His Virgin Bride

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His Virgin Bride Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Turning off her lamp, she lay back, and stared at the ceiling.

  “Oh, Danny, oh, Danny. Harder, harder, I need it, I need it.”

  “Fuck, Collette, that’s so good.”

  “Steve, baby, fuck me, fuck me.”

  “You’re mine, Cynthia.”

  Grabbing her music, she popped in her buds and turned the volume up until she couldn’t hear another sound of sex.

  Closing her eyes, she relaxed, and fell to sleep.

  Chapter Three

  For an hour Kurtis had been listening to his friends have a good time. They didn’t stop, and their girlfriends just kept begging for more. It was like sitting in a porno, only he couldn’t fucking watch. The torture was unbearable. He was starting to see the value of having a girlfriend. The women he fucked, he took them once, and left. He didn’t stick around to go for a round two or round three. Women tended to get fucking ideas, and he wasn’t interested in giving them an inkling that they meant more.

  How the fuck was Tillie sleeping with this? He was pissed at his friends for making her listen. There was no way he could sleep like this.

  Getting to his feet, he walked toward Tillie’s room. He raised his hand, and lightly knocked on her door.


  If he couldn’t sleep, she couldn’t. When she didn’t answer, he knocked again, only she didn’t answer. Turning the handle, he entered her bedroom, and closed the door behind him. She still hadn’t responded. He walked toward her bed, and tapped her on the arm.

  Tillie woke with a start, and before he knew what was happening she sucker punched him in the stomach, winding him. Within seconds Tillie had a bat raised behind her head, and he wondered where the fuck she’d gotten it from.

  “Fuck, Tillie, it’s me, it’s Kurtis.” He held his hands up in surrender trying his hardest for her to see reason.

  “Kurtis?” She frowned, reaching over the bed to turn the light on. “What the fuck are you doing?” she asked.

  Her bedroom door slammed open, and his two friends, along with hers walked in. Kurtis was surprised they’d stop fucking long enough to see what the commotion was.

  “What’s going on?” Danny asked.

  “Nothing,” Tillie said, lowering the bat. “Just a misunderstanding.”

  They looked at Kurtis, and he gave them a wave.

  Tillie climbed off the bed, and the small shorts actually rode up her ass, giving him a view of her plump flesh. Fuck, his dick went hard, and he turned so that no one saw he was filling his boxer briefs. Tillie herded them out of her room, and slammed the door closed. She turned to face him, and she wasn’t wearing any glasses. She looked damn cute without them as well.

  “What the hell are you doing in my room?”

  “It was loud out there, and I figured if I wasn’t sleeping, you weren’t either.”

  She stormed toward her bed. “This is not the first time they’ve screwed. I’ve got music to listen to.” She held up her player, and Kurtis gritted his teeth.

  “Sorry. It’s fucking loud out there, and I was just going to keep you company. I can’t believe you sucker punched me.”

  “My brothers taught me.” She folded her arms, and stared at him.

  He noticed she didn’t check him out, which pissed him off. Kurtis wanted her eyes on him in all the ways that mattered. “I get that.”

  “I could have hurt you.”

  “I saw the bat. Let me keep you company. I promise I won’t bug you. I’ll stay on my own side of the bed.” He’d never had to beg a girl to stay in bed before. This entire experience was a little surreal to him.

  She let out a groan. “Fine, you can stay in here, but you’re sticking to your side.” As if to emphasis her point, she started piling some pillows down the side of the bed. She pointed at one side, and ordered him there.

  “You’re a bossy little miss.”

  “You’re invading my space, and I can be exactly what I want to be.” She lowered down onto the bed, and it wasn’t long before the moans and groans filled the room.

  “Do they ever stop?” he asked.

  “What? Not used to couples being together?” She turned onto her side, staring at him. Kurtis did the same, and he couldn’t help but admire the curve of her breast. Her tits were fucking huge, and without a bra, they swung freely with every step she took.

