Falling For My Best Friend's Brother

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Falling For My Best Friend's Brother Page 17

by J. S. Cooper

  “Oh, look, a farmers market!” I said and ran over to a guy selling some paintings. “These are amazing.”

  “Thank you,” the man said, and I watched as he painted something on the canvas in front of him.

  “He’s so good,” I whispered to Aiden, and he nodded and looked around.

  “Do you want a painting?” he asked me and I shook my head.

  “No, no.” I grabbed his hand. I didn’t want him thinking that I was just using him to buy me lots of cool and expensive gifts. We continued walking through the different stalls until we came to a lady sewing what appeared to be teddy bears. I walked over to the table and stared at the handmade bunnies, owls and bears and my heart melted. They were all so cute and original.

  “These are great.” I smiled at the lady.

  “Thanks, I make them all be hand myself.” She smiled at me. “I use old sweaters and felt them.”

  “Oh, cool.” I looked at them again and sighed. I knew I was too old to buy a teddy bear for myself, but I really wanted one.

  “Looking for a gift?” she asked me, and I shook my head.

  “No, I’m looking for myself.” I laughed and she grinned at me.

  “Hey, what do we have here?” Aiden joined me and smiled at the lady. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” She smiled and then looked at me. “Is this your husband?”

  “Oh no.” I blushed. “He’s my …” My voice trailed off as I looked at Aiden. I felt slightly embarrassed to call him my boyfriend in front of him.

  “I’m her boyfriend.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “And she’s my insufferable girlfriend.”

  “You got that right,” I joked and started to move away. “We should go.”

  “No, not yet.” He shook his head. “I want to buy you one.”

  “Oh no, Aiden,” I protested. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to.” He smiled at me and picked up a small red bear with a yellow face and big black nose. There was a plaid green heart covering the stomach of the bear with red stitching around it and it looked absolutely adorable. “I want to get you this one.” He handed it to me and then turned to the lady. “How much?”

  “Twenty-eight dollars, please,” she said eagerly, and I smiled at her as I held the bear to me. Aiden paid and then we left the stall.

  “Thank you,” I said quietly. “You didn’t have to buy me anything.”

  “I wanted to,” he said softly and pulled me to the side. “That bear represents me, and that heart covering the front of its body represents my heart and the love I have for you.”

  “Love?” I said, my eyes widening.

  “Yes, love.” He nodded and his eyes burned into mine. “It’s always been you, Alice. I love you. And I want you to know that. My heart beats for you.”

  “I love you too,” I said back. “Though my heart beats to keep my body running.”

  “Oh, Alice.” He laughed and kissed me. “You do know that I didn’t bring you here because Liv couldn’t make your birthday, right? Liv couldn’t make your birthday because I told her she needed to go out of town because I wanted to bring you to this concert and spend the weekend with you.”

  “Oh, Aiden, I had no clue. This is so romantic. Thank you.”

  “It’s the least I could do.” He laughed. “I mean, you took me to a BDSM store just for fun. I needed to make sure your birthday was a blast.”

  “Well, you have definitely done that.” I kissed him on the cheek. “It’s been perfect.”

  “Well, the best is yet to come.” He grinned. “I have an amazing cake for you as well.”


  “Yes!” He grabbed my hand. “You can eat it when we get back to the hotel.”


  “Oh, what a perfect day,” I said as we walked back into our hotel room and I held my bear to my heart.

  “It’s not done yet.” He smiled.


  “You still have your birthday cake and another surprise.”

  “What surprise?” I asked excitedly.

  “Go into the bathroom and come out in ten minutes.” He grinned. “Then you’ll see.”

  “Ooh, okay.” I squealed and put my stuff down. “Ten minutes?”

  “Yes, come out in ten minutes. And no peeking.”

  “I won’t peek.” I laughed and hurried into the bathroom and waited. I wondered what my surprise was going to be. I was so excited I could barely stand it. I looked at my watch and groaned. Only one minute had passed. “Can I come out yet?” I shouted, but got no response. This was going to be the longest ten minutes in the history of time. I stared at my watch for what seemed like forever and then I opened the bathroom door slowly. “I’m coming out,” I said as I walked out. “Aiden?” I said as my eyes adjusted to the dark.

