Initiation (Christian's Kisses)

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Initiation (Christian's Kisses) Page 13

by H. N. Sieverding

  Addison nodded her head quickly, the hair that had fallen out of her once fancy updo cradling her cheeks.

  "Okay." Carver moved off the chair and untied the heavy piece of cloth. "Feel better?" He stroked the side of her face, his smile growing when she didn’t bite at him.

  Addison’s words came out shaky and whisper-like, "Thank you."

  "Are you…" Carver slowly knelt down on the floor in front of her, his eyes looking up from his downcast face as he licked his lips once more. She could see his longing as he slowly pushed up her dress and revealed her bare skin. His dirty calloused hands settled on her knees. "A vampire?" His fingers massaged her skin, wanting to venture farther up her leg, but remained there as he awaited her answer.

  She shook her head quickly, "Scavenger."

  "How many times did the Master bite you?"

  "Only once." Addison sniffled, her bottom lip trembling furiously as she focused on the hands covering her knees.

  Taking a knife out of his pocket, Carver smiled as he placed the sharp tip of it against his skin. "Let’s see if you’re telling the truth."

  His nose wrinkled up tightly, his brow almost meeting it as he gritted his teeth. Pressing down on the blade, he slid it across the surface of his skin. Addison flinched and turned from the sight of the bright red blood that pooled over the wound. Some of it fell down the side of his hand in thick clotting lines, the harsh metallic smell of it filling her sensitive nostrils.

  "Bite me." Carver shoved his hand to her face, making her cry harder. "Do it!" His blood transferred onto her lips, and Addison held back the urge to lick it.

  "I don’t want to!" Addison was sobbing, squeezing her lips tightly shut as she moved her head from side to side, trying to get him to stop. "Please…stop!"

  "You’re not hungry?" Carver laughed, pulling his hand away. He took a rag out of his pocket and tied it around the cut, a satisfied expression on his face.

  "I’m hungry, but not for your blood." Addison sniffled again, pulling at the ropes binding her. "Can I have some…" She paused, her scared eyes scanning the room before she looked back at Carver, "Water…something to…drink? My mouth is—"

  "Ooo. An unwilling little scavenger. How sexy is that?" Carver chuckled as he began kissing her neck. His hands reached farther up her legs, but Addison held her knees tightly together and didn’t allow him passage to what lay beyond. "I think I want a taste."

  "No!" Addison began squirming in the chair, screaming as she tried to break loose. "Leave me alone! Don’t touch me!"

  Carver’s hands shot to his belt, his fingers stumbling to get it undone as fast as he could. The metal buckle opened and closed against itself a few times, making soft tinkling noises as he dropped his pants. He was about to take down his underwear as well, but a sound from the other room made him pause.

  He heard a few banging noises, like something had slammed against the wall. Turning his head toward the sound, he listened closely as he looked at the closed door ahead of him. It was now quiet, and he could no longer hear the voices of his men talking happily in the other room.

  Addison was listening as well, her voice rising after she heard a faint but familiar voice. "Let me go!" Twisting her hands in circles frantically, she tried to break loose but couldn’t. The ropes dug into her skin, but she blocked out the pain, her only thought to get the man’s attention in the next room. "Ahh! Help me! Somebody help me!"

  "Shut up!" Carver tied the fabric around her head again, gagging her and not letting her scream. His attention was focused on silencing Addison, and he didn’t notice the door slowly open.

  Christian’s figure stood in the doorway, his head lowered as his shining eyes met with his love's. Her struggling increased when she saw him, the legs of her chair bouncing against the hard cement floor. Her words were muffled, but she still attempted to speak, her face twisted in various degrees of desperation.

  Christian bolted into the room, his movements so fast Addison couldn’t follow. He picked up the chair Carver had been sitting on, whacking him across the back of the head with it. Carver was immediately knocked out, his body slumping quickly to the floor. A few other vampires that had come with Christian picked up the body and carried it off while he tended to Addison.

  When Christian took the gag out of her mouth, Addison shrieked in delight. "You saved me!" Her happiness manifested into a giant grin that only lasted a mere second before it was replaced by a tight-lipped frown. "I was so scared!"

