Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys Book 2)

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Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys Book 2) Page 2

by Carly Phillips

  “If he were here, I’d strangle him,” Lucas muttered.

  “I’ve thought the same thing myself.” She twirled a strand of hair around one finger nervously. “I’ve been paying the utility bills and buying food. You know, the basics, but I thought at least I had the apartment to my name.”

  His head was spinning with the amount of information he hadn’t known, and he ran a hand through his hair. “Why am I just hearing about any of this? Obviously you know I’d help you, because you’re here now,” he said, unreasonably hurt she hadn’t come to him when she’d realized she had no means of support.

  She lifted her shoulders. “I spent years under Keith’s thumb, letting him take care of things, and look where that got me. Why do you think I changed my name back to Sullivan? I want… need to stand on my own. And in this case, I didn’t want to be a burden.” She reached out and took his hand. “You’d have been there for me. You always are, but you don’t need my problems in your life.”

  That hurt. As much as he understood her rationale, he had always wanted to be the person she could turn to. “You could never be a burden.”

  “I’m about to be one because I have nowhere to go. I had a friend I planned to move in with, and at the last minute, she changed her mind. She wants her boyfriend to move in instead.”

  “Some friend.”

  A small smile lifted her lips. Lips he couldn’t tear his gaze away from, no matter how desperate her situation. Which made him a jerk.

  “And I can’t ask my mother for anything. We barely speak. I really do have nowhere to go.” Her eyes shimmered with tears.

  “Of course you do and you know it. You can stay here until we figure out your next step. I have three bedrooms. It’ll be fine. You won’t even be kicking me out of my home office.”

  She met his gaze, gratitude in her expression. “It won’t be for long, I promise. Just until I figure a few things out. I told you I have resumes sent in to civil law firms. The partners at Keith’s firm agreed to give me a letter of recommendation as long as I stay away from criminal law. I’m hoping to make a fresh start. If I live carefully, I can save and be out of here—”

  “Maxie, stop. You’ll stay here as long as you need,” he said, refusing to think about what that close proximity between them would mean.

  Of course, his cock immediately registered the fact and began to perk up. Sister-in-law, he harshly reminded himself. Grieving widow. Woman who’d suffered a severe loss. He had no right or intention of making a move on her.

  “Thank you,” she said on a shaky exhale. Without warning, she rose from her seat and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

  He cradled her back, breathing in her familiar strawberry shampoo scent, and a sense of longing shot through him. The kind he’d pushed aside for years because he had no choice. She elicited emotions from deep inside him, and his body grew even harder at the feel of her soft curves in his arms.

  He grasped her shoulders and separated them before she became aware of his reaction to her nearness. “It’ll be okay,” he said, taking in her glassy eyes.

  “Thanks to you.” She straightened her shoulders. “I really wanted to stand on my own two feet, but every time I turn around, another hit comes. There was so much Keith did behind my back…” She shook her head. “But it doesn’t matter. Thank you for helping me. I hope it won’t cramp your social life,” she said, not meeting his gaze.

  “I’m more than happy to share my video controllers,” he said with a wink, hoping to lighten the mood.

  The pathetic fact was, since canceling his date the night he’d come to her rescue, he hadn’t been out with another woman.

  She grinned and he breathed out a groan of relief.

  “So you have thirty days to pack and get your belongings into storage before you have to be out?” he asked.

  “A week. I thought I had somewhere to go, remember? I already have some things boxed.”

  “We’ll finish up this weekend,” he said.

  “What do you mean, we? I can handle it,” she assured him.

  Did she really think he was going to leave her to handle everything alone? “Have you planned for storage or donation?”

  She shook her head. “I was just focused on my things.” She glanced down. “Your parents want Keith’s things, so I figured I’d call them about storage.”

  He braced his hand around the tight muscles in the back of his neck. “I’ll take care of it. By the time the weekend arrives, I’ll have arranged for a unit for everything. I’ll also contact Goodwill for a large pickup—”

  “Lucas, I can do it.” He heard the steel in her tone.