  “Oops, hold on,” he said. “I forgot to light the candle.” He nodded towards the night table. “The lighter is up there. Can you light it for me, please?”

  “Okay.” I stood there and walked over so that I could light the candle. “Oh.” I giggled as a warm light filled the room.” “Oh, Aiden,” I said as I walked over to the bed. Aiden was lying on his back, naked. There were strawberries on his chest, covered in whipped cream and chocolate. I looked down his body and gasped as I saw whipped cream covering his penis. “Aiden, what’s going on?” I laughed.

  “Happy birthday,” he sang out. “It’s time for your birthday cake.”

  “You’re my birthday cake?” I laughed.

  “I’m good enough to eat.” He grinned up at me. “And it’s all yours.”

  “Aren’t you hungry as well?” I said as I bent down and licked some whipped cream off of his chest. “This is yummy.” I licked some more cream off and then licked my lips. “Let me take my clothes off first, so that they don’t get dirty.”

  “Sounds good to me,” he said huskily. “And yes, I’m hungry as well,” he said as he stared up at me. “I hope that I’ll get to eat after you.”

  “That can be arranged,” I said as I pulled my clothes off.

  “I have some more whipped cream.”

  “Hmm, maybe you should eat first, then?” I laughed.

  “Do you want me to eat first?” He started to sit up eagerly and I pushed him back down.

  “I’ll eat first, thank you.” I kissed him and then joined him on the bed. My naked body pressed against his, and I could feel the mixture of cream and sauces against my skin. “This feels weird.” I laughed as I licked down his neck. I then moved to his nipples and sucked them gently and flicked them with my tongue before moving farther down. I then consumed his cock as if it were a banana split and it was the most delicious banana I’d ever eaten. Aiden groaned underneath me as I sucked on his cock, and I grinned to myself when he flipped me onto my back and spread my legs and started going down on me.

  “Oh, Aiden!” I moaned as his tongue flicked against my clit and then entered me. “Oh, Aiden!” I screamed, unable to stop myself as waves of pleasure filled me.

  “You taste better than cake,” Aiden said as he kissed me after I’d climaxed on his face.

  “And you have a tongue that’s out of this world.” I held him close to me. “Maybe you should be crowned the new Mr. Tongue.”

  “I think I’d like a new name.”

  “What about Mr. Big?”

  “I like that.” He grinned.

  “No, there’s a Mr. Big in Sex in the City. What about Mr. Cocky?”

  “Make it Mr. Big Cocky and you’ve got a deal.”

  “What about Mr. Big Dick?” I said and squealed as he bit down on my lower lip.

  “What about Mr. Pleasure Maker?” he said as he licked my lips.

  “What about Mr. Pleasure?” I said finally and he nodded.

  “I like that.”

  “Good. You’re my Mr. Pleasure from now on.”

  “I’m your Mr. Pleasure, and I go all night long,” he said and rolled me onto my back. “Are you ready for round one?”

; “Yes, please.” I nodded and cried out as he entered me swiftly with one deep thrust. This was definitely the best birthday ever.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Beginning of Wonderful

  “Are you home?” Liv came running into my room as soon as she arrived back at the apartment.

  “Yes.” I sat up and jumped off of the bed so I could give her a hug. “We got back about an hour ago.”

  “Oh, Aiden’s not here, is he?” She looked around with a disappointed face.

  “No, Mr. Pleasure is not here.” I laughed as her eyes widened.

  “‘Mr. Pleasure’?” She groaned. “Please no.”

  “That’s his new name because—”

  “No, no, no.” She cut me off. “That is TMI, Alice.”

  “What?” I smiled widely. “I didn’t even say why yet.”

  “I don’t want to know about the magical things he does with his penis.”