  "You were very brave, my love." He quickly untied her, and Addison was not able to jump into his arms fast enough. She cried into his chest as he held her, wrapping her legs around his waist. "I am so glad you are all right." He held her tightly to him as he carried her out of the room. His voice cooed as he smoothed her hair in quick strokes, "I was worried I had lost you."

  They drove to the manor, the elites taking Carver and the other hunters they could find back alive. When they awoke bound and tied, Christian and his elites were there to greet them.

  Addison sat alone on one of the couches further away from the action, her fearful eyes watching the events that were about to unfold.

  "You killed my family." Christian was holding a pair of pliers in his hands, kneeling down as his evil eyes met with Carver’s. "You will pay for that sin."

  "If I eliminated some of you pieces of shit than it was worth it." Carver let out a low chuckle, his face covered in dried blood, one of his eyes unable to open because of a forming black eye. "Even if it’s going to cost me my life."

  Christian stood up, but his eyes never left Carver's. His top lip curled, as his arm shot out to his side. "Addison! Come!"

  Addison jumped when she heard Christian call her name and, like a faithful puppy, she quickly ran over to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he held her from behind, his angry eyes glaring at Carver.

  "Join us, my love." Christian kissed her cheek before letting her go and turning his attentions back to the hunter. Her fearful eyes watched him walk away as she rubbed her arm nervously. A low chuckle escaped his lips, Christian's approach like the slow, calculating stalk of a lion. "I’m going to make you into what you hate."

  Christian licked one of his fangs in anticipation, the pleasure that would come from what he was about to do igniting a great happiness within him. Baring his teeth and grabbing Carver’s head so he couldn’t move it, Christian swooped down and bit into the soft flesh of the hunter’s neck.

  When Carver screamed, Christian bit harder, his fear making the taste of his blood increase tenfold. After a few sips of his blood, Christian pulled away, smirking at Carver’s angry face. Wiping at some of the blood that clung to his lips, Christian coated his finger with it. He reached forward and wiped his bloody finger on Carver’s face, leaving a trail of it down the hunter’s cheek.

  Christian looked over at Darien, as Christian hit the inside of his palm with the pliers teasingly. "Rip out some of his teeth. When he becomes a vampire, I want to take away his ability to bite." Christian passed the tool over to Darien, who took it quickly.

  "Of course, Master." Darien snickered, a devilish glow on his face as he stepped forward. He grabbed a seat and sat in front of Carver, who was trying desperately to get out of his chair. "It’d be my pleasure." Darien’s large fangs poked out of his mouth, piercing his bottom lip slightly as an excited grin filled out his lips. "I’d love a little playtime with a hunter."

  The sight of Darien’s sinister expression and the pliers in his hands made Carver wet his pants. The liquid soaked his clothing and dripped onto the black tile floor. The other vampires began to laugh, Christian holding onto Addison’s shoulders as he watched Carver squirm. Addison was scared and quickly latched onto Christian’s waist, burying her face in his chest as she looked over at Carver with one eye blinded.

  "Hey, let me hold this for you." Brandon walked up to Darien and stood behind Carver, holding Carver’s head so he couldn’t move. Carver resisted, screaming and squirming as much as his restr
aints allowed, but Brandon’s hold on him was firm and unmovable.

  "Ooo…." Darien opened and closed the pliers a few times playfully in front of Carver’s face, listening to the sound of its clapping metal teeth. "Now, let me get a hold of one of…" Sticking the pliers into Carver’s mouth, Darien let it pinch around one of his front teeth. The small grippers were scratchy as he positioned the pliers the way he wanted, the metal scraping and making Carver wince. "These, and then…"

  Gritting his teeth, Darien’s hand tightened around the handle of the pliers before yanking out the tooth. "Got it." He laughed as he inspected the tooth, turning it around in front of Carver’s face. Darien’s voice couldn’t be heard over Carver’s screams, "Now for another." He pulled out a few more and with each yank Carver's body shook uncontrollably as intense pain shot through him.

