Catch Me If I Fall

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Catch Me If I Fall Page 13

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  “You have five minutes before I come in and drag you out myself. Trust me. You don’t want to miss this.”

  “He isn’t going to go away, is he?” I ask Alec and he shakes his head.

  We both get up and get ready to go.

  Alec kisses me before he reaches for the door, and he mumbles, “This better be good!”

  He opens the door and we have snow. HUGE snowflakes are coming down, and coming down fast. .

  “Told you that you wouldn’t want to miss this,” says Kyle.

  “Come on,” says Alec. He grabs my hand and I have to practically run to keep up with him.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “To scratch off an item from the list.”

  “Oh yeah? What is that?”

  “You are going to do donuts in the snow… with my truck.”

  I stop right where I am.

  “What?” he asks and Kyle catches up to us and watches the interaction like we’ve just become the best form of entertainment.

  “There is no way I’m driving your truck, Alec!”


  “Because I want you to keep loving me,” I say and they both burst out laughing. “Seriously, that truck is the most important thing in the world to you.”

  “Wrong,” he says. “Seeing you happy is the most important thing,” we hear Kyle make gagging sounds, “and I want you to do this. Please,” he begs.

  “Fine,” I finally give in.

  Kyle yells, “Hey Sebastian. Take the skates off and get in Alec’s truck. This is going to be fun!”

  I roll my eyes at him and we all get in the truck.

  “Okay,” says Alec. “Just drive over to the park and stop in the middle of the parking lot.”

  “Ugh. Do I have to?”

  “YES!” They all say at the same time.

  I can feel my hands trembling. I take a deep breath and go.

  “You know, you can do more than ten miles per hour,” says Kyle.

  “Shut up, Kyle,” says Alec. “It’s her first time driving my truck and driving in the snow. Give her a break.”

  We get to the park and I go to the middle of the parking lot. “Okay, so… what now?” I ask Alec. He bites his bottom lip and Kyle laughs. “You look nervous, bro. What is wrong? Having second thoughts?”

  “Alec, I don’t have to do this, you know?”

  “I know,” he tries to smile but I know he is nervous about me driving his truck.

  “Okay,” he says. “Let’s do it. Just turn the wheel and floor it.” He goes on when I don’t do anything. “Don’t think. Just do it!” I do what Alec says, and… Okay, so this is fun. This is by far, the best Christmas season ever.

  When I slow down, Alec says, “Okay, I think that is good for now. You are getting really close to the light pole.” Kyle laughs. “Come on, a light pole is just a little obstacle. Whatever happened to seeing her happy is more important than your truck?”

  Alec and I both look at the back seat and say, “Shut up, Kyle.”

  “Hey,” says Sebastian. “Are those sirens?”

  Alec and I look at one another. All I have is my learner’s permit. I cannot get caught doing this.

  “Come on,” says Alec, “Quick. Switch.”

  I reach for the door and he stops me.

  “Just climb over my lap and to the other side,” he says and we get to hear all of Kyle’s little comments, like, “Really, Alec? Quit trying to take advantage of the situation.”

  I get over to the other side by climbing across Alec’s lap. The sirens quickly fade, and I feel like I can breathe again. We end up going home and drinking some hot chocolate by the fireplace as we put the rest of the gifts under the tree.

  The next day, after opening presents with the family, Alec comes over and we exchange our gifts. With Uncle J‘s help, I was able to give him a baseball bat with the players’ autographs. He gave me a new guitar, which shocked the hell out of me. I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend. After, my parents say there is something else under the tree that needs to be opened. I give them a puzzled look. Mom reaches under the tree, grabs a box, and gives it to Alec. “I know it has been rough year. We thought we’d do something special for you.”

  “Oh wow,” says Alec. “You really didn’t have to.”

  I’m as surprised as he is. Mom and dad both smile at him. “Come on, open it.”

  He does and it is a baseball cap and two tickets for a game in Atlanta.

  “Wow. Thank you.” He stands up, hugs my mom and shakes my dad’s hand.

