Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys Book 2)

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Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys Book 2) Page 5

by Carly Phillips

  And he was allowing it. As long as he didn’t take what he wanted with Maxie, Keith was still getting what he wanted.

  Frustrated his brother was gone and he had nobody to confront, Lucas shoved everything off his desk with a furious roar.

  “If it wasn’t nine in the morning, I’d have a fucking drink,” he said out loud in the empty room.

  “And I’d pour you one.” Derek stepped inside the office and closed the door behind him. “At least you didn’t hit a wall like Kade did when he was having issues. What’s going on? Problems with Maxie?”

  “Problems with my dead bastard brother. How’s that for a heap of guilt and anger I can’t get rid of?”

  “Guilt?” Derek asked, sounding incredulous. “Why? Because you hate the bastard? Look, I understand it isn’t easy to hate a sibling, let alone one who died young, but Keith made your life a living hell often and for no reason other than jealousy. I’d let the guilt go.”

  Lucas braced his hand on the back of his neck and stretched from side to side. “It’s hard when my mother’s still crying over her son.”

  They both remained silent for a moment while that sobering thought sank in.

  “Maybe you do need a drink,” Derek said. “What happened to bring all this up again?”

  He gave his friend a quick summary of last night’s conversation.

  “What the fuck are you waiting for?” Derek asked. “You feel something for this woman, still. After all these years.”

  “I can’t deny that.” And that was part of what had kept Lucas up all night—his pulling back from that kiss when he’d wanted so much more.

  When she’d wanted more.

  “So do something about it.” Derek leaned down and picked up some of the books Lucas had shoved to the floor, tossing them onto the desk.

  “I intend to. I just can’t overwhelm her. I can’t move in like my brother did and take over.”

  “Which I know you want to do. Did you put a word in with that law firm?”

  Lucas had confided in Derek about his intention to ask them to move Maxie’s resume to the top of the heap. “I did.”

  Derek laughed and slapped him on the back. “Way not to take over, man.”

  Lucas picked up the stray papers he’d tossed, grateful for something to do to keep busy. “I just made it possible for her to be interviewed. Her resume won’t get lost in the shuffle. That’s all.”

  Derek nodded. “I hear you. I’d have done the same thing in your shoes.”

  It had taken all Lucas’ self-control not to remind the head partner of the law firm just how much money Blink had made them and demand they hire her. He was proud of himself for his restraint.

  But when it came to pursuing her—and he damn well intended to—he’d have to rein in the impulse to take what he’d wanted for what seemed like forever. To make Maxie his in all ways.

  Last night she’d made it clear that she wasn’t fragile and didn’t want him to consider her that way. He would take those words to heart and step up his game.

  He hoped she was ready. Because Lucas intended to get his girl.

  * * *

  Maxie walked into Power and Associates, nearly choking on nerves. She was grateful for the interview and didn’t want to blow it. She’d prepped by studying the firm’s history. Elliot Power had started the firm and brought his son in with him. She’d looked into current clients and the types of civil cases they’d handled, wanting to be knowledgeable. Although this was a civil law firm and she’d specialized in criminal, she was a fast learner, and she knew she could handle things. Or so she assured herself as she walked up to the receptionist.

  “Hi. My name is Maxie Sullivan. I have an interview with Andrea McDonnell at eleven.”

  “One minute.”

  The dark-haired woman picked up the phone while Maxie looked around. The office looked modern, a lot of black and white with sleek lines and photographs of ad campaigns surrounding her.

  “Ms. Sullivan?”

  “Yes?” She turned back around. “Ms. McDonnell will see you now.”

  “Thank you.” Maxie followed the younger woman down a hallway and into an office.

  “Come in,” an attractive redhead said, rising from behind her desk.