  “I thought couples were supposed to deprive each other of sex?”

  “You’ve not got a clue about couples, do you?” she asked.

  “Only what I’ve heard.”

  “Cynthia and Collette wouldn’t let an argument deprive them of an orgasm. They do love your friends, you know,” she said.

  “I know. I didn’t think it would last at first. I thought they’d fuck and move on.”

  “What? Like all the other college jerks?” she asked.

  “That was a hit at me, wasn’t it?” He smiled at the same time she did.

  “I guess it was a little one.” She shrugged. “It’s not my reputation in tatters. You’re the wham, bam, leave them kind.”

  “I take what I want, and I give all the women who fuck me a good time.”

  “Do you even remember their names?” she asked.

  “No. Names are not important.”

  Tillie bit her lip, and her gaze landed on his chest. He didn’t for a second believe she was checking him out. She looked deep in thought. He’d seen the look many times on her when he was at the library, and she was there alone. Kurtis hadn’t even thought about the reason why he’d gone to the library. Whenever she was there, he always found himself sitting close, and watching her. He never invaded her space, and kept a careful distance from her.

  “To some of the women they’re important.”

  It was his time to shrug. “They’re important to them, not to me.”

  “A long line of women waiting to tame you.” She chuckled.

  Another loud groan echoed throughout the room, and Tillie’s cheeks heated.

  “Have you ever thought about what they’re doing?” he asked.

  “No. I don’t think about what my friends are doing.”

  “Not like that. I mean, are you ever curious? You’ve never had a boyfriend, but has anyone ever kissed you?” he asked.

  He wanted to reach over and touch her plump lips.

  “I’ve been kissed. I’ve not been on many dates or anything. I was at a party in high school with the others, and we played spin the bottle. A guy ended up kissing me.”

  She was smiling, and he wanted to know why, so he asked.

  “My brothers came in while the guy was kissing me. They pulled me, Collette, and Cynthia out of the party, called the cops, and threatened every guy with castration if they so much as came near me. It was horrifying and humiliating at the time. Now, I can look back and see how funny it was.”

  He cupped her cheek, and ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “Only one person has touched these lips.”

  She grabbed his hands, and pushed him away. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?”

  “Make this uncomfortable. We’re thrown together ‘cause of our friends. I don’t want to make it uncomfortable or anything.”

  “I’m not trying to.”

  “Stop it, Kurtis. I mean it. I’m not interested in you in that way.”

  He dropped his hand, and hated the pain that laced through his heart. She didn’t think of him that way, and yet all he could think about was her. He wanted her, and the need was so shocking that he couldn’t think.

  Was this need the reason he ended up at the library watching her? Was it the reason he fucked all of those other women to get his mind away from her? Fuck, what the hell was going on with him, and why now?

  It wasn’t because of her virginity.

  No, it was the moment he saw Brandon fucking Sparks talking to her. It had pissed him off. She deserved someone a hell of a lot better than Brandon. The guy was an asshole, and he didn’t deserve her.

  Who did deserve her
? He didn’t have the answer to that.

  Another loud moan came through the walls, and he let out a sigh. “Do you want to listen to some music? I doubt they’re going to stop any time soon.”

  She grabbed her player, handing him an ear bud. He placed it in his ear, and she pressed play.

  “I warn you, this is my music, my taste, and you’re not allowed to criticize it.”


  He had to get his thoughts together. Kurtis wasn’t used to having women turn him down, young or old, yet Tillie had shot him right down. She wasn’t interested in him, and yet he was struggling to contain the feelings that were driving him crazy.

  Time passed, he didn’t know how much, and he watched her eyes close, and sleep eventually claimed Tillie. The moans and groans had long stopped. Leaning over her he turned out the light, and pulled the bud from her ear. Settling back down, he watched her sleep for a few minutes before closing his eyes, and letting sleep claim him.


