by Peter Moskos
Soylent Green (film)
Special housing units (SHU)
Stalin, Josef
Stanford Prison Experiment
Starship Troopers (film)
The State of the Prisons in England and Wales (Howard)
Supermax prisons
Supreme Court
on corporal punishment
on flogging
Mistretta v. United States
Suspects, classification of
Symes, Robert
Teeters, Negley K.
Texas, reduction in prison population
Thailand, elephant ball
Three-Fifths Rule
Tocqueville, Alexis de, on penitentiary system
pain as
prisons and
“Tossed Salad Man”
Trop v. Dulles
Uggen, Christopher
United Nations Human Rights Committee
United States
criminal justice system in
dismantling of flogging system in
history of prisons in
incarceration rate in
sentence lengths in
Urban Development Corporation
Urban districts, prisons and
as police tool
in prisons
reality of presence of physical
See also Sexual violence
Violent crimes
Wacquant, Loïc
Wagner, Peter
Wallace, Mike
Walmsley, Ron
Walnut Street Jail (Philadelphia)
Walnut Street Penitentiary (Philadelphia)
War on drugs, incarceration rates and
Washington, George
Western, Bruce
“What Works?” (Martinson)
ban on, in context of prison discipline
in British colonies
racism and
in Sing Sing
See also Flogging
Whipping post
White-collar crime
convictions for drug offenses
incarceration rate of
Work crews
Wyoming County (New York)
Young, Danny
Zimbardo, Philip
Zimring, Frank
Copyright © 2011 by Peter Moskos
Published by Basic Books,
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
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Typeset in 12 point Adobe Garamond Pro
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Moskos, Peter, 1971–In defense of flogging / Peter Moskos. p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-0-465-02379-0
HV8613.M67 2011