  Maxie stepped inside and shook the woman’s hand. She settled into a chair across from her and began the typical interview process. Maxie’s palms sweat, but she did think she held her own on the why do you want to work here type questions, and the more esoteric, where do you see yourself in five years. The conversation shifted, and the subject of sororities in college came up, at which point they discovered they were sisters at different schools, and Maxie liked the other woman.

  They sat for an hour after the initial questioning, talking about the job and the responsibilities, and Maxie asked her fair share of questions too. To her surprise, Andrea went over the salary, a little less than what she’d been making at her old law firm but more than livable, health benefits, and a 401(k). She’d be lucky to land this job after her first interview, she thought, her stomach twisting in anticipation.

  “Well, I appreciate you coming in on such short notice,” Andrea, as she’d asked to be called, said to Maxie.

  “My pleasure.” She brushed her hand down the front of her skirt and rose from her seat. All in all, she felt the interview had gone well. Now the nerve-racking job of waiting began. “Thanks for your time,” Maxie said and started for the door.

  “Maxie, wait.”

  “Yes?” She turned around and waited.

  Andrea rose to her feet. “As I told you on the phone, we’d like to fill this position quickly. And we’ve seen a few excellent candidates.”

  Maxie’s stomach fell as she anticipated the worst. “I understand.” It normally took many interviews and a lot of pounding the pavement to wind up with a new job.

  Andrea tipped her head. “I hope so because none were as perfect of a fit as you.” She extended her hand, and numb, thanks to her shock, Maxie shook it. “Consider yourself hired.”

  “Really?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  “Truly,” she said with a wink.

  “Oh my God. Thank you!” She couldn’t conceal her excitement and Andrea grinned. “Welcome aboard. Why don’t you take the day tomorrow, get your things in order, and you can start on Wednesday, if that works for you?”

  “Yes. Yes, it does.” It was all she could do not to tap her feet and twirl around the woman’s office. She’d done it, her interview sealing the deal.

  “Let me walk you out,” Andrea said, smiling.

  “Thanks.” They started for the door, and as they rounded the corner that led to the front desk, a man called out, “Andrea!”

  The other woman turned.

  “Is this—”

  “Maxie Sullivan, our new paralegal,” Andrea said before the man, who Maxie recognized as the company owner, could finish.

  “Maxie, meet Nick Power.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she said.

  He shook her hand. “Everything work out okay?” he asked Andrea.

  “Perfect. I can see why Lucas Monroe asked you to take a look at her resume,” Andrea said.

  Nick Power winced and Maxie’s stomach sank in disappointment.

  “He only asked us to put your resume on top of the pile,” Nick said, trying to smooth things over.

  “It’s fine,” Maxie said, absorbing the realization that Lucas had called in a favor to get her this job. One that was supposed to remain secret.

  The high from acquiring the job deflated, leaving her feeling hollow. Still, she needed this job and all the perks that came with it. The salary and the benefits. “I’m grateful for the job, Mr. Power.”

  “Nick,” he insisted. “We’re very informal around here. And make no mistake, Andrea wouldn’t have hired you unless you were qualified.”

  Maxie glanced at Andrea, who appeared uncomfortable with her slip of the tongue.

  “Well, thank you both. I’ll
see you on Wednesday.” She turned and rushed out, needing to deal with everything that had happened today and the emotions filling her in private.

  Except she couldn’t go home, because it was Lucas’ home and she was upset with him. Not for trying to help but for doing it behind her back. If he’d asked, she’d have told him to keep out of it, that even if it took her months, she wanted to land a job on her own. Without a man pulling the strings.

  Especially a Monroe brother. Because apparently, Lucas wasn’t as different from his brother as he liked to claim. When given the chance, he stepped in and made things happen. So much for standing on her own, she thought, her anger growing.

  And she was in no way ready to deal with him now.

  Chapter Four

  By seven p.m., Maxie hadn’t come home, and Lucas was starting to get concerned. She didn’t have a job where she was running late; she’d had an interview earlier in the day. And he hadn’t heard from her to know how the process had gone. They hadn’t been living under one roof for long, but it wasn’t like her to disappear without a word.

