A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One Page 10

by J. L. Clayton

  I said, “Oh, yeah. Well, how do you know that I can’t be bad, too?” I didn’t know what had gotten into me. Yeah, the guy was cute, but I wasn’t into him. I did, however, like him as a person. Actually, I like them all, a lot.

  Nikko gulped. “So you’re bad, huh?” His voice was shaky.

  I almost lost it. I wanted to laugh so badly, but I held it together. This kid was crazy, and I loved it. Plus, he was so not bad at all.

  I smiled. “Oh yeah, I’m a real bad girl.”

  Nikko’s eyes darted around the room. He leaned closer to me and touched my hand again, this time he left it there. “Well—“

  “Nikko, stop that. Ya never think, Charlie girl, well she might not want ya touchin’ her,” Tammin cut in. “Sorry about him, Charlie. He doesn’t know how to act civil around anybody.”

  Simon chimed in, “Just pay him no attention.”

  I was stunned at how they were with each other. They were so nice and very funny. You could see how close their friendship was. I needed and wanted friends like them. Looking around, I was delighted that this was my table. Well, what do you know - the mean teacher did something right. She placed me at the right table. Anyway, none of the other kids looked as if they were having fun. More like their life sucked, and they wished that they were somewhere else.

  “It’s cool, Simon. I like hearing you guys babble,” I said as I looked down at Nikko’s hand still resting on the top of mine. Nikko must have noticed that I was staring at him, because a burst of red color shot through his face and then he pulled his hand away from mine. “Besides, Simon, it makes me smile seeing how close your group is,” I continued. “I definitely need to smile after that hell-raiser we call Miss Johnson.”

  All at once I heard a gasp come out of Tammin’s mouth. “Um, Charlie, I cannot believe ya would say that word. You’re a lady! We ladies don’t say things like that, emphasize the lady!” She held up her hands, and when she said “lady,” Tammin made quotations in the air.

  “My bad, didn’t think of it as a bad word. Promise I will try not to say it, OK, Tammin?” That will so limit my vocabulary.

  “OK, forgive ya!” Tammin replied with a smile.

  Miss Johnson opened the classroom door, silencing the room with one look. She smiled a little smile and then walked over to her desk. “Well, students, it’s time to start the lesson.”

  Miss Johnson began her long, drawn-out lesson. Sitting there racking my brain at her murmuring, I was trying very hard to hear her. I have always been a good student, and I wanted to keep my grades up, but Miss Johnson was making things difficult to hear. Plus, Nikko was trying to get my attention, totally distracting me and my concentration.

  In a soft whisper, he made the most annoying sound, kind of like air seeping out of a tire. “Psst, um. Psst, psst. Um, Charlie. Psst. Hey, Charlie . . . Charlie?”

  I snapped my head around, glaring at him. Nikko flinched. “What?” I said it a little too loud with some venom in my voice, but God for someone good looking and funny who’d have thought he could annoy people.

  “Sorry,” he whispered, “It’s just that we are having lunch next. I thought maybe you might want to eat with us.”

  Now I felt bad. Why did I have to be a good student and get all bent out of shape when someone bothered me in class? I was very flattered that he asked me to eat with his friends, although, come to think about it, I did have a bit of a dilemma. Where was I going to eat? Jace would want me to eat with his friends, and so would Tru. I just made friends that I like, and they were asking me to eat with them. Why, was my life so complicated all the sudden? Before I answered him, the bell rang. I shot straight up out of my seat and headed towards the girls’ bathroom. Breathing heavily, I locked myself in the stall and leaned back against the door to rest. I thought how funny I must have looked to Tammin, Nikko, Simon, and Nolan. After washing my face and taking a long look at myself, I conjured up the nerve to head toward the lunchroom.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lunchroom Drama

  Opening the door, I saw faint light spilling down through high-beam windows over-looking the enormously huge lunchroom. There was a long salad bar on one far end of the lunchroom, and another bar with your typical food groups at the other end. The lunchroom itself was a plain color white, not even the tables were colored. No room for imagination in this school, huh? I bit down hard on my lower lip as I scanned the lunchroom area. I noticed on one side of the lunchroom Jace sat with his friends, on the other side was Tru and his friends, and right in the thick of things, were Tammin, Nikko, Simon, and Nolan. They looked at me intently. More likely wondering where I was going to sit. This was bad. Much, more worse, than that time in the eighth grade when this kid Jack spilt his soda down my shirt. Yeah, kids laughed at me, and I was humiliated, but it was nothing like this. Half the kids at that school didn’t care if someone’s clothes were ruined. But here, all eyes were on me.

