Descent (Inferno Book 1)

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Descent (Inferno Book 1) Page 7

by Ashton Blackthorne


  I re-read my words several times before sending it. I had an annoying habit, according to some, of being too short and clipped with my words. I didn’t have any issue with it, but others had told me that I could come off as a bit ‘abrasive’. I liked to make my point with as few words as possible. I was a man of action, not words.

  Rising up from the table, I slipped out of my suit and pulled on a black t-shirt and shorts. I wasn’t feeling like going out tonight although my cock still throbbed at me for not getting any release from Initiate Night.

  I threw a backward glance at the porcelain eagle figurine on my dresser.

  Be an eagle, son.

  I heard my dad’s words echo in my ears. I had to fight back tears some days as I thought of how much he’d be disappointed in me as I’d never been able to fully initiate any woman into Seven.

  What was wrong with me? I wondered as I stared into the mirror. Women continually told me how handsome I was. I fucked many women outside of the club, and every last one had come for more. But every encounter I had outside the club had to be ‘non-scene’ sex which never fully met my needs.

  Slamming my fist on the dresser, the eagle jumped. Maybe the problem wasn’t with me. Maybe it was the subs I’d been with at the club. None of them had ever made it past my third circle. They’d all complain I was too ‘intense’ or too ‘sadistic.’ I’d been up front and direct with all of them about what I expected from them as my submissive and they had all agreed.

  That is, until I strapped them to the St Andrews cross with metal cuffs. Several were horrified that I didn’t use fleece lined handcuffs. I nearly collapsed with laughter. The women who requested fleece lined anything were immediately dismissed.

  But Leda seemed different. There was a spark within her that gave me hope. She hadn’t even flinched after I slapped her freshly lashed ass. I liked that. She could take the pain.

  My cock ached as I thought of her. I wasn’t going to be able to wait much longer.

  The vibration from my phone buzzed through my shorts.

  Fuck! It was Sabrina, my secretary.

  “Sabrina, it’s after hours. How can I help you?”

  “The Davidson file seems to be missing. Did you take it home?” Her high pitched voice breathless as usual. That woman was always frantic about something.

  “Yes, Sabrina, I did. The meeting isn’t until 1:00 tomorrow.”

  “Okay, but Mr. Jameson was requesting it be here by 9 AM.”

  I rolled my eyes. Robert Jameson was the most annoying manager at the firm. I repeatedly found myself wishing I’d never hired him.

  “Robert will be fine. Tell him I have it.”

  She sighed.

  “Okay, Mr. Grantham.”

  I clicked the phone off as I walked over to the huge picture window overlooking the New York skyline. I hated Robert Jameson for more than just his annoying ways.

  I hated his name.

  Robert. It was my stepfather’s name.

  After my parents split up, I did see my dad just as my mom had promised, but not nearly as much as I would’ve liked. So for a few years, we simply lost touch.

  But not to worry, my mother said, I had a new ‘daddy.’

  Robert was his name or as my mother liked to call him, “Robbie.”

  Christina was over the moon for Robert, but I wasn’t so sure. Ever since he and my mother had gotten married, I’d despised him. He was constantly trying to win both my mother and my sister over.

  But he didn’t fool me.

  He was a ‘snake in a suit’ as my dad had called him. Robert was a criminal defense attorney who worked with the lowest of low type of clients. My dad laughed when I told him about the cases he’d share with us at dinner. Crack whores, drug dealers, and petty criminals were his regular clientele.

  “Defending the scum of the earth,” my dad told me whenever I would go with him to dinner.

  Secretly, I agreed. I hated Robert and his constant attempts to woo my sister and my mother over to his side.

  But my hatred of Robert extended past petty bullshit.

  One night he got home late from work. Christina had left her homework papers all over the floor. She’d fallen asleep on the couch watching TV and my mother had to carry her to bed. I had dozed off on the couch watching a horror movie with my mother when Robert stormed in the door. He’d lost a case, I could tell as he immediately tossed his briefcase on the floor.