  He’d called. He’d sent her a text. Or two. No answer.

  He walked over to the window overlooking the city and stared down at the myriad lights shining, wondering where the hell she was. What if she was on a date with another man? How would he handle the fact that just when he’d decided to make a move, he was too late?

  He clenched his hands into fists at the idea, his gut twisting with jealousy over something that hadn’t happened yet. As far as he knew. But just the thought of some guy’s hands on her in any way set his inner caveman loose.

  When he finally heard a key in the lock, relief rushed through him. “Maxie?” he called out.

  She passed by the family room and headed straight for her room, not answering him.

  “Maxie?” he said again.

  She turned, arms folded over her chest, and damned if his gaze wasn’t drawn to the soft mounds beneath the silk blouse.

  “Yes?” she bit out.

  He narrowed his gaze at her angry tone. “You’re late. I was worried.”

  “I was with a friend.” She didn’t elaborate, and irrational jealousy swung through him again.

  “Were you on a date?” The word tasted gritty on his tongue.

  She lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “It would be none of your business if I was. Now, it’s been a long day. Do you mind if I get some sleep?” She turned toward her room.

  “After you tell me what’s bugging you.” He caught up with her in the hall and stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “Did the interview not go well?” he asked, though he couldn’t imagine her blowing it. She was smart and savvy and presented herself well.

  “It went great. Perfectly, in fact, which I’m sure you already know since your friend, Nick Power, probably reported back to you.”

  He winced, finally understanding what was upsetting her. “I only—”

  “Stuck your nose in where it didn’t belong.” Hurt and anger flashed in her eyes.

  “Gave you a foot in the door,” he countered. “Whatever happened after that was all you.”

  “Dammit, Lucas. Don’t you understand what your brother did to me? He manipulated me into taking a job with him.” She raised one finger in the air. “He got me to date him by telling me you were engaged.” She added a second finger to the first. “He kept me with him by threatening someone I care about.” A third finger raised. “And that’s just a few of the things he did to control me. I need to make things happen for myself. And I told you that. The last thing I need is you pulling strings behind my back too. It makes you no better than Keith.”

  Her words hit him like an emotional blow as she pushed past him and stormed into her room.


  He’d never thought about one simple phone call that way. Helping her? Yes. Giving her a leg up? Definitely. But to have her lump his behavior with his brother’s sat like lead in his stomach.

  “Maxie.” He pushed her door open and walked inside, needing to explain. She stood by the nightstand next to the bed, removing her necklace.

  “I just wanted you to have the opportunity to meet with them. I never once thought I was undermining or manipulating you.”

  She turned to him, frustration in her eyes. “Well, you did both. And now I’ll never know if I got that job on my own merit or because tech mogul Lucas Monroe called in a favor.”

  “I get it.” He held up both hands in defeat. “So what are you going to do if they offer you the job?”

  “They already did. The salary is good, benefits solid. I accepted, of course. I’d be stupid not to, no matter how it came to pass.” She sounded sad when she ought to be excited and happy.

  “I’m sorry, Max.” He stepped closer, wanting her to forgive him as much as he wanted her.

  “Well, that’s something Keith never gave me,” she murmured, her shoulders dropping in obvious relief. “Thank you. But Lucas, I need to grow and stand on my own, and I need you to respect that from here on out.” She eyed him warily. “Can you promise me that?”

  “Cross my heart,” he said, meaning it. He’d do anything to put and keep a smile on her face.

  Anything to have her in his arms.


  “Yes?” She removed her earrings next, placing them in a tray on the nightstand, and met his gaze.

  “Where were you all day?” And night. He asked the question that had been plaguing him all evening.

  “My girlfriend Bailey’s,” she said, her lips twisting in a wry grin. “She’s an artist. She paints and works from home. I hadn’t seen her in a while, and I showed up with ice cream and we hung out all afternoon. Then we went out for dinner.”