  This too shall pass. This too shall pass. Oh, I hoped this too would pass soon. Maybe I’d sit alone. However, I wanted to sit with Nikko’s group. I thought I’d go say hi to Jace and Tru then tell them where I’m sitting, and hopefully they’d still like me. Well, here went nothing—or maybe not nothing—maybe here went my life down the drain. I could already hear the flush. I took in a slow, painful breath then glanced over at Jace. I decided since I had ridden with Tru to school, I might as well tell Jace the good news first. Yay! Jace stood up when he saw me coming over and so did three girls and five guys. I looked back in the direction of Tru’s table and noticed there were two more guys and one more girl that I hadn’t met yet setting with Tru. Thankfully, though, everyone at Nikko’s table I already knew. No need for introductions, cause we all know how well I do with introductions. Therefore, that made my decision cake. I smiled inwardly.

  All too soon, my happy mood faded. The closer I came near Jace’s table, the fainter my breathing grew. It felt like I was going to pass out right there in the lunchroom. My chest constricted, and I felt weak. To say I was freaking would be putting it mildly. Yet, that all changed when I saw Jace look over at Tru. He gave Tru a smug look of satisfaction, one that effin’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ticked me off. Jace looked back at me, and I scowled. Jace had the decency to look guilty, but in no time mister sneaky Jace softened his gaze, looking sweet and innocent. Crafty magician, wasn’t he?

  However, it worked—darn him—all or any anger I had vanished and now Miss Popular, (aka me. Not) — had everyone’s eyes in the lunchroom on her, (aka me) — and the 50 or so teenagers in line for their food leaned forward to eavesdrop. Love to be the center of attention. Mental note: Ask God for help . . . again!

  “Hey, Fox, so how’s your day been going?” Jace asked in a low raspy voice as I stood at the end of the table.

  Something occurred to me. This was the second time today Jace had referred to me by my last name. So he had a nickname for me, too. I guess everyone at this school got a nickname.

  I let out a low sigh and murmured, “Hi, Jace. No, to be honest, it’s been a long day and not good. Anyway, I just came over to tell you that . . . uh. I’m going to eat with my other friends.” I paused then gestured around to Jace’s friends, “You and your friends can come eat with us, if you want.”

  “You mean Tru? Why would we eat with him?” Jace scoffed.

  I heard his friends giggle rudely, and that right there did it. I’d had enough people laughing at me that day to last a-life-time. I might’ve been sweet a second ago, but not anymore. The claws were out, and I was mad.

  “God, you’re such a snob, Jace. And for your information, no it’s not Tru that I was talking about. It’s some other friends I made. So, JaCe,” I emphasized the C to stress just how ticked I was. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t smack that smug look right off your face. What in the world did Tru ever do to you? Besides, he told
me that you’ve never spoken to him. Therefore, if that’s the case, then I know Tru - he’d never offend you. Plus, I’m pretty sure he’s telling me the truth. So spill it, Jace. What gives?”

  Frustrated, I threw my hands up letting him know I was livid. However, it was as if he read my mind. Jace’s demeanor changed, and his face displayed hurt. Why did he have to look at me like that? Give a girl a break. I’d had a bad day.

  “Um, Charlie, I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions. If you want to be his friend, that’s your prerogative. Don’t worry about why I don’t like him. It’s not your problem right now. I’m truly glad you made some friends of your own, and maybe later you can hang out with my friends, if you’d like. You never know. You might hit it off and like them.”

  Oh fudge. Jace sure was pulling out the sympathy card. Was I turning into a complete monster, or what? Of course, I might like his friends, too. God, I’m not a total witch. Besides, I wouldn’t know until I give them a shot and what exactly did Jace mean when he said: “It’s not your problem right now.” Hint the now part! What did that mean? Did it mean that it would be my problem later? I didn’t know. In the meantime, whatever was going on with Jace and Tru was none of my business. Yeah, I wanted to hang out with both of them, but I knew better than to think you could have your cake and eat it, too. I shrugged the thought away and looked at him.

