Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 10

by Marissa Dobson

  She didn’t fight him, only nodded. He wasn’t doing this to make her appear weak. There was too much at risk, and she had to think of the livelihood of the tiger shifters as a whole. “Shall we get this over with?”

  “It won’t be that bad. Come on.” He took her hand as they left the quarters, surrounded by their guards.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The dome was normally used for training when the weather outside was nasty, but tonight every inch of it was party central. The clan had constructed a ballroom floor in the middle, complete with a DJ playing tunes. The entryway had a large arch that was covered in black and gold balloons. On the far right wall, it said Welcome Home, Tabitha in big gold sparkly letters. Everything was done in black and gold. The tablecloths were black with white and gold plates, the wine glasses had a gold rim around the top. The lights were low and on every table, candles glowed, lending a romantic flare to the gathering. There were buffet tables stretching all the way down the left wall and a large white and gold cake at the end of the buffet. Waiters walked around with glasses of champagne and other drinks.

  “This is amazing.” She gawked, trying to take it all in.

  “It’s all for you. They’re ecstatic to have you home with us again. Come, let’s get a drink and mingle.”

  Ty stopped one of the waiters and took two glasses of champagne from the tray he was carrying. Raising the glass to take a drink, she became aware they were starting to draw a crowd. Raja and the guards tried to surround them to keep the clan back a little, but they were on them before the guards could close the circle.

  A loud growl exploded next to her before she heard Ty yell, “Stop this right now!” Everyone went still around them. “I don’t know what has gotten into everyone, but it needs to stop now. I know you’re excited to meet Tabitha but you will not become a mob. So here is what we will do. I want everyone to go sit at their tables. We will come around to each table and spend a few minutes with you. Later, after we’re settled, she’ll have more time to meet with everyone. Tonight, we’ll take some time out to meet with you, and then we would like to enjoy this wonderful party you have been so generous to throw in her honor.”

  People spread out, moving to find seats at one of the six tables around the dome. The guards went to their predetermined spots, except Raja, who stayed with them.

  They began with the table to the left, allowing them to make a complete circle and end up at their table by the dance floor. Everyone was eager to talk with her, making her want to stay with them as long as she could. It was Ty who kept her moving from one person to another, promising they would have more time with her soon, and that she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “I know you want to meet the needs of each member, but don’t wear yourself out tonight. You have plenty of time,” he whispered in her ear as they headed to the next table.

  She nodded. That is easier said than done. How can I rush through everyone when they’re so kind and threw this party for me?

  As they went around the room meeting the members, she noticed a number of men with golden auras. There were two that impressed her the most. One of them was Marcus, Tora’s husband, and the other was Lance.

  Lance was at the first table, and he seemed on alert and ready to take action if something happened. His deep forest green eyes seemed to take everything in while he relaxed in his seat.

  Maybe choosing guards would be easier than she’d thought.

  After going from table to table, they were finally able to sit down and enjoy their dinner. He had mentioned earlier they had some of the best chefs as part of the clan, and she wasn’t disappointed with the meal. The salmon was delicious.

  “Are you having a good time?” He asked as they finished dessert.

  “The best time of my life.” A huge smile spread across her face. She leaned in closely and whispered, “There are a few people I’d like to talk to you about later.” She had questions about the people with the golden auras around them, but it wasn’t something they could discuss at the party.

  “You met Lance tonight.” He motioned toward the first table. “He’s one of my guards. I gave him the night off to spend with his new mate. This allowed him to enjoy the party and for us to have guards who would devote their full attention to any problems that might arise this evening. He’s a good guard, but the mating bug is hard on everyone.”

  She loved how he was able to slide in the information she wanted without it seeming out of place or raising questions from anyone who might have overheard.

  A young girl who couldn’t have been older than fourteen months came running toward them, startling Tabitha. Her wobbly legs barely held her up. Her long hair was the color of rubies bouncing behind her as she ran, until she tripped, falling down hard. Before the first tear fell, Tabitha was on her feet, heading toward her.

