Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War

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Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War Page 33

by Alexander Kent

  He said quietly, "Thank God.T

  The bow-chaser hurled itself inboard againB dragging him from his thoughts, his overwhelmin^ relief?

  He shouted, "Mr. Bethune, take the cutter and assisU Mr. Tyrrell!" He looked for Buckle. "Get the hands alofU and prepare to loose tops'ls!T

  All exhaustion and dread at Graves's report seemeX to be fading as men tore to their stations. The cutte_ was pulling from the side, Bethune standing upright aY he urged his crew to greater efforts?

  Dalkeith said, "Well, sir . . ." He got no further?

  One of the topmen who had reached the uppermosU yard before his companions yelled, "Deck there! SaiT comin' around th' 'eadland!T

  Bolitho snatched a glass and trained it above thO nettings. She was standing well out from the bay, buU was already tacking frantically towards Cape Henry. IU was the Lucifer?

  Odell would be shocked to find no fleet, nor eve[ Heron at anchor. He tensed. There was damage to thO schooner's mizzen, and she was handling sluggishly aY she tried to beat closer to the entrance. She must havO been caught unprepared by another ship, perhapY under cover of darkness. There was no mistaking thO flapping rents in her great foresail, the uneven spreaX of rigging?

  He saw flags breaking to the wind, and held thO glass motionless while his lips spelled out the brieb signal?

  He turned to Buckle. "Enemy in sight.T

  "God A'mightyT

  "Mr. Heyward!" He saw him swing round from thO capstan?

  "Stand by to cut the cable! We will not recover thO boats, but make sail as soon as our people arO aboard!T

  He heard a chorus of shouts, and when he turned afU he saw Lucifer folding her great sails like the wings ob a dying bird. She must have risked everything to reacN him with her news, even to make that one vital signal? She had driven too close and had struck the shoalY which Tyrrell had described so vividly?

  He made himself walk to the rail and look for thO boats. Tyrrell's cutter was almost awash, but BethunO was there, and he saw the wounded being hauleX across, a patch of scarlet to mark at least one soldie_ in the party?

  Several more guns were firing now, and balls thre/ up tall splashes in the pale sunlight like a line ob leaping dolphins?

  Some of the topmen gave a ragged cheer aY Bethune cast the waterlogged cutter adrift and headeX back towards Sparrow?

  Bolitho turned towards Graves who was standin^ much as before. "Take charge of your guns." He kepU his voice formal without understanding why or how. HO could picture Lucifer's frail hull breaking up on thO rocks and Tyrrell's shattered boat trying to reacN Sparrow. He could even see young Fowler, a merO child, running through some unknown woods whilO shots shrieked all about him. "Do your duty. That is all ] ask of you." He looked away. "All I will ever ask of yof again.T

  He heard the boat grind alongside and saw TyrrelT and the others being dragged through the entry portB being clapped on the shoulders and bombarded witN questions and cheers?

  Bolitho strode towards him and saw with sudde[ despair that Tyrrell was carrying Midshipman Fowler. IU must have been his body across his legs in the boat?

  Tyrrell looked at him steadily and gave a tired grin? "He's all right, sir. He was crying fit to break his heartB an' then fell asleep in th' boat." He handed thO midshipman to some seamen. "Worn out, poor littlO bugger." He saw Graves and added flatly, "But he's goU guts. Plenty of 'em." Then he strode forward anX gripped Bolitho's hands. "He's not th' only one, iU


  A new voice drawled, "'Pon my word, I knew we'X meet again!T

  It was Colonel Foley. A bandage round his throat, hiY uniform in tatters, but somehow remaining aY impeccable as Bolitho remembered him?

  Bolitho said, "I, too." He looked at Tyrrell. "We are i[ for some warm work today, I fear. Lucifer's done forB and we must leave quickly if we are to avoid her fate.T

  "Aye." Tyrrell limped towards the wheel. "I'd guesseX as much.T

  A cry from aloft brought every eye towards thO headland. Very slowly, their yards braced round in thO sunlight, a frigate and a deep-hulled transport werO passing level with the wrecked schooner?

  Bolitho said simply, "Sooner than I thought." HO looked at Heyward. "We will cut the cable." To Tyrell hO added, "Then you may pass the word to load and ru[ out.T

  The cutter and its dead oarsmen drifted away froR the side, a discarded reminder of their sacrifice?

