A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One Page 21

by J. L. Clayton

  I looked up at Nikko and said with a shaky voice, “Niiiikko?”

  “Oh thank God, Charlie.” Nikko sighed with relief looking down at me. “I thought you weren’t going to wake up. Are you OK? No—never mind. Don’t say a word. It doesn’t matter. God, look at you. Who did this? Man, don’t worry. We’re almost back at the school. Charlie, I have you now. Don’t worry. You’re going to be just fine. Don’t worry, Charlie. Don’t worry.”

  Nikko was acting crazy. Why was he telling me not to worry? I couldn’t remember. I know I should but . . . blank. My mind was blank. In addition to not remembering, I was hurting all over. I wondered why Nikko was carrying me. However, when I opened my mouth to say something, Nikko would just tell me not to worry and save my strength. What did that mean exactly? I should know, a nagging part of my mind told me, but still I couldn’t remember for the life of me.

  We crashed through some doors dramatically. I almost laughed. Nikko was taking on the role of my knight, and I knew then that I must be losing it. Nikko started shouting, getting everyone’s attention. I turned my head to see that we were back in the dance hall at school. I thought I left the school? That’s strange, why couldn’t I remember anything after leaving the school? Ugh!

  I heard Jace and Tru shout my name. I looked over to see both of them jump up and race to my side. Nikko carefully placed me on a table as all my friends gathered around me. I gazed up into Tru and Jace’s face. Disbelief washed over me. Their expressions varied from hysterical, worried and then just scared. What was wrong? Did they get in a lot of trouble for their fight? I looked at my guys. Tru had a shiner and Jace looked unharmed, so it didn’t look too bad. That made me wonder what in the world could possibly be going on to have them look at me the way they were. Their faces were pale and so very sad. I started to freak out with all the attention I was getting and how Tru and Jace were looking at me. I’m not one to ask for attention. Don’t get me wrong - every so often I go out of my way for a little attention, but this was totally not the kind I liked.

  Why was everyone staring at me? Was there something on my face, or something gross on my dress? I know that’s vain, but all the staring had me edgy, self-conscious, and totally forgetting about the pain coursing through my body. As I thought this, I felt a sharp throb sear through my stomach. I looked down and everything bad and unseemly wrong that happened that night came flooding back with a vengeance. I remembered. Oh, God, I remembered my dress being torn—guys hitting me for the fun of it and blood—lots of blood. I gazed down at my ravaged dress. Once a beautiful white color, now it was tarnished in red and all of it was coming from my body. I started screaming, shaking, and then I screamed some more. After that point, I barely remember much at all. I do recall hearing the teachers say dial 911 for help and Tru and Jace panicking.

  I was too far gone to hear what they were saying. All that was going through my head was what had happened, and how my body burned from the horrific torture I was put through. My head was spinning from the memories of sick, twisted guys and what I thought I did to two of them. I shook my head. I wanted to go home, curl up in bed, and cry. Without thinking, I got up off the table and headed for the door. I couldn’t even take one single step before crumbling back down to the floor. It didn’t matter how bad the pain was.

  I didn’t care that I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t even care how unwise I was being when I knew help was on its way. All I cared about was going home to see my parents. So I tried again. Everyone was shouting. The teachers told me to lie back down. My friends started grabbing me, but I had to go. I wanted to see my mom and dad. Didn’t they understand?

  I shouted back at them. “Let me go,” I cried. “I just want my mom. Please. Let me go. Why won’t you let me go?”

  I yelled and cried as my friends gripped my arms and legs—trying to hold me down— trying to comfort me as they too cried. Realistically, if I had been sane just then I would’ve understood why they were holding me down. But instead of seeing friendly faces—I saw evil eyes and sickening smiles. My body shook and my vision went black. The next thing I awoke to was a drip, drip-dripping noise and a beep, beep-beeping noise. I looked around surveying the room. One glance told me I was in a hospital. I rubbed my eyes, clearing the fog that had settled. I pulled my hands away and looked over the cuts, scrapes, and bruises that had formed all over my body. Shaking, I lifted my hospital gown up to peer at my abdominal. A gasp escaped my mouth at the sight of the horrible purple, black, and blue skin.

