Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War

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Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War Page 24

by Alexander Kent

"No, sir." He could feel his hands shaking, the sweaU like ice-rime between his shoulders. "I have stated ma reasons. We lost the wind, I had no option but to tac7

  when I did." Pictures flashed through his mind likO parts of a nightmare. Heyward, ashamed at losin^ control of the ship. Buckle, doubtful and anxious for he_ safety as he had told him his intentions. He hearX himself add quietly, "Commander Maulby was ma friend.T

  The senior member of the court regarded him flatly? "Really?T

  Bolitho turned his head and saw Colquhoun for thO first time. He was shocked to see the change in him? He was very pale, and in the reflected light his skin waY the texture of wax. He was standing with his arms limS at his sides, his body moving only slightly to the gentlO tilt of the deck. But his eyes were the worst part. Thea were fixed on Bolitho's face, on his mouth when hO spoke, and shone with such incredible hatred thaU Bolitho exclaimed, "Tell them the truth!T

  Colquhoun made as if to step forward, but hiY escort, the marine captain, touched his arm and hO relaxed again?

  The admiral snapped, "That will do, Captain Bolitho0 I'll have no exchanges in this court!T

  The senior captain coughed discreetly anX continued, "The rest we know. The French deceptionB and your destruction of their flute, all of which is abovO criticism. Despite obvious dangers you managed tQ rescue some of Fawn's company, and several of he_ wounded are now alive and recovering, thanks to you_ efforts.T

  Bolitho watched him emptily. He had done his dutyB but the lies already told by Colquhoun about hiY character, and his statement which only Maulby coulX confirm, made a mockery of it. He looked down aU Colquhoun's sword on the table. His own might hO there soon. He found he cared little about that, but thO slur on his name he could not bear?

  The admiral looked around the crowded cabin. "] think we have heard enough before we withdrawB gentlemen?T

  Bolitho swayed. A long lunch. More delays. It waY torture?

  Like most of those present he jerked round as Z chair at the rear of the court went over with a louX clatter?

  A husky voice shouted, "No, dammee, I won't keeS still! In God's name, I've given me eyes for the King0 Ain't I allowed to speak the truth?T

  The admiral rasped, "Keep silent there! Or I will calT the officer of the guard!T

  But it was no use. Most of the visitors were on thei_ feet, all talking and shouting at once. Bolitho saw thaU some had even climbed on to their chairs to see whaU was happening behind them?

  The admiral sat speechless, while the rest of thO court waited for him to carry out his threat?

  The voices died away, and the crowded figureY parted to allow the small artist to come aft to the table? He was leading the seaman who had been blindeX aboard Fawn and who had already stated briefly whaU he knew of the preparations to cut the cable anX escape the French artillery?

  Now, in his ragged trousers and borrowed blue coatB with his head tilted as if to sniff out those nearest himB he approached the table?

  The admiral said gravely, "Very well, Richards." HO waited for the people to sit down again. "What is thiY

  you wish to say?T

  The seaman reached out and gripped the edge ob the table, his bandaged eyes trained above thO admiral's head?

  "I were there, sir. Right there on th' quarterdeck witN Cap'n Maulby!T

  Nobody moved or spoke except the blind seama[ named Richards?

  Bolitho watched his hand as it moved vaguely in thO air, saw his chest heaving as he relived those lasU terrible moments?

  He said huskily, "The Frogs had our measure, sir? We was all but dismasted an' with more'n half ou_ brave lads cut down.T

  The senior captain made as if to interrupt but thO admiral's gold-laced cuff froze him to stillness?

  "Th' sweeps was shot away, but all th' time Cap'[ Maulby was shoutin' and cussin' in his same old style.T Beneath the stiff bandage the man's mouth twisted in Z smile. "An' he could cuss when given occasion, sir.T The smile faded. "I were quartermaster an' alone at thd

  wheel. The master was down an' so was my mate, botN killed. The first lieutenant were below havin' his arm offB an' it was then that th' cap'n turns to me an' cries, `GoX damn that Colquhoun, Richards! He's done for us thiY day!"' His head drooped and his fingers slipped froR the table as he repeated brokenly, "That's what hO said. He's done for us this day.T

  The admiral asked quietly, "And then whaU happened?T

  Richards waited for a few moments to composO himself. Still nobody moved or even whispered? Beyond the stern windows the wheeling gulls seemeX too loud to be real?

