The Devils Stripper

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The Devils Stripper Page 12

by Cilla Lee

  “No baby, I'm not worried, just wonderin’ that's all”

  “Well don't worry ok, Tink and I both have the implant in”

  “You have an implant”

  “Yeah we both went to a clinic last year and had them put in”

  “What the fucks an implant?” she laughs

  “It's a thin flexible plastic implant about the size of a matchstick it's just here” she grabs my finger and places it on her bicep

  “Shit” I say “Did that hurt”

  “A little, but it's better than pushin’ out a kid”

  “Yeah, I suppose, how long does it last”

  “It's a three year one”

  “Fuckin’ three years”

  “Well two now we got them last March”

  “But you were a virgin why'd ya get them”

  “Tink and I have been moving around a lot and the time of the month can get expensive and when you get the bar it stops your period, so win win no babies and no period” I look at her

  “You don't want to have kids” (please say you do)

  “Of course, I do but the way our lives have been it was logical to have them put in”

  “What do you mean the way your lives have been?” she takes a deep breath

  “Look we did what we had to do to survive, we robbed houses to get money we stole we've done a lot of shit hustled people out of money. I'm not proud of some of the things I've done, but Tink and I done it to survive we grew up in the foster care system my mother was a junkie whore and I have no idea who my Dad is. Life hasn't been in the same town or the same house. I've been moved around so many times with so many assholes just lookin’ for a pay check, I'm proud of who I am. I'm a survivor and so is Tink, when I found her she was homeless dirty and starving and I'll do everything and anything to protect her”

  “So, she's not your sister than”


  “Yeah shit”

  “No, she's not my sister by blood but she is my sister”

  “I get it baby, I have fifteen Brothers and not one of them by blood apart from Dad and I’d die for every one of them”


  “Yeah baby”

  “I love you” I pull her to me

  “I love you to now get some sleep, you got work in the mornin’” I kiss the side of her head and she snuggles into me and I hold her tight never wantin’ to let her go.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Tink was so excited about work talking nonstop about Cuff, Socket and Chelsea. Stryker, Tiny and I are watching her she was so animated about work. All three of us just smiling at her, I remember the first time she ever drew a picture of me we'd only been together a few weeks and we were camping under a bridge. I was lying on the ground with my legs up against a chain link fence reading a book, when she gave me the picture. I was so shocked she had so much talent, she was always drawing on anything she could get her hands on. She could lose herself for hours just drawing “So, you looking forward to today than” I asked her smiling

  “I can't wait Lilly your ganna love Cuff, Socket and Chelsea” I hear Stryker growl and I look at him and he pulls me to him, I sit on his lap and he whispers

  “Nobody loves you more than me baby” he kisses my earlobe. I turn and look into his eyes (god I love his eyes)


  The shop was nice clean and smelled like a doctor’s office, at the desk was a woman with tattoo’s piercings and the quintessential Rockabilly look to her, her red-hot lips and a red bandanna in a beautifully styled brunette hair, a form fitting pockadot blue and white dress with a pair of nice red platform pep toe Lolita five-inch heels (dam girl had style) I look down at myself and feel a little under dressed

  “Hay girl she says to Tink”

  “Hi Chelsea this is my sister Lilly” she steps forward, she towers over me with her shoes.

  “Wow I love your look” I say and she smiles

  “Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself” I still feel a little uncomfortable and I blush (fuck I hate feel out of place)

  “Thanks” is all I say, I'm just wearing a pair of black jeans and a simple black and white off the shoulder top with a pair of pumps light make up and my hair in a ponytail.

  “So, you ganna be our new receptionist, ever done it before. I shake my head.

  “Well not much to it answer the phone and type in the bookings it's not that hard the operating system is easy enough, we all have our own books if you’re not sure ask simple as that”.


