KnightForce Ethan (La Patron's KnightForce)

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KnightForce Ethan (La Patron's KnightForce) Page 14

by Sydney Addae

  “Yes.” Silas pulled Thorne up by his head until he stood to face them.

  “What’s wrong with her?” She still didn’t look at Thorne, and Silas realized his mate was just as angry as him.

  Silas released a long sigh and shook Thorne. “What’s wrong with Cabbage?”

  “Prrregnant, having problems.” Shaking, he wrapped his arms around his waist. Blood inched down his nose and water ran like a faucet from his eyes.

  “Where is she?” Silas asked, even though he knew Thorne wasn’t sure.

  “Wwwaiting, at least ssssshe’s supposed to.” He bent over holding his stomach.

  “You’re not allowed to be sick until we leave,” Silas said with a command to Thorne’s beast.

  “Yes, Sir,” he whispered, sounding like a small child.

  “Do you want her found and picked up? Take the child and give it to Rose or Lilly to raise since his mate is the reason for his betrayal? They can die together,” Silas asked Jasmine.

  “Please, Sir. Take my life, not my mate’s. She’s innocent in all this,” Thorne cried, falling to his knees again and placing his forehead on Silas’ feet. “Please, Sir, it was all me. Not her.”

  “That’s her brother, the one who almost died trying to protect you?”

  Thorne nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Who’s holding her?” Silas looked at Jasmine and read the hope in her eyes.

  “A group of rebels and humans. One of the rebels raised her.”

  “Is she human or full-blood?” Silas asked, watching Jasmine’s brow raise.


  “Is this connected to Ethan in some way?” she asked.

  “Could be. But he betrayed us for her, what would you do? Frog’s blood calls for vengeance.”

  “Oh, he should definitely pay, both of them, but not with his life. The ones behind this, sitting at the head table, they need their asses kicked. Why use a mating connection to manipulate someone? That’s just low.”

  Silas heard the anger mixed with relief in her voice. “You should leave now.”


  “I won’t kill him, but I will teach him a lesson he will never forget. Won’t take me long. I’ll meet you in the conference room, don’t start the meeting without me.”

  Jasmine looked at Thorne on the floor and then at Silas. “Please don’t kill or maim or neuter him.”

  Silas’ brow rose on the last demand. “Neuter? That’s despicable.” He placed his hand on her back to push her away. Thorne moved and placed his forehead on Jasmine’s feet.

  “Mistress, La Patroness. I’m sorry and I know it doesn’t change anything, but I ask for mercy for my mate and unborn pups, please.”

  “Did La Patron give you permission to speak?” She moved her feet. “Or permission to touch me?”

  “No, Ma’am. I…I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

  “Again, who told you to speak?” she asked, and a warm wind of power flowed into the small cell.

  Thorne arched his back and cried out, but didn’t say anything.

  “You keep saving his life, Sweet Bitch. No one touches you but me, that was quick thinking,” Silas said, admiring the heat she continued to torment the boy with.

  “He’s young, and doesn’t think, but his pups deserve a chance. If his mate is with the same group after Ethan’s mate, she’ll need reprogramming and I don’t want to deal with that. Rose and Lilly can help her.”

  “So you’re letting him go? You’re done with him?” Silas wanted to be sure he understood what she wanted.

  “Yes. My children and grandchildren live here. They could’ve died from the poisoned water instead of Frog.” She looked at Silas. “The only reason I’m asking for his life is I’m not sure I wouldn’t have done what he did to save you.” She touched his cheek.

  Silas kissed her palm.

  “And because I would’ve done what he did to save you, I’m sparing his life. But he will live imprisoned, with his mate and their pups, for 50 years. I will send him to work with Theo in Texas after we find his wife and the pups are born.”

  Jasmine nodded. “That’s more than fair considering those who died, their lives were cut short.

  Silas looked at Thorne on the floor. “Go, I’ll meet you in the conference room, first I must deal with him.”

