_Anthology - Love Bites

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_Anthology - Love Bites Page 5

by _Anthology

  Matthew seemed to be trying to hold on, but it was no use. Soon Natalie felt his cock spasm inside her.

  When they’d caught their breath and pulled their clothes back on, Matthew looked down at Oliver. "Should we leave him like that?" "There was a hallway off the kitchen," she said. "Maybe he has a room where he can sleep during the day." She went through the kitchen door and explored the hall. She was pleased to find a dark little bedroom hidden behind a shelf of canned goods in what appeared to be a storeroom. The space was just big enough for the king-sized bed, covered in black sheets. "I found it," she reported back to Matthew.

  Matthew lifted Oliver’s limp body off the floor. Natalie held the kitchen door open as Matthew carried Oliver through. He laid Oliver’s head on the pillow. Natalie took off Oliver’s apron, hat, and shoes and covered him with the sheet. Oliver rolled onto his side, smiling.

  "We should go," Natalie said. "That old waitress said that a relief cook was coming in. They probably have to serve bran flakes and bacon to all the human guests, and we don’t want to stick around for that."

  Matthew yawned and sat on the edge of the bed. "Bran flakes and bacon sounds good," he said. "I’m exhausted, Nat. I say we lay down and nap for a while."

  "In his bed?" Natalie said. "Uninvited?" Matthew stretched out beside Oliver, sharing his pillow. "If he were awake, he would probably have invited us. While he was drinking from me, I saw things inside his head. Things he wanted to do with you. Things he wanted all of us to do together." He gestured for Natalie to lie beside him. She turned off the storeroom light, then came to bed. Matthew wrapped his arm around her protectively.

  "Really?" Natalie said. "What kind of things?" "I’ll tell you about it in the evening," he said as they settled into a comfortable, spooned position. It felt strange, to be hiding away in a stranger’s bed. In a restaurant, of all places. But she trusted Matthew, and her body was tired from the early hour and the blood loss. Soon Natalie was asleep.

  She awoke in the crook of Matthew’s arm, her face pressed against him. She smelled Matthew’s familiar, comforting scent. She smelled food—an entire day’s worth, prepared and served while she and Matthew were sleeping. The day cooks made oatmeal, toast, coffee, clam chowder out of a can—ordinary human things, not deep-inside-your-brain things like Oliver made. The human guests had no idea what they were missing.

  She smelled Oliver, awake and alert and drenched in sweat. Natalie never realized before that vampires could sweat.

  Natalie lifted her head. Oliver’s green eyes stared into hers in the very dim light. He smiled, hesitating for just a moment, the same moment it took her to realize that Matthew’s other arm was around Oliver. Then he kissed Matthew’s cheek. His kisses were gentle at first. As Matthew warmed to the attention, though, Oliver’s kisses grew more fervent.

  Oliver unbuttoned the top button of Matthew’s shirt and kissed Matthew’s chest. Matthew sighed, his eyes still shut tight. Natalie lowered her lips to Matthew’s. He opened his eyes, then he took his arm from around Oliver and devoted both hands to touching Natalie as they kissed. She shoved her tongue in his mouth with intense concentration. Oliver’s tongue worked its way around Matthew’s hard nipple. He gave the nipple a teasing little kiss, barely scraping it with his teeth, then unbuttoned the rest of Matthew’s shirt. He looked up from the last of Matthew’s buttons and said, "I’m sorry about last night."

  "It wasn’t your fault," Natalie answered. "It was the sunrise." She kissed her way down Matthew’s throat and stopped at his collarbone. With a sly smile at Natalie, Oliver ran his hand down Matthew’s bare chest. He reached for the zipper of Matthew’s black shorts. Matthew’s eyes widened, but Natalie stopped him. "Mine," she whispered. Matthew groaned.

  "I just want to finish what I started,” Oliver said. He breathed deeply, reaching across Matthew to touch Natalie’s arm. She was surprised by how good, how welcome his touch felt. “I just want to make you—both of you—feel good.”

  As Natalie unzipped Matthew’s shorts, she remembered how Oliver’s teeth had felt sinking into her neck. The pain, and the intimacy, of Oliver’s bite excited her. She got a little thrill from the thought of her blood and Matthew’s mingled inside of Oliver. Suddenly, she wanted very badly to see him naked. Oliver seemed to sense this, and stripped out of his white shirt.