  “What the fuck is all this?” He stared at the mess of papers on the floor.

  Slowly, I sat up as I watched Robert kicking through the papers.

  “Robbie, she was doing her homework!” My mother replied as she walked in from the kitchen.

  “Why the fuck did she leave this out?” Reaching down, he swept several papers up in his hand. As he did, the sleeve of his jacket caught a bottle of glue which had been left open. The white sticky substance poured out all over his shoe and the carpet.

  “Dammit to hell! Vivian, where the hell is she? I’m going to beat her fucking ass for this!”

  My mother raced over to him holding a dishtowel trying to clean the glue from his shoe.

  “Robbie, she’s sleeping! I’ll clean this up.” My mother frantically tried getting the sticky glue up with the towel.

  “No, Vivian, that’s not going to work. Look, you’re making it worse!” Robert kicked his shoe off as he moved towards the stairs.

  “I’m getting that brat, and she can clean it up herself.”

  Jumping up from my spot on the couch, I threw myself in front of him.

  “I did it! I left the mess. Christina had nothing to do with it.”

  He regarded me as one would an annoying bug. He tried to swat me away from his legs.

  “Get the fuck away from me, Colt. I’m in no mood for your bullshit.”

  I wrapped my arms around his legs tightly. He was a big man around 6’3 and 250 pounds. I was only eleven years old and weighed around 90 pounds.

  “Leave Christina alone!” I commanded.

  His huge hands encircled my neck pulling me away from his legs.

  “Oh, are you trying to play hero, Colt?”

  As if I were as light as a feather, he yanked me up and threw me against the wall. I landed with a thud and pain erupted from my shoulder.

  “Robbie! Stop it!” My mother cried as she saw me lying crumpled on the floor. She ran to my side, but Robert pushed her back.

  “Leave him alone. If he wants to fight me, let him.”

  Balling up my small fists, I scrambled to my feet. Robert was much bigger than me, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to let him hurt my little sister.

  I lowered my head like a dog readying himself for a fight. Looking up at him, I considered whether to hit him with my fist or kick him.

  “So, what you are going to do about it, little man? Think you can take me?” He laughed loudly as he gazed down at me. His eyes were bloodshot and I assumed he’d been drinking. He bent down shoving his face into mine.

  “Go ahead, Colt. Hit me right here. I dare you.” He pointed at his chin.

  Nauseating fumes of alcohol emanated from him. I stood my ground tightening my fists. My mother sat back seemingly stunned by Robert’s behavior.

  I stood still, frozen in place. When I failed to make a move, Robert stood up laughing.

  “See he’s nothing but a baby. I told you, Vivian.”

  Just then, a howl bellowed from my throat as I reared my foot back kicking him in the shin with all my might. He pitched forward clutching his leg and bouncing on one foot.

  “You little fucker!” He screamed.

  Suddenly, I found myself unfrozen. I bolted up the stairs to my room and slammed the door shut locking it. I ran to my closet and hid holding my knees to my chest.

  I heard his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. Trembling, I waited holding my breath. I had no idea what he’d do to me.

  If only my dad were here, he’d never let Robert touch me. He’d tear Rob
ert’s arms off and beat him to death with them. I snickered at the thought, but quickly clasped my hand over my mouth.

  A hand rattled the door knob.

  “Open this fucking door, now!” He pounded angrily on my door.

  I shook with fear refusing to move.

  “I’m warning you, boy, if I have to break down this fucking door you’re going to wish I hadn’t!”

  After a few thuds, I heard the sound of wood splintering and a loud crack as he burst through my door. I crouched even further in the closet frantically yanking clothes and anything I could grab pulling it over me. I hid in the dark as I waited for Robert.

  “Robbie! Leave him alone!’’ I heard my mother cry from downstairs.

  I heard his footsteps drawing closer to the closet. Then, the closet door flew open. With my heart pounding in my chest, I held my breath. I knew what was coming.