  “I know you can. I want to help.”

  “Just this once.” She let out what sounded like a relieved sigh, giving in. On such short notice, she had to really need the help.

  “I meant what I said about standing on my own.” A warm smile lifted her lips. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  He didn’t want her thanks, but he could never have what he truly desired. “That’s what family is for.” He forced the words out of his mouth. The ones that created distance and reminded him of his place in her life.

  She immediately jerked back and he knew he’d hurt her. “Right. Well, then, I should get going.” She turned and headed for the door.

  His gaze fell to the seductive sway of her hips as she walked out. Her body had filled out, become curvier, and his mouth watered at the sight. He shifted positions and readjusted his cock in his pants. Somehow he’d managed to ignore the fucker during Maxie’s visit and subsequent conversation, but she’d gone and hugged him. And his body had reacted.

  Which only served to reinforce how difficult his life was about to become.

  * * *

  Maxie soon discovered that, unlike his brother, Lucas was as good as his word. By the time Saturday rolled around, she had more boxes, tape, and everything she needed to help with the arduous work of packing up her house, sorting through what she could keep with her in his apartment, what she would put in storage, and what she chose to throw or give away.

  She tagged the furniture she wanted to keep, and she marked other things for Goodwill. She was brutal with her decisions. For one thing, she didn’t want any more reminders of her life with Keith than she had to have. And for another, she didn’t care how much money Lucas had, she wasn’t going to overfill storage units or ask him to pay for more than one for her things. Everything that was Keith’s, she kept for his parents. Lucas said he’d be covering the storage costs, for which she was grateful.

  She was keeping track of what she owed him, and she planned to pay back every penny. She wouldn’t be beholden to another man ever again.

  She was deep into box number … she’d lost count when the doorbell rang. She answered, only to come face-to-face with Lucas and two other extremely handsome men who looked vaguely familiar. But no matter how good-looking they were, she only had eyes for Lucas.

  He’d gotten a shorter haircut, and his face had a healthy dose of scruff, adding to his appeal. He wore a black tee shirt that accentuated muscles he hadn’t possessed as a kid and a sleeve of tattoos that looked sexy as sin on his well-built body.

  She was instantly aware of her messy updo, torn jeans, and makeup-free face, realizing she hadn’t presented him with her best side lately. She shouldn’t care. But she did.

  “Lucas,” she said, tucking a messy strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Morning, sunshine. Ready to get yourself packed up?”

  She stared, open-mouthed.

  With a sexy grin, he reached out and eased her jaw shut. “I told you we’d start this weekend.”

  “I know and I’ve been at it for a couple of hours. I just didn’t expect help.”

  He frowned at her. “And that’s the problem.”

  Before she could reply, he gestured at his friends. “Maxie, meet Derek and Kade, my partners and best friends.”

  Which explained why they looked familiar. S
he’d seen them in the news with him.

  “And I’m Lexie,” a pretty brunette said, coming up behind them and pushing between the men. “Sorry. I was on the phone outside but I’m here now.”

  “Nice to meet you all.” Overwhelmed, Maxie managed a smile. “Come on in.”

  The men took charge of the furniture, while she and Lexie headed to the bedroom. As they packed and worked, she learned more about how Lexie and Kade had met when she’d come to work for him as his personal assistant. Apparently Kade was a pain in the ass in the workplace, but Lexie had held her own with the man.

  The other woman was warm, friendly, and brutally honest. About how much she loved her husband and how he’d been there for her when she had problems with her bipolar sister. Within an hour, Maxie felt a kinship with Lexie and wanted to get to know her even better.

  Maxie also learned about the problem the men had had with an ex-friend and former business partner who had almost derailed the IPO by blackmailing Kade. And how he’d used her sister in the process. Maxie was in shock. She had no idea what they’d all gone through. Maybe because after she’d lost the baby, Keith had cut off all contact with his brother and insisted Maxie do the same.