  Matthew helped her get his cock out. Thoroughly enjoying the ravenous look on Oliver’s face, Natalie positioned herself on her side between Matthew’s legs. She slipped the head of Matthew’s cock into her mouth, then out again. “Join me, Oliver,” she said.

  Matthew put one hand on each of their heads as Oliver and Natalie took turns licking and sucking him. Natalie watched Oliver out of the corner of her eye. His lean, pale-skinned and hairless chest was more beautiful than she’d ever imagined. Unable to stop herself, she reached over and touched, gently, the skin over his ribs.

  Oliver returned Natalie’s feather-light touch, caressing her thigh. Good, Natalie thought, but I want more. Oliver, obviously pleased, got bolder, reaching up Natalie’s skirt. He tugged aside the crotch of her panties and found her clit. Natalie gasped, amazed at the way Oliver knew exactly how to touch her, neither too rough nor too gentle.

  She closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of Matthew’s arousal. That familiar perfume combined with Oliver’s exotic musk: cooking smells, the soup and the oysters, mixed with vodka, mixed with her own blood and Matthew’s, and the earthy smell of Oliver himself. Together, the bouquet of smells intoxicated and aroused her. She could feel the moisture between her legs, just millimeters away from where Oliver’s fingers worked her so skillfully. Her pussy ached, wanting so badly to be filled.

  “Natalie, I want to be inside of you," Matthew said suddenly.

  Oliver looked away, obviously disappointed. Matthew reached out and put his hand under Oliver’s chin, forcing Oliver to look at him. "And I want you inside of me, Oliver.” Natalie peeled off her panties as Matthew crawled out of his shorts. She lay on her side, and Matthew faced her and pulled her to him. She kissed him until she could hardly breathe. Natalie was vaguely aware of Oliver’s weight shifting on the bed. He seemed to reach for something under the bed, then come back with it in his hand. Some kind of lube, from the smell of it. The thought of what he would do with it excited her.

  She wrapped her leg around Matthew, and he slid inside her easily. He lay still while she worked her body up and down, grinding into him. This felt so right. Matthew, her love, her life. She couldn’t stop kissing his lips as her hips pumped against his.

  She watched as Oliver finished undressing. Oliver pressed in on Matthew from the other side. Oliver felt his way across Matthew’s chest, then reached out to fondle Natalie’s breast. He pinched her nipple gently, and Natalie moaned. How right it felt that they were so intimately joined. Matthew’s hips drew back slightly, and Natalie felt the rush of pleasure through his body as Oliver penetrated him. Oliver covered the back of Matthew’s neck with great, hungry, sucking kisses.

  “Yes!” Natalie cried out. “Fuck me. Fuck him!” Natalie was on the verge of orgasm, but held on, wanting this feeling to last. She couldn’t believe how it turned her on that Matthew—big, strong Matthew, her protector, her predator—was so vulnerable, so open. Totally hers, yet possessed by Oliver. Oliver, that stunning creature whose pale body she wanted so badly to know, explore, taste.

  Oliver tenderly caressed Natalie’s breast with the back of his hand. He lovingly touched his way down her ribs and the smooth hollow of her belly. Then, half tender and half forceful, he gripped her hip tightly, pulled her toward Matthew, pushing Matthew deeper inside her. Natalie could hold out no longer. She bucked her hips with every ounce of strength in her body.

  “Don’t stop,” Natalie said breathlessly to Oliver. “Ride that ass. Harder.” Oliver obeyed her. Matthew’s body rocked, and Natalie could tell from the ecstatic noises that escaped his lips that he was in the midst of the deepest pleasure. She held onto Matthew tightly as he came i
nside of her, growling, the predator that she loved so well.

  Oliver couldn’t hold out, either. He tried not to scream, and instead bit down on Matthew’s shoulder. He drew blood, but Matthew didn’t seem to notice. Oliver licked the blood away with long laps of his tongue, his eyes closed tight. Natalie wondered if the men had come as hard as she had. She wondered what Oliver’s cock would feel like inside her, while his teeth sunk into her neck at the same time. She imagined her blood flowing into him as his semen flowed into her.

