Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 14

by Marissa Dobson

“I love you for who you are. Man, tiger and all. Nothing will change that. Please, don’t make me beg. I want you.”

  Without hesitation, he slid into her, making her moan with pleasure. He roared, shaking the walls. This time, there was no exploring of each other’s bodies. Their need had full control over them. Her lips touched his, and a spicy taste drew her in. Their kiss was fast and furious as if matching the pace as he slid in and out of her core.

  A moan of desire escaped her lips, and her eyes closed as she soaked in the pleasure that surrounded her.

  “Open your eyes, I want to watch your desire build.”

  She opened her eyes as her body arched. Her lusty needs came forward to match his urgency.

  Her nails dug into his back as ecstasy found them. His release was announced with a roar.

  He slipped out, rolling to lie next to her, their legs still tangled. She curled into him, her head on his chest, and listened to his heavy breaths. Her leg draped over his as they enjoyed the after-bliss.

  “I didn’t realize it before, but our marks come alive when we’re together,” he said, raising his hand so she could see.

  The brand glowed a faint gold light, as if there were a light bulb beneath the skin.

  Interesting. “Why do you think that is?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s fine with me as long as more don’t keep appearing,” he stated with a laugh.

  “One is enough for me.”

  “Tabby, before you sleep…”

  Opening her eyelids a crack, she looked up at him.

  “I think Thomas should be the third chosen guard. I know you liked Lance also, but after last night, he isn’t trustworthy. I still need to deal with him running off to be with his mate.”

  “I agree about Thomas. We’ll tell him later. Why did Lance go to his mate? Did he think she was in danger?” She ran her hand over his chest, feeling the tight abs under her fingers.

  “I wouldn’t be so upset about it if that was why, but that isn’t the case. He was horny. Since it was quiet, he thought he had time to get his needs met without anyone noticing him. He didn’t see Thomas coming as he was sneaking away.”

  “What will you do to him?”

  “He will be suspended from our guards and required to work the perimeter. He’ll also have to work with a partner to keep an eye on him until we can trust him again. If he screws up, the punishments will be more severe. Or if things would have gotten out of control last night and you were injured, he would have been at fault. I don’t think he realizes that if last night you would have been injured or killed, I could have demanded his death.”

  “His death because someone else harmed me?”

  “Yes. Guards have the duty to protect their charge, or you, in this case. If they fail, then they will be held accountable. It’s the way of shifters.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  They were spending so much time in the conference room, it was starting to feel like a second home. Whoever designed the place should have had it connected to Ty’s quarters instead of in a space down the hall. At least the walls were a cheerful yellow, giving a light and airy feel even if there were no windows.

  Thomas and Connor sat across from them in the debriefing room. Raja and Felix stood close to the door.

  “Connor found the sister. It was buried, but Jessica is living in California. She’s attending college there for her PhD—you’ll never believe this—for animal psychology.” Ty looked over the notes on Jessica as he debriefed the guards.

  “Very good. With any luck, she’ll be of some assistance to us. We’ll have to get someone to go check her out,” He rested his hand on her leg.

  “If possible I would like to assist whoever goes,” Connor stated. “I’ve met her and might be able to help. She knew my situation and felt sorry for me. She tried to tell me to get away from Pierce before it was too late. If she’s going to open up to anyone, I think I have the best shot.”

  “We’ll discuss it and let you know. You have been a great asset to us, and we appreciate it. My mate believes you mean us no harm and will not betray us. If you’re inclined to stay on, we would gladly provide you with a cabin of your own.”

  “Thank you.” Relief washed over Connor’s face. “I’d like to do what I can to help you and your clan take down Pierce.”

  “We appreciate that. I think your computer skills might be of great use to us.” Ty took a sip of coffee. “Connor, if you could give us a few minutes to speak with Thomas, then he can show you to Guest Cabin One.”