  Bethune hurried aft, his face glowing witN excitement?

  Bolitho said, "Well done. I'll see you a lieutenant yetB despite what you do to the contrary.T

  He felt suddenly composed, even relaxed. "Run uS the colours! We'll show the army we're not leaving theR to no purpose!T

  The cable cut, and with her topsails bellying to thO wind, Sparrow tilted round in a tight arc, the thunder ob her canvas drowning the gunfire from the trees, he_ seamen too busy even to think beyond their work anX the need to reach the open sea?

  By the time Sparrow had gone about and settled o[ her course towards the capes, there could be no doubU in anyone's mind as to the enemy's intentions. Even aY Tyrrell reported all guns loaded and run out, BolithQ raised his glass to examine yet another ship as shO rounded the southern headland. One more heava transport, and beyond her he could see the billowin^ topsails of a protective frigate?

  Tyrrell said, "God's teeth, a fleet and nothing less!T

  Buckle called, "Steady as she goes, sir! Sou' ba west!T

  The first transport had already dropped anchor, anX through his glass Bolitho saw her boats being lowereX with swift precision, the glint of sunlight on weaponY and uniforms as soldiers clambered down ladders anX nets in a manner which spoke of much practice. HO shifted his glass to the second large vessel. She, tooB was crammed with soldiers, and there were limbers o[ her upper deck, and her yards were festooned witN heavy tackles, the kind used for lowering horses intQ boats or lighters?

  Colonel Foley drawled, "We heard Rochambeaf was expecting reinforcements. It would appear thea have arrived.T

  Bolitho glanced at him. "What is your mission now?T

  "If you can get me to New York I have despatches fo_ General Clinton. They may not help Cornwallis, but hO will be glad to know what is happening here." He gavO a brief smile. "I heard that you dealt severely with ou_ old friend Blundell? Not before time." He raised onO eyebrow. "You met his niece again, I understand?T

  Bolitho watched the jib-boom swing very slightly anX settle on the outthrust wedge of headland. How coulX they speak so calmly and detachedly when death laa so close at handU

  He replied, "Yes. She will be in England now.T

  Foley gave a sigh. "I am relieved. I recognise all thO signs, Captain. She wanted you to quit the Service anX join her train of admirers, eh?" He held up one hand? "Do not bother to reply! It is plain on your face, as iU must have been on mine.T

  Bolitho smiled gravely. "Something of the sort.T

  "When she tired of me I was sent to serve unde_ Cornwallis. A favour as it turned out. And you?T

  Tyrrell stepped back from the rail. "She almost haX him killed!T

  Foley shook his head. "A formidable woma[ indeed.T

  "Deck there! Ship-o'-the-line roundin' the cape!T

  Bolitho felt a chill on his spine as he thought ob Odell's dash from the south. Day by day and at eacN

  dawn he would look astern at the pursuing ships. IU must have been a nightmare for every man aboard?

  The boats from the two transports were pullin^ towards the land now, and he could see the hulls deeS in the water as testimony of the numbers they carried?

  "Set the t'gallants, Mr. Tyrrell. We will need all ou_ wind today.T

  Foley drew his sabre and turned it over in his hands? "You are not merely running away, I take it?T

  Bolitho shook his head. "Those two frigates arO shortening sail, Colonel. They intend to rake us whe[ we attempt to clear the middle-ground." He pointeX towards the anchored transports. "There is our course? Close inshore, where we'll be least expected.T

ey grimaced. "Or welcome, I suspect.T

  Bolitho looked at Buckle. "When we go about yof must lay her as close as you can to Cape Henry.T

  "Aye, sir." Buckle was peering through shrouds anX stays, his eyes fixed on the ships?

  Bolitho raised his glass again. The two frigates werO

  under minimum canvas standing before the wind witN some difficulty as they waited for the small sloop tQ dash past them. Less than a mile now. He watcheX them narrowly, noting their drift, the sun gleaming o[ their broadsides and on the raised telescopes of thei_ officers?

  He snapped, "How many boats in the water?T

  Bethune called, "At least thirty!T


  Bolitho imagined the packed soldiers who would bO watching Sparrow's apparent dash for safety. E spectacle to drive away their own doubts and fears ob what lay ahead on the American mainland?