  His huge hand came down and yanked me straight up out of the closet. He dragged me out and threw me on my bed.

  “Robert,” I whispered holding my hands up.

  He flashed an evil grin as he drew his belt off.

  “This is what your father should’ve done.” He roared as he flipped me over. I gritted my teeth clutching the blue comforter in my hands.

  The first blow landed on my upper thighs. Pain exploded throughout my body as I screamed. Over and over again the leather belt lashed against my skin. The pain was beyond agonizing. Before he was finished, I stopped screaming having long since left my body. All sound stopped for me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my mother standing at my doorway astonished at the broken door and Robert beating me. Tears coursed down her face as she met my gaze. I felt her love going out to me. I wanted to tell her I was okay, after all, it wasn’t me he was beating just my body, but I couldn’t form the words.

  Suddenly, I came crashing back into my body. I heard Robert’s voice booming above me.

  “You hearing me, boy? That better be the last fucking time you challenge me!”

  I heard the crack of the belt again as it cut my legs. I felt something dripping from me. Pain shot through my body in waves as tears began to drip onto my comforter. I watched as they pooled on the bed.

  “Robert, stop!”

  He grunted as he left the room stomping down the hallway into their bedroom slamming the door. My mother ran to my side.

  “Baby, are you okay?” She smoothed my hair back from my forehead. I could barely move.

  “Mom,” I whispered.

  “Colt!” My little sister appeared at the door in her pink pajamas with the bunnies on them. I hated those pajamas I always told her how babyish they were. She was clutching her favorite stuffed animal.

  “Help me, Christy. Go get some towels from the bathroom.”

  Christina returned with the towels, and my mother wrapped my legs in them as she turned me over.

  “Colton, my love, Robbie didn’t mean it. He’s drunk. He lost a very important case today. He’s not himself.”

  I watched my mother’s eyes as she doctored my wounds. I ached all over as I longed to tell her what I really thought of her precious ‘Robbie.’

  She kissed me on my forehead as my sister climbed up on the bed next to me. She put her stuffed animal next to me.

  “Bear-Bear wants to give you love, Colt. He will make you feel better.”

  Smiling, I took her bear and held it. Strangely, it was comforting. I wrapped my arm around her.

  “Colt, what did Daddy Robbie do to you?”

  I shook my head sniffling.

  “He’s NOT our dad! He’ll never be our father.”

  She looked confused.

  “He hurt you, didn’t he?”

  I nodded snuggling her close.

  “Okay, Christy-Belle, time for bed.” My mother pulled my sister away as I saw the worried look on her face. I knew she was concerned I’d tell my sister how awful Robert really was.

  “You can keep Bear-Bear tonight, Colt. He makes me feel better when I’m sick.”

  I looked at her sweet face still chubby from baby fat and her long blonde curls. If there was one thing that could make me feel better, it was her.

  “Thanks, Christy.” I managed to choke the words out. My legs felt like they were on fire. I wasn’t going to be able to sleep on my back. I couldn’t stand the sheets touching my raw wounds.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes, Colt. Try and rest. Mommy loves you.” She kissed me again.

  My eyes felt heavy, and they only stayed open to watch them leave.

  This was the first time Robert had beaten me, but it sure wouldn’t be the last.




  Good afternoon. I hope this day finds you well. I’d like to meet at Seven tomorrow night to get to know each other better. No expectations just a friendly chat. Let me know.


  I had read Colt’s email about a hundred times, trying to decipher all five sentences. By the end of my one-hundredth read, I had no additional thoughts on it as I had after the first read.

  Chastity and Wade will be furious. They warned me that Colt was dangerous and dark. I don’t have anything to lose by going and talking to him. I typed out my response and hit send.


  Thank you for inviting me to Seven tomorrow evening. I am looking forward to our chat.


  I wandered out to the kitchen where Chastity was putting the final touches on a cake. I took a seat at the table and tried to figure out how I was going to start this conversation.