  Connor rose and walked toward the door. She could feel his emotions playing havoc on him. He was thankful for the chance Ty was giving him, but she could also feel his fear that he was placing more danger on them.

  “Connor, I’m really glad you will be staying with us. There’s no need to worry any longer. You’re safer here than anywhere else,” she told him as his hand closed around the door handle.

  He nodded and closed the door behind him.

  “Thomas, last night you proved yourself worthy of protecting Tabitha. I’m sure you know the legends that a tigress will come and unite us.” Ty didn’t wait for an answer. He dove in head first. “They’re true. Tabitha comes from a long line of strong tigers, and she will be the one.”

  “I suspected she was the one. My understanding is there hasn’t been a female from her line in generations.” Thomas glanced toward her before turning his attention back to Ty.

  “Great, then we don’t have to drag this out. We’ve been tasked with finding three guards to help us with this transition, and we would like you to be a part of the team. There’s no use lying. It will be dangerous, but there will also be rewards.”

  “I’m flattered. May I ask who the others are?” Thomas placed his hands on the table and leaned forward.

  “Marcus and Felix are the other two. Raja will remain our Lieutenant throughout and once the transition is complete. The next step will be put into motion soon. For now, this must go no further than this room.”

  “I understand. If there’s nothing else, I’ll show Connor to his cabin.” Thomas pushed back his chair and rose.

  “That will be all. Once you’re done, you may have the night off. Get some rest. You have guard duty in the morning.” Ty stood as well.

  “One last thing. I think you made the wise decision by allowing him to stay. His technological skills will be a great advantage for us.” Without another word, Thomas was gone, leaving a heavy silence in the room. Raja and Felix stood, waiting for Ty to make a move.

  “Could you give us a moment?” She asked as Ty paced.

  The men opened the door, stepping through before shutting it again.

  “What’s wrong? I can feel your uncertainty racing through you.” She went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, hoping to bring him some comfort.

  “I’m questioning who to send to speak with Jessica. Raja is the most convincing and most likely the best shot of getting information out of her. He’s also my right-hand man, the one I would trust to keep you safe if something happened to me.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to you, love. I was thinking you should send Leo. At such a critical time, I don’t think any of the key people should be far apart. Keeping Raja, Felix, Thomas, and Marcus near for the next stage is what I was thinking. If we need to send in reinforcements, then send Raja. Let Leo and Connor go scope out the situation, and we’ll go from there.”

  He lifted her, making her wrap her legs around his waist, then kissed her—long, deep, passionate kisses that made her want to rip his clothes off. A moan escaped her mouth.

  “Soon, my love. First, we must finish business.” Without letting her go, he hollered, “Raja!”

  Raja opened the door and peeked in. “Yes.”

  “Find Leo and tell him he and Connor will be leaving tomorrow night to speak with Jessica. Fill him in on the situation and then make the arrangements. He has seventy-two hours to find her and get the answers we need from her.”

/>   “Yes, sir.”

  “Also let Felix know to stand guard, and we do not want to be disturbed unless there’s an emergency.”

  Raja closed the door, and Ty continued where he left off. He tugged her sweater over her head, growling. “Mine. All mine.”

  “Always yours. I love you, Ty.”

  The Tiger’s Heart

  Alaskan Tigers Book Two

  When Raja Harrison, Lieutenant of the Alaskan Tigers, rescues Bethany from kidnappers, nothing will ever be the same. It should’ve been an easy rescue, instead he finds she’s not only injured—she’s his mate. He’d always believed his job was too dangerous to risk having a woman in his life. Now Bethany threatens what’s left of his fragile control.

  A rogue shifter wants Bethany Thompson and is determined to destroy all she holds dear, along with the tiger shifter population. When she’s kidnapped and beaten, her whole world tilts on its axis. The shifter problems now are her problems as her family secret comes to light.

  Can Raja and Bethany join forces with the other Elders of the Alaskan Tigers to bring down the rogue shifter—or will the rogue destroy all Raja seeks to protect?

