he grumbled.

  “I’m not stupid, Lawrence. You are a very handsome man. In high school, you’d be one of the hunks that played football or one on a motorcycle, both way out of my league.” She picked up a deviled egg and popped it in her mouth.

  “So you think I’m a hunk?” He smiled and she laughed.

  “You know damn well you are. What are you, six foot five? Plus, you’re built like a tank. Your hair is a woman’s dream, and your eyes... well, anyone could get lost in them.”

  He reached over and took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Now, it’s my turn.” His gaze drew hot, and once more, True swore he was purring.

  “I see my woman. One whose eyes tell me a story. When she smiles, it makes my heart beat hard against my chest. Her scent is like catnip to this lion who wants to lick and nip every inch of her skin. Your figure is full and beautiful. I can’t wait to unwrap you, because I know, inside, I was granted the most wonderful gift—you.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she shook her head. “You can’t feel that already. We just met,” she whispered.

  “But there is where you are wrong. In our hearts, we met a long time ago, but our bodies are just now seeing each other. We were meant to be with each other, my little lynx.” He reached over and pulled her chair close to his. “Eat, because I want you in my arms under the stars dancing.”

  “Really? We’re going to dance?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Oh, honey, we’re going to do a lot more than dance, but yes.” He reached over and picked up her fork, filling it with a piece of steak and some mashed potatoes. “Open up.”

  “You don’t have to feed me,” she said, taking the bite.

  “I want to feed you. It gives me pleasure, but if you keep showing me that tongue, I’m going to have to taste it,” he growled.

  “Oh how the mighty has fallen,” a woman said, coming up to their table. “Here, I showed up late and you already found your first conquest of the night. Well, make sure to save me the next spot, because I know that human can’t—” She didn’t get any other words out as he jumped up and snarled.

  The woman was yanked back. Grace stepped in front of her. “You have a problem with my friend, Cindy? Or the fact you can’t see he’s scenting her, bonding with her.”

  “Grace,” True whispered, not wanting her friend to fight because of her.

  Lawrence sat back down and wrapped his arm around her. “Shh, Grace will be fine. I’m sorry about that outbreak, True.”

  She pushed her plate away and took another sip of her wine. “She’s right though. I mean, I don’t have the experience you’re used to. I’m not really that hungry; maybe later I’ll be able to eat. How about a walk?”

  Lawrence stood and held out his hand. “Come; let me show you my favorite spot I found while checking out the grounds earlier. Dot, could I get a bottle of...” Before he even finished his sentence a bottle of champagne appeared. “Thank you, Dot.”

  True laughed and put her hand into his. “This place is like a fairy tale,” she said, following his lead as he took her down a path to the right, into the forest.

  “Finish your story?”

  True sighed. “Not much really, ‘til that one night. I was pregnant with our first child. I think it’s one of the reasons he asked me to marry him. Anyway, he got drunk and one of his rages took place. The scare on the back of my leg was his beginning piece of the work; next, he proceeded to beat the crap out of me. I knew I lost the baby when his fist hit me dead on in the stomach. I was six months pregnant.” She stumbled, but he caught her before she could fall.

  “Here,” he lifted her up, handing her the bottle of champagne to hold and carried her in his arms.

  “What are you doing? I’m too heavy.”

  He shook his head. “Stop, I’m fine. How long were you in the hospital?” he asked, moving through the woods like it was daytime.

  “A week. After that, my father and mother found me my apartment. Needless to say, that’s when Moirai came to visit me. Boy was she furious. I have never seen her so mad, but she and Grace... well, I wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for both of them.” She laid her head on his chest. “I had just learned I was going to have a little girl. I even got to see a picture of her. How can one day go from the best to the worst in a matter of an hour I’ll never know.”

  “We’ll have a little girl first. She’ll have your eyes and smile.”

  “Really, aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves here?” she asked but gasped as he stepped into an opening in the woods. “My god, it’s beautiful and look at that moon.” He gently lowered her to the ground. “I love the night; it’s so peaceful and beautiful. But this place is special. Look at the way the moon shines on the water and the flowers. I’ve never seen flowers that glow like that.” True turned and smiled at Lawrence. “Thank so much for bringing me here.” She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him.

  “Opps, sorry,” she went to move back, but his arms closed around her, hugging her back.

