Dreamspinner Press Year Four Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Four Greatest Hits Page 153

by Felicia Watson

  “The reason I’m here is because Santino and Grier have retained my services as legal counsel.”

  “For what?” Enteng and Nita asked simultaneously.

  “Grier would like to legitimize his claim as Luca’s father.”

  Enteng looked at Santino in horror. “What is he talking about?”

  Santino looked at Grier. “Go ahead, son.”

  Grier felt everyone’s eyes on him as he took a deep breath and plunged forward. “I’m very sorry that I haven’t come clean sooner, but I am Luca’s birth father. It happened the night of the prom. I’ve kept the truth from you because at first I was too scared of how you’d react, and then later, Jillian asked me to remain silent. Now that she and Ali are getting married and talking about adoption, I can’t keep quiet any longer.”

  Ali reacted immediately. “That’s bullshit if I ever heard it. You’re fucking gay!”

  “Yes, I am, but it doesn’t take away the fact that I fathered a child with your girlfriend who was, at that time, my best friend.”

  “Jillian, is this true?” Nita’s tears were already flowing down her cheek.

  “No, it’s not,” Jillian said emphatically.

  “It’s over, Jill. Tell them,” Grier begged. “Please.”

  Everyone turned to Jillian, and she had the decency to pause for a minute, as if she was actually thinking about confessing, but in the end she remained steadfast. “He’s lying.”

  Ali said loudly. “It’s your word against hers, Grier, and frankly I’d rather believe my fiancé, and not my gay brother.”

  “How about if you believe your dead mother instead?” Santino said furiously, slamming the proof of paternity on the table. “Deny that, Jillian!”

  She picked up the letter and the DNA report, and her perfect fawn-colored complexion turned pasty white. Her eyes became slits as she stared at Grier hatefully. “Fine,” Jillian spat out. “I admit it. He’s Luca’s father, but it wasn’t all hearts and roses. Grier forced me to have sex. It was date rape.”

  Everyone stood at once, and Enteng grabbed Grier’s shirt and hauled him across the table. “You son of a bitch. I’ll kill you.”

  “Let him go!” Santino shouted.

  “Fucker,” Ali growled and ran around to the other side of the table, tugging on Grier’s arm forcefully. “I’ll kill you myself.”

  “Get away from me.” Grier shoved Ali away. He glared at Jillian. “You’re lying! I hope to hell you’ll have the decency to tell everyone in this room that you’ve fabricated the entire scenario around Luca’s birth, but I’m done being nice. I’m filing a court order to block any adoption proceedings. Luca is mine, and nothing you say or do will change that.”

  “I’ll have you arrested,” Jillian shrilled as Grier got ready to walk out the front door.

  “WAIT A goddamn minute,” Bob thundered. “Everyone be quiet, and you”—he pointed at Grier—“sit down!”

  Grier pulled out a chair and sank into it reluctantly. All eyes turned to him, and he felt like a piece of garbage and wanted to bolt.

  “Now,” Bob said, laying his lollipop down on the table, “let’s be adults about this. I’m telling you right now, once this gets out of hand, you’ll be dealing with Child Protective Services and a lawsuit. So, Jillian, we can do this the right way, or you can continue to insist on your ridiculous accusation of rape. Tell me, do you have proof that Grier raped you?”


  “As a professional, and a healthcare provider at that, you must be aware that a charge of rape is not something one throws out without backing it up with solid evidence. Did you go to the hospital after the alleged incident?”


  “Did you describe your attacker in minute detail to the police?”

  “I didn’t file a police report.”

  “Did you allow anyone to examine you? Isn’t your mother also a nurse?”

  “I didn’t tell her right away.”

  “When did you say anything?”

  “When I found out I was pregnant.”

  “Did you tell your parents that it was Grier who supposedly raped you?”


  “Why not?”

  Jillian shrugged. “I didn’t want to upset them.”

  “Weren’t they beside themselves when they found out you were pregnant by an unknown rapist?”

  “It would have been worse if I told them it was Grier.”