  Chapter One

  There was no way they’d let the rogues get away. Most of the leads turned into dead ends, but they had to explore every avenue regardless. Papers and maps cluttered the table. The search for Pierce filled every hour. The flow of viable information trickled, some of it useless.

  The situation ate away at Raja’s gut, while Ty’s agitation shown on his face. They seemed no closer to finding Pierce, yet they sensed his men were in the mountains watching them. His teams of assassins stalked the area, waiting for them. Rarely did anyone leave the compound, especially not the women and children—not with the danger surrounding them.

  “Raja, stop pacing. You’re going to wear a hole in my favorite rug,” Ty’s mate Tabitha teased. She watched him over her coffee mug. “We’ve got enough men out there searching the spots Pierce and his gang frequent. It won’t do you any good worrying now.”

  He smiled, unable to help it. Tabitha had a way of lightening the mood. Raja hoped his future mate—whoever she was—would be gifted with the ability to make those around her smile the way Tabitha could. She’d been through so much, yet always seemed more concerned about others than she was herself.

  He couldn’t sit still. The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention. Something wasn’t right. Something was about to break, he could feel it in his soul. He ran his hand over the windowsill. Outside looked like a winter wonderland. Thick, white snow weighed down the tree limbs and the weather reports forecasted more snow over the next few days.

  He stopped his pacing to update Ty and Tabitha. “Leo and Connor arrived in California and are on their way to locate Pierce’s sister. It’s extremely unlikely he’s there, but maybe she’ll be able to tell us something.”

  “Keep me apprised of the situation. I want them back within seventy-two hours, or we send another team. We don’t have time to waste.” Ty sat reading the reports from the teams spread out all over the country, not one of them had spotted the rogues. Pierce knew they were searching for him, but they didn’t expect him to hide. He had blood on his hands, he’d attacked other tiger shifters, maybe he finally knew his days were numbered.

  Raja nodded, still gazing out the window.

  “I need to speak with some of the guards. Raja, could you look after Tabby until I get back? I don’t want to leave her alone in case there’s another attack.”


  “Thank you.” Ty rose, kissing his mate’s cheek. “I shouldn’t be long, love.”

  Once they were alone Raja heard Tabitha push her chair back from the table, and listened to her approach in sock-covered feet.

  “Raja, are you okay?” She laid her hand on his back, offering comfort. Unfortunately, it only worked on a mate, but the caring gesture touched him.

  “I’m fine. You have enough to worry about. Don’t concern yourself with me.”

  “I don’t believe you. If you ever need to talk, I’m here. It will go no further than us.”

  “Mates don’t keep secrets from each other.” Reservation thickened his voice.

  “To help a friend in need I would do what needs to be done. Raja, I haven’t known you very long, but I consider you a part of my family and can see your pain.” She rubbed his back.

  “Thank you, but everything is fine with me. It’s you I’m worried about. I can feel something bad is coming.” He wasn’t being entirely honest. Something else bothered him, but he couldn’t put his finger on it, let alone put it into words to tell her.

  “We’ll get through it. We know Pierce is still out there and after me. He has a larger following than we guessed. I know it’s your job as our Lieutenant to worry, but we’ll survive.”

  The invisible ear bud allowing him contact with command central and the ground teams sprang to life. “Breach. We have a breach at the main gate. All available units respond.”

  “Shit. Where’s Felix?” Raja turned to look at Tabitha.

  “Ty gave him the morning off since we were meeting with you and wouldn’t be leaving our quarters. Go. I’ll be fine.”

  “Like hell. You have to be protected.” She had her own transmitter, allowing her to hear the same alerts, and fear spilled off her.

  “Raja, stay where you are. Felix is on his way. I’m proceeding toward the main gate,” Ty’s order came through the transmitter, further cementing Raja’s decision to stay put.