  “Very magical things indeed.” I laughed and grabbed her hands. “Let’s go into the kitchen and have some hot chocolate and I’m going to tell you everything that happened this weekend, aside from how many times I—”

  “Nope.” Liv covered her ears. “I don’t want to hear about how many times you orgasmed.”

  “I was going to say how many times we told each other ‘I love you.’”

  “You what?” she screamed and grabbed me. “This is the information you lead off with, Alice.” She jumped up and down and squealed. “I can’t believe you guys said ‘I love you’ already!”

  “And he gave me a bear.” I closed my eyes and relived the memories. “It was awesome.”

  “I still can’t believe that my brother, Mr. Stick-up-his-ass, told you he loved you.”

  “He said that he’s had a thing for me for a while.” I grinned. “Just like me. He said he didn’t want to rush anything or pressure me into getting into a relationship because he wanted to be sure that this wasn’t just a crush for me. He wanted to know that it was an adult Alice making the decision and not an immature Alice.”

  “He did not say that.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I know. I couldn’t believe it when he said that either.” I laughed. “I wanted to say, what do you mean ‘an immature Alice?’ but I kept my mouth shut.” I grinned at her. “I didn’t want to ruin the bath.”

  “The bath? Don’t you mean the moment?”

  “The moment happened in a bath after we’d had birthday cake.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet. He got you a cake?”

  “Kinda.” I licked my lips.

  “What do you mean kinda?”

  “Well, he got me the toppings: whipped cream, strawberries, chocolate sauce and then put it on the base.”

  “What base?” Liv said and then made a face. “Oh my God, he was the base, wasn’t he?”

  “Yes, he was.” I nodded and opened the fridge. “Best birthday cake I’ve ever had.”

  “Oh, Alice.” She giggled. “I cannot believe my brother had the audacity to make himself the birthday cake.”

  “You can’t?” I asked her with a questioningly look.

  “Okay, I really can believe he had the audacity to do that.” She opened the cupboard. “Want some cookies?”

  “Do we have shortbread?”

  “All the way from Scotland, baby.” She nodded as she pulled out the box of Walkers Shortbread cookies.

  “Yay!” I took out two cups from the cupboard and heaped the hot chocolate powder into them. “I’ve never been so excited, Liv. I guess I know what you feel like when you’re with Xander.”

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” She smiled as she thought of her handsome fiancé. “Sometimes I just can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  “I know,” I said as I waited for the water to boil. “You know when you and Xander got engaged, I was a little jealous for myself. I felt so bad about it, but I was thinking to myself, will I ever have that? Will I ever have someone love me back so much that they would want to marry me?”

  “Oh, Alice.” Liv made a sad face. “I’m sorry you felt that way.”

  “Don’t you dare feel sorry for me.” I took the milk out of the fridge and turned to her. “It was selfish of me to even let myself think that in your moment. But I did, and it worried me. All I could think was that I didn’t even know what I was going to do if it ended up that Aiden didn’t really like me. I know I’ve dated other guys, but he’s always been the one in my heart.”

  “Alice, you know how special you are. If it wasn’t Aiden, it would have been some other fantastic guy.”

  “Some other fantastic guy wouldn’t have been Aiden.”

  “And any other girl he would have ended up with wouldn’t have been you.”

  “How did I get so lucky to have you as a best friend?” I asked Liv as I stirred the milk into the hot chocolate mix.

  “I think it was fate,” she said seriously. “I think we were meant to be best friends so that you could meet my brother and then we could end up as sisters.”

  “That’s if Aiden and I get married.”

  “Oh, you’ll get married.” She laughed. “I’m positive of it, sis.”

  “Oh God, that means I gain Gabby as a sister, too.”

  “Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain, Alice.” She laughed and picked up a cup. “Let’s go through to the living room and watch some TV while we chat.”

  “That sounds good to me.” I followed behind her and we both settled into the couch and made ourselves comfortable. “I’m going to miss you when you move out.”

  “I’m going to miss you, too.” We stared at each other for a few seconds, and we both looked at each other in surprise when the doorbell rang.

  “Who’s that?” I asked, my heart skipping a beat, hoping it was Aiden.