  Bolitho drew his hanger and held it above his head? Along the gun deck he saw the crews crouching at thO tackles, each captain peering aft, a slow-match helX ready. In the maintop two swivels were training this waa and that, a seaman squatting on the barricade witN fresh canister cradled to his chest. Curiously, as he ra[ his eyes quickly over his command, he was remindeX of Colquhoun's words so long ago. When all others arO looking aft at you?

  He heard a sharp bang, and seconds later thO highpitched whine of a ball whipping overhead. One ob the frigates had fired a ranging shot. But he kept hiY eyes on the nearest transport as she swung to he_ cable, her high poop towards the beach. Aboard thO frigates the gun crews would be betting with eacN other. How many balls would they get off before thO Sparrow was overwhelmed by their cross-fire or shO struck her coloursU

  He brought down his hanger with a flourish. "Now!T

  The wheel creaked noisily, and as men hauled at thO braces to retrim the yards, Sparrow's stem began tQ turn. Bolitho held his breath, watching the frigateY slipping further and further down the larboard bowB while the nearest transport and then the great spreaX of oared boats swam across the jib-boom, and beyonX them the land opened up as if to receive thei_ onrushing charge?

  "Hold her!T

  Bolitho ran to the nettings, his mind hanging on tQ Tyrrell's words of Lynnhaven Bay, the depths anX currents, the dangers and margin of survival?

  Buckle's helmsmen cursed and spun the wheeT against the opposite thrust of wind and sea, and aY spray leapt above the beakhead Bolitho saw thO nearest boats careering off course, the realisation anX horror of his intentions at last only too clear?

  Gunfire thudded across the bay, and ballY whimpered and splashed very near to the hull. But thO two frigates had been taken by surprise, and aY Sparrow lunged towards the shore, Bolitho knew thaU within minutes she would be screened from their fire ba the first transport?

  He could feel the madness surging through him likO fever, and as he yelled down at the gun deck he knew iU was infectious, saw the men poised at their open portY like half-naked demons?

  "Stand by!" The hanger was above his head again? "Full depression!T

  He saw the nearest muzzles dipping towards thO creaming water, the gun captains dancing from side tQ side while their men stood ready with charges anX fresh shot for the next barrage, and the one after that?

  "As you bear!" The hanger hovered, holding thO

  fresh sunlight like gold. "Fire!T

  The air was blasted apart by the ragged broadsideY from either beam. As the dense smoke swirleX inboard, and the gun crews yelled and cheered abovO the squeak of trucks, the clatter of handspikes anX rammers, Bolitho saw the next spitting tongues froR forward, the double shotted charges smashing intQ boats and soldiers, the whirl of splinters and spray? Above the decks the braced topsails quivered to eacN explosion, the smoke fanning out on either side in Z choking fog while the guns roared out again and again?

  Sharper cracks from muskets, the metallic bangs ob swivels, made words impossible. It was a nightmare, Z world in torment. Boats lurched into the hull and BolithQ felt the deck shake as Sparrow's stem smashed into Z launch, breaking it in two and spilling out thO overloaded soldiers in a kicking, screaming profusion?

  A transport was firing now, her upper tier cutting ove_ the scattered boats and slapping through Sparrow'Y canvas like great fists?

  A ball burst through the nettings, and Bolitho hearX shrill screams as two seamen were pulped against thO opposite side. He saw Fowler walking dazedly pasU

  the dismembered corpses, his face set as if in deeS thought. He noticed that he was snapping his fingers?

  The hull gave another great lurch, and below his feeU he felt the enemy's iron smashing through the gu[ deck, the attendant rumble of a twelve-pounder bein^ overturned?

  Another longboat lurched down the starboard sideB some men firing with their muskets, others scramblin^ over the frantic sailors at the oars. Balls thudded intQ the rail and bulwark, and a seaman fell choking o[ blood as one took him in the throat?

  Bolitho ran to the side and wiped his streaming eyeY to peer astern. The surface was littered with smasheX boats and drifting woodwork. Men, too, somO swimming, others fading beneath the water under thei_ weight of weapons and equipment?

  Foley was reloading a musket and shouting, "A fe/ less for our boys to fight!" He leaned over the nettingY and shot down a soldier even as he stood to fire at thO sloop?

  Bolitho strained his eyes towards the shore. It waY near enough. Almost too close?

  "Bring her about!" He had to repeat the order beforO Buckle understood?

  With blocks screaming and her yards braced rounX once more, Sparrow heeled dangerously on thO larboard tack, her bows seemingly pointed straight aU the land?