  “Tabitha, come away from the window.” He could feel her reluctance, but his job was to keep her safe. “Everyone always forgets about the windows. You feel safe and secure inside the houses, while the sharpshooter is waiting. Waiting for you to walk past the window.”

  The words seemed to frighten her, and she stepped back, visibly paling.

  Unlike the other guards, Raja hadn’t vowed to protect her because she was their Alpha Female and Queen of the Tigers. No, his vow had been made to her mate. Ty had saved his ass more than once and the best way to show his appreciation was by keeping Tabitha safe.

  Chapter Two

  Two knocks then a pause followed, but one more let him know Felix was on the other side of the door. Felix, Captain of Tabitha’s Guards, had a key to the quarters. The knock was a warning not to shoot him.

  “Things are contained now,” Felix said, sliding the lock back into place.

  “What was the breach?”

  “It sounds like a news crew.”

  “A what?” Tabitha frowned.

  “A news crew, here to interview you.”

  Tabitha continued to stare at him as if he’d grown two heads.

  “About your friend Alice’s murder,” he explained.

  “Oh, just what we need, news crews. Get rid of them. I want nothing to do with the whole mess.”

  “Ty’s working on it. He explained this is private property and they have no right to step foot on it. He’ll get rid of them. In the meantime, sit tight.”

  News crews, who would have guessed? Raja chuckled to himself as he watched the exchange. After Tabitha’s human friend had been killed, it was only natural they’d want to talk to her.

  A roar shook the walls, echoing in the small space, jerking him out of his amusement. “Tabitha, calm yourself. Your body isn’t ready for this yet. Don’t force it.” The energy she radiated would make anyone in the room shift if they weren’t careful. It vibrated along his skin, prickling every nerve.

  “Ty, we need you back here. Now!” Raja hollered, hitting the button on his ear transmitter. “Tabitha, Ty’s on his way. Keep it together a few more minutes. Come on. You can do this.” Roars echoed from the other side of the door as Tabitha’s primal energy caused other tigers in the vicinity to shift; not everyone was strong enough to fight the primitive command.

  I hope they got the reporters to leave before tigers started roaming the grounds.

  “I’m on my way. Situation?” Ty’s voice c
rackled through the ear bud.

  Tabitha’s growl nearly drowned out Raja’s response. “Felix, unlock the door for Ty. We don’t need anything slowing him down. He’s the only one who can help her now.”

  Raja chided himself for not having seen this coming, but didn’t have time to question his choices now. He filed it away to examine later. Tabitha was his only priority. The first shift from human to tiger was painful and hard to control.

  Ty came running through the door. They exchanged a brief glance as he slid to a halt next to his mate. Felix closed and locked the door behind him.

  “Mate, you’re not ready for this.” She didn’t seem to hear him. Her body trembled. Roaring, she sent another wave of magic through the area.

  “What the hell happened?” Ty eyed Raja.

  “Take her anger from her. We can deal with why this happened later. If you don’t stop her, this could kill her. I’ve seen this happen before.”

  Ty reached for his mate, pulling her into his arms. Growls vibrated the room and pictures fell off the wall. His growls coursed with hers until they fell into an exhausted heap on the floor. When he’d managed to calm her, Ty glanced up.

  “What the hell happened?” he demanded in a voice hoarse from roaring.

  “We’re not really sure,” Felix began. “I was explaining the situation at the main gate when she started—”

  “It wasn’t their fault.” Tabitha spoke softly, her eyes closed, leaning heavily on her mate. “Felix mentioned the reporters, it brought back Alice’s murder, and everything that happened in Pittsburgh. My emotions got out of control and I couldn’t seem to do anything about it.”

  “Emotions are haywire when you go through the change.” Ty kissed her forehead. “I’m going to put my mate to bed, then we need to discuss the reporters, and keeping them away from the compound. Felix, deal with the guards who shifted. Not all of them are strong enough to shift back, so find replacements.” With that he rose, lifted his mate in his arms before he stalked out of the room.


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