  Jasmine looked at the young man she’d ate meals with and allowed in her home. Did he have a choice when it came to his mate? Perhaps. She knew there were things she’d never do and Silas knew that as well. Being human, she had choices, and as a half-breed, so did Thorne. He could’ve said no, especially if his mate’s life wasn’t endangered.

  “Never speak to me again, Thorne. As far as I’m concerned, the way you treated your sisters who loved and worried over you is horrible. You ask for mercy, but you gave none when you told mercenaries how to poison our water. What if Rose or her sons had been poisoned? What good would your apologies be then? You have a mate and pups on the way? Good. They’ll see you for the man you are without the rebels and humans protecting you or calling the shots. If you live past this ass-whipping you’re about to receive, you, your mate and your pups will be imprisoned for a long, long time.”

  Thorne jerked but didn’t say anything.

  “You disgust me.” She pulled back her energy, looked at Silas and said. “Don’t over-do it.”

  Chapter 21

  Vanessa looked at the clock, ten more minutes and then the day was over. Pamela had been absent the past three days, which had been a blessing. Someone said she was sick, others speculated she was on a lover’s tryst, and Shyla had surprised her with the news Pamela had been in the hospital a few counties over, but didn’t have details. During that time Brenda had declared peace and they’d gotten along well.

  “Here’s my paper, Miss Prince.”

  Vanessa took the paper, glanced at the neat handwriting and smiled. “Good job Meg.”

  “Thank you.” Meg returned to her seat, pulled out a book and started reading.

  If she had 15 more students like Meg Fulton, life would be so much easier, Vanessa thought. Her phone buzzed. She looked at the text. “Miss you, see you tomorrow, we’ll spend the whole day together.”

  She read Jim’s text again trying to drum up excitement, but couldn’t. Their last time together had replayed in her mind a thousand times a day until she was convinced he saw her as a possession and meant to hurt her, actually gained pleasure from it. She didn’t respond.

  The bell rang and the students left the class. Relief poured over her as she stretched. This week had started with Ethan and Jim almost coming to blows, then that night at Sanders’ and her jumping at shadows.

  She wasn’t crazy or imagining things, someone, maybe more than one person, was following her, and it kept her awake at night. If she ever prayed as hard or as often as she had this past week, she couldn’t recall. Visions of her nightmarish kidnapping reappeared with a vengeance. She’d bought a pistol after New Jersey, but had never fired it until this week at the practice range. Her ears still rang from the noise and her shoulder was sore, but she’d never be a victim again.

  Tired, she sat with her elbows on the desk, face in her palms, resting.

  “I’m not disturbing you, am I?”

  Vanessa jerked back and looked at Ethan standing in the entrance. Had his hair been that long? Or his skin that tanned? Regardless, he looked too good for her peace of mind. His black tee-shirt stretched tight across his wide chest, and why hadn’t she noticed the wolf tattoo on his arm before? With his sharp chin and high cheek-bones she saw the Cherokee heritage Shyla mentioned earlier this week. Watching him walk through the door, she admitted there was something untamed about him which caused her skin to tingle and take notice. All week she’d expected him to show up but he hadn’t. She didn’t dare mention his absence to Shyla, the woman already thought she cared for the man. Seeing him now, she admitted she’d missed him.

  “Not really.” She ran her tongue across her lips as he closed
the door behind him and walked toward her. She tried to think of something witty and non-controversial to say. But the way he stared at her, as if she were special, no, that wasn’t the right word, more like she was the only person in the room, which she was, but that look sent pleasurable tingles through her body and robbed her speech.

  “How have you been?” He sat on top of a student desk in front of her. His large body blocked the chair behind it.

  “Good, okay. You?” She couldn’t stop staring at him. What was wrong with her? Hadn’t she asked him to leave her alone? Why did her heart race now that he was here? Somewhere in her mind she acknowledged being happy to see and talk to him. She’d missed him and that made no sense at all.

  “Much better now. Can I take you to dinner?”

  His voice deepened and touched off sparks across her skin. Tempted to say yes, she bit back the answer while thinking of the right words to decline. “I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m engaged.”