  No longer did I have the flush pink soft skin Mom always complimented me on. It was now ugly. A bad reminder of what happened to me. I noticed that my stomach was wrapped in thin white cloths. I tried to pick the cloth up on one side to see how bad the damage was. However, I stopped short when my breath caught from the pain in my shoulder and ribs. It wasn’t as bad as before, but still the little pain I felt was noticeable. I wondered why it wasn’t hurting as bad as yesterday. Oh yeah, duh, it must be the meds. As I thought of yesterday, I started whimpering. I put my hands over my face to stop the sob that was forming in my throat. After what felt like forever, I opened my eyes and looked around. I noticed my mom asleep in a not-so-comfortable angle. Was she here when I was crying?

  A small smile framed my lips. I said with a hesitantly shaky voice, “Mom?”

  Mom’s eyes fluttered open. All at once she shot straight up. Mom groaned and rubbed her neck. Her eyes flashed and comprehension set in. Mom began to babble. “Charlie? Oh, sweetie! My baby, you’re awake. Are you OK? Do you need me to get the nurse? Is there something I can get you?”

  “Mom, stop,” I breathed with a little smile. “I’m fine. Well, all things considering I guess I‘m about as good as I can be right now.”

  Mom slowly let out a deep breath and moved over to set down on the bed beside me. Softly, she wrapped her arms around my neck giving me a much-needed hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Where’s Dad?” I asked.

  “Oh,” Mom smiled. “Your father went to get some food and coffee. He’ll be in here shortly. Sweetheart, he’s been talking to the cops all night.” Mom frowned. “He’s a little worn out and hungry. God, Charlie, he’ll be so happy to see you’re a wake. Oh, and your friends have been in and out of your room all night. Most have gone home, but for Tru and Jace and that poor kid you went to the dance with, he just left. He was so upset about it all. I don’t think he wanted to leave, but his mother insisted.”

  “Nikko, is that who you’re talking about?” I asked.

  “Yes, that’s the young man. You know he saved your life. If he hadn’t followed you, there’s no telling what might’ve happened.” Tears gathered in Mom’s eyes.

  “Nikko saved me?” I asked. Man, I really didn’t need this right now. I really didn’t need my mom to start crying. If she did, then I would follow right behind her.

  “Yes,” Mom responded shakily. She managed to get herself under control adding, “He said that Tru and Jace got into a fight.” Mom raised her eyebrows. “Why were Tru and Jace fighting?”

  I said, “Err, um, uh.”

  “Oh, never mind. In any case, it made you mad so you left the dance.” Mom frowned. “Might I add that was stupid? You know better than to leave alone. You—”

  I cut her off in mid-sentence. However much I love hearing my mom’s voice, it still wasn’t enough to hear her tell me how stupid I was. Definitely when I already knew that and I was already kicking myself for it. “M—ooom!”

  Her eyes closed promptly and she nodded. “I’m sorry. You’re right; it’s neither the time nor the place for that.” Mom cleared her throat. “So, as I was saying, Nikko glanced around and noticed you’d left the dance. Nikko told me that he decided to go check on you. He wanted to make sure you were OK. He said he didn’t like how hurt you looked,” Mom smiled. “Naturally a good friend would try and find you, right?” She asked me. I nodded and urged her on. “Nikko said when he went to look for you he was coming up short and starting to get anxious. Right when Nikko thought abou
t going back to the school, he heard a loud noise and saw a bright flash of light. Then Nikko said that he heard some awful screaming sounds coming from over the other side of the road.

  “He raced over to see if it was you, or maybe someone in trouble. When he approached, Nikko only saw that it was you, Charlie, but Nikko said he could have sworn there was more than just one scream,” Mom finished. I remembered seeing that flash of light, and the loud noise Nikko heard had to have come from me. I remembered this humming sound, and a burning fire spreading through my body. Then this explosion happened and flames shot out of my feet and hands. I shook my head. I had to have imagined it . . . right? Yeah, like I could create an explosion from my body. That was silly.

