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Unexpected Page 4

by C. M. Steele

  “Well, I didn’t want the boy anymore. He’s your brother. I got all I wanted from your decrepit father.”

  “You know it’s illegal. You can’t give away your son like that.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. You’re his brother. Take him, or I’ll fucking dump him in the trash. I don’t want him. He shouldn’t have been born. If I thought he was…”

  “What? My father’s? You would have aborted him?”

  “Well. Your father wasn’t here to take care of him.”

  “Yes, so who’s little blowback did you think he belonged to?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Actually it is. I’ve already called the cops on the fact that you and my dad’s lawyer have been married for three years. Right before you married my father?”

  “Where did you get that information?”

  “Some things are a matter of public record. You just have to know what you’re looking for.”

  “If you say anything, I’ll ruin you.”

  “Keep believing that, you bigamist. By the way, I’ll be taking every dime you have, and you’ll be spending a long time behind bars.”

  “You won’t make it to testify.”

  “Whoa, put down that gun.”

  “Ooh, look who’s afraid now.” She has the gun aimed at my chest. Flashes of never seeing Renee send pangs of regret through my head. I can’t believe I thought she was just a whore. The bitch is certifiably homicidal.

  “And I’m going to deal with that stupid girl you’re banging. Maybe I’ll just take your fortune too. Wouldn’t that be nice? You hand over your money to me, and I’ll let you live.

  I know the police are around here, but I don’t know how close or if they can get a shot off before she blasts one in me. Before she get’s to shoot me, one of the cops hits the megaphone. “Mrs. Hart put down the gun, and no one gets hurt.”

  She starts looking around. “You brought the cops?”

  “Did you think I’d come alone?” I say with a smirk. I know I’m playing with fire, but I have a feeling she isn’t as nuts as she seems to be.

  “Well, since I’m going down anyway, I might as well take you with me.”

  That’s when I hear the electrical jolts zip through the air. I’m pushed aside by one of my guards, and the cops rush the scene. By the time I’m standing back up, they’ve got her in cuffs.

  I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Thanks, Owen.” I shake my security’s hand. I’m grateful to be alive and just want to go home to my woman, but I’m betting they’re not going to let me go any time soon.

  Three hours pass before they’re done with their questioning and congratulating. Now, I’m off to see my woman.

  Chapter 12


  Liam has been insanely possessive of me since he came home last night. I wasn’t sure why until I heard reports on the news that he had been part of a sting operation.

  I hold out the kitchen knife that I was using to cut the veggies. “Is there something you forgot to tell me about say in the past twenty-four hours?”

  “Yeah, I may have left that part out. Please put the knife down, and I’ll get to that.”

  “You better. Trust is a big deal. You want me to trust you, then you can’t be hiding shit from me.”

  “Sorry, Renee. I didn’t want to upset you.” I twist my lips at him, waiting for him to continue. “I went to the police like I told you with the information Duke was able to gather for me. He managed to find out that Cherry had been married to my father’s lawyer only months before she ‘met’ my dad. It was a scam from the start. I guess that neither of them expected my father to be potent at his age.”

  “That’s dumb,” I remark offhandedly, going back to my chopping.

  “Well, they weren’t the best of criminals. Apparently, my dad wasn’t the first to be swindled, but he was the first to demand marriage before handing over his life savings. So I took it to the cops. They suggested I confront her about Max and see if she’ll incriminate herself in just the abandonment issue, but things got out of hand pretty quickly. She was apprehended, and I got it all on tape.”

  “I have a feeling you’re leaving something significant out.”

  He mutters something that I can’t make out. All I can understand is “gun.” I gasp and blanch when he adds, “I didn’t get shot, so there’s nothing to get mad about.” I set the knife on the cutting board and rush over to him. I’m freaking out. I know he’s all fine and good, but he might not be here today if things had been slightly different. I throw my arms around him and cry. I can’t believe that our ending could have been so soon.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’m fine. I’m not going anywhere,” he promises, kissing my face and down to my lips. He growls and lifts me into his arms, carrying me off to the bedroom. I’m tossing off my top as my back hits the bed. I’m so glad that Max just started his nap. Liam doesn’t waste time taking off all his clothes. He pulls down my shorts and panties, then unleashes himself from his pants and thrusts home.

  Afterward, I’m wrapped up in his arms when he sits up, dragging me with him. He’s staring at me intensely, and I’m starting to worry. “I love you, Renee. You’re my everything.”

  I smile widely, and before I can respond, he pulls something from the drawer. “Will you make an honest man out of me?”