  “Don’t ever apologize for touching me. I crave your touch, your smiles and your laugh. I thought everyone knew cats love attention.” He rubbed his chin on the top of her head.

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m afraid you’ll
have to tell that to Oscar, because when I hug him, he gets this grumpy look on his face like he’s going to scratch my face off.” True stepped back, looking up at him.

  “Who is Oscar?” he growled.

  True slapped his belly and turned back around to take in the little pond, her surroundings. “My cat, silly. You will be coming over and visiting me, right? I mean, this isn’t just the three days?” she asked, looking over at him as she knelt down at the pond’s edge and put her fingers in the water. “Do you think it’s safe to take a dip?”

  He moved to her, kneeling next to her. “True, a chosen one is a wife, partner. I’m bonded to you for the rest of our lives. Each touch, kiss your DNA is changing so you will live as long as I do and be able to carry our children. If you want to live in your apartment, we will, but I’d like you to see my house before we make that judgment.” He smiled and looked at the water. “It’s very safe to swim. There is even a warm spring underneath the water close to the waterfall over there,” he said, looking toward the fall, but his gaze quickly turned to hers.

  She stood and started to strip, moving to the other side closer to the warm spring. “Well, then, I guess there is no other choice but to check this out. Are you coming?” Ture asked as she slid the short skirt of her costume down her legs and jumped into the water.

  Warm water, not so hot it burned your skin but hot enough to ease the muscles in her body, had her groaning as she broke the surface. “Well hell,” she mumbled and reached up, taking the pins out of her hair, letting her massive curls fall down her back.

  “What’s wrong?” Lawrence asked, popping out of the water in front of her. He wrapped his arms around her as he stood on the bottom, the water coming up to his chin.

  “Nothing, but now, my hair is going to be a curly mess, I’m afraid,” she said, showing him the pins she’d pulled out.

  “I like your hair down better anyway.” His eyes were now that of the cat’s, just like Grace’s when she was mad.

  “Are you angry? I mean, I know there are others in the woods,” she asked, but he was shaking his head.

  “No, little lynx, not mad, just need to make love to my woman,” Lawrence told her, his warm breath against her breast as he placed a kiss on the swell of her right one.

  True ran her hands over his broad shoulders; even as a man, he had fine blond hair on his chest. Even though they had just met, she wanted him to make love to her in this magical place. “Love me here, now, lion man. Make this our special place,” she leaned down, whispering in his ear before placing kiss on his shoulder.

  He leaned back and looked up at her. “Are you sure, because I don’t want to rush anything.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “There’s something else, isn’t three?”

  “The first time we make love, it will seal the bond between us. You’ll be my wife in our world. There will be no separating us,” he told her when most men wouldn’t have.

  “Thank you for being honest. Does it also mean you’re going to be a very possessive man?” she teased and he growled.

  “I am that already. You’re mine, and I’ll kill anyone who touches you, my little lynx.”

  She placed both of her hands on his cheeks. “Make love to me, lion man. Show me what it’s like to be possessed,” True said but wasn’t expecting the roar that came from him.

  Her ears rang and True laughed. “Now, I know we’re going to have to move to your home, because if you do that every time we make love, my neighbors are going to skin a cat.” She laughed and moaned.

  He lowered his head, capturing one of her nipples in his mouth, all the teasing gone and only a sexual need to be claimed by her lion man. His sucked so hard on her nipple, True thought she was going to explode just from his mouth.

  “Beautiful but not in the water. I want to see you all.” He turned and moved them to the beach, where a small bed now was that wasn’t before.

  “Now, I know this place is magical. I hope you plan on bringing me back on our anniversaries, lion man,” she said as he laid her down on the bed and stepped back.

  His gaze traveled down her body, seeing everything. The scars, the roundness of her belly and the curls she even had below. “Open your legs and let me see,” his voice a rumble as he moved to the end of the bed, waiting.

  True slowly opened her legs wide for him.

  He went to his knees and lowered his head.

  She felt his tongue; it was rough against her pussy lips.

  He separated her lips with his fingers and stared at her for a second before his gaze lifted to hers. “Mine,” he growled.

  “Yours,” she whispered and watched him lean back down. His tongue slid into her pussy; it was long, thick and he knew the perfect spot to hit inside her that no man had ever touched until him.