  With depression blanketing her, she’d barely been able to focus on herself, let alone friendships. When she’d been strong enough, Maxie had tried to leave Keith, but he’d held cards that prevented her from walking out. She’d unhappily stayed, knowing she was protecting Lucas in the process.

  He didn’t know and she didn’t plan on enlightening him. He already hated his brother. With Keith gone, she didn’t need to deepen the wounds.

  “I assume you’re taking everything in here with you?” Lexie asked loudly from the walk-in closet, where she was boxing shoes. One thing Maxie loved about this Manhattan apartment, it had amazing-sized closets.

  Maxie nodded, then realized the other woman couldn’t see. “Yes. Clothes, shoes, all going upstairs.”

  “What about this box?” Lexie stepped out of the closet with a large carton in her hand, and Maxie’s breath caught in her throat.

  Lexie held a box of baby things that Maxie had kept hidden from Keith. She should have been prepared; after all, it was never far from her mind, but the move had consumed her thoughts. A welcome distraction from the pain of loss. Keith had thrown out everything he could get his hands on in the days afterward, angry at Maxie for losing his son.

  No matter what the doctor said, Keith had blamed her for doing too much. For not taking care of herself. He didn’t want any reminders but she did. He’d had no idea she’d kept things with the most sentimental meaning.

  Lexie had placed the box on the bed, and Maxie lifted the cardboard top, picking up a stuffed lamb and holding the soft fur to her cheek. The box also contained, among other things, a blue baby blanket with a satin edge and the crib mobile she’d fallen in love with when she’d gone shopping with her friends.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Lexie said, walking up beside her. “I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.”

  Maxie met her gaze. “Thank you. It’s been… beyond painful.” She gingerly placed the lamb back in the box. “Can you hand me some tape? I’m going to put this in storage,” she said, forcing the words past her tight throat.

  “Sure.” Lexie handed her the packing dispenser.

  The other woman respected her silence and obvious need to be alone with her thoughts, and for a little while, she and Lexie worked quietly, boxing up clothes and piling them into labeled boxes.

  Maxie looked up from where she was kneeling on the floor. “I appreciate you spending your Saturday helping a stranger,” she said, tired of the silence.

  “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m happy to be here. Besides, Lucas thinks the world of you. He wouldn’t have rounded us all up to help otherwise.”

  Maxie’s cheeks grew warm at the mention of Lucas’ feelings. Probably because she knew how strongly she felt for him and how impossible a relationship between them still was.

  “Lucas is a good man,” Lexie went on.

  “The best,” Maxie agreed.


  She jerked at the sound of her name and realized Lucas was standing in the doorway. From his tone and the pained look on his face, he’d obviously overheard her confession.

  “I… umm…”

  “I’m going to see if Kade needs help,” Lexie said, jumping to her feet, clearly realizing they needed to talk. With an awkward glance at Maxie, Lexie slipped out of the room and Lucas strode in.

  Suddenly the decent-sized bedroom felt smaller with just the two of them in it.

  “You heard.” She saw no point in beating around the bush.

  “I did. And I’m glad you think so highly of me,” he said with a sexy grin.

  “Yes, well, don’t let it go to your head, okay?”

  “I’ll try.”

  His smirk told her it already had.

  “I just wanted to let you know the guys and I were going to take the furniture over to the storage unit. The Goodwill people will be here tomorrow with a truck to take everything else.”

  “Sounds good. Thank you.”

  He nodded. “By tomorrow everything will be upstairs, and you can start unpacking. And by tomorrow we’ll be living together.”

  She let out a long exhale and prayed for the strength to handle being under the same roof with the man she’d always desired… but could never have.

  * * *

  The first night in Lucas’ apartment was an awkward one. They ordered in dinner and sat through a mostly silent meal of Chinese food, making small talk. Then she excused herself to start unpacking her bedroom and listened to him opening and closing drawers and taking a shower in the master bedroom next door.