  “It’s all right, sweetie.” Wrapping the little girl in her arms, she wiped the child’s tears away.

  The little girl’s knee was bleeding. Without wondering where the parents were, Tabitha balanced the child on her hip as she grabbed a napkin from the table to wipe the blood. All of a sudden she realized when she’d jumped up to help the little girl, she’d spooked the guards. Felix and Thomas were the first to respond, at her side before the rest realized what the commotion was. While Ty watched from the table, a smile on his face.

  “I’m fine,” she told Felix and Thomas before bringing her attention back to the girl.

  Raja must have also come to her aid, because he was standing behind her. “Here, Tabitha, I can take her.”

  The child was clinging to her neck and wouldn’t let go.

  “Can you believe that’s my niece, and she won’t come to me? I’ll get her mother.” Raja let out a soft laugh before strolling off into the crowd, shaking his head.

  Ty stepped up beside her, grinning. “This is Tora and Marcus’s little girl, Scarlet. I’ve never seen her go to someone she didn’t know, and she loves being with Raja. She’s full of surprises tonight.”

  “Is that true? Do you like me, Scarlet?”

  Ty led Tabitha back to their table, and she sat down with Scarlet on her lap. The little girl merely bounced up and down, as happy as could be.

  “She must, because she never goes to anyone. Hi, I’m Marcus. Uh, we kind of met when you came around the room, but I know you’ve seen so many people.”

  “I remember you.” Tabitha smiled softly as she ran her fingers through Scarlet’s hair.

  “We had to have our babysitter in a dozen times before we could leave them alone together, because she would throw a fit something terrible. Tonight the babysitter is sick, so she had to come along with us. I’m sorry if she’s been any trouble.”

  “She’s been no trouble at all. She’s a darling little girl.” Tabitha gave her a kiss on the forehead and the child giggled, her eyes wide as she took in the sights around her.

  Marcus tried to pick her up, but she held strong to Tabitha’s neck.

  “She’s fine here if you want to leave her for a bit,” Tabitha assured him. “I don’t mind.”

  Marcus looked to Ty, seemingly unsure of what to do. Ty gave Marcus a slight nod, which he accepted and went to rejoin his mate.

  “You’re amazing. Everyone is so taken with you, just like I promised they would be.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “I guess I had nothing to worry about. Everyone is so friendly and accepting. I can’t help wondering what it would be like to grow up with a group like this, people to call family.”

  As they talked, Scarlet curled up in her lap as though she were going to take a nap.

  “May I have this dance?” Ty stood, taking her hand.

  Tabitha nodded, rose, and placed the still sleeping Scarlet on the chair.

  “I’ll watch her. Go dance and mingle,” Raja said when she caught his eye.

  There were only a few people dancing, leaving them with most of the floor to themselves.

  After the song ended, one of the
tigresses she’d met earlier stepped up to the microphone.

  “If I could please have everyone’s attention.” She waited for everyone to quiet down. “Ty would like to say a few words.”

  Felix came to stand next to her as Ty moved to the front of the room. “First, I would like to thank you for this wonderful party you put together for Tabitha’s homecoming. I’m ecstatic to have such a wonderful woman as my mate. We’re blessed to have her back among us and as our Alpha Female.” He turned and looked lovingly at her. “Thank you, Tabitha, for coming home and for trusting us. I love you.”

  Before she realized it, she was heading toward him, tears clouding her vision. As he stepped up to her, she wrapped her arms around him.

  “I love you too,” she said and kissed him.

  Everyone in the room clapped and cheered. For the first time in her life, she felt like a part of something, not out in the cold watching. This was where she was supposed to be—with her family and her mate.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Tabitha and Ty were dancing around the room when Raja came up to them. “Excuse me, but may I cut in?”