  “Miss Garcia,” Bob said sternly, “you must have some kind of evidence to support your story. Even in some of the worst judicial systems, there is such a thing as innocent until proven guilty.”

  “I have no proof.”

  “Because it’s a complete fabrication,” Bob said quietly.

  “No, it’s not. It was date rape.”

  “Bull crap, Jillian! It was the other way around,” Grier said heatedly.

  Bob frowned at Grier. “Do not interject!”


  Bob picked up his candy and sucked on it, twirling it around in his mouth while he was thinking. Everyone watched him in respectful silence. Finally, he took the lollipop out of his mouth and put it on the table unceremoniously. “We could sit here all day and attack and counterattack, but here’s the bottom line. Grier is an acknowledged homosexual. I find it hard to believe that someone with his orientation would be remotely interested in getting into your pants without your consent.”


  Bob stopped Jillian with a raised hand. “Furthermore, if he had forced you, why didn’t you have a problem leaving Luca in his care on a regular basis? This accusation is not believable, and if you choose to carry on with this line of defense, it will be thrown out of court.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I’m a retired judge, for heaven’s sake. I’d throw this case out of my court within minutes.”

  “It’s his word against mine.”

  “Do you have anything to add that might convince me or anyone else that Grier forced himself upon you?”

  “Well,” Jillian started, “he’s got this kink….”

  “Stop right there,” Bob challenged. “I don’t want to hear anything that is not relevant to my question, especially anything of a prurient nature. What Grier does, or any of us do, in the privacy of the bedroom, with a consenting partner, has nothing to do with our capabilities as parents. Am I clear on that point?”

  Jillian nodded, looking sad and defeated.

  “Have you saved up any money for Luca’s education?” Bob asked, deftly steering the subject away from sex.

  “Not yet.”

  “Did you know that Grier has put aside twenty-five thousand and change for Luca?”

  “I had no idea.”

  “That doesn’t matter if he raped her,” Ali spat out.

  “I didn’t,” Grier said and stood, “and I’m not sticking around to hear you fabricate more lies, Jillian. Judge Sterling knows what I want, and I leave my case in his capable hands.”

  “You should stay,” Bob suggested, “but I won’t stop you if you want to leave.”

  “If I stay, I’ll say things I might regret. It’s best that you handle this.”

  “Go ahead.”

  GRIER WALKED home, trancelike, and grabbed his helmet and the keys to the Harley. As he straddled his bike and listened to the powerful engine warming up, he relived the horror of the past half-hour and convinced himself that Jillian was going to win. Hearing her words, spoken with such conviction, filled him with despair. No court in their right mind would award joint custody to a homosexual with a questionable claim. Even if they didn’t believe Jillian’s accusation of rape, he wasn’t a traditional father and wouldn’t be able to provide a two-parent home like she could. It might cloud their opinion, especially if they dug deep and came up with that one incident at Rick’s. He was overwhelmed with a sense of loss and needed to hold Luca in his arms. He turned off the engine, abruptly changing his mind on the mode of transport. Grier ran into the
house, retrieved the bag of goodies he’d bought for Luca, and his duffel, which he’d left unpacked, and climbed into his truck instead.

  He peeled out of the driveway and headed to Nathan’s to pick up Luca before anyone came to their senses. When he parked in front of the ranch-style structure, very similar to his own house, he sat for a few minutes and tried to compose himself. There was no point in getting Luca upset. He didn’t need to be subjected to this drama any more than was necessary. He rang the doorbell and made small talk with Nathan’s mom before she went to get Luca.

  “Tito G,” Luca screamed with joy, running toward Grier, who caught him easily.

  “Hey, buddy. I missed you so much,” Grier said, burying his face in the sweet-smelling hair.

  “You thed you’d be home tonight?”

  “I know, but there was a change in plans.”

  “Did you bring me a prethent?”

  “Come and see,” Grier said, walking to the truck. He stopped and went back, still holding Luca in his arms. “I’m going to take Luca home, okay?” he advised Nathan’s mother.