  “You’re already an honest man,” I say, pausing long enough to get control of my thoughts. “I love you, Liam. You’re everything I could have ever hoped for. Yes. I’ll marry you.” He slips a beautiful heart-shaped diamond ring on my finger. It fits perfectly. “Wow, it’s so stunning.”

  “I wanted something worthy of your beauty.” I throw my arms around him and kiss him wildly, leading to a round of celebratory sex.

  Chapter 13


  It’s taken three months to get here, but here we are. I smile down at Renee, my heart in my throat as I slide the ring on her finger, then hear the words I’ve longed to hear. “I now pronounce you man and wife.” I wrap my hand around her waist and drag her to me with my head coming down and swooping in for the kiss that will seal our lives forever together.

  “You messed up now. I’m never letting you go.” The crowd cheers, interrupting our moment. I take her hand and lead her down the aisle as my lovely wife. Fuck, I’m a lucky man.

  I can’t wait to get to our hotel. As soon as we get in the limo, I have her legs spread, and my face between her thighs. I growl and eat her until she screams my name. “Damn, your pussy tastes sweeter,” I say with a smirk.

  “Well, that’s because I’m carrying your baby.”

  I pull back and lean against the back of the seat. “For real?”

  “No for fake. Yes of course.”

  “Fuck yeah. Come on, baby. Let me see.” I lift up her dress a little more and kiss her belly. Damn, I’m twice as lucky.



  I’m doing my best to remain calm, remembering to breathe when the pain hits. It’s freaking brutal, and Liam’s nowhere in sight. He’s in an important meeting. I don’t want to interrupt, but this is becoming unbearable. I need to get to the hospital; the contractions are coming closer together. Owen’s bringing the car around while I call. My bag has been packed for a week and in the car already.

  I dial his number, but he doesn’t pick up. Damn it; I cry out as another pain hits me, dropping my phone onto the wood floor. By the time the pain subsides, I realize that my phone is completely cracked. Great. It’s ringing, but I can’t see who’s calling and I can’t answer it.

  Owen comes through the door with the nanny, who helps us with Max. She’s going to stay with him until we get back. I like her, and it looks like so does Owen.

  “What’s going on?” he asks me. I look up at him and grunt, holding out my phone. “Shit. I’ll call the boss man.” He helps me to the bench near the front door, but I need a break and pull back.

  “Mr. Hart, Renee’s in labor.
Yes, we’re leaving right now. Okay. We’ll meet you there.” I can’t hear more than Liam’s voice raise over the phone. He’s been leaving by three every day just in case the baby came early, but he had several meetings that he wanted to get done before the baby came and I pushed him to stay late today. Man, do I ever regret it.

  He hands the phone to me. I take it with a grimace. “Liam,” I pant into the phone.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I’ll meet you there. I’m walking to the elevator.”

  “Okay,” I slur out. Then the contraction ends. “I broke my phone.”

  “Then I’ll make sure to call Owen. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. I love you. Please don’t have our son without me. I love you so much, Renee.”

  “Be careful but hurry. Liam, I love you, too.”

  I end the call before I start crying. I know there’s nothing he can do to stop the pain for me, so I don’t want him to freak out and crash to get there. Nina brings Max over to give me a kiss goodbye then Owen helps me to the car. He would carry me, but he doesn’t want Liam to kill him. Liam is a bit possessive like that. Thank goodness that he didn’t carry me because as walk to the driveway, I freeze. My water bag breaks soaking the floor around me. My legs are completely drenched in amniotic fluid. I can’t even feel mortified because I’m in pain. This baby wants to come out.

  Owen helps me in, and we drive off as fast as possible without being unsafe. He’s called ahead to the hospital, but they inform him that Liam has already called, and they have a team waiting. He adds that my water broke to clarify the urgency.

  We pull up, and so does Liam. He opens the door before Owen gets to my side. “Park my car, please.” He throws his keys to Owen who catches them easily. Liam carries me to the wheelchair and follows by my side as the lead nurse pushes me inside.

  “Breathe, baby. You’re so strong.”

  “I need you, Liam. I’m hurting,” I sob. He clutches my hand, rubbing as best as he can while we rush to the delivery room.

  “I’m here, Renee. Always.”

  As soon as we get into the room, they lift me onto the bed. The nurses and Liam help me into a gown before the doctor takes a look at my aching bits. “Whoa. We’re having a baby right now.”