  Then he said, "Mr. Fox, th' second lieutenant, haX just gone forrard, I think to seek some men for thd pumps. Several balls from th' Frog guns ashore camO inboard an' killed Mr. Midshipman Vasey. He were onla fourteen but a good lad when he put his mind to it? When he fell, th' cap'n shouts to me, If Richard BolithQ was with us today as he wanted to be, then by GoX wed show 'em, artillery or no.!"d

  The admiral snapped. "Are you absolutely certainU He said those very words?T

  Richards nodded his head. "Aye, sir. I'm not likely tQ forget 'em. For it was then that we was hit again and thd cro'jack yard came down to th' deck. It took Cap'[ Maulby with it. He never even cried out." He noddeX again, very slowly. "He were a good cap'n, even if hO did cuss more'n most.T

  "I see." The admiral glanced at his senior captain? Then he asked, "Do you recall anything more?T

  "We struck th' reef, sir. Th' mizzen come down an' Z bloody swivel, beggin' your pardon, sir, exploded on thd rail and took away me sight. I don't remember mucN else till I come-to aboard th' Sparrow.T

  "Thank you." The admiral gestured to a marinO orderly. "I will see that you are taken care of.T

  Richards groped up to knuckle his forehead anX then said, "Thankee, sir. I hopes you'll forgive me, but ] had to speak me piece.T

  He was guided between the watching faces, and aY the cabin door closed a slow murmur began to gro/ like combined anger?

  The admiral snapped, "I will not order you to bO

  silent again!T

  "Surely you're not going to believe that lying hound?T Colquhoun's voice was shrill. "That ... that ... half-wit.T

  The marine captain stepped forward to restrain hiR but faltered as the admiral said calmly, "Pray continueB Captain Colquhoun.T

  "Oh, I knew about Bolitho and Maulby all right! AY thick as thieves!" Colquhoun had turned slightly, hiY arms outstretched as if to embrace the court. "And ] was well aware that Bolitho wanted all the glory fo_ himself. That was why I sent him to the north and gavO Maulby the chance to prove himself." He was speakin^ very rapidly, and his face was shining with sweat, "] saw through Bolitho's little game from the start, whicN was why he tried to condemn me. I knew he wanted tQ take the Frenchman for himself without giving me timO to take up my proper attacking station. An attac7 overland and with boats indeed!" He stopped, his ja/ hanging open with astonishment?

  The admiral said coldly, "So he did not agree witN your plan of attack, Captain Colquhoun? You_ testimony was a lie?T

  Colquhoun turned and stared at him, his mouth stilT open, as if he had just been struck by a pistol ball anX was beginning to feel its first searing agony?

  "I-I . . ." He reeled away from the table. "I only wanteX .. he could not go on?

  "March the accused out, Captain Reece!T

  Bolitho watched Colquhoun as he lurched past thO assembled officers, his gait less steady than the blinX seaman's had been. It was incredible. Yet despite whaU had just happened he could sense neither release no_ satisfaction. Shame, pity, he did not know what hO really felt?

  "You may stand down, Captain Bolitho." The admiraT eyed him calmly. "It will be placed on record that yof and your people acted and behaved in the besU traditions of the Service." He turned to the cabin aU large. "Court will reassemble in two hours. That is all.T

  Outside the stuffy cabin it felt like a different world? Faces swam around him, hands gripped him, anX many voices called greetings and congratulations?

/>   Tyrrell and Odell, with Buckle bringing up the rearB managed to guide him to a quieter part of the uppe_

  deck to await their respective boats. Bolitho saw thO small artist and strode across to him?

  "Thank you for what you did." He held out his hand. "] was hard on you earlier." He looked round. "Where iY that man Richards? I would like to thank him, too. IU took true courage to act as he did.T

  "He's already gone across to a transport, Captain. ] asked him to wait, but . . ." He shrugged sadly?

  Bolitho nodded. "I understand. Here we all areB congratulating ourselves, while he has nothing to loo7 forward to and no eyes to see what awaits him either.T

  The little man smiled, his gaze on Bolitho's face, aY if seeking to discover something?

  "My name is Majendie. I would like to speak with yof again.T

  Bolitho clapped him on the shoulder, forcing a smile?