  “That’s fine, Grier. I’m sure Jillian could use the help. I know she’s busy with the wedding preparations.”


  “I’ll see you next time, okay, Luca?”

  “Okay, bye.” He waved and blew kisses, causing Nathan’s mom to break into a wide smile

  Grier kissed him on his pudgy cheek, overcome with love for the tiny boy in his arms. “I missed you so much, Luca.”

  “Me too, me too! Did you play with Thebathtian?”

  “I petted him a few times. He’s a little standoffish.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s shy and doesn’t let everyone pet him.”

  “Only Tito Lil?”

  “And me, when he’s in the mood.”

  Grier strapped Luca into his car seat, pulled out the miniature cable car, and handed it to him. His eyes lit up, and he turned it over and over in his hands, inspecting every part of it.

  “That’s a cable car, buddy. People ride around in them like buses.”

  “Don’t they fall out? Where are the doorth?”

  “No doors. People hold on to their seats, and poles, and besides, they go very, very slow up the steep hills.”

  “But don’t they have to come down, down, down the hill?”

  Grier couldn’t help the feeling of pride in hearing Luca’s intelligent retort. “Yes, they do, but no one has fallen out yet.”

  “What elth did you buy?”

  “Tito Lil got you a cool sweatshirt, and I bought you some candy.”

  “Can I thee?”

  Grier showed Luca the sweatshirt with the Golden Gate Bridge embroidered on the front, and he pulled a Lollypop out of the box. “Here, have a caramel sucker.”


  “Ready to go?”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I thought we’d go for a drive.”


  “San Francisco.”

  Luca’s eyes rounded in surprise. “Really? Ith it a long drive?”

  “Yeah, but you can sleep most of the way. Are you tired?”

  “’Lil bit. Maybe I’ll take a nap after I eat my candy.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Grier nodded, checked Luca’s restraints once more, and jogged around to the driver’s seat. Why did he say he was going to San Francisco? Did he think running away would solve anything? Didn’t he try this once before when he ran off to college, and left Jillian holding the bag, or in her case, the baby? Was he running toward the one person who loved him unconditionally or escaping from an impossible situation? Was there a statute of limitations on rape? How in fuck were they going to prove that it was a rape when clearly it wasn’t? Would they take her word over his? Grier’s mind exploded with questions, but he kept coming back to the same conclusion. He had to get away from Jillian’s lies, and he wasn’t about to leave his son.

  He drove up Biesterfield Road and got on the I-290 freeway heading east toward Chicago to eventually end up on I-80 West after a long and convoluted series of changes. He drove on automatic, glancing into the rearview mirror occasionally to check on Luca who had fallen asleep, clutching his cable car close to his chest.

  He was thirty miles into the trip when he dialed Lil.

  “Hey, love.”

  Hearing his lover’s voice was such a relief. He visibly relaxed for the first time in hours. “Lil?”

  “How did it go?”

  “It couldn’t have gone any worse.”

  “Tell me everything.”

  Grier told him about the disastrous encounter at the Garcia home.

  “Oh, Grier, I’m so sorry. The woman is clearly disturbed and needs help.”

  “Fuck them all! I’m not sticking around until she gets better. I’m coming back to San Francisco.”

  “Grier, where are you?”

  “I’m in my truck on my way to you.”

  Lil’s silence wasn’t what he was expecting, and for a moment he thought that they’d been disconnected. “Lil, are you there?”

  “I’m here, love. Are you alone?”

  “No, I’ve got Luca.”

  “Does anyone know he’s with you?”

  “Not yet, but they’ll figure it out eventually.”

  “Grier, this isn’t the answer. Much as I want you with me, you need to stay there and fight for your rights. Taking Luca without permission is tantamount to kidnapping.”

  “He’s my kid,” Grier said angrily. He glanced up in the mirror and saw that Luca was still asleep, despite his tirade. “If I stay they’ll take him away from me.”