  She was acutely aware of his presence and couldn’t stop imagining him lying naked in the king-sized bed she’d seen in his room. If she closed her eyes, she could envision his muscular body lying on top of the navy comforter, his sexy tattoos standing out against his skin.

  She wanted to lick her way across his chest and down his arm, tracing the ink with her tongue. In her imagination she could taste the saltiness of his male flesh, and as a result she hadn’t slept well, always conscious of her tingling skin, heavy breasts, and aroused body. It had been a long time since she’d experienced such strong sexual desire.

  She woke up Monday after Lucas had left for work, and she spent the day organizing her new room. By the afternoon, she had time to sit down with her laptop and send out a few more resumes. Then she searched the kitchen cabinets and fridge for food so she could cook dinner. The least she could do in exchange for Lucas’ generosity was find a way to earn her keep, and cooking for him made her feel useful.

  Based on the contents of his refrigerator, he seemed like a basic-food kind of guy. She ran down to the grocery store to pick up a vegetable for dinner tonight, returned, and prepared the meal, planning to surprise him.

  The surprise was on her, though, when Lucas didn’t come home on time. She supposed she should have asked him his plans, but she’d just assumed he’d arrive around the same time she usually saw him returning from work when they ran into each other in the lobby.

  She debated on whether or not to call him, but she didn’t want him to feel obligated to her in any way. So she ate her dinner alone, cleaned up, put the leftovers in the refrigerator in case he hadn’t eaten, and settled into the sofa.

  She pulled out her laptop and began looking through her emails for the first time since this afternoon. To her surprise, she had an email from one of the places she’d submitted her resume.

  She let out a squeal of excitement and immediately emailed them back to set up an interview. She began to do some Googling and reading up on the firm, taking notes on a pad she’d brought into the room with her. She was determined to bring her A-game. She needed this job. Needed it not just for the money and life’s necessities but to prove to herself she was strong and capable on her own.

  * * *

nbsp; Lucas’ first day of work after Maxie moved in, he couldn’t bring himself to go home on time. Not after the night before, when they’d sat through a fucking awkward dinner and then he’d tossed and turned in his bed, knowing she was sleeping in the room next door.

  The guest bathroom was outside the bedroom, and he’d caught sight of her walking toward it in a soft-looking tee shirt in light pink with lace trim. Her bare legs seemed to go on for miles, her silky hair falling over her shoulders in a sexy, tangled mess. And yeah, her nipples poked through the flimsy material, forcing him to jerk his head up and meet her gaze in order to not get caught staring.

  He’d slammed the door to his room and hadn’t come out for the rest of the night. He refused to think about what he’d done in the hours before dawn. With his hand. More than just once.


  “What are you still doing here?” Derek asked, stopping by his desk and taking a seat on the edge of it.

  Lucas leaned back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling. Their office, located in a renovated garage in SoHo, was an open area on the main floor for the employees, with private offices above, each boasting wall-to-wall windows with a view that reminded him daily of how far they’d come.

  “Avoiding going home,” he said, honest with one of the men he trusted above all others.

  “The pretty lady has you tied up in knots already?” Derek asked.

  “She’s had me tied up in knots my whole life.”

  A smirk lifted Derek’s mouth. “Yeah, I know. So what are you going to do about it? You could always make a move,” he suggested.

  “On my brother’s grieving widow?” The words felt raw and gritty in Lucas’ mouth.

  Derek raised a shoulder. “You so sure she’s grieving?”

  Lucas opened his mouth, then closed it again. “She married my brother.”

  “Everyone has reasons. Ever ask her hers?”

  Lucas swallowed hard. “No.”

  “And on that happy note, I’m out of here.” Derek pushed himself up and off the desk. “Learn from Kade. Women are either a pain in the ass or you can’t live without them. Might as well figure out what yours is.”

  Lucas rolled up the nearest piece of paper and tossed it at Derek. “Go home.” And he’d do the same.


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