  Ty nodded and stepped back, allowing Raja to take over dancing with her, and he strolled off the floor toward Felix. As they danced, Raja leaned into her body and whispered, “Ty is a whole new man with you in his life. I have never seen him in such high spirits. He loves you more than he could ever put into words. Never doubt that.”

  Her cheeks heat with embarrassment. “Everything changed in a matter of days. Everything feels so overwhelming, except when it comes to Ty. I love him, he has been my rock through all of this. Discovering we’re mates was more than I could have hoped for.”

  When the song ended, he stepped back and still holding her hand, he kissed the top of it. “Thank you for this dance, it was a pleasure.”

  “I thought you could use this.” As Raja stepped away Ty came up to her, holding two glasses of champagne.

  “Thank you.”

  He handed her the glass as they walked off the dance floor. “What bad things did he tell you about me?”

  “Wouldn’t you be interested in knowing?” She laughed before taking a sip of bubbly champagne and gave him a sexy but innocent smile. He frowned with serious implications, which she returned with another laugh. “Come on, it was nothing. Would he honestly say anything bad about you behind your back? You two seem close.”

  “We’re close, but I’m sure he would tell you some dark secret if he thought he could get away with it.”

  Before she could tease him for worrying, a large tiger limped onto the dance floor covered in blood, whimpering in terrible pain.

  “Oh my God.” She dropped her glass and it shattered on the floor. She took a step toward the tiger, sidestepping the broken glass, wanting to help. A hush had fallen over those still in attendance.

  “Tabby, stay back.” His fingers closed around her forearm, stopping her. “His scent is different, he’s not of our clan.”

  The guards gathered around her, keeping her away from the tiger.

  “I can help him. You know I can.”

  “No, Tabby.”

  “Ty, please! I can speak to him. You know I have that gift. Let me try.”

  Ty growled under his breath. “This is against my better judgment. But…okay, give it a try.” Upon his signal, the guards allowed her to approach. “Form a protective circle around her,” he ordered.

  Ty and Felix stood in front of her, closest to the tiger, leaving her only a small view between their shoulders.

  Her power was still new to her, but she knew she would be able to hear the tiger if she could concentrate. She took a deep breath, trying to relax. “Can you tell me your name?”

  Before the tiger could answer, someone from the clan yelled out, “What does she think she’s doing? How is this going to help us? He’s in tiger form. He can’t answer her.”

  Ty turned, shooting the man a look that could kill. “Did you forget you don’t contradict your Alpha? She’s of her father’s line. Her gift is telepathy. Now shut up and allow her to help him.”

  She could hear the rustle of people moving around, trying to get a better look. It was breaking her focus, and she could barely hear the tiger’s thoughts.

  “Okay, Lukas, why are you here?”

  You can really read my thoughts?

  Not wanting to explain, she nodded.

  I mean no harm to you or your clan. I came to warn you. There’s a traitor in your midst. My clan intercepted a message meant for Pierce. I need to speak with you and Ty alone in order to show you the proof you need. You can’t mention this to Ty in front of everyone or risk the traitor hearing you. Tell everyone except Ty I was traveling through the area when I was attacked, which is mostly true. You should be able to concentrate and send the message to Ty.

  She did as he asked and focused on conveying her thoughts to her mate. Ty, can you hear me? Please hear me. Wanting to leave the impression she was still speaking with Lukas, she kept her gaze on him but focused her attention on her mate.

  He looked at her as if he were about to say something but was hesitant.

  Tabitha tried again. Ty, can you hear me?

  Finally, a response. Tabby, I can hear you but I don’t know if you can hear me.

  I can hear you. Damn, this is so freaky. Listen, I’m going to tell the clan he was hurt passing through but he has information about a traitor within our clan. We need to speak with him alone, without an audience.

  Okay, but explain to him our guards will be in the room.

  Before giving the cover story to the clan, she focused back on Lukas. Ty, has agreed to speak with you, but our guards will be in the room.