  I said, “Jace, I’ll hang out with you and your friends. Promise. However, I told Tammin that I would sit with her.”

  Lie. That was such a lie. It was Nikko who asked me to eat with them, not Tammin. All the same, Jace didn’t have to know that. A little white lie would be fine. Well, I hoped! Jace raised his eyebrow. He looked like he was in deep consideration, and his eyes darkened a little, but then it looked like he mentally shrugged. Jace grinned at me and looked like the cat that swallowed the canary.

  “Maybe later we can hang out, if you’re up for it?” He asked looking at me in challenge.

  “Yeah, totally, I would like that. Uh, err, how about today after school around five? Would that be good?”

  Well, what can I do? I did just lie to him and I felt like crap for it. Jace’s face lit up like the morning sun. It was a breathtaking sight, I have to say. I guess, I did something right. So where was my cookie? Jace smiled wickedly, and then his low-husky-voice came out like hot-steam-of- molted-lava searing my inner core. Yowzer!

  “That’ll work for me, Fox.” Jace winked. “Can’t wait until then. I wish it was five, right now.”

  When Jace talked to me like that, it sent a tantalizing sensation of heat through my whole body, begging for one touch. I felt like when I was with him, I couldn’t control my impulses. I don’t crave sex. I’m not a sexual person. Well, I use to not crave sex—I use to not be a sexual person. But now, with Jace, I didn’t know. Hell, now my libido had kicked in and I guess all bets were off. I had to get it together and pull my raging hormones back in. I needed a whip, some chains, and a collar. My libido needed to be dominated, or bad things might happen. Clothes might start falling off—or get ripped off by me.

  I was totally, utterly lost. Jace looked like he knew how I felt, as if he saw my face flush and my body shift toward him.

  Shaking, I slowly excused myself. “OK, well I’m . . . going to eat,” I pointed behind me while backing up and tripping over my feet. I snapped my fingers and spun around. Saying over my shoulder, “Talk to you later, Jace.”

  He chuckled. “See you at five Fox.”

  I was mortified. How lame was that? How was it that the hottest guys in this school liked me as a friend? And how was it, that I just so happened to want them both? I’d never had a boyfriend, and Jace was the first guy I’d ever kissed, so my emotions were going a little wonky. Ugh. Coming up on Tru, I couldn’t help but notice that he looked forlorn sitting there with his friends. He must have thought that I don’t like him at all. It seemed that every time he saw me spot Jace, I went straight over to where Jace was and left Tru hanging. No wonder he looked that way.

  “Hey, Tru, long time no see. Well, not really—we’ve seen a lot of each other today,” I joked.

  Tru looked up from his food, giving me a tentative grin. I thought the kids who were getting food near Jace’s table—intentionally moved to the salad bar—so they could see what was going to happen next.

  “Oh, hi, C, what’s going on? Did you come to tell me that you’ll not be eating with us?”

  No one said a word at the table when Tru spoke. There were no giggles like there were over at Jace’s table. Tru’s friends just sat there eating their food absently, not paying attention. I guess this table had more class, unlike Jace’s table. And he thought I would get along well with his friends? Yeah right!

  “No, I came over here to ask if you want to eat with me. I made some friends that I like, and they asked if I wanted to eat with them. So, I was wondering if you and your friends would like to come and sit at the table where my other friends are eating.” God, was there a lot of friends in that conversation of mine, or what? Count ‘em: three.

  “You mean Jace’s table?”

  I was stunned. And suddenly, my temperature started to rise. In my best “Peter Pan” pose, I balled my hands up into fists, placing them on either side of my hips with my legs spread wide.

  I furiously said, “God, what’s with you two? Jace just asked me the same thing. No, not Jace’s table! And FYI, the tables don’t belong to just one person, you know.” Tru flinched and I kinda felt bad. Kinda.

  “Sorry, C, I just saw you over there—”

  “And you jumped to conclusions!”

  “Well, yeah, I thought—”

  “Well you thought wrong.”

  “Dudette, chill.”