  Everyone is moving quickly around us. I try to focus on my loving husband who’s brushing my hair absently with his hand while staring at the doc and where his hands are. I don’t have time to complain that it’s a male doctor. At the moment, I don’t give a fuck who pulls the baby out.

  “Everything seems right on track. I want you to push on the next contraction.”

  I nodded and the next hour passed in a painful blur. My son, Liam Evan Hart cries as they hand him over to me. I kiss my baby boy who is huge. “I love you,” Liam sobs, kissing my forehead then our baby boy’s fuzzy head. He has a thick head of dark hair. I can see the resemblance between my three men. I can’t be any happier.


  Fifteen Years Later

  “Liam, my mother has been released. I still don’t want anything to do with her. Is that bad of me?” Max asks after all these years. I know that she’s his mother biologically, but she wasn’t emotionally. We’ve had Max since he was one, but we raised him as my brother not as a father. Even though, I feel like the father figure to him.

  “Not at all,” I say, clapping my hand on his shoulder.

  “She doesn’t want to see me either.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “A little. It’s hard to know your mom doesn’t love you. Renee loves Liam and Steven so much.”

  “And she loves you too. You became our first child and the reason we even met even though you were my little brother. She loved you even when she didn’t know how to care for a baby. You need to remember that your mother isn’t a good person. Some people are so selfish that they can’t love anyone but themselves. I’m sorry, but you’re just going to have to deal with Renee’s and my love for you. Can that be good enough?”

  “Of course it is. I just wondered why I wasn’t lovable enough.”

  “It’s not that you weren’t loveable. We loved you from the start. My mother has loved you like the boys. You know that some people are just pure assholes. Our dad was a dick, but he would have loved to have known you.”

  “Thanks, bro.”

  “Why is this coming up?”

  “There’s a girl I like. And well I don’t know if I’m good enough for her.”

  “You are the best student and becoming a great man. Keep it up, and women will be more than fortunate to find a man like you.” Things worked out the way they should have. Cherry could have ruined him if she’d raised him.

  “Thanks.” He smiles, picking up the bottle of water and walking out of the kitchen.

  “What was that all about?” Renee says as she comes into the kitchen from the back steps. We bought a large house a year after our son was born. It was built in the early 1800’s with a bunch of hidden pathways. We modernized it over the years, but it’s steeped in history still.

  “Cherry,” I tell her. I don’t know how much she heard or saw, but I have a feeling she’s been thinking about Cherry’s release, too.

  “Oh, he’s been acting different lately. I’ve been wondering if it was about her.”

  “Yes, and a girl.”

  “Oh really? Did you give him all the pointers?” she teases, knowing damn well I’ve got no game. I was lucky she stormed into my building demanding my attention.

  “Ha. I’m still learning them, woman.”

  “Well, we need to get to work on your education.” Damn right. I scoop her up into my arms and carry her like a madman into our bedroom. After all these years I can’t get enough of her sweet pussy clenching around my cock. I flip her onto the bed on all fours, then pull down her tiny shorts and panties, spanking her pretty ass.

  “What’s with these little shorts on? You’re lucky none of the kids’ friends were over. I’d have to kick a bunch of their asses.” I rub her ass while taking out my cock from my pants. I’m too worked up on how sexy she is to waste time stripping.

  “Come on, I’m an old lady.” I thrust into her depths at that ridiculous description of herself. She’s not even in her mid-thirties yet and is the sexiest woman alive. How the fuck can she not see the teen boys and their jackass father’s trying to ogle what’s mine.

  “You’re too hot, woman. This cock is constantly hard up for you. Every day, I’m balls deep in this sweet pussy, pounding away and yet I can’t get enough. Fuck, you like when I tell you how much I want to own your body. Do you love it when my dick bangs on your cervix? Do you want to feel every long, thick inch of me working your tiny womb?”

  “Yes,” she cries out, tossing her hair to the side and looking back at me. I grab it, then bend over her and steal a kiss. I need to see her better. I pull out and move her onto her back and slide back into my wife. She tugs at my shirt, hauling it over my head. Our eyes lock, my smile grows as I stare at the lust in her expression.

  “I love you, Renee.”

  “You love my pussy.”

  “That I do,” I growl, biting her lip and thrusting into her. Her hands grasp my biceps, tightening as she comes. I bury my seed inside her, marking her as mine again.

  “Liam, I’m forever grateful that I caused you baby mama drama.”

  “I’m going to see if we can create some more,” I say wagging my brows. We tease about having more babies.

  “I doubt it.”


  Oops. Nine months later we welcome our last baby boy, David.




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