  “No idea.” She shrugged. “I thought Xander was going home.” We both jumped up and hurried to the door as the doorbell rang again. “It has to be Aiden.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s the only one I know who’s so impatient that he has to ring the doorbell multiple times in seconds.”

  “Oh Liv,” I said, but I hurried to the door and opened it. “Oh, it’s Aiden and Xander.” I grinned at Aiden, who looked me over with an expression of desire on his handsome face.

  “Hello to you, too.” Aiden swooped in and picked me up and gave me a big kiss.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Liv stepped forward and gave Xander a kiss on the cheek.

  “We didn’t want to leave our two favorite girls home alone.” Aiden grinned as he put me back down. “Plus, I didn’t want you to get into any trouble.”

  “What trouble are we going to get into on a Sunday night, Aiden?”

  “Knowing you two, I’d say a lot of different things,” Xander said with a laugh as Liv hit him in the shoulder.

  “We were just about to watch TV, actually.” I kissed Aiden lightly on the lips. “And we were just drinking hot chocolate.”

  “I love chocolate,” he said and sucked on my lower lip.

  “We know,” Liv said loudly and cleared her throat.

  “You told her already?” He groaned as he looked at his sister. “Alice!”

  “What? She’s my best friend.”

  “And I’m her brother.” He shook his head.

  “I’ll have to tell Mom and Dad that they deserve an award,” Liv said with a small smile.

  “Award for what?” Aiden asked her with a curious expression.

  “An award for creating Mr. Pleasure,” she teased, and I watched as Aiden’s face went red.

  “I’m going to kill you, Alice.” His fingers came up under my arms and started to tickle me. “I’m seriously going to kill you.”

  “No.” I tried to push him off as I started squirming and laughing. “You can’t tickle me. No!” I shrieked as his hands kept up their assault. “Aiden, please!” I caught his hand and tried to stop him. “I won’t tell her anything else.”

  “Liar.” He pinched my nose. “If you don’t stop lying, it’s jus
t going to keep growing.”

  “I’m not lying.” I giggled. “I mean, obviously I’m going to tell her stuff—”

  “I’m right here, guys,” Liv interjected. “I can still hear you.”

  “Maybe we should give them some privacy,” Xander said and grabbed her around the waist. “Maybe we can go to your room.”

  “Nope,” Liv said and shook her head. “Alice and I were planning on watching TV and talking. If you guys want to stay, you can just watch TV with us.”

  “Do we have to?” Aiden made a face and looked at me. “I had much more exciting plans for us.”

  “They will have to wait,” I said and grinned at Liv. “We had a girls’ night planned. If you guys want to stay, you’ll just have to participate.”

  “What does that mean?” Xander asked.

  “It means I’m painting your nails.” Liv grabbed his hands. “You can choose the color.”

  “Ugh.” Xander groaned, but he was still smiling. “I’m going to need a beer—or ten.”

  “Coming right up,” I said and pulled away from Aiden. “Do you want anything?”

  “Besides you in the bed right now?” he said softly as he whispered in my ear.

  “Aiden,” I groaned as he caressed my back. “Do you want anything to drink?”

  “Besides your juices as you come in my mouth?” he whispered again, and my face grew bright red.

  “Aiden!” I slapped his shoulder. “Go into the living room with Xander now.”

  “Yes, Aiden.” Liv pointed her finger at her brother. “You’d better behave.”

  “Or what?” he retorted back.

  “Or I’m going to show you what happens to boys who don’t behave.” I grabbed the top of his shirt and pulled him towards me. “I bought a paddle online and it arrived while we were gone.”

  “A paddle, huh?” His eyes sparkled down at me.

  “Yes, a paddle.” I pulled him even closer to me. “And I’m not afraid to use it.”

  “I hope you’re not afraid to feel it as well,” he said softly. “‘Cause my hand is itching to give you a good spanking right now.”

  “Oh yeah?” I said and then whispered against his lips, “I think I’ll have to make sure that doesn’t happen, then. I think tonight I’ll handcuff you to the bed.”


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