  “You ok baby” I look at Stryker, I'd forgotten he was even here and I turn to him


  “Boys out the back” Stryker says


  “Come on baby I'll introduce to the guys” he pulls me out the back, when we walk into a kitchen there's two men sitting at the table both in the typical biker attire jeans boots t-shirt leather Cut but one of them has a beany on his head they both look up when we walk in.

  “Yo fuckheads, this is my women Lilly” I feel their eyes move up and down my body and I feel like I'm being assessed

  “Nice” one of them says

  “Keep your fuckin’ eyes off of her dickhead” I look at Stryker and the two guys laugh

  “How we ganna work together if we don't look at her huh dumbass”

  “You can look at her face but keep your fuckin’ eyes off her body”

  “Stryker” I whisper and he looks at me cups the back of my neck and pulls me to him and kisses me (god I love his lips) I lean into him and moan

  “Ahem” someone says and I pull away from Stryker feeling embarrassed every time he gets his lips on me I lose all sense

  “That's Cuff” Stryker says and I look at the guy who spoke up

  “And that's Socket”

  “Nice to meet you guys” I say still blushing

  “You meet Chels” Cuff asks

  “Yeah she was out front when we came in”

  “Fuck off she was workin’” I look at Socket

  “Well she was behind the counter when we walked in so I assume so”

  “Twenty bucks she was on her phone” Cuff says to Socket

  “Fuck off, I've lost enough money to you, asshole” Cuff gives him the finger laughing

  “Ok baby, gotta go you call when you want picked up” I nod

  “And you two fucks, hands off she's mine” they both laugh as he flips them off and slaps my ass. I jump giving him the evil eye as he walks out laughing (fucker)

  “Ok Lilly, come on I'll show you how to do bookings and shit” I head back out the front with Socket as Tink sits down to talk to Cuff. When we get back to the front Chelsea's sitting behind the desk on her phone and I smile but Socket growls

  “Fuck Chels you almost lost me twenty bucks go do your fuckin’ Instagram or Facebook in your fuckin’ room”

  “Fuck you Socket I'm on Pinterest” she gives him the finger as she gets up and winks at me, I smile (oh I like her) he growls again. Socket shows me how to do all the books, we go through everything that needs done in the shop

  “When where not busy you clean ok it's important” I nod we go through all the cleaning duties

  “Seems easy enough” I say

  “Ok well welcome to the team, I'll get you a couple of shirts to wear advertising is key” he heads back out the back. The day goes by so fast and by five o’clock the last customer just leaves as Chelsea comes out of her room.

  “Ok I'm out see you girls tomorrow” she says

  “See you tomorrow Chelsea” we both say, I didn't get to talk to her that much today because she was so busy, but I can see us becoming good friends

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Pullin’ up to the shop Rochelle was sittin’ waitin’ for me (fuck)

  “What do you want?”

  “I have my doctor’s appointment on Monday and I need money to pay the doctor” I look at her (fuckin’ cunt thinks I
'm payin’)

  “Nope” is all I say and start to walk off but she grabs my arm

  “Stryker, I need money for the doctor”

  “I don't give a shit, I don't even know that it's mine” she goes to slap me and I grab her wrist and lean in “Don't ever and I mean ever fuckin’ touch me again cunt. I told you before you were just a warm hole, if this kid’s mine I'll look after it but don't expect anything from me until you prove its mine” I push her arm away hard and she steps back almost fallin’

  “IT'S BECAUSE OF THAT BITCH” she yells at me and I turn fast and grab her by the throat and push her up again her car and I squeeze

  “You don't talk about her, look at her or even walk on the same fuckin’ street as her you hear me cunt, she's a million times better than you. She's my Old Lady and one day she'll be my wife and we'll have our own kids” her eyes widen on me

  “Does she know I'm pregnant” I smile thank god, I listened to my old man, don't need this cunt ruining anything with Lilly

  “Yeah, she fuckin’ knows and she's stayin’ with me, where in it together so get in your fuckin’ car and go” I push her away by the throat and walk into the garage.