  And there was the second transport, swingin^ drunkenly across the bow, her gun-ports alreada flashing and tearing the air apart with shot?

  A ball ripped through the quarterdeck rail, splitting iU apart like matchwood, and cutting down a master'Y mate who was yelling to the hands at the mizze[ braces. Blood splashed across Bolitho's breechesB and he saw other men falling on the gun deck, thO protective nets above it jerking with fallen cordage anX torn canvas?

  A quick glance aloft told him the masthead pendanU was streaming almost abeam. They were as close tQ the wind as they could be. Enough or too little made nQ difference now. There was no room to go about, no_ time to change tack?

  Tyrrell yelled, "Rake that bastard's poop!" HO

  gestured to the nearest gun captains. "Grape! Brin^ them down!T

  He stared at Bolitho, his eyes glazed with fatigueB the fury of battle?

  "She's coming round!" He caught a seaman as hO dropped from the nettings, his face a mask of blood? "Another for th' surgeon!" He turned to Bolitho agai[ and then gave a short cry, his hands to his thigh as hO fell?

  Bolitho knelt beside him, holding his shoulders aY more balls blasted splinters from the deck. TyrrelT stared up at him, his eyes dark with pain?

  "'S'all right." He gritted his teeth. "It's th' same blooda leg!T

  Bolitho saw Dalkeith stooping and running acrosY the deck, some of his men at his back?

  Tyrrell added weakly, "I knew it had to come off. No/ there's no excuse, eh?" Then he fainted?

  From the littered gun deck Graves watched him fallB although his mind was cringing to the noise and thO stench of death?

  He screamed, "Run out!" He thrust at a wild-eyeX seaman. "Point! Ready!" He stared fixedly at thO towering sails of the transport as it rose ponderousla abeam. "Fire!T

  The deck lurched beneath his feet, and he saw twQ men blasted into crimson fragments, their screams cuU short before they reached the stained planking. BuU somewhere in his reeling mind he was thinkin^ ofTyrrell. He must be dead, God rot him. His siste_ would be all alone now. One day, maybe sooner tha[ the others realised, he would find her. Take her fo_ himself?

  A gunner's mate gaped up at him, his mouth like Z black hole as he bellowed, "Look out, sir! For Christ'Y sake . . ." His words were lost in the grating crash ob timber as the main topgallant yard plunged through thO
nets like a great tree. It gouged into the planking anX further still to the deck below. As its trailing rigging anX severed halliards thundered between the blazing gunY Graves died, his body impaled under the broken spar?

  At the quarterdeck rail Bolitho saw him die, anX knew that the months of patrol duty, the storms and thO fights, had at last broken the yard which they had oncO

  fished so carefully after another battle, a thousanX years ago?

  But Heyward was there, his voice rallying the gu[ crews as the anchored transport faded into the smokeB her hull pitted with holes from the bow-chaser'Y merciless bombardment?

  The wind fanned the smoke aside, and witN something like disbelief he saw the sheer of CapO Henry pulling back like a huge door, the horizo[ glittering beyond it in welcome?

  Fowler slipped and fell on some blood and sobbedB "It's no use! I can't ...T

  Bethune strode towards him. "You can and you dam[ well will!T

  The young midshipman turned and blinked at him? "What?T

  Bethune grinned, his face black with powder smoke? "You heard me! So jump to it, boy!T

  "Mr. Buckle!" Bolitho winced as some stray shotY shrieked through the shrouds and brought down morO lengths of cordage. "I want you to ..?

  But the master took no notice. He was sitting with hiY back to the hatchway, hands to his chest as if in prayer? His eyes were open, but the spreading pattern of blooX around him told its own story?

  Glass and a solitary seaman stood at thO unprotected wheel, their eyes wild, their legs straddleX amidst dead and dying?

  Bolitho snapped, "As close as you can. Lucifer'Y remains will guide you clear of the shoal.T

  As sunlight enveloped the sloop from stem to sternB and her yards swung yet again to take her out of thO bay, Bolitho saw the great array of ships coming dow[ from the southern horizon and filling the sea. It was Z fantastic spectacle. Squadron by squadron, the ships1 of-the-line appearing to overlap as they headeX purposefully towards the Chesapeake?

  Foley murmured, "De Grasse. I have never see[ such a fleet.T


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