Dreamspinner Press Year Four Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Four Greatest Hits Page 70

by Felicia Watson

  “Yeah, okay. Let me just…. I’ll call Chris, get his fax number, let him know….” Dan is having a bit of trouble putting his thoughts together. He thinks about Monty, and Sunshine, and even stubborn Winston, and the idea of being an actual owner of those beautiful animals is overwhelming. Evan is looking at him with a bit of concern again, but Dan smiles at him. “Okay, I’m just gonna call Chris. Have you got a pen so I can write down his fax number?”

  Evan indicates the pen clipped to some of the papers. “I’ll go in and keep Jeff company. Is it okay if I tell him about this?”

  “You didn’t tell him?”

  “No, like I said, this was a business thing. I mean, I think he’ll think it’s a good idea—he knows you don’t like the idea of working for someone you’re involved with.” Evan stops himself. “Not to get ahead of ourselves. So when you’re ready to send the fax, let me know.” He smiles happily and heads indoors, and Dan sinks back in his chair and takes a minute to collect his thoughts.

  He pulls out his phone and dials Chris, who answers in a more official manner than usual.

  “Hey, Chris, are you still at work?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “And are there important people there who can hear you?”


  “Okay, that’s cool, though, because I’m calling as a client. Evan just… I don’t know, I think he just offered to go into business with me. With the horses. But there’s a contract. It’s, like, twenty pages maybe…. Can you have a look at it?”

  “Sure, I can do that.”


  “If that works for you.”

  Dan laughs. “I want to have all my conversations with you when you’re in the same room as important people. You’re much more agreeable.”

  “Well, I’m not sure about that….”

  “Uh-huh. Give me your fax number. And make sure you bill me for this, okay?”

  Chris gives Dan the number, and they hang up. Dan heads inside and sees Jeff standing in the kitchen, Evan perched on a stool. They both look up expectantly when Dan comes in, and Jeff gives him a warm smile as if sharing in his good fortune.

  “Hey, Jeff. Is it okay if I use your fax?”

  Jeff nods, and Evan hops off the stool. “I’ll show you where it is.”

  They go into the office and send the document, Dan anxiously watching each page as it feeds through the machine, Evan fondly watching Dan. As the last sheet rolls through, Dan turns and looks at Evan. “This…. I don’t know what to say about this, man. But… thanks.”

  Evan shakes his head. “No. I don’t want you to feel that way… like I said, it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. So, you know, let’s have dinner, put this out of our minds, and then whatever else we talk about… it’s a whole other thing, okay?”

  Dan’s not really sure he can do that, but he figures he needs to at least try. “Yeah, okay. Dinner. Right.” He follows Evan out of the den and back to the kitchen, where Jeff seems to have everything all ready.

  There are several foil packets of various sizes, and a large plate with three seasoned steaks on it. Jeff is just adding some fresh peas to a big green salad, and he looks up from his work when they return. “All ready to go?”

  “Yeah, thanks,” Dan says, and looks at the food. “Everything looks—” he catches himself. “Well, everything pretty much looks like tinfoil, but something smells really good.”

  Jeff hands him the salad to carry, and gives the steaks to Evan while he himself juggles the various foil packages. They go outside and Jeff carefully selects one bundle. “Potatoes,” he explains. “They take a bit longer.” He puts them on the grill and closes the lid, then comes over to the table where Dan and Evan are sitting. He pours everyone some wine, and he and Evan chat a little about a favorite musician who’s just put out a new album. Dan just sits and listens, feeling perfectly content.

  He wonders if he’s somehow slipped into someone else’s life, with his California-style leisure time and his prospective new business. It feels good, but strange. A part of him wonders how long he can enjoy this before someone finds a way to take it away. Or before he messes it up himself.

  Chapter 40

  CHRIS PHONES back just as they’re finishing dinner, and Dan excuses himself to go answer the call. The Californians have apparently decided to hold off on any serious discussion, so the meal has been casual, with light talk about nothing very important, but between thinking about the horses and thinking about sex, Dan really hasn’t contributed much of value. Hopefully talking to Chris will resolve at least one of the outstanding issues.

  Dan goes out on the front porch and sits on the steps. He’s almost afraid to ask for Chris’s opinion of the contract, but he knows he has to.