  Without turning her back on the injured tiger shifter, she raised her voice, allowing everyone to hear her. “Clan, he was passing through the area when he was attacked by a hunter. He managed to get away but is badly injured. My guards will escort him to the infirmary, where Doc will look him over. Ty and I will make sure he gets the best treatment and is settled in. Enjoy the rest of the party.”

  She let out a sigh as the tension from the telepathy fell away, only to be replaced by fears of a traitor watching them. So much for a peaceful evening getting to know the clan. Now she had to deal with her first problem as the Queen of the Tigers, but surely it wouldn’t be her last.

  Chapter Nineteen

  For the doctor to properly care for Lukas’s injuries, he had to shift back. This also made it easier for them to speak to him. He shifted into a boy no older than seventeen. His boyish looks gave his age away. His short red hair had a slight curl to it, and his face showed signs he’d only recently started to shave. His voice was soft and crackling, just like it had been in her head.

  “Boy, where are your parents?” Doc asked as he stitched his wound.

  “I’m alone.”

  “We’ll speak with the boy when you’re finished,” Ty explained when the doctor didn’t seem happy about the answer.

  After he was finished examining Lukas and had gotten him settled into a bed in the infirmary wing, Ty turned to Doc. “You will not speak of this to anyone. They’re not to know the boy’s age or injuries. If you’re asked about him, tell them to speak to me. Understand?”

  Doc looked back at the boy and nodded.

  “Korbin, please escort Doc back to the party. Except Raja, I want the rest of you to wait outside the infirmary. We’ll speak to the boy alone.”

  Leo and Thomas started toward the door, but Felix didn’t move. “With all due respect, I don’t think you should be alone with him. He may not be safe.”

  “Are you choosing to disobey a direct order?” Ty gave Felix a threatening look, as if to let him know it wasn’t a good idea to push him at this time.

  Felix looked between them. Tabitha slowly shook her head, nervously biting her bottom lip.

  “I apologize. I mean no disrespect, but as Captain of the her Guards, I’m in charge of keeping her safe. I don’t know how safe this situat
ion is.”

  “Not only are you disobeying an order, you’re suggesting your Alpha cannot protect his mate.” Ty’s face was red with fury. She could see his body beginning to vibrate with the magic that brought on the change.

  Felix stood in front of Ty, not willing to back down, but visibly shaken. It was written on his face he realized this might not end well. If it came down to a fight, he knew he wouldn’t win against his Alpha. “That’s not what I meant. I just—”

  He interrupted Felix. “Get out of my sight now!”

  Felix didn’t try to explain or make Ty understand, he turned on his heels and walked out the door to join the other guards.

  “I can’t believe him!” Ty turned to her, anger still clear on his face.

  “Remember, you did tell him earlier if anything happened to me, it was his ass. He wants to make you proud of him.” She touched his arm.

  The touch of her hand was enough to calm him, and he nodded. She turned to look at Lukas, who appeared so small and fragile in the large hospital bed. “Explain to us how you got this information and who the traitor is.”

  “When my father was killed by Pierce’s gang, my brother took over as Alpha of our clan, and since then we have been after them. We intercepted a message that was sent from your clan to him, saying you had finally joined the clan and mated with the Alpha here.” Lukas tried to sit up straighter in bed, but he was clearly in pain.

  “Who sent the message?” Anger returned to Ty’s voice.

  “The name was Chris.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I have the proof with me.” The boy looked at her and then back at Ty.

  “What do you mean you have it? You were in tiger form, and you didn’t have a bag with you.” She eyed him questioningly.

  “I hid my bag before I got here in case something happened and I was searched. I didn’t want anyone to find it before I had a chance to speak with you. On my way here, I was attacked and had to change into tiger form to get away. I’m sorry I forgot to explain that. If you could send someone you trust for my bag, you’ll have all the proof you need. I can tell you where I placed it, but I don’t think I could make it there in this condition.”


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