  I ask, “So Nikko didn’t see my attackers? And he wasn’t the one who scared them off?”

  “I’m afraid not, Sweetie,” Mom sighed. “Nikko told us and the cops that he heard screaming. However, he just assumed it was from you. He thought your attacker must have seen him and ran off,” Mom replied.

  I was stunned. I didn’t think it was Nikko who scared my assailants off. I knew they were willing to kill me before running away. Nothing was going to stop them until they were through with me. I shivered at the thought of them almost raping and killing me. I was lucky to just be sitting here.

  I looked back at Mom. She had this far off look. “Mom?”

  “Yes, Charlie, did you need something?”

  “No, I was just wondering if you were OK.”

  “Me? Oh God, Charlie, I’m more than OK. I have my baby. I—I have you. Charlie, I thank God that you’re OK. I love you so much.” Mom paused, clenching her teeth adding, “When I find those awful men—” Mom stopped again, but this time it was as if she noticed who she was talking to. “Well, let’s not talk about that. Let’s just get you better. OK? That way you can come home sooner, rather than later.” She hugged me.

  Shortly after I spoke to Mom, Dad, Tru and Jace came in. All three were very delighted to see I was awake. However, Jace kept throwing menacing looks Tru’s way, and Tru acted like Jace wasn’t even there. When everyone left, I fell asleep and dreamed. I was running, running. I was screaming, falling. Hands were grabbing and pulling me down. They were trying to force my legs apart. I had to escape. I would not let them hurt me again. I knew in the back of my mind that this was just a nightmare. I was in the hospital. I was OK. But the front of my brain said, they looked so real. Oh God, not again. I don’t want to go through this again.

  “Shh, Love. It is OK, just sleep now. You will be fine. There is no one here to hurt you. Sleep, my Love, I will help thee.” That voice . . . I knew that voice. Just as he commanded before, I slept in peace.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  After he led the one named Nikko to where she was and he was sure she would be safe, Crispin manifested back to his realm. However, it wasn’t long before the hunger to see her burned inside him yet again. He was restless and even killing and taking the lives of his followers and enemies did not suffice. Now he found himself in a hospital, looking at her with longing. He was turning into her silent stalker. Crispin noticed that no one was around. He was once again alone with the girl. It was the perfect opportunity. However, Crispin just stood there watching her chest rise and fall with every intake of breath. He could have taken her. He could have put this yearning, need, and burning within him to rest and finally have been done with it all. Yet he did not. This more than anything made him angry.

  “Why can’t I take you? Why is it so hard? You have the other half of my soul; with you I will be complete! So. Then. Why?” Crispin murmured clenching his fists.

  Oh, he pitied the fool who would be in his way once he returned to his domain.

  “Oh, what suffering will befall them in her place,” he smiled wickedly.

  The girl whimpered, and without thinking Crispin merged his mind with hers. He connected them and invaded her dream. She was running hard and fast. Terror tore at her throat as she screamed. She glanced over her shoulders to see if they were following her, and as she did she tripped and fell. Then their hands were grabbing her, pulling her down to the ground. Crispin watched with a growing alarm. He knew what was to come and it was bothering him. And to his complete annoyance, he still did not know why he felt that way. He watched them hit her and try to force themselves on her. He waited for the thrill to take his body as it always did when someone was being tortured. However, this time there was nothing.

  “I must be growing weary of this same scene already,” he mused.

  Yes, he was the kind of man who grew very bored when the same thing happened over and over. So Crispin decided to put her in a deep sleep, and as he healed her mind and cast a deep sleeping chant over her, he said that word again: He called her Love.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  This Is Your End Game, Darling

  That morning I had tests run and blood work done. After three agonizing hours, the doctor came in and told me my results and how I should handle my recovery. Doctor Mark, a tall gray-headed man with a bright smile and three day old stubble on his chin, said I was lucky. Although I lost quite a lot of blood, I didn’t need a transfusion. In all, I was looking pretty good for what I had been through. Well that is except for the damn stitches and, oh let’s not forget the therapy I would need. But, hey, I was looking pretty good. Right? I asked him about my ribs and shoulder, and I told him that I thought my ribs might have been broken and my shoulder might be out of place.