  “So?” he manages.

  “So, it looks good, man. It’s not really my area, but we’ve got a lawyer who does a lot of that stuff, and I’ll run the details of it by her tomorrow. But, big picture—congratulations, Dan, I think you may be going into business.”

  “Okay, but….” Dan isn’t sure how to phrase this. “Is it too good? I mean—is he just giving it to me, or….”

  “No, man, it’s fair. I mean, he’s not giving you anything but an opportunity, right? He’s not offering it to you for less than fair market value. He’s just agreeing to sell something to you for the right price.” Dan can hear Chris shift out of lawyer mode. “Why, is there some reason he might be giving things to you? What have you been up to, Danielle?”

  “Nothing!” Dan isn’t sure how much Chris needs to know. “Yet. But… I’m over at Jeff’s right now. We just finished dinner, and then we’re gonna look at our options, you know?”

  “Well, what are you doing talking to me, then? Go get ’em, Tiger!”

  “Yeah, thanks, that’s… really disturbing. But, seriously—the contract is good, but not too good? You’ll talk to the woman tomorrow, and if she says it’s okay—I can go ahead and do it?”

  “Absolutely. I mean, Evan’s got the money and the lawyers to be pretty damn tricky, but I really don’t see it here—it’s detailed, but it all makes sense, and it seems fair.” Chris pauses. “And the other… you’re okay with that? I mean… you know what you’re doing?”

  “No, I have no fucking idea what I’m doing. But… it really looks like I’m gonna do it anyway.”

  “Huh. Is this… should I be worried?”

  “Nah, man, it’s fine. I mean, worst case scenario is hot, meaningless sex, right? How bad is that?”

  “Well, worst case scenario is an earthquake and then a volcano and a tsunami. With a forest fire. And Ebola. But there’s also the possibility of crappy, meaningless sex….”

  Dan thinks for a second. “Based on the samples I’ve had so far, I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem.” Chris groans as if he doesn’t want to hear any more. “Okay, I better get back in there before they think I’ve booked out on them. Thanks, though. You’ll call me tomorrow after you talk to the other lawyer?”


  “Great. I’ll be able to give you details of the nasty man-on-man action—” There’s a click as Chris hangs up his phone. Dan grins in victory and then heads back out to the deck. Jeff and Evan are talking quietly, and they look almost guilty when Dan appears.

  Jeff smiles sheepishly. “We were just discussing our strategy for tonight. Got any suggestions?”

  “I don’t know… what did you guys come up with?”

  Evan looks down at his hands. “Well, so far… alcohol.”

  Dan smiles at him. “Dude, I’ve been reading business books—I think alcohol is a tool, not a strategy. The strategy would be, like… enhance honesty and lower inhibitions. No, wait, is that the goal?” Dan frowns for a second. “Okay, actually, that’s a good question. What is our goal?”

  Evan looks a bit surprised that someone else is trying out the logical, methodical approach. Jeff just looks amused. Neither is talking, though, so Dan gives it a shot. “I mean, are w
e just trying to get into each other’s pants? ’Cause, honestly… I think we can just go for that, without too much strategy needed. But if we’re trying to, like, communicate and form a long-range plan… that might take a bit more work.”

  Evan looks a little dazed. “Go back to the part where we can just get into each other’s pants. I liked that part.”

  Dan looks at him for a second, and then over at Jeff, who looks back at him, waiting. So Dan goes for it. He’s a little surprised by his own boldness, but then, once he gets started, he does tend to be hard to stop, and Evan got him started with that kiss in the apartment a couple days ago. He crosses the deck toward the table, and goes around to Evan’s side. Evan’s sitting with his legs underneath the table, so Dan can’t really get the kind of access he’d like, but he does what he can. He drops to his knees next to the chair, and reaches a hand out to wrap around Evan’s neck and bring their mouths together. Dan makes the kiss wet and deep, and he’s completely aware of the fact that Jeff is watching. It doesn’t take long for Evan to get into it, and he brings his own hand up to the back of Dan’s head, leaning forward and bending Dan’s head back. Dan goes with it, arching his whole body, until Evan is almost out of his chair to follow him.