  When my parents leave the room, I lean closer to him and whisper, “I told you that they don’t hate you.”

  We end up spending the rest of the day in the house, just hanging out with everyone. While mom and dad clean up after dinner, Amanda, uncle J, Sebastian, Alec, and I, watch TV. I notice Alec zoning out while watching Amanda and uncle J.

  “What’s on your mind, Alec?” I whisper in his ear.

  He sighs. “He is almost ten years older than she is, you know?” His voice gets slightly louder, “Ten years! And here we are, catching all this grief because of two!”

  Amanda hears him and throws a pillow in his direction.

  “Different circumstances, little brother.”


  Days come and go and I learn to enjoy the present without worrying about the future and what is to become the longest baseball season ever. When New Year’s comes around, we all go to Uncle J’s house to celebrate. I worry about the fireworks and the memories it might bring. The last thing I want is to start the year feeling that way. When the first one goes off, I probably look like a scared little kid. Alec comes closer and kisses me. He doesn’t stop until after the fireworks stop, and when he does stop and pulls away, he is looking at me in a way that takes my breath away.

  “Happy New Year, Sky!”

  “Happy New Year,” I say before kissing him again, and then Kyle scoops me up. “Is your phone on you?” he asks.

  “No. It is—” I don’t have time to finish the sentence before he runs and jumps in the pool, which, thankfully, is heated. As soon as I come up for air, I see Sebastian pushing Alec in the same direction.

  “Happy Birthday, Skylar!” says Kyle.

  I give him a confused look. “My birthday isn’t for another two days.”

  He looks over at Alec. “Actually,” says Alec, “we decided to move it to today so that I could celebrate it with you.”

  I stand in the middle of the pool and stare at Alec. “How do you do that?” I ask.

  “Do what?”

  “Make everything so perfect!”

  For the first time in my life, I see Alec blush, and of course, Kyle and Sebastian don’t help the situation by teasing him.

  Once we get out of the pool, we wrap ourselves with towels and go sit by the firepit to try and keep warm. Mom and dad bring out the cake and everyone gathers around so I can open presents.

  “Before you do that,” says Alec, “we want you to play something for us.”


  He brings over the guitar he gave me for Christmas and around the headstock, in between the machineheads, there is a beautiful silver bracelet with music themed charms on it.

  “Alec, I—”

  Kyle interrupts. “Well, no one’s gift will top that one, so I guess we are done here.”

  I roll my eyes at him, put the guitar next to me, and look for Kyle’s gift next.

  I open the beautiful leather bound book. “For the songs you’ve been writing,” he says.

  “Wow, Kyle. This is amazing. Thank you.”

  Alec clears his throat. “Crossing the line, man. I’m the only one who gets to give my girl the best gifts.”

  Everyone starts laughing, except for dad, who just rolls his eyes.

  It turns out to be a great start to the New Year. Mom and dad seem to have relaxed a lot more about Alec and I lately, especially since Sebastian moved in. Things are perfect.
  Alec leaves to go back to school the next day, and although it is never easy, this time seems different. Maybe at some level, we are getting used to it. I just hope this next year and a half goes by fast!

  My ‘real’ birthday doesn’t go by unnoticed. Alec calls me right at midnight and sends me flowers during the day. Things are really great. And then, the following week gets here and it marks one year since Kristi left us. I go to school just like any other day, but she is on my mind even more than usual. I keep staring at spots where we used to hang out, at the lunch table where we used to sit - it feels like a lifetime ago.

  “Okay. What’s going on with you today?” asks Sebastian as I drive him home. I just got my license and he agreed to share his car with me.

  “Today is the anniversary of Kristi’s death.”

  “Oh. Dang. Sorry, Skylar.”

  “It’s okay. Do you mind if I drop you off at home before I go to the cemetery?”

  “Are you sure you want to be alone? I mean… what if that guy—”

  I interrupt him. “I will keep an eye out. Besides, I have that pepper spray daddy got me for Christmas,” I shake my head recalling my reaction when opening that particular gift. “I just really want to be alone.”