  Reluctantly, they separated. Oliver lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, and Natalie settled back into the crook of Matthew’s arm. For a moment, all was silent except for their labored breathing. Then Oliver said, "Please tell me you’re staying another night.” He paused to catch his breath. “I’ll make steak tartare and wild mushroom soup. I think I can swing a reservation for two."

  "Sounds nice," Matthew said, laughing. "And then we can take a walk on the beach, Nat."

  She nuzzled the dark hairs of his chest. "That does sound nice," she said.

  Oliver sat up. "I have a shower here, too," he said. "I need to get cleaned up and get cooking. Will you join me in the shower?"

  Matthew squeezed Natalie a little tighter. "Give us a minute," he said. "We’ll be right behind you."

  Oliver nodded and walked off. "You okay?" Matthew asked Natalie.

  "Fine," she said. "More than fine."

  "Did you like that?"

  "Yeah," she said. "I never would have imagined you and me doing that, but I liked it."

  He kissed her forehead. "Do you want to see him again?"

  She wanted desperately to see Oliver again. Only the next time, she wanted to be in the middle. "Maybe," she said coolly. "After the next full moon."


  Matthew opened the bathroom door and came in through the steam. Natalie sat up in the tub, and he handed her a glass. "What’s this?" she asked him. He sat on the edge of the tub. "Vodka martini," he said. "We didn’t have any lemons, so there’s no twist. Sorry."

  She took a sip. "That’s okay," she said. She looked up at him, dressed in those too-tight black shorts and a white button-down. He’d showered and shaved, and was wearing his spicy, woody cologne. He looked good.

  "Natalie," he said, "you know I love you, right?"

  She set the drink on the edge of the tub, stood, and leaned in to kiss him. She didn’t want to get his clothes wet, but Matthew didn’t seem to care. He hugged her to him, and they kissed.

  "Tell Oliver I’ll see him next week," she said.

  "I will," he said, looking out the window at the new moon. "And I’ll bring you back a cup of his clam chowder."

  CatsEye By C.C. Bridges

  Jason knew how to appreciate a good view: perfectly-shaped pink lips, a narrow jaw with just a dusting of stubble, cute upturned nose underneath slanted cat-like eyes that flicked upward to gaze at Jason.

  “What?” Cooper looked up from his books, the tip of his pencil eraser pulling at his lower lip.

  “What?” Jason repeated.

  “You’re staring at me.”

  “No, I’m staring out into space, trying to deconstruct deconstructionism.” Jason quirked a grin. He couldn’t help it; Cooper sat there looking so broad and manly, curled forward in the tiny library seat. Jason knew his crush had gotten out of hand, but it had been so long since he’d finally rid himself of Jack, that jerk. He caught himself thinking about Cooper’s hazel eyes, how they changed color depending on Cooper’s mood – dark when angry, blue when amused, green when mischievous. He couldn’t help but wonder what those cat eyes looked like when filled with desire.

  “That will only help if the answer suddenly appears on the wall behind my head,” Cooper sucked the tip of his pencil into his mouth, pale pink lips caressing the little yellow stick of wood.

  Jason shifted and adjusted himself; hopefully Cooper would assume the hard wooden seats provoked the movement and not anything else. This isolated table in the upstairs corner of the library had become his place shortly after finding out he couldn’t check out a graduate carrel, but he could please put his name on a waiting list, thank you very much. Instead, he had found this room where the print indexes went to die. The only time he encountered anyone up here, he had startled the librarian removing a dead spider plant from the top of one of the bookshelves.

  Jason had hoped to escape to his sanctuary one afternoon, only to find his table taken by one rather large excuse for a young man. He had paused in the doorway and stared at the individual sitting there, books and papers spread out all over Jason’s table.

  He considered what to do: turn around and find another table, stand around and clear his throat annoyingly until the guy got the point; or sit across from him and attempt to share the table. Jason had opted for number three all those months ago, and from the moment Cooper looked up and grinned at him, he was lost.

  Light filtered through the muted windows, turning Cooper’s hair a golden red in the afternoon sun. He grinned, probably aware that Jason had entirely lost the thread of the conversation. Jason sat enthralled by those perfect dimples in Cooper’s cheeks.

  “You’re a million miles away,” Cooper said.