  “Do you wanna tell me” Colt asks me as I walk in and I look at him

  “Says she's pregnant with my kid”

  “Fuck Brother what you ganna do”

  “Wait until she proves its mine”

  “What about your women?”

  “Told her last night”

  “What, she say?”

  “She's stickin’ with me”

  “Fuck man”

  “Tell me about it”

  “So, what are your plans for tonight” Colt asks me

  “Takin’ Lilly on a date”

  “Oh yeah where?”

  “That new Italian place on Chestnut”

  “Nice, so she's the one than”

  “Fuck yes she is, last night when we were in bed all I keep thinkin’ about was marryin’ her getting’ her pregnant and livin’ the dream man”

  “Fuck it's that serious”

  “Didn't you feel like that with Niya”

  “Yeah the marryin’ part not the pregnant part”

  “What you regret havin’ Logan?” I look at him confused that kids fuckin’ great

  “Fuckin’ no way man best thing I ever did was knock Niya up”

  “Fuck man, this girl has me all twisted and shit” he laughs at me

  “Welcome to hell man, cause these fuckin’ women do nothin but make life a livin’ hell, worryin’ about 'em” he laughs slappin’ me on the back

  “Please tell me the pussy’s totally worth the worry” I ask him and he smiles

  “Totally fuckin’ worth it Brother” I smile just the thought of Lilly makes me smile and Colt laughs louder snappin’ me out of my day dream of my women naked takin’ my dick


  “WHAT THE FUCK, WHEN, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” Colt says into his phone and I look up at him “Where are you?” he asks and I wipe my hands on the rag and stand next to him

  “What the fuck man?” I ask him

  “Stay there I’m on my way” he says running for his bike

  “What the fuck man?” I ask him again

  “Niya was attacked”

  “Shit she ok?” I ask him

  “I don’t know”

  “Does she know who it was?”

  “Brandy’s ex” he says and we both jump on the bikes and he takes off before me and Tucker yells out

  “Where the fuck, are you two goin’?” Tucker calls out but I gun my bike after Colt and we pull up to the mall. I see Brandy talkin’ to a cop and Colt motions for me to go over and see what’s goin’ on as Niya runs to Colt

  “What happened?” I ask Brandy ignorin’ the cop

  “Zane attacked us”

  “Sorry sir, are you related to the lady” the cop asks but I just ignore him

  “You ok” I ask her she just nods her head and I turn to look at the cop

  “You done with her”

  “Is she something to the club”

  “None of your fuckin’ business” I grab Brandy’s arm and move her closer to me “You done or not” I ask the cop and he watches both of us

  “Yes, but you’ll need to come down to make a full statement” he says to Brandy, I just snort at the fucktard

  “Why so she can get a restrainin’ order and then what throw it at him when he comes at her again, the club will look out for her”

  “Look you” I hold on to Brandy and we walk off the cop still talkin’ I give him the finger

  “You ok” I ask her again and she nods, we get over to Colt and Niya and I see a red hand print on her face (fuck)

  “Come on, let’s get you two, home” Colt says and I watch as he helps Niya into the car “You ok to drive baby” I hear him ask her and I think of Lilly and if she's ok, fuck I never think of women. When we get to the house Colt gets the girls situated “Baby sit down relax” he tells her and Niya sits on the sofa Brandy sits as well “You want a tea baby” he asks her

  “Yes, please Colt” I go over and sit next to her

  “Brandy” Colt says she just shake her head

  “I'm sorry Niya” Brandy says to Niya she just frowns at her

  “Hay” she reaches across and grabs Brandy’s hand “None of that was your fault you hear me” Brandy nods her head

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No Brandy your welcome for as long as you want ok”

  “Are you sure Colt might be angry at me”

  “Oh, he's angry alright but not at you ok you’re staying and that's that” Niya smiles but she’s got a worried look