  Ethan crossed his arms without releasing her from his gaze. “Can I be honest with you?” He leaned forward and lowered his voice.

  No, her heart screamed. She didn’t want to hear anything bad or weird about him. This past week, he’d invaded her thoughts more than he should and she didn’t want that tainted. “Sure.” She placed both hands on her lap and held them tight to keep from shaking.

  “He’s not the one for you.”

  Seconds passed as she stared at him. Tension ebbed from her shoulders. She smiled at his serious expression. “He’s not?”

  Ethan shook his head. “No, he isn’t.”

  “If he’s not the one for me, I suppose you know who is?”

  “Of course. Me. I’m your soul-mate. We’re two halves of a circle.” He straightened.

  Her brows rose as her heart slammed into her chest. “Really?” She leaned forward, eager to hear more.

  Ethan nodded, his long black hair brushed against his shoulders. So sexy. “I’m Native American, Cherokee, and we have this thing about knowing when you meet your soul-mate. I recognized you the moment I met you, that’s why I kept staring. You have no idea how happy I was in that moment.”

  She had studied the Cherokee nation in-depth, taught her students about their culture, and Native Americans in general. So she understood the ring of pride in his voice when he proclaimed his heritage. Cherokee’s were notably fierce fighters and real stubborn.

  Vanessa held up her hand to show her ring. “I’m getting married to someone I believe is my soul-mate,” she said, testing the words on her tongue and not liking the taste of them.

  Ethan’s lips quirked, reminding her of a student who thinks he knows the answer to a complicated problem. “Do you really believe that?”

  She opened her mouth and then closed it.

  “I’m not here to cause problems,” Ethan said, standing with his arms opened wide. “But I needed to tell you my feelings, now you know and I hope you will understand why I’ll never disappear.”

  His softly spoken words of commitment struck a chord. Never disappear. Why did she believe him? What made her second guess her fiancé and believe this man, a stranger? She had no idea but she sensed she could trust him and that scared her. “You don’t know me.”

  Ethan nodded. “My soul knows you and wants to be with you.”

  That sounded crazy perfect and resonated within. If she could write a script for how she wanted someone to feel about her, Ethan just hit it out the park. There was no rationalizing or checks and balances, love simply was. Shyla would say she was a hopeless romantic who read too many novels, but what woman didn’t want a man who touched her heart and recognized her spirit.

  “A woman can’t have more than one soul mate, Ethan.”

  “True and I am yours.”

  His calm, blatant claim warmed her. He made no moves toward her, in fact, he remained as still as a painting, his dark eyes ablaze with heated desire, reminiscent of his Cherokee ancestors. He believed the words he spoke, it was evident in his stance and gaze. This was a man who didn’t give up easily once he set his mind to something. Flattered, she hugged close the warm fuzzies his words produced. Why hadn’t she met him earlier? Before now.

  “Well, I’m not, um, so sure about that. As I said before, I’m engaged to Jim. He’ll be home tonight.”

  Ethan nodded but didn’t say anything.

  “Can you not stare at me? It’s… overwhelming.” Heat flooded her cheeks as she stood and grabbed her bags.

  “I’ll try, but it’s difficult.”

  She didn’t know what to say and walked in front of him out of the classroom. He turned off the lights and closed the door.

  “Can I walk with you to your car?”

  She shook her head knowing that would cause talk and problems. “No. It won’t look good and Jim won’t appreciate it.” She stopped and looked at him. “Listen, Jim and I are… well, at this moment we’re still engaged. I have to deal with that first, if… no. I just need to deal with this without thinking about anything else.” Seeing Ethan standing in front of her, wanting her, claiming to be her soul mate, muddied the waters.

  Truthfully, she’d liked him before the soul mate thing, was attracted to him from their first meeting, but she wouldn’t act on that attraction as long as she wore Jim’s ring.

  “I understand. Have a good evening, Vanessa.” He turned and walked down the opposite corridor. She watched the smooth swing of his hips, his proud carriage and muscular frame. She wouldn’t need to ask him to stay the night. No doubt he knew how to please a woman without any prompting from her. Vanessa shook away the lust-filled thoughts, and refocused on her upcoming conversation with Jim.