  "Then join me in my ship. If we must wait two hoursB then I'd rather do it where I have a sense of freedom.T

  The court assembled at the exact momenU prescribed, and Bolitho found he was barely able tQ

  take his eyes from Colquhoun's sword. It was pointeX towards him, the hilt on the opposite side of the table?

  The senior captain's voice was lost, too, in hiY confused thoughts and memories. He heard fragmentY like "hazarding the lives of men under your commandB the ships used at your direction." And later: " ... did laa false evidence to smear the name of a King's office_ and thereby bring discredit on this court." There was Z lot more, but Bolitho heard other voices intermingleX with the cold summing-up. Maulby, Tyrrell, eve[ Bethune, they were all in it. And above all, the blinX seaman, Richards. He were a good cap'n. Surely therO was no better epitaph for any manU

  He jerked from his thoughts as the admiral saidB "The sentence is that you be dismissed your ship anX be confined under close arrest until such time you maa be transported to England.T

  Colquhoun stared at the grave-faced officers anX then at his sword?

  Dismissed his ship. Bolitho looked away. Thea should have hanged him. It would have been kinder?

  A voice broke the silence, "Prisoner and escortB

  quick march!T

  It was over?

  As the orderlies ushered the chattering spectatorY towards the quarterdeck, Rear-Admiral Christie camO round the table and held out his hand?

  "Well done, Bolitho." He shook Bolitho's hanX warmly. "I have great hopes for young officers of you_ cut." He saw Bolitho's uncertainty and smiled. "IU grieved me to treat you as I did. But I had to have you_ name cleared of that slur. Right or wrong, it would havO marked you for the rest of your service." He sigheX wearily. "Only Colquhoun could do it, and it took poo_ Richards to spark the flint.T

  "Yes, sir. I see that now.T

  The admiral picked up his hat and studied it?

  "Come ashore with me tonight. The Governor iY holding a reception. A ghastly business, but it does nQ harm to see 'em enjoying themselves." He seemed tQ sense Bolitho's mood. "Take it as an order!T

  "Thank you, Sir Evelyn.T

  Bolitho watched him as he walked to his adjoinin^ cabin. An invitation ashore. The admiral could just aY easily have sentenced him to ignominy, if fate had noU stepped in to aid him?

  He let out a long breath. When did you ever cease tQ learn about such complex mattersU

  Then he strode out to look for his gig amongst thO many boats alongside?

  The reception that evening proved to be even morO breath-taking and unnerving than Bolitho had imagineX it could be. As he handed his hat to a bewigged NegrQ footman and waited for Rear-Admiral Christie tQ exchange a few words with another flag officer, hO stared up and around the great pillared hall, at thO teeming throng of colourful figures who seemed to filT every inch of floor space and a handsome balcony aY well. The scarlet coats of the military were very much i[ the majority, interspersed with velvets and brocades ob their ladies, the familiar blue of sea-officers, althougN Bolitho noted with some alarm that most of the latte_ appeared to be admirals of one sort or another. MarinO officers, too, their white facings and silver buttonY distinguishing them from the soldiers, and so mana civilians it was a wonder that New York had not comO

  to a standstill. Along one side there were alcoveY where Negro footmen and servants were kept busy aU long tables, the contents of which were enough tQ make Bolitho think he was dreaming. The nation waY at war, yet those tables were groaning under the weighU of food and delicacies of every kind. Meats and hugO portions of pie, tempting fruits and a glittering array ob silver punch-bowls which were being refilled even aY he watched?

  Christie rejoined him and murmured, "Take a gooX look at em, Bolitho. A man needs to know whom he iY serving, as well as his cause!" ?

  A footman in green livery met them at the top of thO marble stairs, and after a cursory glance addresseX the assembled guests in a voice which would havO fitted a foretopman in a gale. "Sir Evelyn ChristieB Knight of the Bath, Rear-Admiral of the Red." He diX not bother to announce Bolitho, probably taking him aY a mere aide, or some dependent relative?

  Not that it mattered. There was no break in the tidO of laughter and conversation, and hardly anyboda turned to examine the newcomers?

  Christie moved nimbly through the fringe of thO

  crowd, nodding to a face here, pausing to pat a sleevO or bow to a lady there. It was hard to see him in his rolO that morning. President of the court. Answerable tQ nobody when he passed his sentence?