  “Okay,” he reluctantly agrees.

  I drop him off and go to the cemetery.

  Before I turn the corner, I see Alec’s truck parked there. I park behind him and rush to Kristi’s gravesite.


  He turns around and he looks sad.

  “What are you doing here? Don’t you have practice?”

  He nods. “I wanted to be here for you.”

  He hugs me and we sit down, side by side.

  “You look sad,” I say.

  He takes a deep breath. “I didn’t know her, but I wish she wasn’t gone. I know how much she meant to you, and how much you miss her. I felt like I had to thank her for being there for you during all those years when I wasn’t.” He pauses, “Do you think she would have approved of us dating or would she have told you to tell me to get lost?”

  I laugh. “I think you’d have won her over eventually. Besides, we are meant to be. No one could keep us apart.”

  Alec leans over and I think he is going to kiss me, but he turns his face to the right, as he hugs me. He whispers in my ear, “Just focus on me.”

  “Okay?” I say back.

  “There is a guy by the trees in front of us. He looks like the guy who has been following you around. When I pull away, I want you to grab your phone. Dial 911 and pretend like you are talking to a friend. Just smile as you talk to them.”

  My hands are already shaking.

  “If he tries to run, I’m going after him.” He doesn’t give me time to answer or ask him not to. He simply pulls away and I do as he says, only, when the operator answers, I can’t help but look straight at the guy, who turns around and starts to walk away, slowly. Alec quickly gets up and sprints after him.

  I stand up, trying to see where Alec went, but I don’t see anything and I start to get worried. Soon, I hear the sirens. I tell the cops what happened, and as they turn to take a look around, I see Alec walking back, and he looks mad!

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “He got away. He ran into the woods and disappeared.”

  Everyone is on edge once again. Who is this guy? Why does he keep showing up around me? Alec was only allowed to miss that one practice and he has to go back. I, on the other hand, am not allowed to go anywhere alone, ever. Well, at least until they catch this guy that is.


  ‘Sky? Are you awake?’

  The text comes in late at night. It’s been two weeks since I last saw Alec and I have been having a hell of a time trying to find time to talk to him being that baseball practice is six days a week. It feels like our schedules are insanely conflicting. When he is free, I’m in class, and when I’m free, he has practice.

  ‘Hey. Yes, I am.’

  It takes a few minutes for him to reply. I almost call him, but I don’t want to risk mom and dad hearing me on the phone at this time of night and flip out about it.

  ‘I miss you like crazy,’ he says. ‘I can’t stop thinking about you.’

  I smile at his text. ‘I miss you like crazy too.’

  Aside from when I was grounded, this is the longest we’ve ever been apart and without talking several times a day. He couldn’t come home last weekend and this weekend is his first game, which means he isn’t coming home. Then Sunday is his birthday, but I won’t get to see him until almost a week after.

  I tried to talk to mom and dad into letting me go visit by saying that I could drive back the same night, but that didn’t go well.

  I end up FaceTiming him. I have to see him, and I feel bad as soon as he answers. He looks like he is about to fall asleep.

  “I just wanted to say goodnight,” I say.

  “You seem sad,” he says. “What is on your mind, Sky?”

  I sigh. “I wish I could spend your birthday with you.”

  He looks away for a split second before looking back at me. “It’s okay, Sky. I’m not big on celebrating my birthdays. It’s just another day.”

  I let it go because he really doesn’t seem in the mood to talk about it and he looks exhausted. But I have no plans to let his birthday go by unnoticed.

  His eyes are closing by the time he says I love you.

  In the morning, I go downstairs to watch TV before school and I find Alec’s mom and dad sitting there.

  I feel like my stomach drops. My first question is, “Is everything okay with Alec?

  His mom smiles. “Yes, he is fine. We are going up this weekend for his game and to surprise him for his birthday, and we just came by to ask your parents if you can go with us.”