  They’re both a little startled when Jeff speaks. “Okay, boys. I’m enjoying the show, but… do we want to just go for it, or do we want to talk things over first?” He sounds pretty calm, but Dan can’t be sure. He tries to think how he’d have felt watching someone else making out with Justin, and he pulls away from Evan quickly. He never would have been okay with Justin screwing around with other people, so obviously his comfort level is a bit different than Jeff and Evan’s, but still…. Jeff’s right, they should figure things out. Evan groans a little, but he lets go of Dan’s head without any resistance.

  Dan stands up and goes back to his chair. The other two are still looking apprehensive, so Dan decides that he might as well take charge. After all, Jeff and Evan have already discussed this at least somewhat, so Dan’s the one who needs the most information. “Okay… how about if I ask you guys some questions?” They both nod, and he tries to think of how to begin. “Okay, let’s start big. What is your goal here? I don’t mean tonight, I mean… ultimately. The last time we talked about all this, you said you were ‘interested’. I guess I’m not sure what that means. I’m getting that you’re after a bit more than a one-night thing, but… how much more? And how do you see it working?”

  Jeff looks over at Evan, and then speaks. “I think that depends a lot on you, Dan.”

  “Yeah, okay, but… best case scenario. Let’s say I’m up for whatever you want. What do you want?”

  It looks like Jeff’s going to field this one, but he needs a bit of time to put his thoughts together. “We didn’t plan for this. At all. We went out to Kentucky to buy a horse for Tat, and we came back with a barn full, and you. And, you know, we don’t regret it at all, but… it’s spun us around a little too. I think… to some extent, I think we just want what we can get. Physically, yeah, obviously. But also… you.”

  “You make us better,” Evan says quietly, and he grins as Dan stares at him in surprise. “You do, man.”

  “You do.” Jeff agrees. “We kind of fell into a pattern, there. And it wasn’t a bad pattern, but… we could be more. The casual thing… it was good, and it was right at the time, but then it stopped being right, and we didn’t see that, or we…. I don’t really know, Dan. Evan and I have talked about it, but we haven’t really been able to figure it out. We just… it just feels right to have you with us.”

  “Okay, that’s… that’s a little more philosophical than what I was looking for, maybe.” Dan tries to figure out what he needs to know. “Okay, typical week. Monday, Evan and I go to work, Jeff… paints something, I don’t know. That night I have dinner and go to bed… you guys get together. Tuesday, Evan’s busy with Tat, but Jeff and I both have some free time. Can we get together, or am I only part of this if we’re all there? Wednesday night, I go to a bar, and a hot guy wants to go home with me—is that allowed? Thursday, Evan has friends over—do they know how I fit in?” Dan laughs, but there’s not much humor in it. “What are the chances they know, when I have no fucking idea?” He blows a big breath out. “I’m not looking for some formal declaration or something, I just…. I can do casual, I’m pretty sure. It’s… it’s all the rest of it that’s confusing, you know?”

  They’re all silent for a minute, and then Jeff says, “Okay, let’s turn it around for a second. If we’re agreeable, what do you want?”

  Dan thinks about it. “Maybe just casual, you know? I mean, you guys are a couple, and sometimes we all just fuck around. Would that work?”

  Evan frowns. “Are you saying that because it’s what you want, or because it’s what you think you can have?”

  “I don’t know, man. I mean… yeah, maybe for now. I… okay, honestly? I’d be happy if we just did the thing where I get to mess around with one of you at a time.” He holds his hands up quickly. “I know that didn’t work out so well last time, so I’m not really suggesting it, I’m just saying, from my perspective… I honestly don’t know about this threesome thing. Do you guys do it a lot?”

  They both look a little startled. Jeff shakes his head. “I’ve never done it, either, Dan… it just seemed like something worth exploring.” He turns to Evan, waiting for his input.

  “I, uh….” Evan looks a little bashful. “I’ve done it a few times, but never with all guys. I mean, two guys and a girl, or two girls and a guy, but… no, I’ve never done three guys, either.”

  Dan’s flabbergasted. “Well, what the fuck? I mean, do you guys even know what you’re doing? In terms of the mechanics of things? Do we take turns while one person watches, or…?” He trails off, and just shakes his head at the other two men.