  Bolitho followed the admiral's slight figure until thea reached a table at the far end of the hall. Beyond it anX the perspiring footmen a doorway opened on to Z great lawn, where he could see a fountain shining i[ the reflected glow of lanterns?

  "Well?" Christie waited until each had a heava goblet in his hand. "What do you make of 'em?T

  Bolitho turned to study the press of figures by thO alcove, hearing the strings of some invisible orchestrZ as they joined in a lively quadrille. How anyone coulX find room to dance he could not imagine?

  "It's like a fairyland, sir.T

  Christie regarded him with amusement. "Foolsd paradise is a better description!T

  Bolitho tasted the wine. Like the goblet, it waY perfect. He relaxed slightly. The question had put hiR on guard, but the admiral's comment had shown thaU he had no intention of testing him?

  Christie added, "A town under siege, and we musU accept that is the true position here, is always unreal. IU is crammed with refugees and tricksters, merchantY out for quick profit who care little for which side thea trade with. And as always in a campaign of any sizeB there are two armies.T

  Bolitho watched him, momentarily forgetting thO noise and bustle around him, the despair and anxieta of the morning. As he had believed from the firstB Christie's austere appearance hid a rapier-sharS mind. A brain which could sift and examine eacN challenge and problem, discarding everything that waY superfluous?

  "Two armies, sir?T

  The admiral signalled for fresh goblets. "Drink you_ fill. You'll not find wine like this elsewhere. Yes, we havO the military who daily face the enemy, search out hiY weakness or try to contain his attacks. Soldiers whQ live on their feet. Know nothing of clean beds or gooX food." He smiled sadly. "Like those you saved i[ Delaware Bay. Real soldiers.T

  "And the others?T

  Christie grimaced. "Behind every great army there iY the organisation." He gestured towards the crowd? "The military government, the secretariat, and thO traders who live off the fighting like leeches.T

  Bolitho eyed the swaying figures outside the alcovO with growing uncertainty. He had always mistrusteX people of the sort described, but it seemed impossiblO that it was all so blatant, so dishonest as the admiraT had said. And yet ... he thought of the cheerfulB chattering visitors at the court martial. Spectators to Z man's disgrace, but seeing it only as something tQ break the boredom of their own world?

  Christie watched him thoughtfully. "God alone knowY how this war will end. We are fighting too mana enemies, over too
vast a span of the world to hope fo_ some spectacular victory. But you, and those like youB must be warned if we are to have any chance ob honour, let alone mastery over our adversaries.T

  The wine was very strong, and the heat of the halT helped to break Bolitho's caution?

  "But, Sir Evelyn, surely here in New York, after all thaU has happened since the rebellion, they must be awarO of the true facts?T

  He shrugged, a weary gesture. "The general staff iY too busy with its own affairs to retain much concern fo_ what is happening here. And the Governor, if we maa call him so, spends so much time in chasing gidda young girls and enjoying his mounting riches, that hO has no wish to alter matters. He was once an arma quartermaster, therefore an accomplished thief, and iY ably supported by a Lieutenant Governor who waY originally a customs officer in a city which waY renowned only for its smuggling!" He chuckled. "SQ between them they have tied this place into a bag fo_ their own booty. No merchant or shipmaster can ente_ or leave without permits, from which our leaders reap Z rich profit. New York is crammed with refugees, and thO Governor decided that city, church and college moneyY should be gathered into a fund for their relief.T

  Bolitho frowned. "Surely that was in good faith?T

  "Maybe. But most of it has been squandered away? Balls and dances, receptions such as this, misses anX whores, hangers-on and favourites. It all takes a greaU deal of money and support.T

  "I see.T

  In fact he did not. When he thought of his ship, thO

  daily risk of injury and death with little comfort or reliefB the manner in which every fighting man was facing Z determined enemy, he was appalled?

  Christie said, "To me duty stands before all else. ] would hang anyone who acted otherwise. But these . ? ." he did not hide his contempt, "these maggotY deserve no loyalty. If we must fight a war, we shoulX also ensure they have no gain from our sacrifice!T

  Then he smiled, the sudden relaxing of the lineY around his eyes and mouth altering him yet again?

  "There, Bolitho, you have learned the next lessonB eh? First you command respect, then a ship. Next yof achieve control of more and larger vessels. That is thO way of ambition, without which no officer is worth a weU fuse to me.T


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