  “What are we doing here?” Tillie asked, slamming the door to the car. Collette had driven them to Kurtis’s place, and she didn’t know why.

  “This is where I was told to come. Steve didn’t tell me anything else other than to get my very nice ass over here.”

  Tillie had been to Kurtis’s place a few times, and knew he came from a wealthy family. They had even met his parents a couple of time. His father was some kind of famous lawyer, owned his own firm, and his mother used to be a glamour model, but had settled down to family life.

  “His folks are away on a cruise,” Cynthia said. “He’s got the whole place to himself for the summer.”

  They walked up to the door and rang the bell. Kurtis, himself, opened the door. “Come on in, ladies. It took you long enough to get here.”

  “Traffic is a nightmare.”

  When they were inside the house, Tillie pushed her sunglasses, which had prescription lenses in them for her to see, and placed on her normal glasses. She really needed to get contacts, but she didn’t like the thought of having to touch her eyeball.

  “It’s summer. Everyone is going fucking crazy. Come on.” Kurtis moved them toward the back, where there was a pool. Steve and Danny were already in the pool, and waved toward them.

  “I didn’t bring a bathing suit,” Collette said.

  “We’re all adults here. Go in your underwear.” Steve jumped out of the pool, wrapping his arms around Collette, and kissing her deeply. Not to be outdone, Danny did the same, and before they knew it, the two women were thrown into the pool fully dressed.

  Sitting on her ass at the edge, Tillie removed her pumps and dangled her feet into the water.

  Kurtis sat beside her. “You’re not going in?”

  “I don’t have a suit, and I’m not getting in there in my underwear. I have a limit.” She smiled at him. It had been a week since he’d spent the night in her bed, a week since she’d woken up to find him watching her sleep. Tillie couldn’t recall a time when she’d been so nervous in her life. What was she supposed to do with him in her bed? She’d told him good morning, then left to go to the bathroom.

  Tillie had seen him around, and even hung out with him. Neither of them spoke about that morning, which she was more than happy about.

  He kicked his sneakers off, and dived in. Kurtis only wore a pair of swimming trunks. He cleared the surface, moving toward her.

  Clapping her hands, she chuckled. “Well done on the dive.” She always belly flopped when she tried to make a dive.

  Kurtis put his hands on either side of her thighs, pressing his chest against her knees. “Are you sure you’re not coming in?” he asked.

  “I’m sure.”

  His hands moved around to her ass, and she squealed. “Kurtis, don’t even think about it.”

  He jerked her forward again, and another scream left her.

  “I’d remove those glasses. You’re coming in, baby.”

  She quickly pulled her glasses off, and then went to fight him. It was no good. He tugged her into the water, and Tillie fell in with a scream. Breaking the surface with a gasp, she pushed her hair off her face, rubbing at her eyes. “That wasn’t funny,” she said, even though she was also laughing.

  Kurtis held her waist, keeping her upright. “I’d remove your shorts if I was you.”

  Before she could say anything, his fingers were already easing open the catch of her shorts. She moved his hand out of the way, but he still held her as she began to remove her shorts. Wringing out the water, she tossed them toward the nearest chair. Next, she removed her shirt, doing the same.

  “You could have given me the chance to get out of them before you destroyed them.”

  “No, I couldn’t. You wouldn’t have gotten undressed for me, baby. You’ve got to learn to have some fun.”

  “You ever thought I don’t like being naked in front of you guys?”

  “You’ve got underwear on. That’s not naked.”

  “It’s as good as naked to me,” she said.

  He still held onto her waist. Glancing across the pool she saw their friends were making out.

  Rolling her eyes, she turned her attention back to him. “You can let me go now.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  His hand went from her hip to press against her stomach. The action made her stomach flip, and she closed her thighs as arousal hit her hard. No guy had ever been so blatant toward her. Admittedly, all of the guys in high school had been terrified of her brothers.


  “What’s wrong, baby.”

  “You’re doing it again.”

  “What am I doing?”