  I sighed. “Look it’s a girl named Tammin. She’s right over there.” I swung my body around, throwing my hands towards Tammin. She flinched. Uh-oh, man every-freaking-body was witnessing my melt down. Wonderful! I looked at Tammin saying with my eyes that I was sorry. Hopefully, she got the message.

  “Well, fine then. I’ll eat with you.” I was dumbfounded, and my mouth dropped. Was this guy for real? He was willing to eat with me - just like that, he said yes? He sure wasn’t Jace.

  Tru smiled at me then looked at his friends and asked, “Guys, are you coming, too?” All of them said yes, but the ones I had yet to meet.

  “Well, cool then,” I sighing happily. “Good let’s go.”

  Dee, Paco, Jolon, Z, and Tru got up from the table and followed. Tru slowly crossed between P-J and walked right beside me.

  Smiling charmingly he said, “C, are you going to eat? I bet all this running around you’re doing is making you a little hungry.”

  “Oh right. I forgot this was a lunchroom. I am starving!”

  “Well OK then, do you think I should help you?” Tru joked.

  “No, Tru, your guide duties are done. I’m pretty sure I can get my food without your help. Thanks, but go say hi to Tammin and her friends. I’ll be there shortly.”

  Tru smiled, and with a nudge to my shoulder he walked away gracefully. I beamed with delight as Tru and his friends talked to my other new friends I’d that day. Maybe my day would get better. Or maybe, it was just wishful thinking.

  I turned to the salad bar to get myself a nice plate of garden food. Then I felt something really bad creep up my spine. All the tiny hairs on my arms stood up. Goosebumps manifested on the back of my neck as this eerie feeling overwhelmed me. Slowly, the dark feeling moved over my body like a slow-rising, early-morning sun, but as the sun was warm and bright this eerie feeling was cold and disturbing. It was as if that dark-evil feeling was crawling through and trying to invade me. I clenched my eyes tightly closed and shoved the feeling down. Without another thought, the feeling was gone. I leaned in for my scrumptious salad, but just as I was going for the croutons, I looked over and saw Jace’s blue eyes take on a darker color. Which tripped me out! Hello, how can someone’s eyes darken without contacts? I watched with a grimace as Jace�
�s eyes locked onto Tru, menacingly. I gasped out loud.

  Jace turned his gaze toward mine. He shook his head, and just like that his eyes were back to their normal shade of blue. That was weird. Jace smiled at me. I thought I must have imagined it, but regardless, it scared the living crap out of me. I grabbed my food and sat right down in between Tru and Nikko. I put my head down. They didn’t seem to notice. Tru and the others talked around me. I sat there uneasy, trying to shake the feeling I just had, and the creepy eye-changing-color thing Jace just did. Things in this town were certainly strange, and something was going on, but I just didn’t know what it was yet.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mom the Buzz Kill

  Finally the day was through, and I could go home. This had to be the most bizarre first day of school yet. While heading out to Tru’s truck, warm hands clasped my shoulders. I spun around to see who had me.

  “What the? Jace! You scared the crap out of me. Do you want me to die from a heart attack?” Jace shook his head, and grinned as he stepped close. I frowned, saying, “You know you need to make some kind of sound. Maybe, I should get you bells,” I added for good measure. “That way I will know when you’re around.”

  “Sorry for startling you, Fox.” Jace’s voice came out smooth sounding. It was like a liquid-fire, probing my inner core. “Are you still coming over at five?” He asked.

  I gazed up at him, smiling my sexy come-and-get-‘em smile. I guess that did it for him. Jace’s eyes seem to darken sinfully. Without pausing, Jace stepped even closer to me and kept on coming, walking me backwards into the lockers. Jace placed one hand on my side and the other hand on someone’s locker behind me. He was now inches away from my face, so close that I could feel his hot breath on my skin. Close enough that if Jace was to say one word, his lips would brush mine. My heart was beating fast with desire, need and lust—arousing me to a high that I couldn’t grasp. Right then, I was lost in wanting, no needing him to touch me more. It was taking all my control not to pull him the rest of the way in and finish our kiss. Jace must have felt my body quiver with need. He smiled a slow lazy smile. Damn, that told me he, too, was craving more. He brought his hand up from my waist and placed his palm onto the side of my cheek. Jace gingerly caressed my jaw-line to my lips with his fingertips. It sent erotic shivers down my spine.


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