  “What’s up, Leeds?” Chastity asked as she looked up from her cake decorating.

  “Nothing much.” I paused and then blurted it out. “Colt emailed me and invited me to Seven tomorrow night for a chat. I didn't even know he had my email. Do you think Ray gave it to him?”

  Wade had a knack for popping in at terrible moments, and this was no exception. He just walked in from work and asked how our days had been.

  “Colt invited Leda to Seven tomorrow,” Chastity said calmly.

  “Just to talk,” I added.

  The crease in Wade’s forehead become more prominent as he swore.

  “God dammit, Leda.”

  “What? I didn’t realize talking to another person was a crime.”

  “Did you already accept the invitation?” Wade asked through clenched teeth.

  “Yes! Again, I figured there was no harm in talking to him.”

  Wade began pacing the floor with his fist clenched. I really don’t understand why he’s so bent out of shape.

  “Why are you so worried? I talked to him once and watched a scene of his once. He seems experienced, and when the girl said her safe word, he stopped and took care of her. Colt hasn’t given me the impression that he’s a monster.”

  Wade stared at me for a few moments and shook his head.

  “He breaks girls, Leda.” Wade was silent for a moment. “Each time he plays, the girls get pushed too far and they safeword.”

  I swallowed hard as I thought about it. Still, I had a burning need to explore the possibility that Colt might be able to give me what I needed and wanted. Maybe Colt could prove that I'm not as damaged as I fear.

  “If there is one thing that Colt is great at, it’s fucking with minds. Concentrate while you’re with him. Don’t get distracted. Pay attention and think before you answer anything he asks.”

  On my long drive out to Seven, I tried not to think of Wade’s warnings about Colt almost making a hobby out of breaking submissives. Wade didn’t understand though…Colt can’t break someone who is already broken.

  “Ow, that hurts.”

  “Leda! Quiet!”

  He pinched my sides, causing me to cry out again. His big, rough hand clamped down over my mouth, and I struggled against it. His hands smelled like his pipe and traces of alcohol.

  “Leda! Stop moving and stay quiet! Do you want the strap young lady?”

  I shook my head rapidly, but the pain was to
o much, and I moved again. This time, grandpa was furious, and he let out a growl.

  “That’s it!” he angrily stumbled away from me, causing me more pain.

  I’m pretty sure he was drunk. Whenever I had smelled the liquor on him, our walks in the woods were rougher.

  He clumsily yanked the belt from his belt loops and folded it as he walked towards me.

  “Lie down on that log, Leda.”

  I looked down at the log that I had just been pressed against, and I began to whimper.

  “Leda! You didn’t let me finish because of your crying and noise making. You’re getting the strap. Now lie down on the log. I’m not going to ask you again!”

  I looked at the rough log and climbed on as carefully as I could so it didn’t cut my skin.

  “Wrap your arms around the log.”

  I stretched my arms down as far as they would go and braced for the belt.

  Thwap! Thwap! Thwap!

  I closed my eyes as tight as I could. If I fought back or cried, it would only make it worse. My body naturally moved as the beating went on. I eventually fell off the log, scraping my stomach on the abrasive bark.

  I was bleeding.

  “Leda,” my grandfather looked down at me, and I started to cry as I clutched my stomach.

  I flinched and tried turning away when he approached.

  “Leda, let me see it.”

  I removed my hands to reveal the damage done by the bark. Scratches and scrapes decorated my stomach and some were bleeding. He pulled out his filthy handkerchief, spat on it and roughly wiped it over my skin.

  “Ow,” I cried out again.

  “Quiet!” He slapped my mouth and went back to rubbing my stomach. “If you had stayed still like I told you, this wouldn't have happened.”

  By the time I arrived at the gates of Seven, I was a bit unnerved by the crap I had running loose in my head. With a shaky hand, I pressed my driver’s license to the box at the gate until it had been scanned. The gates creaked open, and I proceeded down the winding path the led to Seven.


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