  “I'm going to lie down ok” I watch her walk towards her room and I turn to Niya

  “You sure you’re ok” she smiles

  “I'm good Stryker but I don't think Brandy is she's terrified of him”

  “What'd, he do to her?” I ask

  “Tied her up and raped her for hours” I frown at what she just said

  “Fuck” I sit back and hold her a little tighter “You sure you’re ok” I ask her again

  “Yeah I was just scared for Brandy more than anything I grew up my whole life taking punches I'm just worried about Brandy”

  “You don't have to worry about Zane Niya, he's dead already he just doesn't know it yet, your safe now” I tell her as Colt comes in and hands her the tea

  “Here you go baby” he says to her

  “Thanks Colt”

  “Where's Brandy” Colt asks

  “She went to her room”

  “She ok”

  “She thinks we want her to leave because of Zane” Colt frowns

  “You tell her she's fine here” Niya nods

  “So, what happens now” Niya asks and Colt looks at me

  “I have to tell Razor and we go from there baby”

  “Oh, shit Maggie has Logan I should go over and get him” Colt holds up his hand

  “Leave it to me baby you just relax ok” she sits back relaxing a little

  “Ok” she says drinkin’ her tea


  Sittin’ in the kitchen later that night, I felt nervous, I'd never really dated anyone before, I mean I've fucked women a hell of a lot. But I'd never actually taken one on a date before not even in High School. I'd chosen to wear a Black dress shirt, Black jeans boots and my Cut showered shaved and was now sittin’ waitin’ for my women. I hear Lilly walkin’ down the stairs and I stand up, the second I see her I swear my heart stops (fuckin’ lucky bastard) Lilly has on this tight as fuck dress that has bites cut out of the side so you can see her ribs, her tits (fuckin’ love them) are stickin’ out but not so much that I have to kill every motherfucker out there, little gold strappy heels that I'm defiantly fuckin’ her in later “Baby you look fuckin’ gorgeous” her eyes are all black smoky and her lips are glistenin’ her hair has been a sexy wave to it (fuck) I pull her to me “Dam baby you got my dick fuckin’ har
d as fuck” I kiss her neck grindin’ my hard dick on her pussy and she slaps me

  “Stop that, come on I'm hungry”


  The restaurant is busy bein’ the new place in town everyone wants to try it out “Good evening, do you have a reservation”

  “Yes, Stryker”

  “Oh yes of course come this way” as we walk past people they turn away when they see my Cut (fuckin’ love that)

  “Your table sir, your waitress will be with you in a minute” the guy says walkin’ off

  “So how was work baby”

  “I really liked it, the guys are great and Chelsea is funny I like her a lot”

  “That's good”


  “Yeah baby”

  “I just want to say thank you so much for everything”

  “Like what?”

  “You know the job, you, the house everything”

  “Baby I glad you’re happy” I pull her to me and kiss her, I can feel people starin’ at us but who gives a flyin’ fuck. The date goes off without a hitch, we talk about our lives the usual stupid gettin’ to know each other questions favorite color movies, we talked about high school and life goals. It just flowed, for our first date this was a great one “Anything interesting happen today” she asks me and I tell her about Niya and Brandy

  “Oh gosh I hope there both ok” she says and I smile

  “Yeah baby they both good”

  “What about the guy?”

  “What about him?”

  “What will happen to him?”

  “He’ll get what he deserves, now are you ready to go home, cause I can’t wait to get you out of that dress” she smiles rolling he eyes

  “Is sex all you think about” I nod my head

  “Yeah mainly” she laughs and people turn to look at us

  By the time desert comes I'm fuckin’ hard as fuck watchin’ her all night has been torture on my dick. I watch as she opens her mouth and eats a piece of chocolate cheese cake and moans, I swear all the blood rushes to my dick “Baby you keep moanin’ like that I'm ganna pull you down on this table and fuck you in front of everyone here” she looks at me

  “I was just thinking about sucking your cock” I clench my jaw so hard

  “Don't tease baby” she winks at me




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