  He exhaled a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. “So you weren’t on a date tonight,” he said, aware of the relief in his voice and not giving a shit that he was putting his emotions out there for her to see.

  “Not in the way you mean. Why do you care?” She met his gaze, all but daring him to answer.

  Something he had no problem doing. “Because I care about you.”

  “I care about you too.”

  He wasn’t talking about friendship anymore, and she needed to understand where he stood. Two steps and he was in her space, crowding her between the bed and the nightstand.

  Her fruity scent was stronger in the bedroom and went straight to his cock. The time for pussyfooting around had come to an end. “I want you.”

  She blinked, her eyes alight with surprise. She obviously hadn’t expected him to verbalize what had been unsaid for years. She hadn’t anticipated him crossing the line between friends. But this morning he’d realized he couldn’t maintain the status quo.

  And tonight, pacing the floor, waiting for her to come home, he’d nearly lost his damned mind.


  “Shh.” He placed a finger over lips so soft, desire threaded through his veins. “I heard everything you said tonight and I respect it. I’ll play by your rules, but fuck, Maxie, I crave you. Your touch, your taste, your body.”

  Her chocolate eyes darkened with a need that rivaled his. He wrapped a hand around her neck, pulling her close. “Say no.” Because that was the only thing that would stop him from taking her mouth with his.


  The word released all the frustration tonight had caused and the pent-up desire he’d been holding back for too long, and he slammed his mouth down hard on hers. She moaned and parted her lips, letting him inside. He took full advantage, devouring the deep recesses of her mouth, savoring her taste.

  She moaned and pressed her breasts against his chest, the feel of those luscious mounds nearly causing him to lose it completely. He slid his mouth back and forth over hers, nipping at her lower lip, causing her to shudder and dig her nails into his shoulders. His dick pulsed inside his jeans.

  He reminded himself to take it slow, but his heart pounded, and need beat a rapid pulse inside his chest. He tugged
at the binding in her hair, and it spilled down, tumbling over his hands. He wanted to feel those strands on his bare chest and on his thighs as she took his cock into his mouth.

  Slow, he reminded himself. Give her time to adjust to the idea of them. But nothing inside him allowed for slow. He continued to kiss her, as he turned and backed her against the bed. Her legs hit the mattress and she collapsed, taking him with her onto the bed.

  She pulled at his shirt, sliding her hands along his sides and ribs. “Your skin is so hot,” she murmured. “So tight.”

  He returned the favor, lifting her top and gliding his thumbs along her silken flesh. “And you’re so soft.” He pushed her shirt up and bared her stomach, pressing a kiss to her belly, sliding his tongue over her skin. She tasted a hint salty, and he continued a trail of damp kisses along her rib cage.

  A loud banging noise sounded, and he jumped, ignoring it only to hear it again.

  “Door,” he said with a groan and rolled to his side.

  “Who could be here at this hour?” she asked, immediately fixing herself, smoothing her hair and adjusting her clothes.

  “Good question,” he muttered, pissed at the interruption. “I’ll get it.”

  He jumped up from the bed, adjusting his own clothes as he made his way to the door, cursing whomever had interrupted them.

  * * *

  Lucas looked through the peephole, uttering a curse when he saw his parents on the other side.

  He glanced back toward the bedrooms, where Maxie was no doubt making sure she didn’t look well-kissed and almost-fucked. He could not believe his parents’ bad timing.

  Or that they were here at all.

  “Be right there,” he called out, buying himself a minute to prepare.

  Lucas hadn’t told his parents that their daughter-in-law was living with him. He wouldn’t say his parents favored Keith, but they had put him on a pedestal, and they didn’t want him to fall from grace. Explaining Maxie’s presence here would involve detailing even more of Keith’s indiscretions and lapses in judgment.


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