  Blood was running down Carver’s lips, Darien leaning close to him and licking some of it off his chin. "Mmm…I love the taste of fear." Letting out a slightly annoyed sigh as he looked down at the teeth lying in the pan on his lap, Darien made a sour face at Carver. "It’s going to take forever if we do it this way." He slapped the front of Carver’s mouth, Carver screaming out in pain.

  "Now," Reaching in his back pocket, Darien took out the hammer that was tucked there, holding it in front of Carver’s face. "This is a much more efficient way." He turned the rusty hammer around in his hand, chuckling as he licked the bottom of one of his fangs. "I think I’ll just bust a bunch of them out at once." Taking the hammer, Darien hit some of Carver's back teeth, shattering them and leaving behind bits of broken and jagged pieces.

  Addison buried her head fully into Christian’s chest after that, hiding the gory sight from her view. She turned her back on Carver and could feel Christian’s chuckles form in his chest as he held her. His embrace was loving and gentle, however, she knew what was going through his mind at the moment was anything but. With each bang, Addison held tighter and tighter to Christian. She could hear Carver’s teeth shattering, his blood-curdling screams stinging her ears.

  The torture lasted a few more minutes, until Carver passed out. The sigh that escaped Christian’s lips blew the hair around the top of her head.

  "We’ll leave him until tomorrow." Christian stared over at Carver, whose head was now hanging low, the blood dripping from his mouth and forming a giant puddle in his lap. "And give him a salt rinse to ease his dry throat."

  "Okay." Darien looked back at Christian, his hammer and pliers covered in blood. There was a calm look on Darien’s face as he stood up. He wiped his sweaty brow, smearing some blood onto his skin with his action. "You staying for a while, Master? Don't you want to play with the other hunters as well?"

  Christian laughed, the tone of his voice light, "I am taking Addison upstairs then I will be back down." He pushed Addison away from him a little and took her arm instead. He looked upon her lovingly, his voice carrying a cooing tone, "Do you wish to rest, my love?"

  Addison nodded quickly, leaning her head on Christian’s shoulder as he walked with her slowly out of the room.

  Chapter Nine


  Primping in front of the mirror, Addison’s hair was full of body, with thick messy curls falling down her bare back and shoulders. It was a more over-the-top than her normal style. She was trying to look sexy for Christian, wearing something she thought he would like, something more suited for Mia or Delilah than the modest Addison.

  Today was his birthday, and Darien had talked her into buying some slinky lingerie as a special present for Christian. She was unsure about the idea, but Darien assured her it would be a better gift than the book set on the history of Handle’s War that she was going to buy him. He also wanted to sneak a peek at her in it, but Addison wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Instead, he was only allowed to look at her purchase in the box, left only to imagine how amazingly sexy it would look on her.

  Christian’s mood was sour today, and he was a little mopey, which wasn’t like him. The rain was falling steadily outside, the sky not letting a ray of light shine through all day. He was sitting outside on the balcony enjoying a book, sheltered by the floor above. Reading was Christian’s favorite pastime, and he preferred it over watching TV, like Addison did.

  Wearing a tight blue corset and matching underwear, sexy black fishnet stockings covered Addison’s porcelain skin. She put the finishing touches on her makeup, smiling at the erotic goddess reflected back at her in the mirror. When she was satisfied with her appearance, she strolled out of the bathroom

  "Christian!" Holding onto the doorframe, Addison looked around the empty room.

  "What?" Christian slammed his book shut, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes for a few seconds.

  "Come here." She giggled as she walked farther inside, holding her hands behind her back as she bit her lip playfully.

  "Why?" With a tired sigh escaping his lips, Christian placed a hand on the book in his lap before turning his head toward the sound of her voice.

  Addison stopped at the door that led to the balcony, reaching her hands up and holding onto the sides of the doorframe. "Because." Her smile grew as her eyes met with his, a cuteness to her devilish features.

  "Nice choice of clothing this evening." Christian chuckled, setting his book down on the chair as he pushed to his feet. He stood in the doorway, sending her a sly grin. "You do know it is cold outside? Sixty degrees is not fine weather for such bare attire."