  Ten minutes later, she pulled into her driveway. Jim leaned against the porch railing, watching her. His dark sunglasses hid his eyes, but his tight-lipped smile said he was pissed. She wondered what was going on, but decided to wait and see if he’d tell her without a lot of prodding.

  Vanessa smiled her greeting. Despite everything she had missed him. “You’re back early, that’s great,” she said after exiting the car. Moving close, she wrapped her arms around him. For the first time ever he didn’t return her embrace.

  She stepped back and stared up at him. “Everything okay?”

  “No. Someone broke into Sanders’ place while we were gone, they found your prints on the gate.” His tone held a harsh, accusing edge.

  That night remained rooted in the back of her mind. “I went there, touched the gate and left. I didn’t go inside, and didn’t know anything about a break-in.”

  “Why’d you go up there? I didn’t realize you knew where he lived.”

  She took another step back while continuing to stare. No way would she ever admit to wanting to see what was going on in Tim’s place after hearing about a break-in. “Wait a minute, are you accusing me of something?”

  “No, I’m asking you why did you go to his place when you knew I wasn’t there?” He crossed his arms over his chest and continued staring down at her.

  “First, I don’t like your tone. I get the feeling there’s something else going on here. Second, why is it a problem if I drive to the place you’d rather stay than with me?”

  “For the love of Christ, not this again.” He snatched off his sunglasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I’ve explained and apologized for that a hundred times. If you want, I’ll grab my things and move in to your place right now. Will that make you happy? Make you believe I’m serious about us and prove there’s nothing going on.” He yelled the last three words.

  Vanessa blinked. Did he just yell at me? And on my porch where neighbors could hear or see? Forget him. She refused to look around, and tilted her head to the side. “No thank you.” She tried to walk around him and go inside.

  He moved to block her. “What do you mean, no thank you? What’re you talking about?”

  “I’m answering that gracious question you just posed to me. The answer is no.”

  He stared at her a few seconds, closed his
eyes and shook his head. “I can’t win with you. No matter what I do, or how hard I try, I can’t win.” When he opened his eyes, Vanessa took a step back at the hard glare.

  “What’s going on with you?” he asked in a terse voice. “At first you were so… so nice, easy going, no problems, happy. Now… you’ve changed. Your eyes don’t light up any more when you see me, your smile is forced. You used to want to be with me all the time, now you’re saying no.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Tell me the truth. For once just be honest with me like I’ve been with you.”

  “I’ve been honest with you, but you keep pushing for more as if you don’t believe what I’m saying.” Her tone lacked conviction because he’d pegged her correctly, but she wasn’t ready to deal with that right now.

  “You’ve been with that guy again, haven’t you?”

  “What?” How did he know Ethan came to the school today?

  “Don’t play games, Vanessa. I know he came to see you and you talked to him. Even though you know I don’t like it, you allowed him in your class and had a long conversation with him. Are you fucking him? Is that why you don’t want me to move in with you now? You’ve found someone else to roll on top of you? Is that what you were doing at Sanders’ place that night? Meeting that dirty Indian for a quick fuck? Is that what you want in a man? Is that why you were so mad I didn’t take what you wanted to give me right away? That’s downright trailer trash evil.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened and her throat tightened at the swift verbal attack. How could he think she’d betray him like that?

  “Don’t try and look all innocent, I had people watching you. You’ve been with that guy, go ahead and admit it,” he said in a cruel mocking voice she didn’t recognize.

  How could she have been so wrong about him, thinking he was different. Instead of being her safe haven, he bullied and demeaned her. She shook her head slowly and wiped the moisture from her eyes. “I’ve never cheated on you, it never crossed my mind.” She held up her finger stopping him from speaking and showing the engagement ring. “This means something to me. And either you’re lying now or someone lied to you, because I’ve been with no other man since we started dating.” He tried to touch her. She backed up while shaking her head. It hurt to talk, to think, to replay what he said in her mind.


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