  I can barely contain my excitement. I look at mom and dad and beg, “Please.”

  Dad sighs and mom asks if they are coming back the same day.

  “We’ll be coming back the day after. We are staying at the boys’ apartment, but they will be supervised the entire time.”

  Dad hesitates and mom looks like she doesn’t know what to say.

  “We know your concerns with Alec being over 18. Trust me,” says his mom. “We’ve had more talks with him over the past few months than ever before.” She sighs. “This would really mean a lot to us. Alec started to refuse celebrating his birthdays after he got sick. He kept saying it was too depressing and that it just left him wondering if that would be the last birthday he got to celebrate.” It suddenly makes sense why he said what he did on the phone. “He changed so much recently that we hope that is not the case anymore, but we would really love to have Skylar there with us.”

  “What exactly are the sleeping arrangements at the apartment?” asks dad.

  “They have a guest bedroom for when we go up there. Skylar can take one of the boy’s rooms or the guest bedroom. Alec and Kyle can share a room.”

  Dad takes a deep breath, looks at mom and nods.

  “Okay,” he says.

  Alec’s mom smiles and looks at me. “Don’t tell Alec. It’s a surprise.”

  ‘Even better!’ I think to myself.

  Friday goes by slow, of course.

  I get a text from Alec. ‘This is going to be the longest season ever. I wish I could see you this weekend. In fact, I might drive down for the day on Sunday.”

  I want to tell him so badly, but I don’t. I reply with a sad face. We leave at dawn the next day. His parents want to get there sometime before the game to have more time with him. I’m not complaining.

  When we get to his door, I feel my heart pounding against my chest. His parents knock on the door, even though I’m sure they have a key.

  “Hide behind us,” says his dad, with a smirk on his face.

  They knock, and knock, until a sleepy Alec opens the door. He is wearing his pajama pants and no shirt and his hair is messier than ever.

  “Hey. I didn’t expect you this
early,” he says in between yawns and moves out of the way for us to go in. His mom goes in first, then his dad moves out of the way and my eyes meet Alec’s.

  “SKY!” he says. He sounds much more awake now. I grin at him and he approaches me, lifting me off the ground as he gives me a hug.

  His dad clears his throat. “Shirt, son.”

  “Oh. Yeah.” He pulls away, grabs my hand and walks toward the couch, where he grabs a shirt. He lets go of my hand just long enough to pull his shirt over his head. He then stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

  “What is the plan? You are not going back today, are you?”

  “Tomorrow,” I say and I can’t stop smiling.

  “Maybe you can sleep in Kyle’s room and Skylar can take yours?” his mom suggests.

  “Yeah. Of course.”

  “So, I’m starving,” says his dad. “Breakfast?”

  “iHop?” he suggests. “I can wake up Kyle to go with us.”

  His dad agrees and he slowly moves his hands away from my waist. He then disappears into Kyle’s room and a few seconds later, he comes back out. “I’m going to get ready. I will be right out.” He winks at me and disappears into his room.

  Shortly after, Kyle comes out of his room, already ready to go.

  “Hey, Skylar. Mom, Dad.” Kyle calls everyone’s parents’ mom and dad.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “How is school?” he asks. “Still boring without us?”


  I ride with Alec to the restaurant and Kyle goes with Alec’s parents. I catch Kyle give Alec the thumbs up before he gets in the car.

  “What is that about?” I ask.

  He smirks. “You will see.”

  Their car starts moving, but Alec just sits there.

  “Aren’t they following us?” I ask.

  “Nah. Kyle got this. We will meet them there.” He can’t stop grinning. As soon as his parent’s car is out of sight, he reaches over, placing his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me against him. He gives me a kiss that feels like we are trying to get back the days we were apart.

  By the time we get to the restaurant, they are already seated and have already ordered drinks. We sit down and Alec and Kyle tell us about the team. He mentions that he and Kyle have to cut down their work hours because of practice, so they are thinking about renting the extra bedroom to James so they can make more money.


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