  “That’s not true. Your record with Luca is exemplary, but it’ll be severely damaged if you continue with this craziness. Grier, get off at the next exit and turn around. Go back to Elk Grove, but call your father, and tell him you have Luca so they’re not frantic with worry. Tell him you just wanted to spend a few hours alone with him.”

  “Lil, I’ll never get joint custody.”

  “You won’t if you don’t do as I say. Turn around now!”

  Lil’s angry order shocked Grier out of his panic mode, and he exited at the first opportunity, pulling into the closest gas station. He was trembling and his voice was raspy as he held back a sob. “What the fuck am I doing, Lil?”

  “You’re upset, love, very much so, but I need you to take several deep breaths and think this through.”

  “I’m scared,” Grier admitted. “I don’t want to lose him.”

  “Of course you are. I’d be scared, too, if I were in your position, but you’re a good person, Grier, and an outstanding father. Don’t let Jillian push you into doing something so stupid that you’ll never be able to dig yourself out of this mess.”

  “What if she has me arrested?”

  “She has to prove that you raped her, and that’s impossible.”

  “But her parents….”

  “The Garcias have trusted you with their grandson for years. Surely, they’re not going to believe Jillian’s lies.”

  “Who knows what they’re thinking after her little bombshell?”

  “She’s acting like a trapped animal, bleating out nonsense in the hope that she’ll fool everyone. Put your fear on hold, and do what’s best for Luca. You’ll triumph if you play it smart. No one in their right mind will believe Jillian, but taking Luca like this will automatically label you a nutcase and undermine your chance for custody: it puts you in a very bad light.”

  “You’re right.” Grier nodded, drawing a shaky breath. He glanced in the mirror again and was relieved that Luca was still asleep, oblivious to the emotional storm raging around him. Lil’s supportive words had steadied him and given him the confidence he needed to face whatever lay ahead. “I love you,” he whispered softly into the phone.

  “I know you do, Grier. I love you, too, and I wish I could be there for you.”

  “You are here for me in all the ways that count.”<
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  “Let’s hang up so you can call your father. I’ll be right here waiting for you if you want to call me back. I can keep you company on the drive home.”

  “Okay, give me a minute to talk to my dad. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Grier dialed his home phone, hoping Santino had gone back after the showdown at the Garcias’. Thankfully, he answered. “Dad?”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m in my truck with Luca. I wanted to give him his presents, and then we decided to grab a bite. Will you let Jillian know I have him?”

  “Sure I will, although she’s having a little nervous breakdown at the moment and couldn’t care less where her son is.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Bob continued to interrogate her after you left. He talked to her about perjury and defamation of character. By the time he got done with her, she broke down and started crying like a baby. She admitted it was bullshit, a Fig Newton of her imagination. It was nice to hear it out loud.”

  “What about Ali and the wedding?”

  “It’s still happening as far as I know. Your brother is determined to marry her despite all the lies. He loves her.”

  “I think they’ll be good for each other.”

  “You’re something else, you know?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re so calm after all that crap she threw at you. I would have punched a hole in the wall.”

  Grier started laughing hysterically. “I’ll see you in about an hour, okay, Dad?”

  “I’ll be here, son. And by the way, Bob has already started the paperwork to claim your paternity and petition for joint custody. He says he’s very confident that things will go your way now that Jillian has admitted you’re a good father, and deserve to have Luca as often as you want.”

  “That’s amazing… why the big switch?”

  “She and Ali locked themselves up in her room for over an hour, and she came out a new person.”

  “Ain’t love grand?” Grier said, dizzy with relief. He was grateful that Ali had stepped up to the plate and stood by Jillian. He wondered how long Ali had been secretly in love with her. It must have been excruciating to watch her throwing herself at Grier, making plans for a future with the brother who wasn’t interested, while the one who was truly in love with her looked on in silence. Someday, after the volatile emotions had subsided, he’d have to have a long talk with Ali. He hoped that they would be able to reestablish the closeness they had years ago, before love and competition interfered. For now, he was relieved that the wedding would go on, and Jillian would find the love and social acceptance she’d been searching for all these years.


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