  “Lion man!” she cried, her hips moving up. True needed more, and he gave her more. Two fingers pushed in as his tongue moved out, in and out until she felt him slid his fingers to her ass.

  She sucked in her breath, knowing what he was going to do. Inch by inch, he eased those two wet fingers into her other hole, where no man had ever ventured. “Come for me, True; give me your cream,” her lion ordered, his tongue sliding back in across that spot inside her, rubbing it with this rough tongue while she had no chance.

  Her legs started to shake. True grabbed onto the blanket under her as her scream filled the air. Every part of her body trembled, sweat rolled down her cheeks as another orgasm followed the first one.

  Placing a kiss on her pussy lips, Lawrence removed his fingers and crawled up her body as she lay there trying to get her bearings, but that was for naught, as his thick cock slid into her at the same time he covered her mouth with his.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her still as he started to thrust in and out of her. His tongue stroked and danced around hers, dominating everything they did, and she just soaked it up.

  True slid her hands up around his neck, grabbing a handful of his hair, holding on as he loved her, as if she was the only one. “You are the only one,” his voice came into her head.

  She jerked back and looked up at him. He smiled but never once stopped moving in her. “Part of the bonding, my little lynx.” He kissed her nose. “Hold on, baby,” was all he said as he reached down, pulling her legs up, placing them on his shoulders.

  Her hands gripped the covers once more as he lifted up, staring at her as he grabbed onto her ass, squeezing. “Mine!” he growled once more before his thrusts became faster and harder, his cock hitting right up against her clit and that special spot that was so tender already when he moved his hips a certain way.

  True never had come twice in a day, but now, she was once more on the verge of coming again. Her lion man not only amazed her, but True also knew there would never be any going back after this night. If his words from earlier hadn’t done it, his loving sure finished it.

  “Lawrence!” she screamed as she tried to push away; it was too much, but he held on, sending her over and over again until he roared and his warm seed poured into her.

  Lowering one leg, her lion gently rubbed the muscles before placing it down on the bed, doing the same to the other before lowering himself over her and taking her with him as he rolled to his back. She now lay on top of him, her head resting on his chest. “You’re my wife, mate now, True. No one will ever hurt you again,” he said, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

  “You do know my parents are not going to accept that, right?” She looked up at him, and he smiled.

  “Then, by all means, plan our wedding.” He cocked his head to the side. “How would you like to have it back at the house? I believe Moirai owns this place, and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you using it.”

  She lifted her head up and smiled. “Where exactly is this house?”

  Lion man smiled. “It’s usually located in the great jungle of India.”

  True rolled her eyes. “Like I can afford to have my f
amily and friends flown to India. No, I’ll find a place close to Mom and Dad. Plus, if I’m not mistaken, I haven’t really been asked, now have I?” she teased and found herself back on her back with him looking down at her.

  His wild blond-red hair fanning around him like a lion’s mane and fangs protruding as he growled, holding out his hand, a small box appeared. “You will marry me,” he ordered and opened the box up for her view. “This was my mother’s, her mother’s and so on. Now, it is your engagement ring,” he said, slipping the biggest brown diamond she had ever seen onto her finger.

  Little yellow diamonds surrounded the ring, and as he slipped it on, tears rolled down her cheeks. “It’s stunning, and yes, I’ll marry you.” She reached up and hugged him tight. “Now, I need a swim, get some of this sweat off of me. Why don’t you pour us some of that champagne to celebrate?” She tried to push him off of her, but he held onto her and managed to jump up, never releasing her, even though he did slide out of her, which had her moaning.

  “We will swim together,” he informed her, walking into the water again.

  “Are you going to be one of those men who demand we do everything together?” she asked, placing a kiss on his chin.

  “Yes, well, most things. I know you’ll want to go out with girlfriends every once in a while or visit your parents, but, True, I’ll need to know where you are at all times. When I said possessive, I meant it. You are mine; I want to take care of you, to be able to do everything together. I want to see your face when you experience new things and new tastes. Are you going to be okay with that?” he asked, lowering them into the water and sliding his hand down between her legs, washing her with his hand.

  “Lawrence,” she moaned.

  “Everything, True. I want to bathe you, pick out your clothes if I allow you to wear them, because most of the time, I want to be able to slid into you whenever I need you.”

  “You really are the king, aren’t you?”


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