  "You don’t like it, do you?" Christian’s words made her smile disappear, and Addison shot him a pouty look before retreating toward the bathroom.

  "Addison." Laughing as he shut the door that led to the balcony, Christian followed her into the room. "Come back." He sat down on the side of the bed, running his hand roughly up the bridge of his nose and then his forehead before letting his fingers delve into his dark hair.

  Addison spun and slowly walked over to him, a large childish pout on her face. "I was just trying to make you happy," she stood in front of him, fidgeting with her fingers as she looked at him sheepishly. "And you made me feel like a silly kid like everyone else does." She twirled the large ruby ring around her finger a few times, her voice lowering as her pout grew. "I want to be sexy like the other vampires."

  "This has nothing to do with such things, and you are not just one of my vampires. I like you just as you are. There is no need for you to do this." Christian ran his hands up and down her hips, a devilish smirk turning up the sides of his lips as he stared up at her. "Why do you not dance for me, my love? Is that not part of this fantasy you are acting out?"

  "I can’t do that. You’d just laugh at me." There was a shy look on her face as she glanced away from him for a few seconds. "I don’t know how to dance."

  "Then practice, using my lap as your stage." Christian grabbed the remote lying on the bed and turned on the stereo, loud rock music filling the room. He licked one of his fangs as he spread his thighs apart, pulling her closer until the side of the bed hit her legs. "I want to watch." He rubbed his nose against hers and growled at her playfully, making her giggle.

  Addison wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, her fingers grabbing the sides of his head and ruffling up his hair. His hands moved quickly and slipped under Addison’s knees. Picking her up, he wrapped her legs around his waist as he stood. He playfully tossed her on the bed, her body bouncing a few times on the giant mattress.

  "If you were a stripper, I would not give you a tip." Christian straddled her hips, wrinkling his nose at her teasingly as he hovered over her.

  "Get up." Addison gave him a dirty look, shoving on his arms and trying to get out from under him. "It’s my turn to rape you."

  "Rape?" Christian laughed, moving off her and laying down next to her on the bed. "That sounds interesting."

  "Interesting?" Addison giggled, climbing on top of him. "I think it sounds fun." She began unbuttoning his shirt, smiling at the sight of his bare skin being revealed. "It’s your birthd
ay—you’re not supposed to do all the work."

  "Bite me." Wiggling his nose like he had an intense itch in his nostrils, Christian bared his fangs at her as he growled playfully. He took a firm hold of her butt, making her yelp. Ignoring her protests to be the one in charge, he began kissing her.

  "Hey!" Christian’s lips moved down her chin to her collarbone. He yanked hard on the strings on her corset, cutting off her breath and making her wince. "Ouch!" Christian was in control of the lovemaking now, snapping the bands that attached her stockings to her lingerie before unhooking them. "Oww!" She gave him a dirty look as she struggled with her corset, which was so tight it was hard to breathe. "You’re hurting!"

  "Come now." Christian’s face filled with a calm smile as he watched her fight to loosen her corset. He admired his love as he lay under her, his voice taking on its normal tone, "Bite me."

  "Why?" Addison narrowed her eyes on him, Christian reaching back and loosening the strings on the corset. It fell down her stomach a little, but still only showed a tease of her breasts.

  "Because I asked you to." Christian chuckled, his hands cradling her hips as she sat on him.

  "But it’ll make me tired." Addison frowned, leaning forward and resting her nose on the tip of his. "I want to play with you a little before then."

  "Addison." Christian’s voice was composed, not an ounce of passion in it. "I have some business to take care of tonight before I do any playing with you." He grabbed the sides of her face, giving her a single kiss before looking into her disappointed eyes. "By the time I finish, you will be awake, and I can make love to you until tomorrow’s sun rises." Christian snickered as he caught the small smile that popped up on her face. "All right?"

  "Okay." Addison gave him a kiss, a tender smile gracing her lips. Her fingertips danced across the surface of his bare chest as she slowly drew wide circles on his skin. "So where do you want me to bite?"


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