  Jason could feel himself flush. He rubbed a hand over his face, hoping Cooper wouldn’t notice. “Spent way too much time studying, man. These exams are killer.”

  “It’s almost over,” Cooper closed his own textbook. “You have to let yourself relax, dude. Staying up here all hours of the day can’t be helping.”

  Jason shrugged. “It’s one of the hazards of being a grad student.”

  He couldn’t help the bit of laughter when Cooper blew an honest-to-goodness raspberry at him.

  “You should come out to CatsEye with me and my girl this weekend,” Cooper said after wiping the spit off his nose. Jason stiffened. Cooper had a girlfriend. Jason knew that; he just always let himself forget. When Cooper sat across from him like this, it was like there was no one else in the entire world. Mike was right; all the good men were either taken or straight, sometimes both.

  Of course, Mike, Mr. Committed Relationship himself, no longer had a reason to complain, living somewhere out on a ranch with his boyfriend. Lucky bastard, leaving Jason here to put the finishing touches on his PhD.

  “Cooper, it’s not a good idea,” Jason told him. This wasn’t the first time Cooper had invited him to the popular club. Jason didn’t think he could drink and dance and be so close to Cooper’s hot, sweaty body and not want more.

  “Think about it, okay?” Cooper stuffed his pile into his backpack. Unlike Jason’s meticulous filing system, Cooper just crammed his papers in wherever they could fit. “You need a break, man, before this breaks you.”

  “Cute,” Jason said, tossing his pencil onto the table. He watched Cooper stride out of the room, long legs pumping. A guy that tall could lift Jason up against the wall, and Jason could wrap his legs around that slim waist.

  He had several hours of studying ahead of him. Clearly, he required more coffee. *** Jason spent almost as much time at Uncommon Grounds coffee shop as he did the library. Cheap coffee, free internet, what was there not to like? Before his daily fix of caffeine, he stumbled into the place, grunted out his order, and received some warm substance in return. He guessed they gave him his double espresso, but he couldn’t tell until his brain had finished waking up. So he really shouldn’t have been surprised when he turned and barreled right into someone at the end of the cashier line. That woke him up enough to apologize. “Oh, God, I am so sorry.”

  He looked down at the hot liquid pooling on the brightly patterned floor.

  “Are you sorry on my behalf or the coffee’s?” an amused voice asked. Jason finally looked at the person he had trespassed against. Dark hair, smoky eyes, and a rack like two golden suns. Only after she cleared her throat did Jason pull his eyes away from those full breasts. Her grin could light up the entire coffee house.

  “You owe me a double mocha latte.”
She reached out and pulled his espresso from his grip. “I’ll take this for ransom over there.” She slipped away, tucking herself in at one of the corner tables.

  Jason stood there staring at his empty hand. What exactly just happened here? Fifteen minutes and four bucks later, Jason had a steaming cup of too-sweet coffee in his hands to offer in return for his lukewarm espresso. He didn’t really care, just gulped down the glorious caffeine.

  “Addict much?” she flashed that grin again, a wide smile that lit up her entire face. She leaned back, one arm resting on the back of her chair, displaying the goods.

  Jason forced his gaze up from pink, cotton-covered perfection. “Hey, I admit it.” He tossed back his cup, then frowned down into it when he came up empty.

  She reached out her right hand. “Lexi.”

  He took her hand, marveling at her strong grip. “Jason. I haven’t seen you around here before.”

  “Never been. I always pass this place on my way to work, thought I’d give it a try.”

  “Didn’t think you were a student.” She didn’t carry herself like any grad student he knew. Too confident, too darn sexy.

  Could he get any more pathetic? Going from lusting after Cooper in the library to drooling over a random woman in a coffee shop? Talk about twice the opportunity for rejection.

  “No, I’m a nurse, actually. I’m on the pediatric floor at St. Mary’s.” “Do they make you wear the little white hats?” Jason grinned.

  “Why, do you have a nurse kink?” she arched one eyebrow.

  Jason felt himself flushing. He was so out of practice at flirting with women.

  Lexi leaned over and placed one finger on his lips. “You’re cute. Bet you’re a grad student. English Lit?” He opened his mouth in shock, and got a quick taste of salt and sweetness as her finger slipped past his tongue. Something mischievous took over and he licked her finger before he drew away. “You could say I’m good at my mother tongue.”


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