  This is how our conversation went.

  Doctor Mark: “Are you in any pain around or in the area you speak of?”

  Me: “Yes and no. Uh, well not as much anymore. As I can recall I was in a lot of pain, but now it seems to have subsided. It must be the pain medication.”

  Me (shrugging): “That’s why I‘m OK . . . right?”

  Doctor Mark (looking skeptic): “Yes, I can see you might think that. However, your ribs were not broken and your shoulder is just fine. You might feel some pain; in any case with what you’ve been through, some discomfort is normal. However, you do have some pulled muscles and ligaments in your shoulder. But, Charlie, there is no need to worry. All your tests were good.”

  Me (frowning): “Oh!”

  Doctor Mark (smiling sadly): “You’re abdomen needed 18 stitches. In all you were very lucky. However, on a good note it looks like you will be able to go home in a day or so. Just get plenty of rest. I’ll have the nurse fill your parents in on what medication they will need and treatment you will need to take for your recovery.”

  I nodded as he left the room. That was odd because I could have sworn I felt my ribs either snap or break and my shoulder felt like it was dislocated, but he said I was fine. And I’m not a doctor, so he has to be right. Still, I was baffled. I knew at least one of my ribs broke and my shoulder was out of place.

  It had to be. I felt it pop and I heard the snap. Oh, and let’s not forget the pain. I mean, I didn’t know much about ribs and shoulders, but it sure seemed like something happened. So why was he saying everything looked good? And why did I feel as if everything was good? Yeah, there was pain, but not like before. Maybe the pop and snap I heard was the sound of my muscles and ligaments. Maybe? But I really doubted it. Soon after Doctor Mark left the room, in walked Turtle Creek’s very own police officer.

  “Hello there, young lady. My name is Burt. Officer Burt.” I wanted to laugh and say, like Bond, James Bond. But I kept my mouth shut. “I have been placed on your case.” He smiled and nodded curtly Mom’s way. “How are you feeling this morning? And are you up to speaking with me?”

  The tall twenty-six-year-old coffee breath Burt seemed nice enough, so I nodded and then came the questions. Could I take back the nod? “Okay, about what approximate time did you leave the school dance?” Burt asked in a deep tone.

  “Let me think. Uh . . . well the dance was ending at 11 o’clock, so maybe around 10 o’clock,” I replied not for sure.

  “Yes, yes. You�
��re pretty sure on that?” He looked at me. I shrugged but nodded. Burt continued his questioning. “Now where did you go?” Burt asked.

  “For a walk,” I replied sarcastically.

  “Yes, so why were you going for a walk?”

  God, did he really have to ask me this? Just get to the point already. I sighed and said, “To clear my head.”

  “And, may I ask why you needed to clear your head,” Officer Burt asked.

  Boy, why didn’t he just come out and ask me what happened and not this why did you go for a walk crap. “Look, Officer Burt,” I snapped. “I don’t mean to sound pushy or rude, but could we skip the why did I did that, to who attacked me bit, if you don’t mind,” I suggested.

  Officer Burt shook his head and gave me a serious look, and then he nodded at Mom for approval. “Now I’m about to ask you some questions that might bother you. If at any time you feel overwhelmed, let me know and I will stop so you can regain your wits.” I nodded for him to get on with it. Jeez. “What happened on your walk that led up to your predicament?” Officer Burt asked. Since you already know this part, I will save you from boredom and the gory details by skipping over most of the parts.

  I told him about the guys, and what they did to me. What they planned on doing and everything that I wanted to tell him, that is leaving some of the more gruesome-shameful-parts out. Officer Burt wrote it all down on his handy-dandy notebook. Burt took the description and whatever else I could remember over my encounter. As Officer Burt was leaving my room, he glanced up at the television and stopped. I looked up to see what he was looking at. The news flashed across the screen showing two pictures of two very horrifying familiar faces. I looked down to read what was scrolling along the bottom of the screen.


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