  “You’re making me uncomfortable.” He spun her so that her back was pressed to the side of the pool. She really didn’t like how easily he could get her to move.

  “Am I making you uncomfortable, or am I turning you on?”

  His gaze moved to her lips, and the tension between them mounted. She didn’t know what to do with this new guy. Kurtis was a player. He’d always been nice to her, but he’d never really shown her this much attention.

  Fortunately, she was saved as Cynthia shouted out, interrupting the moment.

  “So what was the big deal in making us hurry on over here? We’ve got our own place to fuck, and I doubt Kurtis being alone all summer was the reason for us being here.”

  Moving out of Kurtis’s hold, she started to swim toward her friends, who’d also broken away from their boyfriends. She needed some space so she could make sense of what was happening.

  “Kurtis has an idea, and we’re up for it, but first we need to know if you can handle it,” Steve said.

  Turning to Kurtis, she saw he was looking back at her. What was he thinking?

  “Well, Kurtis, spill,” Collette asked.

  “My folks have said I can use the beach house down on the south coast for the summer. I’m not going on my own, and so I invited my friends. The house is brilliant, and you can just walk straight to the beach. It’s private, and I know several of the guys are going there this summer. It’s our last summer before the final year of college. We can celebrate together,” Kurtis said.

  Tillie bit her lip. She wasn’t wealthy like her friends. Her brothers owned their own businesses in the town, and online, but they helped to pay for her apartment. She couldn’t just take off for the summer. They expected her at home like every other summer.

  “I’m in,” Collette and Cynthia both said, turning to her.

  “I don’t know. I’ve got to head home.”

  “Do you want me to talk to Lewis?” Cynthia asked. “I can pay for it.”

  “No, it’s not about the money.” She held her hand up, hating this part. “I always help out with them. You know that.”

  “It’s all-expenses-paid,” Kurtis said. “You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

  “My phone is in my bag,” Cynthia said. “Go and call Lewis. I’m sure he’ll understand.”

  Tillie nodded, and glan
ced down at herself. “Erm, can you guys look away please.” Her body wasn’t perfect. She had a little cellulite on her legs, and her stomach was round. Even though she wore shorts and crop tops, she didn’t like showing off a bikini body.

  The guys turned around, and she made her way toward the edge of the pool. She was going to grab her clothing when Kurtis handed her a shirt. He hadn’t used the stairs to get out of the pool. “Use this.”

  “You weren’t supposed to be looking.”

  “I’m not going to turn my back on something I want to look at.”

  Taking the shirt from him, she quickly tugged it over her head, and brushed past him. “I’ll be back.”

  Of course, he followed her, and she kept tugging his shirt down to cover her ass. The shirt smelled like him, and she wasn’t entirely sure if she liked that or not.

  Leaning into the car, she reached into Cynthia’s bag, grabbing out her cell phone.

  Lewis’s number was programmed in, like he’d demanded. Her friends knew not to mess with her brothers. Leaning against the car, she glared at Kurtis, who was leaning against her car, too, right beside her. His hand went across her shoulders, and he was teasing strands of her hair.

  “Cynthia, what’s wrong? Is Tillie okay?” Lewis asked, answering the phone.

  “It’s not Cynthia.”

  “Hey, buttercup, I thought the fucking worst then.”

  “Not everything is bad in the world. I can handle myself.”

  “I know, I know. You can’t be mad at me for worrying about you. Love you, little sister. Why did you call?”

  She stared at Kurtis. “Well, erm, Cynthia and Collette have been invited to spend the summer.” She went into detail of everything she knew so far.

  “You don’t want to come back home for the summer?”

  “I do. I mean, I do, but I also want to go here. It’ll be fun, and it’s my last summer, and I’d really like to go, just once.”

  “Will there be boys there?” Lewis asked.

  She winced at the deadly steel to his voice.

  “Yes, you know Cynthia and Collette are dating, and it’s a guy’s beach house we’re going to.”


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