  “Well, I’ve seen porn!” Evan defends, and Dan just looks at him.

  “Okay, Captain Pornie, walk me through it,” Dan challenges. “I’ll be the pizza guy, and Jeff can be the plumber. You can be… hey, why don’t you be the high-powered young executive?”

  Evan grins at him with a glint in his eye. “Okay, fine.” He laces his fingers together and flexes them in front of him as if he’s warming up. He sits back in his chair and his eyes focus on the eaves of Jeff’s roof, and then he begins.

  “The young executive comes home after a hard day and finds that his sink is backed up. He’s angry—he’s been told that this has been fixed. So he calls the plumber, who comes over and gets to work. But the executive can’t help but notice the plumber’s tight ass and sexy voice.” Evan cuts his eyes teasingly over toward Jeff. “And before you know it, the plumber’s still on his back, but now the executive is over top of him, fucking his mouth. Everything’s going along great until the doorbell rings. The executive wants his dinner, so he pulls out of the plumber’s mouth and tells him to stay put, and then he goes and opens the door for the pizza boy. The executive did up his pants, but he’s still obviously hard, and the pizza boy asks if he needs any help with that.”

  Evan takes a break and looks at Dan. “So, how’s it work for you so far?”

  “So far the pizza boy isn’t getting any action. It’s not working for me at all.”

  “Oh, you want some action, huh? Okay, so the executive says fuck yeah he wants some help. Pizza boy’s tip is in the kitchen. So they go in there and pizza boy almost leaves when he sees the plumber, but he’s not the kind of guy to freak out and run away. Is he, Dan?” Evan asks pointedly. He’s joking, mostly.

  “Fuck off and get on with the story, man.”

  Evan laughs a little huskily. “Yeah, you like the story now. Okay, so the executive tells the pizza boy to strip, and the plumber sits up, ’cause this is getting good. And the pizza boy looks like he’s not gonna do it, but then the executive grabs him and gives him a really hot kiss, lots of teeth and hands, and then he pushes the pizza boy away and tells him to strip or get out.” Evan looks from Jeff to Dan. “Obvi
ously the executive is a bit of an ass, and the finer plot details could be changed in any reenactment.”

  Jeff shakes his head. “You are enjoying this too much, kid.”

  Evan grins wickedly before continuing. “So the pizza boy strips down, and the plumber and the executive just stare at him for a minute because he’s so beautiful. And then the plumber crawls forward, wanting to get his lips around pizza boy’s cock, and the executive stops him, but then says, yeah, okay, do it. ’Cause the plumber’s a bit of a bitch, and he won’t do a thing unless it’s okay with the executive.” Evan glances over for a reaction, but Jeff just shakes his head. “And the executive makes the pizza boy sit down on a kitchen chair, and the plumber goes to work on him. And then the executive pulls his dick out again and gives it to the pizza boy to suck on, and he goes to town, slurping around like it’s an ice cream cone. Like it’s a fucking panini.”

  Dan’s torn between laughing his ass off and getting pretty damn turned on. He shifts in his chair a bit to give himself a little more room, and Evan notices and smiles like he just won the lottery.

  Evan shifts in his own chair before continuing. “Okay, so, this is a porno, so continuity isn’t exactly crucial. So now they’re in the bedroom, and they’re all naked, and the pizza boy is leaning up against the headboard, and here’s the twist, the executive is sucking him off, while the plumber is giving the executive a deep, deep rim job. Everybody’s happy, and then the plumber pulls up and starts fucking the executive, really hard and fast, making it hurt a little ’cause he can tell the executive is kinda into that shit.”

  Dan laughs out loud, and then settles down when Evan gives him a mock dirty look.

  “Okay, so, where was I? Oh, yeah, getting fucked. So, they go at it like that for a bit, and then the pizza boy decides that as totally outstanding as the executive is at giving head, he wants something else, so he slides down the bed until he’s underneath the executive, and the executive leans down on him so their cocks are together, and the executive is getting fucked so hard that he needs both his hands to hold himself up, but the pizza boy brings his hand down and starts jacking them both together, and the pizza boy and the executive are making out this whole time, lots of sloppy kisses and necking and whatever.”


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